Jump to content

miaka fy

  • Posts

  • Joined

Posts posted by miaka fy

  1. Back in soompi from my last post from Gu family Book lol all because Empress Ki was so captivate.

    I'm sure SN have some feeling for TH, it's impossible she doesn't have a BIT ''fire'' between them. I would consider this serie like Queen Seon Duk. Remember she was in love with Yoo Shin and finally end with Bi Dam. With all intense tension between them, SN wouldn't able to be so sure about her feeling. Hate? yes she is ...but between hate and love, the distance is easy to change.

    Episode 01 isn't the end after her wedding with TH because she would have a baby with him (if i can read in a real Empress Ki story). All problems will come when TH become a real emperor and try to keep his ''power''. Maybe SN will try to run away and meet WY and finally found what she missing, came back to TH.


    I find TH be mature more than before. Sure I love all his interaction with SN, it's my OTP couple in this serie.  :)

    I can't wait for the next episode at all!!!!!! TH would finally know SN is a girl lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Seem some leader from K pop have some feeling for Eunjung http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B1wm8UyBhc hehe































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did you know is Boram now who is T-ara lead now? Because the Mnet Media decide each year ..Leader from T-ara would change. Let's hope Kdrama gods for the possibility ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I guess Eunjung can concentrate more in her acting now and with her leading in WHITE horror movie ..I think she would learn a lot new skill for acting ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    But for myself, I do find she good in her first acting in kdrama. Well isn't her first acting because she do act a lot already when she child and with Micky, but for a long kdrama like Coffee House, she good to act in her personnage.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When people said that she look stupid and everything, I don't like it, but in other sense, for Eunjung acting like that and people do think that, she do well her characters like amateur in the beginning. She have her evolution with JS contact and grown up ^^. I think all her crying scene make everyone want cry. I feel crying everytime i saw Eunjung cry. The feeling is inside so well that she give a vibe that she sad and heartbroken and us the watchers feel it and cry with her. Totally good for a ''rookie'' to perform so well the emotion she have.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    She do her best for the acting for us watchers appreciated her and love her ^=^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Miaka-chan ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Mnet Media and SM TOWN have no problem between them......right now ...hmm let's see ^^;;;
















































































































































































































































































































































































    @ Kravi-chan and Angelica ^^
















































































































































































































































































































    Thank! ^^ For COFFEE HOUSE viiki, I was worried because Lutra did put a Stop everywhere in the channel, and Manuella also put in french section that Coffee House is closed o.o so i didn't know if i should go to read or not. French translation isn't up yet so i dunno if i can enter...Eng is done o.O so fast and also isn't wednesday yet o.o they done already ..wow o.o































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OFF TOPIC please ^^;;
















































































































































































































































































































    About ShiWon and EunJung ..they can become a cute couple is we have a possibly drama with them. Idol and Idole ..they could make a lot fans support it ^^. Hm..did we really have any idols who act in a same serie....if i remember in all my Kdrama collection ...i don't think so....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Banjun, NonStop is the only one i guess ... Love letter show also ...X-man show also






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dears ..i think isn't possible ...not like in taiwanese serie ..but i will pray for Kdrama gods for a future serie if we can possible have something like that ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































    o.o did we have a rumor about SiWon and EunJung together? o.o































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh if people want to act together hehe ...yes ^^ i'm happy with ..or maybe with Lee Min Ho?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The only OLD OLD OLD rumor i hear from YT about Eunjung personel life is her possibly connection with one a Supernova ... that i dunno who is...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can someone tell me if we can go back in Viikii or not now? I want to watch with subbed ^^ to understand it ...i can still see the STOP in french page -.-;; should i wait until tomorrow ...oh well back in my Young Justice Bao then .....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Miaka-chan ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































    @ Kravi-chan
















































































































































































































































































































    I would like again to send to you when i finish my version singing ^^. Coffee House is end -.-;; that sad...i want more Coffee House episode....

    Viikii's up with the final two epi subs!!!!!
















































































































































































































































































































    Are you sure we can go now? ^^;; Team BARISTA did put a lot STOP everywhere in the Coffee House viikii. Did they said we can't enter in Coffee House viikii until the warning is up?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Because it's still a big STOP in viikii Page One. I don't want to enter again because if we enter, it's make everyone slowly to segment and subbed it....I want to watch fast my two last episode from Coffee House tomorrow ^^ or maybe it's only my french page is still writing a big STOP o.o

    I just came back to read the last post...so bye again but for miaka and blackjack.....all the songs/OST are availavble in am-addiction for download.Enjoy.
















































































































































































































































































































    Oh thank dear ^^ am-addiction have all the song. I know..but is a same version i got ...i don't think Blackjack can find it right now...maybe later ^^ when Coffee House ost 4 out [if we have a Coffee House OST 4 o.o]






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    No bye from me ^^ because i'm sure i meet you again in viikii :hug: see you later then ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































    @ tvananh1610
















































































































































































































































































































    Yes and well is ok now ^^ it's end Coffee House. I didn't yet watch the episode 18. I need to watch it to said more ^^
















































































































































































































































































































    @ Kravi-chan
















































































































































































































































































































    Dear, hehe yes is a GOOD song ^^. EunJung do impressed me a lot about her acting crying, i want cry with her from the MV cring also. I saw the preview episode 18 and SY character do take me and i have a tear with her. Dear, in the horror movie WHITE with Eunjung...i pass ^^;;; I don't like a lot horror movie ..i would hide again LOL. Did you download the second song i upload for Coffee House ost ? I would like to sing it when i finish You're a Beautiful song request first. Arg, my korean isn't better LOL i hope Abby-chan would like it ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw, watch my recommend serie dear ...LOCH ^^ with Ariel Lin hehe. I can't find You're Beautiful off vocal slow version for Without Words hm..i find the lead male version so do i need to sing like a guy o.O. I prefer sing with Minam voice LOL well more high pitch ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    SORRY O.O WRONG SONG ....THE FIRST ARG O.O ISN'T EUNJUNG SONG omg omg o.o ..i just click in my HD to upload in sendspace i didn't see it's a same song o.o i have many version OST for all drama and animes so it's mixed all o.o































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    EUNJUNG SONG UPLOAD NUMBER 2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/oivz6m this is EUNJUNG song. You right i upload twice the same song from Coffee Over milk o.o































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I know really well the mp3 BGM no vocal...but i can't find it -.-;; right now ...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    BTW i LOVE your sig for Playfull Kiss ...i'm also waiting for ^^
















































































































































































































































































































































    @Miaka: Thank u so much for the song!
















































































































































































































































































































    yeah that's the song that i've been looking for! haha it's so cute...
















































































































































































































































































































    there's also this other song that she sang, but it doesn't have any lyrics..she just basically singing: "da da da da" thingy? lol do u happen to know where i could download that?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh hehe the ost song...dadada? ...you mean ...Darling, Darling, Darling, Oh Honey Honey Honey nan? I love this song, i sing a lot with Page One song ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ok then I hope is this one ^^ I upload for you.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Nope i have the lyrics ^^ because i used to sing it so hehe































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.sendspace.com/file/hage31 Hyomin & Jiyeon (T-ara), Boram(Seeya) - Coffee Over Milk






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    After i read some comment here, i guess is Eunsoo ending. Congratulation Eunsoo shippers ^^. I do spoil myself to read some comment, so i'm happy how PD do make the ending from Coffee House. The only complain i have after i read all spoiler is maybe have more episode to explain the ending like when JS and EY meeting and married. I'm also happy PD didn't make SY end with DW. I prefer myself that she stay pro and become writer like it's said. BTW what about Full House? Did they go to shot in Full House place? I need to watch the episode 18 after i download it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also, maybe it's because it's cut two episode, i feel like a bit rushing after i read the spoiler. Do people feel also that? Like if we have two more episode, it's will explain more about each personnage what they do more in the future...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Now i can take my time to my new channel MDWAV serie in viikii for everyone who dunno the story about My Date With a Vampire ^^ and really want watch it, it's start. If people want to help me, please just poke me in viikii or here ^^. This serie [serie 1 from 1998] is well know everywhere but no one can't watch it because it's was never subbed in english in net...from many site, it's was request so many time than i can't count. The only serie subbed was MDWAV 3.
















































































































































































































































































































    Miaka-chan ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @ blackjackVip here i upload it, or you want the whole ost 1 and 2 ?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    http://www.sendspace.com/file/9g4bob Eunjung singing song ost in Coffee House, i hope it's that you one.
































































































































































































































































































































































    @ Kravi-chan :hug: ^^
















































































































































































































































































































    Ok hmm i try my possible to stay in the tread suject from Nomanymore said ^^...After this post, i will PM you more information. hehe































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hehe for to make a Queen Avatar for SY/JS shipper ^^ i should make it but right now i'm concentrate in MDWAV so that why i put Ma Siu Ling and Fong Tin Yau avatar. You would like this beautiful FORBBIDEN love story between a slayer and a vampire. Three season that i need to upload or ask someone upload for me when i send all the link for download. I want you watch it later because that is my favorite serie ever.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About Coffee House serie, i will stay until the final episode! I love a lot COFFEE HOUSE so i already said i will accept what Coffee House staff bring to me. But that true, I can't said that Coffee House staff convince me why is like that. I will waiting for the last episode tomorrow to said more about it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I do love Coffee House and all Kdrama but forever I would stay a wuxia fanatic and ancient serie. I'm also half chinese so for sure i'm love chinese serie and chinese legend, everything from chinese history. ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wuxia is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wuxia ^^ that explain everything































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I would introduce you slowly about wuxia art martial serie. By PM or Viikii ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Girl in wuxia are beautiful ^^ some drawing here





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    song Qian Nu You Hun from Chinese Ghost Story














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The most popular wuxia is still Loch, Roch and HSDS remake by remake. So probably is the serie i'm going to recommend you fist. After, let's see ...hehe.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    exemple wuxia serie from Loch aka Legend of Condor Heroes






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you can see, it's ARIEL LIN from ISWAK who is the lead ^__^ with Hu Ge





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ok ok ^^ i will send you more information about it by PM and where to download or i can reupload all episode ...is easy for me. Just send to me a pm.
















































































































































































































































































































    Miaka-chan ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @ KangaCat
















































































































































































































































































































    Yes ^^ it's because they waiting for wednesday to put back i think...because they got a lot trouble so they just take out for some hour ^^. Don't worry it's will come back.
























































































































































































    @ Kravi-chan
























































































































































    Hmm...need to poke abby-chan in viikii or james-chan for the fanfiction Coffee Lattee...isn't my laptop i use, so all my favories sites isn't here...arg o.o















































































































































































































































































































    You want eat Hyun Joong with spoon LOL give us some later Kravi-chan ^^















































































































































































































































































































    I think the Playful Kiss staff choose Hyun Joong because his cold face ..when he make his cold face ^^ smexy. Still Lee Min Ho was one the best choice also...














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw, want to help me in my new channel MDWAV in viikii ^^ I think i would start today to translate...was waiting for Coffee House ending ...















































































































































































































































































































    still -.-; cantonese vs mandarin ...i prefer mandarin because i can help to translate but in cantonese i'm die ...













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Let's watching the final episode tomorrow dear ^^
























































































































































    Do you have something to watch now? want me send to you some recommendation? or want to try wuxia serie hehe?















































































































































































































































































































    I'm still in Young Justice Bao 1 ...I want to rewatch the 1 and after watch the Young Justice Bao 2 and after the Young Justice Bao 3














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm still in the case 4 -.-;; from season 1
















































































































































































































































































































    @ Nomanymore
























































































































































    lol ok ok i will try to stay in the topic ^^ try to relaxe the atmosphere here with other subject hehe








































































































































































































    @ Kravi-chan
















































































































































































    seriously i'm waiting too for Playful Kiss with Hyun Joong ^^ Because i love him from We got married with Hwang Bo [one the BEST couple from WGM ^^] LETTUCE COUPLE is one the best ^_______________^































































































































































































































































































































































    I know they have a lot bad comment for Hyun Joong but for him become Naoki, i'm waiting to watch it. I love Joe Cheng and be in his fanclub in a same time in Ariel Lin fanclub. My Girlfriend is a Gumiho also look funny ...isn't like Nined Tailed Fox for sure ..something more light ^^ hope we have a good ending.





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    CREDIT JAVABEANS http://www.dramabeans.com/2010/07/the-bickering-romance-begins-in-playful-kiss/































































































































































































































































































































































    they are cute together from Playful Kiss ^^






















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    About Coffee House ^^ i'm still waiting for tomorrow episode ^^ After let's go read Abby-chan version! hehe































































































































































































































































































































































    Nice avatar dear ^^
















































































































































































    Miaka-chan ^^








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































     It´s not about DOUBTING the Eunsoo-end, it´s about HOPING for the JS/SY-end, lol:lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    You can´t kill your hope, as long as their is life in the body and this drama has still life, haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Honestly, I think, there will be an Eunsoo-finale, I really know it and I don´t doubt it. BUT there is still that thing called hope inside of me and I can´t get rid of it, :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I really really WANT to lose that hope, because the longer it drags the longer it´s torturing me but I can´t help it ^_^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    ps: did you read abby-chan version rewrite episode?




















































































































    I also think is messy and still think isn't Eunsoo ending. Until episode 18 can clear my idea ^^























































































































































    PD have one episode to make everyone understand the JS declaraion for EY. Now the answer will be from EY. If she accept JS, it's would end with Eunsoo but if she refuse JS. It's would be JS alone or my possible SY/JS still work ^^






































































































































































































































    It's really end with 18 episodes right? They still have a lot question inside...can we possibly have COFFEE HOUSE season 2?






































































































































































































































    I don't think it's will be like that






































































































































































































































    Do we have a HAPPY ENDING FOR COFFEE HOUSE? I don't know ...hm....






































































































































































































































    Time jump can possibly again...






































































































































































































































    Well ^^ i'm still HWAITING until the end for SY/JS COUPLE! ^^
























































































































































    BTW about the SHIP WAR ^^ is no more ..i don't feel bad vibe anymore ^^ Let's ENJOY COFFEE HOUSE ^^




















































































    Edit 1: @miaka. It looks like you and I are doing the same thing: watching some dramas to stave off the craziness of CH!












































































    O/T: I'm watching Tamra Island right now and find myself oddly enjoying it, especially after getting through the first episode which was pretty ridiculous.























































































































































    Oh! good serie Tamra Island. ^^























































































































































    If you are from America too..you should able enter in this site http://www.dramafever.com/ streaming online ^^ KDRAMA























































































































































    Guess i recommend you to watch http://www.dramafever.com/featured/?b=g1 here ^^























































































































































    For myself, i prefer something like a murder case, more ancient serie and with Justice Bao ^^ like right now i'm watch.












































































    Eh gimme a min..
























































































































































    승연은 동욱에게 전화해서는 은영 결혼식에 축의금을 대신 내달라고 부탁하지만, 동욱은 그럴 필요가 없다며 자초지종을 설명한다. 알고보니 진수의 난동으로 결혼식장이 엉망진창이 되었고, 이일로 인해 진수는 경찰서에 연행되기에 이른 것이다.












































































    SY calls DW and asks if he could pass the wedding gift money to EY-JW but DW says there's no need for him to do that (refuses?). JS causes a riot at the wedding and got arrested.












































































    이 때문에 은영과 지원은 진수에게 화를 내지만, 진수는 태연하기만 하다. 잠시후 면회실에서 진수는 승연에게 돈이 좀 급해서 그런 일을 저질렀다며 자신은 원래 그런 인간이라고 털어놓자 승연은 실망의 눈빛이 역력하다.












































































    Because of this EY and JW are angry at JS but tries to calm JS down. In the lounge JS needs money urgently that's why he did this. He says he is such a person. SY is disappointed in him. (i dun get it? MONEY??)












































































    이후 진수는 자신을 찾아온 변호사에게 그동안 윤성철대표의 뒤를 캐왔다는 말과 함께…












































































    After that JS's lawyer, talks about the time Yoon Song Chul representative..(I dun understand the words used...not even in my dictionary!!)












































































    WTH? SO THEY GOT MARRIED??? AND MONEY? WHO THE HELL IS Yoon Song Chul?? (Echoing what DC fans are shouting now)























































































































































    O.o oh my my this is so strange that i find the whole COFFEE HOUSE is a something they filming...























































































































































    Like nothing is true in Coffee House but they currently filming the book ''PAGE ONE'' o.O























































































































































    THANK Axerine for this update!






































































































































































































































    Don't want to have headache for CH....so return in Young Justice Bao serie






































































































































































































































    hehe JS be mafia ...that can explain a lot ....LOL























































































































































    oh well....






































































































































































































































    Miaka-chan return in her ancient serie until episode 17 ^^




































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Big thank to axerine for the update ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I was really waiting for the video preview but seem i can't find nowhere also...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Like right now i rewatch Young Justice Bao 1 ...everyone should do a same ^________^ NOT stressing like that ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So it's like tomorrow morning for me ...episode 17.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw off completely of topic































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Do someone know where i can find the singapore serie Young Justice Bao 1994? I want to bought it but i can't find nowhere at all....I remember i watch this when i was 10-11 year old ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Meh8ibajwcA
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Miaka-chan return in Young Justice Bao 1 case 2
















































































































































































































































































































































    @ icelise
















































































































































































































































































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    That´s funny. We SY/JS-shippers actually WANTED, that they develop the relationship between JS and EY so late. We always accepted, that JS genuinely loves EY at one time. And we believed, that it will take some time to move on. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    From the POV of SY-shippers it actually makes sense, that their possible relationship comes so late in the picture. We wanted it like that. That was the appeal of this drama for us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And actually, I was so happy last week after episode 16, because that was the storyline I was expecting and hoping for. And if I didn´t know about the spoilers (wedding-crash / HEJ wrapping up) and if I had only the drama itself as my source, I would still be 100 % sure, that it will end with SY/JS.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    PD is intelligent person who already know people going imagine JS going in the marriage and break the marriage. That is too much easy to know and in same time, he will NOT do that. Simply because we have a EXCELLENT PD who do KEEP EVERYONE US in the BOTH SHIP in his HAND. ^^ SO everything we thinking right now, simply PD do already see all scenario possible for to make everyone thinking like that and will be the TWIST.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    I'M STILL WAITING FOR JS DRINK SY COFFEE and if PD do missing that. I will poke him in SBS.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Now i remember ...this serie Coffee House remain me when i was so much into Chinese Paladin. I was posted night and day in asianfanatics something like a lot analyse it...













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Again, i just remember now i was with Yue Ru versu Ling Er















































































































































































































































































    So they also have two couple. The serie is from a popular RPG chinese game and remake into drama






























































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Well the question in this serie for the two couple is Happiness/obligation or Love






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ling Er love Xiao Yao but her obligation for to protect humain is more stronger than her love to him. She want only protect Xiao Yao happiness than her love....for him. She do abandon her child and he....because her oblication...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yue Ru love Xiao Yao and also because she want Xiao Yao happiness, she sacrifice herself, make Xiao Yao ..in limit a crazy....













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the question who really WIN Xiao Yao heart was in Chinese Paladin 2















































































































































































































































































    So who he choose in the END .....Yao Ru....why? i still dunno after to play a game but i think Xiao Yao do love Yue Ru a lot also. Ling Er ...he love her and understand her...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































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    But the Chinese Paladin 4 ...he didn't appear at all ...after play the game ...completely a different story















































































































































































































































































    I'm sure he like the two lady ...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    God i feel like Zhang Wu Ji ...LOL i'm currently rewatch HSDS 2009 and hehe washy washy Wuji LOL













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hm.. After i write this ...i want to rewatch my Chinese Paladin LOL













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hate YT to delete all my chinese paladin MV i upload -.-;;;















































































































































































































































































    Well a lot spoiler but i love what write in the comment in this clip that can refer also for Coffee House ^^















































































































































































































































































    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVfBNalCivM ....CRYING FOR YUE RU ...ok she come back in chinese paladin 2 game ouff ..






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    well WAITING for the VIDEO PREVIEW ^^ let's keep a chance to each clan hehe















































































































































































































































































    for myself is still SY/JS couple so
































































































































































































































































































    The scene at the end of ep 16, where SY was about to go to the meeting, and she looked for a last time back. Right then, there are two screens, with two totally different expressions of her. 








































































































































    And I so totally don´t understand the meaning. Why different expressions? And why the hey is the person blurred? Come on, who else could show up? Why make it uselessly exciting? It doesn´t look random. When I first watched it, i found it strange, and I ignored it, but now I watched it for several times and each time, it looks so odd. 








































































































































    Í´m trying to find a reason for the different expressions. Is it just a hope from her, that JS comes back? But we know, that JS is truly back, at least according to the preview. 








































































































































    And then I remembered a similar case from a different drama, but I can´t remember it right now. unsure.gif








































































































































    Maybe the person, who comes is not JS, but someone else and that person tells SY, that JS had an accident or something like that and is dead. 








































































































































    But she is in total denial-mode and the rest from the story is her imagination. She thinks, how he would come back, how he would "man up" and fight for whatever he wants to protect. And the last two episodes are maybe a kind of closure for JS´s life/love/hope in SY´s imagination and at the end of ep 18 we see, that JS is dead.















































































































































































































































































    Dear, i think you are NOT only the one who paranoia about the cut image or screem like you said. I remark this when i finish the first time episode 16...so i write in viikii and here about the screem cut.















































































































































































































































































    Like i mention before ..it's surely really like the PAGE ONE MV with SY when one screem she still smilling and the one other she crying or start to cry ...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    I can't explain that all but i know it's important for the future episode ...















































































































































































































































































    reality vs fiction















































































































































































































































































    hiding feeling vs expose feeling















































































































































































































































































    ....dear right now I don't need to thinking all that and i'm relaxe myself with some old wuxia serie hehe















































































































































































































































































    I'm waiting for the preview video and hehe after YAY ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw ..did you finish Sood Sanaeha? I know you keep laughing a lot so when you finish i recommend one more serie ^^















































































































































































































































































    Ann and Ken BEST COUPLE screem ever ..the chemistry is too strong after acting in hum.. 5 series together ...if i remember correct me if i'm wrong. I remember the first serie Ann and Ken act together, i was like wow and o.o. Again it's pretty normal in lakorn to use 'r' scene and i'm pretty much into lakorn in my childhood already because my parent. So it's normal for me to watch it.. but i know a lot person was traumatized because that. Specialy in Sawan Biangs ...i should warning maybe before people watch it. It's a remake because the old version was pretty a same story. I just make a new channel in viikii for MDWAV season 1, i'm think i'm going to start soon to translate it ...you must watch it ^^ My Date with a Vampire from ATV is one the best serie ever !!! 3 seasons each 35 episode and more ^^








































































































































    @ rushcute








































































































































    Oh btw ^^ come with us here www.mysoju.com or here www.viikii.net















































































































































































































































































    mostly all serie are in english sub















































































































































































































































































    They have a lot place you can watch direct ...^^















































































































































































































































































    http://www.dramafever.com/ ^^















































































































































































































































































    Enjoy it and have a good watching






























































































































































































































































































































































































































    ps: if you want to download it, you can search here, clubbox, d-addicts....well a lot place again ^^















































































































































































































































































    and if you want recommendation from other country serie, just ask ^^ like right now i recommend lakorn serie to some person here ^^ ..something like slap and kiss serie hehe








































































































































    Miaka-chan return in her serie



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can you recommend any good drama with happy ending plsss... 




































































    So korean recommendation i guess ...ok with happy ending







































































































































    All a serie i recommend is because i have already and watch it so ^^







































































































































    i'm going just post some links ok ^^ you can read after the review














































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i have lot more but i think to A to H is kinda all good ending serie ....if you want more ..i can post more ^^




































































    Miaka-chan ^^
















































































    Then i will repost again what i write from a old post ^^




























































































































































































































































































































































































































    When JS come to get SY to go JW birthday and see DW














































































































































































































    JS - Who's that person?







































































































































    JS - It feels like I've seen him somewhere before.







































































































































    JS - Isn't he Dong Wook?







































































































































    SY - Ah! Yes.







































































































































    JS - I heard he got rich and he changed a lot.







































































































































    SY - I didn't tell you anything so how did you find out?







































































































































    JS - I sent text message. Didn't you get it?







































































































































    SY - I didn't see it.







































































































































    ''We have to attend director Han's birthday. Come at 7.''







































































































































    SY - It's director Han's birthday?







































































































































    JS - I told you that we have to attend some couple's gathering.







































































































































    SY - Director Han's birthday too...







































































































































    SY - Oh, it's his birthday today?!







































































































































    SY - so that's how it is.







































































































































    JS - Why?







































































































































    SY - Nothing.







































































































































    JS - Is he still interested in you?







































































































































    SY - He's not interested in me, he's just being friendly...







































































































































    JS - He is interested! Why does he keep finding lovers that's already attached?







































































































































    SY - Lover?







































































































































    JS - What?







































































































































    JS - You crossed the boundary without permission, and you called me ''Oppa'' too...







































































































































    JS - And now everyone knows about it. But in your own boundary I can't be in there correct?







































































































































    SY - It's all an act to safeguard Sir's private life!







































































































































    SY - Can't I date someone because I have to pretend being your girlfriend?







































































































































    SY - How can that be?







































































































































    JS - Didn't you say that you don't know how to pretend?







































































































































    JS - I didn't say it. You did.







































































































































    JS - What is this? You change your mind?







































































































































    JS - It's different when you are dating someone else,







































































































































    JS - but when you're drinking with someone else you say differently







































































































































    SY - Stop saying that.







































































































































    JS - Saying what?







































































































































    SY - That's a little...







































































































































    JS - The talk about you kissing me 6 times?







































































































































    SY - I told you to stop saying that!







































































































































    SY - I'm a woman too!

























































































































































































































































































































































    I STILL WAITING JS drink SY coffee ^^








































































































































    OFF TOPIC !!!







































































































































    WWW.ONEMANGA.COM GOING CLOSE THIS WEEK ...crying!!! noooooooooooo my Naruto, Hitman Reborn, One Piece.....




































































    @ zinaa




































































    oh!! yes ^^ lakorn is good !!! watch all my recommendation Ann and Ken is the best ^^ couple chemistry ..right now that the thing we should do ! watch other thing ^^ I'm going rewatch some old serie 1991 ...from TVB right now...
















































































    I can't help ..i need to post this ...







































































































































    I know the rumor from EunJung wrapping her thing from Coffee House is presence ...i really don't know if it's true







































































































































    but I just came back from Eunjung twitter and here some post Eunjung aka SY post in her page. It's because White movie start to filming in July so that why she need to start to filming some shot over there ....but i think she will back ^^




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    she posted the July 11 ...







































































































































    or maybe we can go in her cyworld than for to know more http://www.cyworld.com/cong1212








































































































































    ok return in dodo land ....




































































    Miaka-chan ^^









    Btw Miaka, I love Sood Sanae ha, lol. I really didn´t expect that, Sawan Bieng was a quite shocking experience for me (I was so sure, he had to die at he end, to redeem hisselfph34r.gif) but I love Ann´s character in SSH. She is one of my favourite female-leads, maybe the absolute favourite character even, lol. When I watched the subbed episodes in one go, I was constantly smiling and giggling and after several hours my mouth was hurting, bacause of that, lolbiggrin.gif







































































































































    Did you watch http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=38C0039A53A559ED another serie with Ken and Ann ^^ after Sawan Biang or before Sawan Biang ..hmm i don't remember it ..it's so long time







































































































































    Good serie hehe ...like Sood Sanaeha hehe ..i LOVE KEN lol!!! also Ann hehe





















































































































































































































































































    Did EunJung really wrapping her thing ? because WHITE movie?





















































































































































































































































































































































    I know EunJung need to filming her movie in July so dunno if she really finish to filming everything or she come back in episode 18 ^^














































































































































































































    I'm still sure is SY/JS couple at the end ...we never know how PD want to make it end ..right now we need to watch episode 17 soon or any video preview for episode 17 ^^












































































































































































































    Miaka-chan ^^




































































    Just coming back and i'm so sleepy LOL i'm going dodo time now
















































































    @ cassidee-chan and kravi-chan




































































    count on me to stay and keep the ship ^______________^ :hug:










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    btw kravi-chan :hug: you finish Sawan Biang serie right? want to watch another serie with Ann and Ken? [Eng Sub][HQ] Love Recipe aka Soot Sanaeha







































































































































    http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7642E8D3D4F03707 well a new old serie depend how you see ..i'm waiting for the new serie Ann and Ken. Well nothing like Sawan Biang serie ..but it's extremely funny serie ^^ ENGLISH HARDSUB BY KENLAKORNCLUB ^^














































































































































































































    We should be relaxe from Coffee House serie with another serie ^^.














































































































































































































    Or this serie http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7744B0D255912170 Taddao Bussaya 2010 ENGLISH SUB







































































































































    Something like Coffee Prince so it's gender bender hehe ...the lead girl deguise the whole serie to a guy and the lead guy dunno LOL and though he become GAY LOLL





















































































































































































































































































    -.-;; i'm currently load SBS page every two minute and i do read Carole comment ...she do have something to EunJung. Oh well ...I CAN'T USE MY ACCOUNT IN SBS it's still freeze snifff i want to comment also in SBS.














































































































































































































    anyway i'm waiting for the text preview from SBS ..please everyone help me to load the page





















































































































































































































































































































































    when it's come the text preview from episode 17 please post here ^^;; i'm already tired to keep loading the page..







































































































































    I have many thing to do today, so i'm off until 12 hour later hehe ^^;;






















































































































































































































































































































































    Breakfast time ...miammmmm ^^




































































    Miaka-chan ^^
















































































    @ yitiantulong







































































































































    It's that part you talking? ^^ It's was cute part ...







































































































































    I rewrite the conversation from viikii


















































































































































































































































































    When JS come to get SY to go JW birthday and see DW














































































































































































































    JS - Who's that person?







































































































































    JS - It feels like I've seen him somewhere before.







































































































































    JS - Isn't he Dong Wook?







































































































































    SY - Ah! Yes.







































































































































    JS - I heard he got rich and he changed a lot.







































































































































    SY - I didn't tell you anything so how did you find out?







































































































































    JS - I sent text message. Didn't you get it?







































































































































    SY - I didn't see it.







































































































































    ''We have to attend director Han's birthday. Come at 7.''







































































































































    SY - It's director Han's birthday?







































































































































    JS - I told you that we have to attend some couple's gathering.







































































































































    SY - Director Han's birthday too...







































































































































    SY - Oh, it's his birthday today?!







































































































































    SY - so that's how it is.







































































































































    JS - Why?







































































































































    SY - Nothing.







































































































































    JS - Is he still interested in you?







































































































































    SY - He's not interested in me, he's just being friendly...







































































































































    JS - He is interested! Why does he keep finding lovers that's already attached?







































































































































    SY - Lover?







































































































































    JS - What?







































































































































    JS - You crossed the boundary without permission, and you called me ''Oppa'' too...







































































































































    JS - And now everyone knows about it. But in your own boundary I can't be in there correct?







































































































































    SY - It's all an act to safeguard Sir's private life!







































































































































    SY - Can't I date someone because I have to pretend being your girlfriend?







































































































































    SY - How can that be?







































































































































    JS - Didn't you say that you don't know how to pretend?







































































































































    JS - I didn't say it. You did.







































































































































    JS - What is this? You change your mind?







































































































































    JS - It's different when you are dating someone else,







































































































































    JS - but when you're drinking with someone else you say differently







































































































































    SY - Stop saying that.







































































































































    JS - Saying what?







































































































































    SY - That's a little...







































































































































    JS - The talk about you kissing me 6 times?







































































































































    SY - I told you to stop saying that!







































































































































    SY - I'm a woman too!











































































































































































































    off topic




































































    P.S MAN IS FINISH NOOooooooo o.o i'm waiting for new taiwanese serie ....





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