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Posts posted by melkimx

  1. 1. Do follow the general Soompi Forum Rules.

    2. Do not insult a celebrity / a member, whether directly or indirectly.

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    A post must include at least twenty characters or be of substance. Hence, a post that doesn't meet this requirement may be subject to deletion without notice.

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    First meeting: 28th May 2014
    First WGM broadcast date: 7th June 2014
    Last WGM broadcast date: 7th March 2015






    Name: Hong Jong Hyun (홍종현)
    Date of birth: February 2nd 1990
    Occupation: Actor/Model
    Agency: Widmay
    Nickname (by her): Jjong oppa




    Name: Kim Yura (유라)
    Date of birth: November 6th, 1992
    Occupation: Idol (Girl's Day)/Actress
    Agency: Dream Tea Entertainment
    Nickname (by him): Ahyoung


     How they met 
    This highly celebrated (by fans) and uber-controversial (by fans) couple emerged from the empire that managed to make cabbage seem appealing and sweet potatoes sweeter than a bar of sinfully delicious chocolate. This empire that surprisingly still has a couple of tricks up their sleeves, although they aren't as fierce as a Gundam toy, they still offered a wisp of temptation that Adam himself wouldn't have been able to resist. Kim Ahyoung (Girl's Day Yura) and Hong Jonghyun (Model & Actor) met on the show We Got Married on May 28, 2014. They met at Yura's primary place of work, MBC Yeouido building , where Yura reported for duty and was imprisoned in a waiting room far away from the other activities to wait for her hypothetical prince and virtual husband to come and rescue her from her prison. And rescue he did, albeit with a few, or several minor mishaps along the way. He had to deal with frustrating clues that led him to from the ground floor to the top of the building and had his first glimpse at what married life with his virtual wife would be; he tried to cajole her into informing him information and she began to pun away to her heart's content. By trial and error he was able to happen upon her fortress of solitude and rescued her from her trio of well wishing cackling members; otherwise known as his new sisters-in-law. Thus began the story of Hong Jonghyun and Yura; a series of mishaps and misunderstandings that led to the birth of this beautiful and impossibly sweet couple that culminated in Jonghyun finding his virtual wife and taking her hand into his own as they walked down the aisle together as one of the only WGM couple to 'marry' each other on their first meeting in a fanciful and beautiful early summer shotgun marriage.  






     WGM Meeting Timeline 


    Click HERE






     Post-WGM Meeting Timeline 


    • 12th March 2015: The 27th korea PD Awards 
      • Pictures/Videos: 1 || 2 || 3 ||  4 || 5 || 6 
    • 13th March 2015 2015 Cable TV Broadcast Awards


      • Pictures/Fancams/Fan accounts/Analysis: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10 || 11 || 12 || 13 || 14 || 15 || 16 || 17 || 18 || 19 || 20 || 21 || 22 || 23 || 24 || 25 || 26 || 27 || 28 || 29 || 30 || 
        || 32 || 33






     Where can you watch the episodes with original subs ❤ 


    KshowNow Starting from episode 1 / 223
    GirlsDayFanSubs - Starting from episode 14
    Soompi TV - Starting from episode 20 / 242 (Currently only available in US and Canada)






     Projects by Jjongaholics at Soompi ❤ 


    - Jjongah 200 Days Project - Photobook (by @Mei8805)
    1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 
    - Support Gifts Project - Jjongah's International Escapades Digital Postcards & Thank You Notes
    1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 
    - Jjongah's Baby Tree Project : "Love Indonesia" (by @1402miracle)







     Link to the first thread




  3. Thanks for everyone's support and understanding! I feel happy to have gotten to know some of you (as I'm sure I've said before). Even though most people couldn't win, maybe a few people got to learn some stuff about other fandoms or even got to know each other! I don't know...
    Anyway, I need a couple representatives from the winning ships (YongSeo and SoGong) to help me out. The winning fandoms should choose one color. Like do you see how my left panel is purple and yours is probably a gray-blue? Like that. Please talk among yourselves, choose a color, and PM me. And I may have to keep writing you, so the person who writes me should be visiting the forums regularly!

  4. i don't know what's going on with the JoU portion! i did a write-up, which was this:
    <p><strong style="color: #cca300;>IU + Jo Jung Suk (JoU Couple)</strong></p><p><em><strong>How they came together:</strong> </em>The two starred as the charming protege and arrogant but awkward manager in <strong>"You're the Best, Lee Soon Shin!" </strong></p><p><em><strong>Their other names:</strong></em> Besides JoU, this couple has two other names in Korea. Their official couple name is actually the Gwiyomi Couple, "Gwiyomi" being derived from the 2013 hit song of the same name. The phrase is now used as a form of slang to mean "aegyo," the Korean word for "cutesy." In other words, JoU is known as the Cutesy Couple. Their other couple name is "Eye Smile" Couple, which refers to the presence of the charming "eye smile" present in both Jo Jung Suk and IU every time they are in each others' presence or discussing each other during interviews.</p><p><em><strong>Why you should ship them:</strong> </em>Anyone who likes their couples adorable to the max. Besides, Jo Jung Suk has publicly chosen IU as his ideal type and tweeted about JoU selcas with captions of being "very, very happy." How can you not love that?</p>
    but it's not showing up! let me ask soomp what's going on. really sorry about that T_T

  5. shipper1-800x800.jpg

    The winners are announced! I thought it would be more exciting to make the announcement in article format, and plus having an article allows us to spread the word about all the ships that participated in the contest. So here you go!
    It was a little difficult to write up the article because I had to condense so much incredibly awesome content, but unfortunately that was the only way I could give a run-down that newcomers will be able to digest. (Hopefully they'll read it and decide to make their way over to join you... let me know if that happens). 

    Congratulations to everyone who participated and therefore made the contest that much more awesome! (You're all winners!) The next step is for the staff to work with the two winning teams to coordinate the prizes. We will be in touch with you shortly. Congratulations and thank you again! We'll do this next year and make it even better!

  6. Hi everyone,
    Thanks for submitting your entries! We have watched the videos, and we will be announcing the winners on Monday.
    We appreciate everyone's hard work in creating such engaging entries. Before the contest started, I only felt familiar with a handful of ships and didn't know who the rest were, why they were given a certain nickname, and what made them so appealing together. But now, I can say that I understand a lot more!
    We hope to repeat this contest again, and next time we'll have the experience to run things more smoothly and with more structure. We thank everyone for their patience in dealing with the minor issues that occurred. However, I think that even next time, there will be no way to make everyone happy. If it's a contest, then by definition there is no way to level the playing ground for everyone to be on the same footing. Some teams have to come on top. But we decided to put in a pinch of competition because we thought it would make things more interesting, and because we knew that you guys could handle it in the way it was meant to be perceived -- a fun, lighthearted competition that would allow people to get to know your ship. And I'm very pleased to see that we were right about that. The shipping community turned out to be understanding and supportive throughout this contest, and I was happy to have the chance to get to know some people. 
    Thank you everyone! Until Monday <3

  7. Round 3 has ended; thank you for your lovely submissions, and many thanks to the wonderful moderators for helping to keep this contest going! 
    The delay between the end of this round and the next will take longer than usual because the staff needs to tally the votes and choose the staff pick finalists. Please give us a few days to do that. I hope to get it done by Wednesday, but I can't make promises right now.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you very much for your latest updates with regards to the contest.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can you please clarify some questions:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. At the end of Round 3, SIX couples will be chosen:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































        and categorized under these brackets in Round 4































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































        a. Is my above assumption correct?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































        b. Does this mean that if































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     couple happens to garner top 3 fan votes, they will































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    be considered under staff picks?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. The couples will compete in Round 4 in































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     fan votes category, or staff picks category.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































         The outcome of































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     category will be determined solely by fan votes?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You are correct in everything you said for #1. I got a PM from someone asking whether a team would be allowed to be considered for both, and the answer is no. The point of having these two brackets is to allow more smaller ships to have a chance to win, which they wouldn't be able to do if they are going head to head with some of the major ships.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For #2, only the fan votes category will be decided by fan votes. The staff picks category will be decided by the staff's opinion of the quality of the content. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  9. Hi folks.
    First of all, I'm sorry for the wording of my post which seemed to imply that there will be no staff picks. That was never my intention. I can say that the staff, myself included, are very excited to have a chance to be able to reward one of these ships which would otherwise have a difficult time going up against the juggernaut couples. 
    I wrote this to someone so I know that at least one ship is up to date, but basically, my ORIGINAL thought process was that the staff pick would be chosen from those who had participated in the first three rounds, and that the final fourth round would be for fan vote only. My reasoning was that if the staff pick(s) had to compete directly against those that were winning based on fan vote alone, they would not stand a chance, and they would need to be judged by different criteria (quality of content vs. fan votes). So it didn't seem to make sense to have them contend with each other in the same pool.
    I think that the moderators and I have found a good solution, but it involves turning the top five into the top six. For the final round, there will be two brackets of three ships. The first bracket will be based solely on fan vote. The second bracket will be based solely on staff pick. All in all, there will be two winning teams, one from each bracket (one fan vote, one staff pick).
    I think this is a good solution, and I thank you for your flexibility and patience. I've said that we've learned a lot to let us know how to run the contest next year (we hope?), and even with the hiccups, I think we can accomplish our original goal of rewarding the top ships and also letting the general public know about the awesome communities you've built within this forum.
    I will update the main post now. 

  10. As our moderators explained, there were enough people who complained about the long loading time of the thread that we felt it was necessary to put things in spoiler tags. (I have a fast connection and my page took a long time to load, so I can't imagine how other people dealt with it.) Putting only the text in the spoiler tags, as someone suggested, has no discernible effect because the content that is causing the lag are the photos, not the text. I am not sure why some content is in spoiler tags and the rest isn't, but I do know that the spoiler tag can be glitchy and I trust that the moderators did their job honestly and only put the tags there if they thought it wouldn't affect the content. Please be more understanding toward them as they had to work pretty hard to insert the spoiler tags to make the thread easier for everyone to load. If we do this contest next year, then we will set more stringent limits on image file sizes so that the page will not load too slowly (or we will just enforce the spoiler tags).
    As for the elimination, I'm going to explain it in the Round 3 thread. But basically you don't have to worry. There would be absolutely no point in having people vote in Rounds 1 and 2 if the votes didn't count for anything.

  11. liddi said: @melimxSo all couples will advance from Round 2 to Round 3?Thank you very much for the clarification. Yes, just because we didn't provide enough information. Our intent isn't to stretch on the contest for very long, but we feel afraid that some people might say it's unfair to have an elimination round at this stage since the rules were so vague.
    Round 2 voting will end on Thursday, 11 AM KST.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the only couples that were removed from round 2 were the ones that did not submit entries in round 1! it was not an elimination thread so no couples should have been removed... sorry if my list isn't accurate!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  13. ChelseaS said: Hi Admins, @melkimx and mods

    Was wondering about the fanart. Is it both acceptable to submit original Fanart (made by the team member) and those which are not (lifted from other sources/sites)?

    (not sure if this was answered already. Sorry if I missed it!)
    Since the rules were not set early in the round as they should have been, it seems unfair to implement structure during the middle of the round. Therefore any kind of fan art is okay; however, for the staff pick, we would be more likely to give precedence to fan art that has been created by Soompi members (assuming we know who created it).

  14. mktb said: Hi @melkimcw thank you for the reply. There is another concern I wanted to pointed out. I suggest to use "spoiler tags" on the next rounds because some of us are having a hard time loading the page considering that some of us are using mobile with a poor internet connection. If you notice, with only one entry can consumes that whole thread and it such a burden for other people who wanted to vote but needed to wait forever because their respective couple entry is unfortunately on the last spot of the thread. It's a good point and if people can use the spoiler tags, that would be great.
    To tell the truth, Round 2 should have been structured better than this. I didn't anticipate that people would put so many huge files and long blocks of text. However, if I implement rules right now, people may think I'm being unfair. So it would be better to just keep it as is. But if you can use spoiler tags this time, that would be great.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ngfang said: melkimx said: lindas55 said: I am not sure who to address this issue to but some of the people from the Hongki/ Mina  couples thread are a little upset by the off topic button that is on our post in the 2nd round.  Our team as well as members of our thread have worked very hard over the last several day to put up our post and seeing the off topic button as part of our votes saddens us.  Is there a way to have it removed.  Thanks we ask that people not vote off-topic. the moderators have decided that if there are off-topic votes, we may pursue it individually with the person who marked the thread as off-topic, or even (well, probably not because this would cause trouble) count it as a vote for your team. there's no way to have the button removed without it affecting the entire forum, however. my point is, don't vote off-topic. Awesome if it is counted towards the total vote count. If a person have taken the trouble to vote "off-topic" or "LOL", it means he/she also gone through the trouble of reading the entry, or just being nasty.If a person does not like the couple, he/she should just not vote. This is after all, a contest to "promote" shipping.  my only worry with it is -- if we say it counts toward votes, then what if everyone starts voting off-topic? don't know, just a thought.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  16. thank you for your patience in participating in this contest. it's the first time we ever held such a contest, so i really apologize for the issues with deadlines and requirements -- it's new to me too, so honestly i am figuring out a lot of it as i go along. 
    what i will do now is draft a more specific set of rules and write them up so that everyone knows what is going to happen from now on. thanks!

  17. mktb said: @melkinx Hi! We wanted to ask about the staff votes/ picks, may we know about the criteria? And how many participants will you pick? Thank you! staff pick will be subjective and based entirely upon the opinions of myself, the shipping forum moderators, and perhaps some of the other moderators if they are interested in having some input. it will be based 90% on our judgment of the quality of the entries (the graphics, photos, text, and videos), and 10% on our judgment of the cooperation of the fandom (this is not a hard criterion to meet, but if many people in the fandom are voting "off-topic" or trying to sabotage the contest, then we will be less likely to award the title). liddi said: @melkimxCan you please confirm the following requirements for Round 2:1. Is the deadline to edit 17 Feb 2014, 11:59 PM KST ?2. Is the deadline to vote 1 day later, e.g. 18 Feb 2014, 11:59 PM KST ?
    3. Is the requirement 5 images, or 5 image files? e.g. if we had a comic strip in 1 image file, would that constitute 1 image, or multiple images?
    Appreciate your clarification. Thank you! 1. the deadline is wednesday, february 19, 11 am kst.2. the deadline to vote is exactly one day later.3. five image FILES. same as in round one. i hope this answers the question about the collage too.

  18. 81aimee said: is it possible to extend the deadline for one more day Feb 18? the shippers are from different countries and different time zones, and most of us are working... we r having difficulties meeting up in the threads to work on the entry but if we have enough time then it'll be a great help... we joined for the sake of our beloved couple and also to share the works of very talented people but we dont have enough time to prepare... 
    if its possible and u will agree on it, please let us know asap. Thank u! we will extend until wednesday, february 19, 11 am kst.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    lindas55 said: I am not sure who to address this issue to but some of the people from the Hongki/ Mina  couples thread are a little upset by the off topic button that is on our post in the 2nd round.  Our team as well as members of our thread have worked very hard over the last several day to put up our post and seeing the off topic button as part of our votes saddens us.  Is there a way to have it removed.  Thanks we ask that people not vote off-topic. the moderators have decided that if there are off-topic votes, we may pursue it individually with the person who marked the thread as off-topic, or even (well, probably not because this would cause trouble) count it as a vote for your team. there's no way to have the button removed without it affecting the entire forum, however. my point is, don't vote off-topic.

































































  20. okay, i just discussed with the moderators about this, and we decided to have an honorable mention award that will be chosen by us. we will vote purely based on effort and the quality of the content -- like how well the couple comes across in your entries. people such as myself actually know next to nothing about many of these couples, so you can be pretty sure that we'll be unbiased.
    also, as to whether people are allowed to vote now -- yes, that was mentioned in the contest rules. so you can say that it's a good incentive to start your post early and fill it up with content as you go, rather than compiling your content in advance waiting to post at the last minute.

  21. animated gifs are fine. still, i would be careful to follow the rules and make sure that this is an opportunity for you to introduce your couple to everyone. don't just throw all your best content in round 1, because it might overlap with future rounds which are likely to not allow the same photos as previous rounds. does that make sense?
    and as for a judges' vote -- i see where you're coming from. i ask for your patience because we've never run this kind of contest so it's easier to see these issues now that we're in the middle of things. what i can say is that effort really counts to me personally. if i see a couple whose entries are really nicely done, i may choose to write about it in an article, even if that couple hasn't won the contest. and it could be possible to add a judges' choice award -- the moderators should help decide about that.
    also, please read the rules. some people are still putting too many pictures or not any information. we would hate for a couple to be disqualified for these reasons!

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