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Posts posted by yukiyukiku

  1. 14 hours ago, kdramagrandma said:

    However, when watching it through LR's perspective, what LY did was much more torturing and it did lead to LR being in bond with the sidekick. Looking back to LR's timeline chronologically, he was born as half human-fox, growing up being harassed by the villagers for every misfortune that happened in the village while his mom locked up inside the house and do nothing to protect him. Due to constant harassment, his mom leave him in the Forest of Starved basically abandoned him there. Who could blame him if he lost his will to live. Growing up with no protection and love and it is not his choice to be born as half human-fox. LY came to save him and that was when he started to live normally and sheltered but still in the forest with no communication with other people other than LY. Most probably SJ and AE too but there was never any mention about them interacting but it seems like LR did know SJ from before. 

    After the Ah Eum/Imoogi/LY confrontation happened, LY left the mountain and subsequently LR. With no protection by the mountain spirit, the forest was burned by the villagers because they want to kill the remaining foxes which included LR who was living in the forest with LY. All this happened when LR was still a child and he was already abandoned twice at this point. My guess, during his teenager years, he finally had enough trying to wait for LY in the mountain while the forest keep being burned by the villagers, he started to fight back with the hope he can be reunited with LY. Finally LY was dispatched to execute LR for killing the villagers. However, while he was happy to meet LY again, LY stabbed him and left him there. Alone. Again. In the middle of the village, unprotected, and what I assume, severe injury. Being abandoned for the third time now. For all those years he tried to endure everything, someone he deeply love hurt him and abandoned him again. I bet he was in shock and lose his purpose to live.

    When watching back the scene when LR first met the sidekick, he was barely breathing and the first thing the sidekick did was put the orange flower near LR face and he UNINTENTIONALLY breath it in. I don't really think that LR posses that much power because he is still a half human-fox. Even LY said it far too many times that LR is nothing compared to him. LR life was extended because the sidekick keeps giving him the orange flower and he had no choice to comply because he is bonded with the sidekick and he is still living until this day due to that orange flower and not because he got long life expectancy like full fox like LY and SJ. Even during LR/sidekick confrontation, LR did what he did because he thought he was returning the sidekick favor in hope that the bond will be fulfilled but the apparently the sidekick trick him by not explicitly asking for his favor. He also said that Imoogi never has been his master. I also interpret his malicious actions towards LY more of a cry for attention because LY keeps ignoring him and being so dismissive towards him. While I admit what LR did is wrong, I can say what LY did to LR is also wrong at some degree and LY needs to start admitting he is partially responsible for LR's behaviour because LY's actions and decisions shaped how LR perceives the world.

    After all this revelation, that is why I can't stop thinking why LY did what he did. Apparently SJ has been following him since his time as the mountain spirit. Why didn't he take LR too? I get that he is doing jobs for Grandma because he wants to keep waiting for AE reincarnation, but why let LR alone if it was possible to keep SJ with him? We have only been shown that he is reconnecting with LR now because LR starts approaching JA and he gets the feeling that LR is connected with Imoogi. Even when he need to choose between LR and JA, he chose LR because apparently he can't approach JA even if he wanted to. I can say that is calculated move too because basically he had better chance saving LR instead of going to JA. I have to say that SJ did the most work in trying to save JA. When he keeps calling LR as immature little brother who still going through puberty after 600 years, I could not help feeling he is belittling LR's trauma during his teenage years. You can't expect someone will grow well if the foundation is wrong. When he used the word that he regret saving LR before, even though LR did fired up and started to fight back, those word will haunt LR during his weaker moments. He said that he never leave LR alone but why didn't he know who LR has been following all this while. Looking back at LR social circle, he only got the sidekick and YR who while we know that LR saved YR, my guess it only has been recent as he gave YR the identity of the department store owner's daughter who was dead. So the statement where LY never leave LR become soooo far-fetched when he does not know who is the sidekick. He only know where the sidekick live after SJ followed LR. 

    At this point, I feel that LY character is only favorable if it is about AE/JA but if it is about LR, it is a total opposite. When people said how kind and soft-hearted he was, I could not help go back thinking about the moment he abandon LR. I feel that is why I can't fully support LY because how the writer wants to portray him as is contradictory with all his choices all this while. I just wish with the remaining episodes, LY will starts dropping those dismissive attitude he keeps giving LR and starts being more openly compassionate just like what he did with JA. That is because LR deserves that more than JA. And I admit that those azalea flowers was a good start. 


    I apologize i cut post and may miss lots of points as i have scattered brain :sweatingbullets:

    few of my thoughts:


    1. Though LR may not have full supernatural healing power like LY, he did have some of the benefit that enough to 

    make him survive all the abuse he got from his mom & the vilagers

    Mom during the pregnancy..drink poison, roll down the mountain/hill, hit the tummy with stones

    Villagers...physical abuses, beating & so forth

    From the flashback, the beating was serious especially the villagers were angry & meant to kill him
    And it happened quite a lot (if im not mistakenly remember)


    2. I don't think LR's & SJ's case can be considered the same

    LR committed grave sin as he massacred the whole city

    I think SJ did not commit anything bad after he came to LY's mountain
    If LY took LR as he did to SJ after his act of punishment, it would cancel his pretense of punishing LR

    and might put LR in immediate danger as Granny would most probably & instantly got so mad

    thinking LY made a fool of her.

    Not that Granny didnt know LY's pretense, but taking LR again by his side while being an executioner

    for Granny is not possible


    3. And i get the impression that LY wants LR to grow up
    i dont think LY meant to belittle LR's trauma but never thought it affected LR so much 

    until their conversation in the forest of the starved

    Many people go thru some traumatic experience to some degree

    it depends on us to let go, get over it & rise up above our fear ...or dwell on our fear & pain

    LY lacks of parenting skill, but he wants the best for his brother to grow up

    Finally at the forest, they resolved their 600 years long of misunderstanding

    i hope LY too learn more about parenting skill...plus communication skill

    600 years is sure waaay too long


    there was also a reviewr said there was time jump between LY left the mountain to find AE's soul on the Samdo river to the time when LY executed LR

    because time was run on different pace on 2 realms 

    so perhaps that's why LY only found LR when he was already a grown adult 


    4. There is youtuber reviewer said something about LY intentionally missed the vital point

    and that made the contract between LR & the sidekick is not as bad as LR thought

    While the Grandma said the only way to break the contract was to die,

    the Grandpa said to LR, the parties of the contract must be equally on the same level

    This gives a hole as LY didnt hurt LR so bad that would kill him, LR may do the same to LY

    so it wont break the contract

    I actually like this idea, it gives hope for LR's redemption form imoogi




  2. i read few comments that said LY left LR to bleed and might cause him to die

    i kinda disagree... with LR's supposed capability to supernaturally heal, he was supposed to be better

    without that red orange fruit

    i think the main problem is LR lost his will to live


    After LY hurt LR with his sword, LR just laid on the ground & did nothing like he gave up on his life

    Only after that red orange fruit, he was instantly revived and had a sole goal of hurting his brother

    for his supposedly-thought-betrayal


    so i think LY calculated his move and made sure he only necessarily hurt LR without endangering his life




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  3. 36 minutes ago, Danity_VIP said:


    Your insight triggered me to re-watch the last part on 1st episode. In my opinion that was the stance of Jeongwon's POV why he wanted to be a priest and left his job. His reasoning is pretty vague for me.


    Present day

    Jeongwon : That's why I told you I wasn't going to be a doctor. I told you I was going to be a priest too, didn't I? Remember what you guys told me? That I can be a priest whenever I wanted, but that's not the case for a doctor. I worked all these years as a doctor because of you guys.


    A year ago

    Jeongwon : I will quite my job tomorrow!


    2 years ago

    Jeongwon : Cheers! It's the happiest day of my life!


    *nods ..i agree

    Although JWon wanted to become a priest ever since he was a kid, 

    as he grew up & became a pediatrics, it seems to me he became kind of inconsistent

    especially when he lost his patients despite his best effort

    It gives an impression he just wanted to run away to become a priest as his refuge 

    And it makes me wonder if he truly know that being a priest is a high emotional demanding position

    If he can not handle being a doctor, i dont' understand how can he deal with being a priest

    I think his eldest brother know JWon very well, he have been suggesting many things to JWon

    throughtout the years to distract him away from being a priest

    (Some people here already mentioned in the previous posts)

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  4. 21 minutes ago, kiefshi1056 said:

    Likewise :joy: I want daehee to play hard to get :joy:  but i hope writernim make them tio be married at least in episode 70 to 75 not in the last few episodes :sweat:


    yess...i want them to get married before the end of the series

    and yea, i think they will get married before GJ & NH's reconciliation

    (If they are going to be reconciled & remarried in the series)

    Hoping by then, JS' Mom won't be so overbearing anymore

    I mean i can understand her being lonely, but still having overbearing mother in law is just overbearing

    No other way around it


    btw..in the preview, JS looks so happy & thrilled by DH's interruping action

    they are so cutee :wub:

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  5. 31 minutes ago, Sorary said:

    talking about replay 1988 the song when jeong won touch geul wol hand its the same music arrangement when bora mention she missed seong wo...and then we know they are the first one to get married...little hits here...


    well winter in garden and their love will make the flower bloom beautifully of course...maybe season three we see ahn jang mi as the fruit of love winter garden than basically it is flower garden:wub: that happen because of winter..



    I was puzzled when i read "Ahn Jang Mi"

    thinking i might have missed a detail in HP

    It took me a while to guess..perhaps you mean Jang Mi = Rose, as in it will be the flower bloom in the winter garden?

    :wub: baby rose in the winter garden?


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  6. 9 minutes ago, kiefshi1056 said:

    If Jaesuk really want to wins Daehee's love he should understand where she is coming from.  she came from failed relationship also daehee knows that both parents wont agree with their relationship just incase they became 1. She didn't finish her studies. There's a lot of things that would make Daehee think that Jaesuk doesn't desrve her. Why don't he go visit her in there house pay respect if his intentions are Good and CleaN, Be a Gentleman :sweatingbullets:

    Dun worry.. i think a few more eps to make JS suffer a bit will be fun

    In the past (from earlier eps), i think he had ways too easy with women


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  7. 3 hours ago, kokodus said:



    He locked his lips with hers....this is what you guys are talking about, right? :w00t:


    Gif credit to valentina@twitter. 


    Thank you for the gif *excited :w00t:

    Reading the thread, i can't believe there's still discussion about JWon & GW's pairing *palmface

    But i shall be silent..enjoy the kissing gif.. measure their lips opening & closing & breathing on available angles

    (i save them on my computer...hahaha)

    Because it's clearly much more fun being a kiss byeontae 



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  8. 18 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

    Since we are on this topic, let us take a look at the mandarin translation and the whole conversation.


    How could you judge using one phrase instead of the whole conversation?

    Starting from the 1st pic.


    18 minutes ago, ryanallright said:

    SHwa: Jungwon, get married

    SHwa: Find someone nice and get married soon

    SHwa: Otherwise have children soon (I understand for english sub, it said 'or have baby 1st, did not expect SHwa to suggest shotgun)

    SHwa: Since you love kids so much


    After that Jungwon threw the same topic back to her


    JWon: You too get married soon

    JWon: Don't you love kids too?

    SHwa: I don't love kids that much

    SHwa: But my nephews are adorable 

    SHwa: U-ju is adorable

    SHwa: Haven't seen U-ju for a while.


    I did take a look at eng sub as well. It is somewhat similar in context.

    So to interpret this conversation as an indirect confession from either one amused me.

    Basically is two close friends encouraging one another to get married soon.


    thank you for the Chinese translation

    it did help to better understand the conversation than the English version

    Korean to Chinese is better in translation


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    [Herald Interview] Shin Hyun-bin, the Korean actress chameleon

    Shin talks about how she became Dr. Jang of ‘Hospital Playlist’

    Published : Jun 4, 2020 - 17:17       Updated : Jun 4, 2020 - 17:17
    Shin Hyun-bin (Choi Seong Hyeon Studio)
    Shin Hyun-bin (Choi Seong Hyeon Studio)
    While it may be disappointing for some actors that their face comes across as new to viewers each time they appear on the screen, Shin Hyun-bin, who has received such comments from viewers watching tvN drama “Hospital Playlist,” takes it as a compliment.

    Shin, an actress who debuted 10 years ago, made herself known to the public with her role as third-year resident Jang Gyeo-wool in the recently concluded “Hospital Playlist.”

    “Hospital Playlist” is a 12-episode series from star television producer Shin Won-ho, depicting the daily lives of five doctors and the people around them. The drama series was popular for its likeable characters and heartwarming stories, ending with its highest viewership rating of 14.1 percent on May 28.

    Dr. Jang, a uniquely curt and calm character and the hospital’s only general surgery resident, falls head-over-heels for pediatric specialist Ahn Jung-won (played by Yoo Yeon-suk), and -- spoiler alert -- the two affirm each other’s love in the final episode.

    “Hospital Playlist” (tvN)
    “Hospital Playlist” (tvN)
    “If I look different every time and fit in well with my character, I think that’s the best compliment possible, especially since I haven’t shown that side of myself before,” Shin said during a media interview Tuesday in Seoul.

    Shin says she mostly decides what to wear and how to do makeup before going to the set, rather than depending on the stylists.

    The tied-up hair, glasses, minimal makeup and efficient clothes that Dr. Jang sported seem effortless, but Shin says it took a lot of work to achieve that look. Trying on a dozen pairs of glasses and more than 20 white T-shirts was just part of the process.

    “I feel that the first look decides how I’ll be perceived by the viewers throughout. Even if the acting is the same, the character can be portrayed very differently according to their appearance, so I try to think about what kind of details would complete my character,” Shin said.

    According to Shin, the producer had said that Dr. Jang’s cool and aloof character mustn’t make her seem like a bad person, and she believes this was perhaps why she was cast in the role.

    “I had interpreted from the script that, although Gyeo-wool doesn’t laugh much, it’s not because she’s a cold person, but because she has a different sense of humor. She seemed like an unprejudiced person. She would accept people and situations as they are, rather than making judgments about them.”

    Shin Hyun-bin (Choi Seong Hyeon Studio)
    Shin Hyun-bin (Choi Seong Hyeon Studio)

    The 34-year-old actress debuted in 2011 with comedy film “He’s on Duty,” which dealt with the issue of migrant workers. Shin received critical acclaim for her role as a Vietnamese woman and won best new actress in a film at the Baeksang Arts Awards. Since then, Shin has been taking on small but significant roles in film and TV projects of various genres. Most recently, she teamed up with veteran actress Jeon Do-yeon in crime noir “Beasts Clawing at Straws,” released in February.

    An art theory major in university, Shin says she turned to acting after graduation, feeling she wasn’t talented or passionate enough for a career in art. While acting can often be stressful, Shin says she believes she made the right decision 10 years ago.

    “Regardless of how good or passionate I am in acting, I’m still enjoying it and am grateful to have a job that pushes me to do better and keep on moving. I’ve never felt like this about anything else.”

    A lot like Gyeo-wool in “Hospital Playlist,” Shin described herself as a calm and strong person. Rather than thinking about what she wants, Shin says she tries to make the best decision among the given choices.

    “Right now, I don’t have any new film or show. But I’m sure something will come up. I don’t think life goes as planned. I just try to find a character or a story that is different from those I’ve done before.”

    By Choi Ji-won (jwc@heraldcorp.com)
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  10. 1 hour ago, Helena said:


    (Yonhap Interview) Director experiments with new type of TV series in Korea

    By Kim Boram





    "Well, I started this drama after making the conclusion of the story," he said, without elaborating. "We will come back next year, and please enjoy the continuing story."



    Sorry to cut the post


    So.. it's true that the love couples have been already decided by the PD and the writer too

    Or am i reading too much into his lines?

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  11. @Samuel Yohanes


    You must have meant Lee Sang Yeob




    This is Lee Sang Yoon



    29 minutes ago, rocher22 said:

     That was very caring of him...


    HS is indeed caring & attentive guy

    No one in the house knew about JH being bullied at school

    But HS found out about it not long after he moved into the house

    HS & JH's scenes are always heartwarming

    I hope we can find out soon more about HS' background story

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  12. 3 hours ago, monalisa said:

    Why is the Dahee's ex trying to get back together?

    if im not mistaken, he wanted to get back with DH because she was too soft-hearted

    and he thought she was easy..easy to please, easy to control

    after all, that's what he said when they broke up



    1 minute ago, letsgoa_s said:

    She is the brother's younger daughter (she doesn't talk). 

    oohh ..that little girl

    thank u


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