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Posts posted by shuwei


    1 hour ago, skeletonworks said:

    There's another scene in episode 15 when Guhai dragged Luoyin to the car. When Luoyin was about to get into the car, Johnny shielded Zhouzhou's head so that he didn't knock his head against the car. If you don't care about someone, you wouldn't think about covering someone's head like that. I mean let them take care of themselves. But not with Johnny and Zhouzhou. Johnny & Zhouzhou obviously cares about each other. Dammit I can't take this anymore. Wayyyyy too much feels....

    gasp! i noticed this too but i forgot about it until now! there was a korean actor that got some buzz for doing it in his drama, and he said its a protective habit he got when he was dating his wife


    i thought it was so freaking adorable that gh/jy did that :wub: he also really like pulling out chairs for bly...

    • Like 16
  2. 2 hours ago, gashupingo said:


    Can I say that the first part of the Addicted story in the novel which is GH and BLY in high school is every bit as unrealistic? The web drama just changed or didn't mention all the unrealistic stuff(and the unrealistic stuff was in the description or GH's monologue anyway which didn't get shown on tv). When I am reading the novel(I'm now reading just a bit after ep15 web drama, my rl friend is more straightforward, she just continue from that part and finish everything from the web drama to the end of the novel in probably 2 days, but I wanted to read from the start), I really felt like I was reading a fantasy or an alternate dimension novel that is perhaps parallel to our universe, the high school boys are not that normal. 

    yeah i agree. they "normalized" part 1 for the onscreen adaptation, especially gh. nobody like that exists irl lol. realism might be the charm of the drama, but its definitely not the charm of the novel

    although its true that part 2 is basically impossible to be made into film so i'm not expecting anything. i think they'll already have an enough of a hard time with part 1's storylines (the tunnel of love anyone?)

    anyway, the biggest charm of the novel for me is that its hilarious. i thought the drama was pretty weak on the humor front; cjd's screenplays writing skills have much to be desired. idk if its just the translators at work or if the original work is that funny in chinese, but some chapters in part 2 cracked me up until i couldnt breathe. gh and bly are kind of really silly people in the first place, so all their crazy dramatic tantrums just made me laugh

    edit: wait i hope addicted fans didnt actually just outted this real life gh guy for the internet to see...some lines are just not meant to be crossed

    • Like 15
  3. 38 minutes ago, alvinboi said:

    I don't quite get why GY is talking to BLY in such a confrontational tone here.

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    Is GY angry at BLY for BLY bearing a grudge against him? Shouldn't GY be feeling guilty for his deeds?


    i remember sometimes, very RARELY, there's a line or 2 about how gy feels guilty for what he did (mostly happens when he sees bly) but i think 97% of the time he truly believes what he did is completely justified (especially in front gh). 


    their conflict in part 2 is kinda mainly due to the fact that gy tried to take care of bly/get close to bly to make up for his past mistake, but did it in a completely backward and a**hole-ish way (like stealing bly's military documents and threatening bly with it so that he can show up at bly's dorm everyday...and countless of other terribly wrong methods that he used to hit on bly)

    bly kinda treated him nicely at a distance when gy first showed up, but eventually started to get angrier and in the end decided to take revenge. so gy thinks all of his intentions are good now, why doesnt bly recognize his efforts to reconcile etc. hence his arrogance and confrontational attitude

    imo, just like that kite story, gy the character exists to highlight the good in gh. gh and gy essentially wants the same thing (aka bly), but gh's methods get him there, while gy's methods fail miserably. i mean cjd even made sure to describe gh and gy as looking almost like twins, so we know that bly's repulsion towards gy is not physical


    • Like 13
  4. 1 hour ago, sohocomo said:

    I know that we don't have all of the information about the continuation of Addicted - so much of what we hear really can only be described as rumor and speculation. I'm sure there are talks and negotiations and meetings and whatnot occurring even at this moment. But one thought struck me recently. Does CJD truly understand what she has in front of her? With all of the boys? Some of the decisions about S2 (and on?) that we've heard just don't make sense to me from a business aspect. 

    Yes, right now the hype is all about JY and ZZ (and CW and FS), but they are getting the hype because of Addicted. And, let's be honest, we are not the only forum/thread of Addicts out there, but for every one of us that are truly addicted, there are 5 - 10 more people who are 'casual' fans. All of the rumor/speculation about S2, as well as the time delay for airing it, is going to cause many of the 'casuals' to turn away and not care. That is a huge chunk of possible profit being lost. 

    If I was CJD, I should say if I was in her place, I would try to capitalize on the moment as much as possible. First, I'd do everything humanly possible to lock the boys in for 2 months at least (whether that's May/June or May/October, whatever) to film S2 and S3. It would probably be easier to get them to commit to a set time frame rather than a "I'll call you when we decide what happens next."  They would be able to take on or reject other projects knowing when they would need to be available for Addicted, instead of guessing. Second, I'd prepare to release S2 end of June/beginning of July. S1 was aired just weeks after filming, so the time frame would be about the same. And then air S3 the beginning of next year. A full year between seasons is too long (except for those like us who will wait 10 years if we have to.) Again, the 'casual' fan is not going to wait a year. Six months possibly, but not a year. This isn't Star Wars. CJD will have to re-start the hype caravan after a year, instead of following in the trail that is already there. 

    i also wish cjd was like you and can make damn near MIRACLES happen, but she's only human and this cannot be a one woman show. this is a drama production. to have a "time frame", a "release", a greenlit at all, you must have a broadcaster. whether its a tv channel, tudou, youku, netflix, whatever. s1's broadcaster was iqiyi. and right now not only they no longer have iqiyi, every broadcaster in china is now out of reach. will cjd pay the cast and crew and all of the production costs out of her pocket and then upload it online for free?? and to where? yeah they can upload on youtube, and its great for us international fans, but 1) they are not film students making videos out of their basement and how likely it is that youtube will become their official sponsor, making addicted an original youtube series 2) youtube is BLOCKED in china, their core audience

    addicted received the nationwide ban in the end of february. its been ONE MONTH. they have had one month to deal with the loss of their broadcaster in the middle s1, find a foreign sponsor for s1 dvd (which they seem to have managed to do and i'm very impressed, i almost thought we'd never get to see it), find a foreign broadcaster and convince them to take on s2, lock down a cast (who are all based on china, some are still in school, some are on meteoric rise to stardom) to a project that might or might not have corporate backings etc etc

    the last thing cjd needs to worry about is losing "casual fans"

    • Like 17
  5. 37 minutes ago, soontobe16 said:

    Wow, guys. ZZ gets publicly ridiculed and insulted but people are still focused on Johnny and saying "poor Johnny, hope he's ok" while for Zhou Zhou, it's "he'll be ok", "just shrug it off" like he's a seasoned veteran who has been in the spotlight for years or some humanoid who doesn't feel too much pain and I feel it's a bit unfair but that's just me *shrugs*


    he might not be a humanoid but instead of paying attention to this dumb thing he making an instagram for his fans and getting thousands of followers rn

    is this not the theme song of zz's life:


    • Like 12
  6. 11 minutes ago, xix19xix said:


    Not to mention that his agents are taking calculated moves to distance him from Addicted Web Series. Recently, they forbid reporters from asking him anything about the Addicted Series and make sure he gave PR responses. 

    ooooh....no wonder i kinda felt like addicted was avoided in jy's recent interviews, so i thought it was the media that was walking around it

    but then zz is still mentioning gh and bly's names in his own new interviews so it made me happy again

    • Like 5
  7. 15 minutes ago, Room_No382 said:

    Lastly, any vietnamese fans here? 

    heeey o/

    thanks to addicted, i really got to sharpen my vietnamese reading skills lately with the novel lol. i'm so pleased the official channel subbed the entire series in vietnamese first out of all the languages that i'm streaming the eps everyday to give them views. hope that means the team see viet fans as a potential market

    • Like 2
  8. 27 minutes ago, gashupingo said:

    I'm sure ZZ is not lying about his eye problem as I noticed earlier on when I was watching the drama that ZZ sometimes has this droopy eye effect which quizzes me sometimes until I found out about this. Can someone knowledgeable confirm with this? I heard that this has no cure even after surgery, it just helps and prolongs it. Because the droopy eyes are still showing in the drama even after surgery. 

    He just choose to also have the double eyelids during the surgery ok, probably as a choice when the doctor mentioned it or maybe it's better to have one to help with this problem. 

    yeah you dont have to doubt him. medical blepharoplasty does exist. as strange as it sounds, my friend actually had to get eyelid surgery bc her eyelashes grew awkwardly and was stabbing her eyeball. i'm not surprised about this ignorance though. i remember watching a korean variety show a long time ago and the mcs kept making fun of this one guy for looking better before his surgery. the guy had to clarify that it was medically necessary for his eye condition. i remember he also had a really deep and unnatural crease like zz. people are so used to assuming its just a cosmetic procedure without realizing its actually a medical procedure and there are all sorts of abnormal eye conditions out there that it can fix

    zz doesnt need anymore people creating drama in his life right now...

    • Like 17

    2 hours ago, charlie10 said:

    I've been wondering, how might Jy and Wz have reasoned when they joined Addicted? If they are just (previously, at least *g*) straight boys who want to become actors/artists, it doesn't seem like an obvious choice to choose a drama like Addicted. Particularly since it's a story which in its essence is not just a little gay, but very much so. Obviously they are very open-minded guys, but isn't it a risk in the current neo-moralistic climate in China to be associated with such a show? If you want to make it big, I mean. (But maybe the didn't? Like many of you have said, maybe they had no clue it would lead to this.) Is BL-drama so popular in China that it's in fact a very good bet (if we disregard the ban)? Like you say, could there be a fall out for them, as a result of being associated with Addicted? It's apparent that it's a genre which appeals to millions and millions of people around world, though - which is amazing. 

    if bl was such a good bet, we'd probably be watching huang xiaoming and li yifeng play gh and bly instead lol. i can only imagine the kind of difficulties cjd has to go through to cast her dramas. thats why she ends up hiring complete amateurs who will have no reputation to lose and are often in need to of a job or acting experience to pad their resume

    its pretty obvious jy is fond of gh and confidently said many times that felt that he could bring justice to the character. (even his mom said the series feels like its about him and not a character after watching lol). he doesnt even wanna be an actor anyway so what has he got to worry about. there's no way he would have the slightest clue it would lead to all this

    zhouzhou too also said he never thought about becoming some big star; he said acting is his job and he's doing music on the side bc it makes him happy. these are very simple life kind of guys lol and not ambitious trainees signed to big entertainment companies 

    • Like 15
  10. 42 minutes ago, SueLyinn said:

    Oh yes, Gu Yang's another character who I love to hate (although he did sort of "redeem" himself later on - from the spoiler in Pg 123)

    gu yang has several redeeming moments but he is a pretty much a gigantic ahole up until the very last chapter 


    tbh i think his moment of truly accepting gh and bly's relationship only came when he saw gh crying bc of bly's "i love you" at the wedding

    his evilness is really complex and interesting though and almost on a different plane of existence compared to the ex-gfs lol

    • Like 7
  11. 30 minutes ago, yaoimazter78 said:

    I'm just glad that the banning of Addictive only made it more popular...I think the notoriety only pushed them more into the limelight, particularly the two male leads. I just hope that there will be no fall out cause I think these guys, including Fensong & Wen are so talented that it wpuld be a pity for them not to be given a chance to show their stuff.

    I just don't know how stringent this banning rule is since there are a lot of chinese BL movies and series on queue for the rest of the year and no mention that they will not be aired at all.

    imo addicted got banned bc the popularity was getting too wild in china. if it was just a regular ol' bl series for a niche audience i dont think the government would bother banning it. right before it was banned, it was the 2nd most viewed series on iqiyi, almost unheard of for a bl. the upcoming series should be fine if they dont gather as much attention as addicted did

    chinese gov doesnt seem to like things that are too popular and cult-ish, hence going after descendants of the sun now lol

    2 minutes ago, SueLyinn said:

    For me, I dislike BLY's ex-gf more. Her presence indirectly caused BLY to undergo such a traumatic and painful experience :(

    i hope y'all are ready for gu yang in the future because...

    • Like 10
  12. 1 hour ago, hellolive said:


    What I get from this... (is this a pure-composed song from ZZ himself? Why so sad? :( )
    I don't exactly know is this just pure for his album, or also part for contributing in Addicted promotional material.

    But, the lyric is INDEED about BLY-GH I think. (I'm not assuming this out of nowhere!)
    I see this account "柴雞蛋上癮真愛QQ群" is actively promoting every ZZ songs, and before that it had been promoting Addicted, too. Don't even know it's the official site or whatever... when this "Moonlight" single came out, it posted the link to the song on weibo, with this photo >>>

    Even the 3 songs Walk Slowly (of course, from the series), Dust, and Moonlight... all 3 songs used same pictorial "sea" themed as the pic covers for every singles:
    - Walk Slowly: GH-BLY back-hugging and laughing together by the sea

    - Dust: ZZ/BLY shy-smiling by the sea
    - Moonlight: ZZ/BLY smile (to someone, maybe JY/GH) by the sea

    So, this is might be promotional stuff for both ZZ and Addicted (DVD and season 2).

    i was just thinking how all of zhouzhou's songs sound like osts! they can just record the instrumental version of these songs and they dont need to borrow music from brokeback mountain or whatever for s2. i wouldnt be surprised if one of them end as s2's theme song (idk about others i'm fairly, fairly certain of zhouzhou's participation in s2 at this point ngl). that pictorial was basically promotional material for his album so its pretty likely that the songs are all linked to addicted. zz have put a lot of himself into addicted as the lead actor so it's likely he wrote more songs for it. i think he said before that the opening and ending theme took him like maybe a day to finish so

    btw did hai ruo you yin get an official release? i know their is a full ver floating around but i was thinking we might get to see the mv if its "released"

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  13. 6 minutes ago, samscheetah said:
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    Yeah, and somehow he became bottom without noticing when he was sitting on top of GH, just after realizing about it, he got dominated *again* lolll


    yeah i reread that part so many times bc i wasnt sure what happened 


    like did gh just sat bly down onto his richard simmons? that take some smooth skills man...

    drunk bly is a mess, how could he not even feel it

    i feel like most of part 2 is a comedy, even the sexytimes (maybe thats why i like it more than 1 lol)

    • Like 4
  14. 20 minutes ago, samscheetah said:

    2> It seems that she really likes to describe how GH top BLY while some moments * actually, rare! * BLY takes turn, she just gave one or two sentence to mention about that except the revenge moment :v so it's like to make the readers feel that GH really the top most of the time throughout the story :v

    yeah, not to mention all the times that bly was about to top but got tricked by gh in the end! the author's preference is pretty clear lol


    i think bly kinda likes bottoming anyway, even though he can never admit it. i dont know if you have gotten to their drunk roleplay sex in part 2, but it was really cute when bly wouldnt let gh rim him bc it will make him want to bottom lol


    • Like 12
  15. 10 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

    Sorry for spamming with long, (so-called) analytical post. I will put this one in spoiler to make it cleaner :D 

    on Zhouzhou:

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    I understand that some people, in this forum and not, think that Zhouzhou is harder to read. I think that is because he is an educated actor thus people think that he is more capable of controlling his expression, word choices etc than Johnny?

    I agree with this to certain extent. Both Zhouzhou and Johnny are good looking and talented. But, Johnny is like raw diamond while Zhouzhou is polished. Johnny performs well in Addicted and when singing the sad song because he put his passion and emotions to those things. The same can be said on his modelling. When he put his passion and emotion, his photo shot come "alive". We can see that his ELLE shot with Fangbo is better than his lone shots. His shots with Zhouzhou is even better than his ELLE with Fangbo.

    Zhouzhou, on the other hand, is trained in arts since young (?). He started his band and practicing music since high school. He also attends acting classes at University. He knows how to control and exercise his potentials for his benefits (maybe not to his utmost yet). That is why he play BLY so well, despite his natural characteristics are different than BLY. That is why he sings mellow, romantic songs well, despite liking rock/metal (?) better. That is (part of) why he is so gracious to fans, always smiling and chatting amicably; because he is trained to do so.

    But, as I put the "part of" in emphasis, the training is only part of variables which determine Zhouzhou now. I believe that he is naturally a kind and honest man. While Johnny is blunt in his honesty, Zhouzhou is refined in his honesty.

    Check at Johnny's LETV interview and Zhouzhou's iQiYi's interview. I think they essentially speak the same things: they were doing Addicted without thinking it would be this big, they are caught unprepared in this fame, they are (relatively) still trying to find the best things to do. But Johnny says these in a very blunt way, which I have stated, makes me astonished. I have never seen an American/British star saying blunt things like that, LOL. Zhouzhou is also being honest, but he uses refine words, metaphors, etc to lessen the brunt caused by his honesty.

    Zhouzhou is also a very expressive person. When he says/feels something, he uses his body language to emphasis that. Look at how his head and shoulder move around as he speak. Look at how his hands and fingers, legs and feet also move around as he speak. Look at how his eyes, eyebrow and mouth move around. This explains why we can still see Zhouzhou's smile even when he uses mask: because he smiles with all of his body language.

    Training body language is possible and actors surely train them a lot. But again, Zhouzhou is not that trained, therefore I believe that his current body language is more of his natural predisposition instead of the result of his training. If it is Brad Pitt, I will tend to be more on guard and not taking everything he says and does for granted. But for Zhouzhou, his body language expresses a lot. That is why I am able to read Zhouzhou clearly: he is very expressive and he has not been able (or does not try) to hide/manipulate his body language.


    totally agree with your point on their letv and iqiyi interviews, about them saying the same things but in different ways. though rather than how trained or controlled they are, i think more to do with their very different natural personalities. in my opinion, zhouzhou is just one of those people who have a lot of positive energy. its something that i can see in everything he does and not hard to read at all. i think thats why the cjd/jy always speak highly of their first impression of him. he always put a positive spin on his answers. when there's a scandal he can joke about it. when he's stalked by the papz, its phrased as a "loss" but an "adjustment". and in that one bts video where jy was arguing with him about the song, he got a bit miffed, but then got over it right away when jy patted his leg a bit. you could hear cjd laughing at him saying he's "so easily comforted" (i'd say he's almost the opposite of bly in this regard lol). as far as we can see of him, his mood doesnt fluctuate much and even if its facing 50 people or 1 person, he can still keep his composure. people like this are often expressive and confident (but of course very different from the type of overbearing confidence jy has)

    and realistically, all shipping aside, i'd say it takes a real easy going and patient personality to let a costar who 1) you just met 2) is much heavier than you practice jiujitsu on your body

    • Like 15
  16. 1 hour ago, gayyoxx said:

    Hahaha, even with a mask, Zhouzhou still looks cute! I think it's because he is so expressive that when he smile, all of his body language also smile (eyes, eyebrows, head movements...)

    Maybe only iron helmet can hide his cuteness? Ironman style! LOL. It's amazing that he is not that cute when playing BLY -because he puts a stoic and reserved face as BLY.

    zhouzhou is so cute in real life its almost a waste how un-cute bly is lol (well gh loves bly bc of that un-cuteness anyway so maybe not)

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