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Posts posted by fastheart

  1. So, I eventually read "Room 19" book and the book was really depressing.

    It went from: "marriage" to "quitting job" to "happy couple with 4 kids and a large suburb house" to "husband infidelity" to "loneliness and detachment to the family" to "loneliness is better than family" to "anything is better than family" to "the end".


    In some sense, SH and JH went from "happily married without love" to "unhappily married with love" to "loneliness might be better than being unhappy in love" before reversing the course and became "happily in love".


    Both SH and JH went through the loneliness as a choice to see what the alternatives are and neither liked the alternatives. SH had a choice too, he could have prevented JH from leaving or proclaimed his love. He did not.


    But both came out of the ordeal better for it. SH to express his feelings better and JH to become a strong, determined woman who strives for her own happiness.




    Note, I am really excited that the Director and JSM both wanted session 2. Make it happen tvN!!!


    • Like 10
  2. Some of the IT references that I remembered:

    • Windows vs. Mac: familiarity vs. beautiful and intuitive.
    • Update your OS regularly
    • Beware of the ransomware infection
    • Reset, format, reboot
    • If you are not paying attention to your code, just type multiple "if" commands, and a bunch of "/"
    • Did you unplug my computer?
    • Upgrade to 2.0 by asking everyone whether their tasks are done
    • Have you used Slack?
    • Evaluate your game performance by recording it and then analyzing it with your supervisor

    On the Jeju vacation pictures: those are normal pictures, not staged or anything - they looked fine. I am enjoying them and am thankful for them.

    • Like 10
    • LOL 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. So:

    What happened to SooJi's car and the new apartment that she was saving for to live with her mom?

    She sold both of them?


    Btw, is there a specific time jump being stated, outside of the 3 year ago reference when they register their marriage certificate?


    If they are doing Season 2, I want them to go back to after the reunion (or a short time after it) to start rolling forward gently again, so we know the details on how things evolve.

    • Like 7
  4. 4 hours ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:

    Okay. So I've been writing for about 2.5 hours now. It's not done but at least... first part's up. @lollyminx here ya go:



    This is my version of the morning of their Day One. And yes, It's M... but not THAT M... yet. :)


    Hope you like it! 



    Liked it.

    But, why would they need the "c"?

    I know that they are "kind of" divorced, etc., but they are still "kind of" married and babies are okay too if it happens, right?

    • Like 1
    • LOL 3
  5. 2 hours ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:

    In response to the fact that Se Hee didn't try to contact her/call her after she left:


    I think his primary reason was the promise that he gave to Ji Ho's mom at the wedding. That if Ji Ho had a shot at happiness and her dreams, he would help her and would not stand in her way. Paired with the fact that he admired Ji Ho's ability to follow through with any decision she makes. (Also from that conversation with Ji Ho's mom).


    Add to that the fact that he believed that he made her cry. 


    He honored her wishes in spite of his own pain. And through it all, never questioned her decision or asked her why. Unlike the Accountant guy, who is mighty brave to do so, asking Ho Rang for the reasons for rejection to gain closure. Se Hee just accepted Ji Ho's request and made the necessary arrangements to help it along. 


    Even when the Woori tag confused the heck out of him, did he call to ask her? He just let it be unanswered by Cat and proceeded to drown his questions out in Cass Beer. :) 


    I totally agree with this.

    However at some point, every person's survival instinct should kick in and prevent the ultimate destruction. And that is when "her happiness" and "my happiness" should start to mix together and when he should start searching for the solution.

    • Like 8
  6. 8 minutes ago, 8mel said:


    Your gifs are working fine from my view. Thanks for making those, definitely my favourite scene from the last episode.


    Yea i agree harming yourself mentally or physically over a breakup/divorce is not healthy at all. I think SH is the kind of person who when he loves, he loves so deep. When he hurts, he hurts so bad. People may have different ways of coping with heart break. Some people may took days to forget and some took years but for SH it might take forever ha ha. I think he was falling into depression. Selling the house and moving to a new place is fine, even taking time off from work is fine but too much alcohol is definitely not okay. Although I think the writer had to do that for the sake of PPL :lol:


    The ginger PPL was nice as it shows how close SH and JH has become.

    The chair PPL was funny. JH was way too small in that chair. It definitely showed how a person can "sink" into a chair.

    The beer PPL was a bit much throughout the drama, especially during the depressed SH period. But it was consistent, so not that jarring.


    Possibly, SH should be able to come out of the "divorce" depression at some point. Maybe he would decide to follow JH's path through her friends and be able to find her. But JH coming back, worked a lot better in this case.


    • Like 9
  7. 11 minutes ago, chickfactor said:


    (2) Soo Ji and Sang Goo. Adorable all the way. A totally daebak couple. When I'm having a tough day, I imagine myself strutting around like our Soo Ji. I will always look at my Pucca stickers and smile.


    Did she break that guy's nose when she punched him? Oh my.


    Sorry to cut the post.

    Soo Ji moved the ring, usually on the ring finger to her index finger, so when she punched him the ring did a lot of damage.

    It is pretty funny that Mr. Park denied any wrongdoings.

    • Like 7
  8. 1 hour ago, yusefull said:

    I found the timeline of this drama weird/bad. So little time between their wedding and JH leaving. SH take 20 days off but wait before taking them ? All of this is weird.


    I agree that the timeline was rather ambiguous. They should not have shown that Excel sheet with the exact dates. That is the main issue because it created exact dates instead of users' own guesses. I would just ignore the Excel sheet dates and just create your own timeline.

    • Like 5
  9. 8 minutes ago, Jillia said:


    Sitting through this episode was painful but the ball is with Se-hee now and he needs to stop hiding in his very own snail house and fight for the one and only person he wants.


    Also, he needs to be happy himself to be with Ji-ho. His heart is still empty... and an empty and unhappy heart can't give much. And Se-hee has a lot to give. But his happiness comes first.


    But don't think for a second Ji-ho is less hurting.....


    Sorry to cut the post. I like it.

    So, it's time for SH to regroup, strategize and eat some bananas?


    That was some random soccer reference (eating the bananas, that is).

    • Like 10
    • LOL 7
  10. I have the utmost confidence that we will have happy ending for the OTP. Now that SH's wall has been broken, we hope that the new heart will be mended and rebuilt quickly. 


    HR and WS should have an open-ended possibilities. They should not get back since all the things that caused them to break up still existed. Maybe they might get back later, but that's outside the scope of the drama series. If there is a time-jump, who knows.


    SJ and MSG should get their happy ending too.

    • Like 9
  11. 21 minutes ago, angelflower said:



    SH breaks into sobs.


    SH: What do I do? I miss her (/you). I miss her (/you).  

    SH (voiceover): Today... I.... lost my once-in-a-lifetime love.




    Excuse me while I go sob ugly tears clutching my heart. :bawling:



    Sorry to cut the post.


    Wait, did SH say that he and JH is his once-in-a-lifetime love?

    So, he and JM were not in love?

    • Like 7
    • Confused 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, 122am said:

    It's D DAY!!!! 


    By the way, I haven't caught the scene about the cat collar.


    I have seen in one of the scenes that JH threw away the 'Woori' cat collar angrily. I think it's after he told her that he doesn't want to see her visit his office or act like a married couple.


    Then in ep 14 the cat collar appeared again and seems like he kept it.


    Was there a scene where he took it out of the dustbin? 


    I tend to fast forward some scenes because I get emotional when I watch Ho Rang and Won Seok scenes.

    It's too emo for me as they remind me of my past relationship. 


    The drama did not show that SH picked up the cat collar out of the rubbish.

    Since SH has it, he must have retrieved it somehow.


    • Like 11
  13. It's interesting listening to JH and SJ conversation while HR was asleep. Both were at similar stage of relationship where they are getting close to progressing their relationship, but they did not let that information be known to the other.


    JH was not sure that SH loved her, but she knew that SH definitely have feelings for her - contrary to what she told SJ a few nights ago when they found out about the contract marriage.


    SJ was in the middle of opening up her heart to SG.  But she chose not to mention that and mention her mom instead.


    I guess, progressing relationship is hard to share. It's a lot easier to tell others when things are tidy and neat.

    • Like 9
  14. 4 hours ago, aisling said:


    LOL am I the only one who honestly thought he got up to get a condom? :lol: Which would totally suit his personality.


    I thought he would have done that earlier when he got his pillow. It took him a while to get a single pillow, but if he was looking for something else - that might have explained it. In the meantime, JH took off her sweater, sprayed the room, got the snail plushie and then got under the blanket.


    The "orange" symbolism - hehe, it flew over me while watching. I just got it after reading the comments. I was wondering why SH was just banging at his orange and then just put it back on the bowl.

    • Like 2
    • LOL 4
  15. 1 hour ago, b4l01 said:


    I believe they have separate washroom for men and womer.   So it's possible that SH went to washroom after JH left the table.


    It is possible that SH ordered the drinks and then went to the men's restroom.

    When he got back, JM just left. I'm leaning towards he did not know that JM was there.


    It is possible that JM knew about SH and JH being in that cafe and worked around avoiding SH, but wanting to know more about JH. The coincidence was too convenient.

    • Like 8
  16. 3 hours ago, ahhhjummahhhjo said:

    Some eagle-eye comment in the YouTube clip of the final scene of Ep 12 saw that there were beers on Ji Ho's table-desk in her room. I'm guessing they needed some beer before going to bed...?


    Hahahaha I wonder though... to get sleepy? To quell their nervousness? 

    I guess that's why alcohol is called liquid courage, hehehehe. 

    Though won't alcohol lower their inhibitions... hehehehhe



    Eh, the cat is on the bed too

    • Like 7
    • LOL 8
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