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Posts posted by myvilvil

  1. 1 hour ago, Tey Ling said:

    Need some time to get use to this couple, also need pic of them being affectionate with each other to erase gradually the current Donghae ship. All the best Dahae in your decision. :rolleyes:  

    I am a Donghae fan but after years of waiting for their non/confirmation, I'm so glad that this news appears. Better than waiting, I guess. Lee Dahae deserves to be happy and Se7en although I don't really know him that much looks cute, too. lol!

    • Like 2
  2. Hi! I am a new fan of YKS! I just rediscovered Yoon Kye Sang  (saw him years before in Crazy for you) when I heard that he's included in The Good Wife and then I watched him in Full Sun/Beyond the Clouds and I really loved him there. I began marathoning all his dramas from Last, Who Are You, Road No. 1. I'm so happy that he has a lot of dramas and movies that I have to look forward to. 

  3. On 02/12/2015, 10:48:06, flybabyfly said:

    New pictures! Is it the makeup or he does look a bit more rested compared to the airport pictures? I feel bad for myvilvil changing flight schedule only to find the whole tourney postponed. To look in the bright side, LSY will have more time to get his health back on track and maybe it’s a hint for myvilvil to visit Korea again in 2016 :)

    Honestly, my original purpose of going to Korea was to watch Yoo Yeon Sook musical play but when I watched LSY in Twenty Again,  well I transferred  my love from YYS to LSY hehehe ( I'm an ahjumma probably on a midlife crisis so please forgive me...) I cancelled the musical play tickets for Nov. 27 so that I can move my trip to Dec. 12-16 to be able to watch the basketball game. I probably will still be watching the play but my spirits are dampened by the cancellation of the basketball game. I was even contemplating of going to the fan meeting but the plane fare to Osaka is doubled that of going to Seoul fr. the Phils. and going to an overseas trip within two months would be too much for my finances and probably the sanity of my husband and kids who are up till now are tolerant of my obsession with Korea. I was in Korea last April also but I was not that fanatic with any actors yet.  I wished I never booked the flight earlier then if this happened I would have gone to Japan instead.  Anyway, I wished someday all of us will see each other in one of LSY's events. I really love your support here and wish to meet all of you, too.

    • Like 1
  4. 23 hours ago, sin hoonsim said:

    한스타 연예인 농구대잔치 1월12일 ‘점프볼’ Opening game of Hanstar Celebrity basketball has been postponed to Jan, 12th, 2016 http://www.hanstar.net/345110/ Cr:Hanstar #LeeSangYun

    I really feel bad about this. I can't change my flight booking anymore because I forced my brother to come with me and now he's the one who's excited to go to Korea. And LSY surely won't play on the 12th since it's a day after his Japan fan meeting. I wished I didn't booked the flight until I was sure about the basketball game. I wished he will have basketball practice during my stay there and I can watch. 

    Anyway, he really looks dapper and so handsome during MAMA.

    • Like 4
  5. OK let's look forward to next wed......Sucks why do I need to go to part time job on wed???

    Btw tonight boss didn't make it.....Im Si Won got the award

    From what I saw on live & pics, boss didn't attend the ceremony, maybe he wanna get more time to rest for coming next wed?

    Skip your part time job if you'll have a chance to see him :). Are you in HK?

  6. Hi everyone! There's good news, at least for now. My contact person in Korea actually called up Hanstar but they told her that they have not distributed the tickets yet. She told me to be alert on any news about this so that she herself will purchase the tickets. So happy!

    Congrats! Really a good news for you!

    Oh this year they change to sell tickets rather than give them away?

    Thanks. They said "distribute" not sure if they're free or not. The most important thing for me is to get those tickets no matter what. :)

  7. @myvilvil still no idea about tickets of this year yet, but I heard that tickets of last year's game were given away at first-come-first-serve basis at designated location at designated time (free of charge, yes, if this is what you're thinking about, lol), so just keep an eye on the news

    @HSY184 @flybabyfly Yes this lady is called Lady Jane (a DJ I think? please correct me if I'm wrong) but this show is not called The Body Show. I don't know its English name, sorry. You're kinda correct I think, from the translation I read, that part is to ask guests about their ideal type, and Lady Jane chose our boss as hers. Poor Lady Jane, she was fooled by MC lol

    @sin hoonsim 2 Dec is Wed? oh sucks I have part time job to do that night

    It would be difficult if this is the case unless I'm in Korea during the designated location/time. If all else fails, maybe I will just wait outside the gym for a glimpse of him hahaha...or let's all try to attend his next fan meeting.  Too late for me in joining the Jan. 2016, anyway.

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  8. Hope you'll have a chance to meet him @myvilvil  and please tell him he has filipino fans too.

    I really hope so. I contacted the manager of the guest house we stayed last April and ask for help in purchasing tickets for the basketball game. I already gave her the website of Hanstar. Hopefully, if any Korean fan or who understands Korean language and who is reading this forum could also help, it would be much welcome :).

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  9. I have just finished Liar Game-although I didn't try to use much of my brain cells to understand the games, still I was able to enjoy it. . Watching Twenty again for the 3rd time and starting on The Duo. Twenty Again is still my fave LSY drama followed by MDSY probably because I love LSY's roles here but I admire him for his versatility especially now that I've seen most of his dramas already. I'm also reading this thread from page 1. I admire you @sin hoonsim for your dedication to LSY. Thanks for all the updates. 

    • Like 4
  10. This is the latest from the website from sin hoonsim some pages back


    “Tutop GIRLS” and “Iranian honorary title”???!  The language translators are still crazy but we can somehow get the gist of the article :lol:.  I don’t think there are new information there just jumbled around to create another article.

    Still to be held in Goyang December 15. It seems far but if this is the correct Goyang, it is connected to Seoul by rail therefore easier to travel


    @myvilvil if you can change your flight dates and the play you’re going to watch is still running then I hope you go on December instead! I really don’t know what to think of the organizers if they still don’t give out information on how to watch live by the end of November.

    Thanks a lot! I already canceled the tickets for the play because the person who I was supposed to go with can't go anymore. I was scheduling a Nov. flight because I have some friends (not fans though) who are also leaving at the same time. Anyway, I can still wait for the info before the end of Nov. 

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  11. Hi guys! Any news about LSY basketball game? I already send a message to JWide but unfortunately they didn't answer. If I can't get any answer I'm probably leaving for Korea on Nov. 24 or not leaving at all because of what's  been happening in the world. I'm kind of have a flying phobia because of a bad experience. But if I can get to see his basketball game I might leave on Dec. 12 (phobia or no phobia, hehehe). .   

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  12. Welcome @myvilvil , all of us are MFF (many faithful fans) of Sang Yoon kk:)


    Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm also a  fan of Yoo Yeon Seok and I'm supposed to go to Korea (fr. the Phils.) this Nov. to watch  his musical. Is there a chance that I can watch Lee Sang Yoon's basketball game in Dec. 15 so that I can move my schedule from Nov. to Dec? YYS musical will run until Feb. And why does his fanmeeting always takes place in Japan? Thanks!

    we will share with MFF, once schedules games for JinHon is out:)as for why LSY having FM in Japan? Haha...:sweatingbullets: I believe due to demand at least 500 fans kk , as shared by my Japanese chingu, if you wish to invite LSY to have a FM in your country, perhaps write to J Wide or organiser of similar event in your country^^ You can write in to J Wide Company via Twitter, Instagram or the following office address in Seoul: -

    Talent agency: J,Wide Company C/O Lee Sang Yun 130~22, Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 135-824 서울 강남구 논현동 130-22 번지 제이와이드컴퍼니 이상윤 앞 


    Do you have an email address of J,Wide? Thanks!

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