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Everything posted by YouwinJH

  1. Started a new show on Prime - Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe - and it's only three seasons with eight episodes in total. The episodes feel like vignettes because the pacing is rather slow. I'm enjoying it so far. It blends light and dark themes really well . And it would be nice to see JH in something as offbeat. The female lead is OTT and annoying though Anyway back to the waiting game...
  2. @Biology Lesson yikes I saw some news items on X but those are usually clickbait and not reputable sources in general Why he did it, we will never know. I've always suspected he's going through some type of midlife crisis. Maybe he needs some time off in Canada with the wife and kids...ah but he has a fanmeet soon (if I'm not mistaken he has two in Japan this year)
  3. Beats me. Probably doing a favour for his friend who is hosting and they appeared together in that stunt show. Could also be his sense of humour and there is actually something in the works but probs not on that scale. Or worse case scenario he's so bored that he's just doing variety for the sake of it I should add this makes him rather endearing to me - I like his unfazed attitude and that he doesn't take himself too seriously (happy to be the butt of his own jokes)
  4. @azureblue7 he pulled the wool over all our eyes lol. I thought at least the casting news was true Was this filmed fairly recently? Hopefully there'd be an update soon with good news It's interesting though that he has HW agents? Does that mean he's not totally a free agent? Tells me he's actively marketing himself over there and most likely would have to audition for roles if his agents think they're suitable My only advice is that he should work smart not just hard. And probably not to idealise HW. I admire his doggedness but HW is not the prize that he thinks it is imo. They are just as cliquey as everywhere else
  5. News coming out of IG is that a contract has been signed. It's 6 films at a $100mil each which is why the 800bn won quoted was so big. Sounds amazing if true. He'll be employed for at least 6 years and it looks like his action crew will also be involved. Reserving further judgment until I know what it is - story wise. https://www.instagram.com/stories/jshgrace/3359791216737966910?igsh=MTF0MXYxcHdqdzRjZg==
  6. @Prettysup is this some casting news at last? 800 billion budget seems unrealistic. When you convert it to USD that's over 500 mil. One of the Star Wars films currently holds to record for biggest movie budget but that was over 400 mil. The last two Avenger movies spent over a 1 billion He might be doing a franchise film next as I suspected but the last Rush Hour film only had a budget of 150 mil. I imagine the show will reveal it is both true (HW casting) and a lie (the budget isn't 800 bn won). Otherwise why would he publicise something ridiculous to be proven a lie?
  7. Randomly came across this article about this K-town actor making his HW debut. I know him from passively watching Flower of Evil https://www.instagram.com/p/C58xzzxJkKL/?igsh=MXhocG55MnY2ZjN4bw== Seems like the production is a mixed cast of K-town and Asian American and other actors. Rooting for Daniel Dae Kim who I know from Hawaii 5-0 and as producer of the HW adaption of The Good Doctor Anyway it also got me thinking about Park Seo-joon's stint on The Marvels (which I haven't seen but aware enough that fans felt tricked by the marketing) and even MDS's turn on The Eternals (which I did see but it didn't do much for me) I'm partly curious about what JH's HW debut would be but mostly sceptical. Though at this rate I just want some casting news and don't mind if I end up hating the role and the show / film. I just want him to be in something because I'm literally seeing casting news every day thanks to the IG algorithm Butterfly is a good comparator because it is in the action genre. It also imo shows the limits of the HW dream for foreign actors, namely I see Asian American actors as a distinctive group from Ktown or Ctown actors doing HW roles I also think that there is a distinction between doing a HW film such as The Eternals and The Marvels and being in HW made foreign films. I recently watched Perfect Days, which is a Japanese movie made by a German filmmaker. I would always prefer this scenario versus the other. Better roles, characterisation, performance - pretty much better on multiple dimensions. I also know JH is learning English so he's interested in doing roles in HW films. It's his perogative and fingers crossed there are opportunities but I reserve the right to be sceptical That said someone like Michelle Yeoh gives me hope it can be done. Come to think of it Everything Everywhere All At Once was made by one the Russo brothers and centred on the Asian American experience - again the difference is what or who it's centring on. And the point still stands that it is better im9 to be in a Netflix / Disney / Prime made or HW made Korean production versus getting a bit role in a HW movie. That said, he can do what he likes and, at this rate, I just want some casting news and I'm less (up to a point!) picky I also see what Daniel Dae Kim is doing as a producer and somehow hope this is the direction of travel JH is heading in. It makes sense to me. Even if it's not, at least other actors are doing things differently, which is something he can learn from. Hopefully he gets chances to network with likeminded people
  8. Entering into the penultimate week of April. Maybe we'll get some casting news soon Also, there was a VIP screening of the latest Roundup movie. Yep as I suspected (though it's still only an assumption) JH and MDS are friendly but not friends O.T. Saw Monkey Man last night, which was sentimental but enjoyable overall. Another John Wick inspired film - he even trained a stray dog to do his bidding Fairly decent world building and character development. He bled, got whooped a lot and lost his nerve on occasion. Makes sense because he wasn't a seasoned / trained killer but a young man with a cause. Not sure what Dev Patel's credentials are in martial arts etc but he was convincing in the fight scenes. I would say he and JH are in the same weight class albeit he looks taller. Goes to show that with today's technology and good directing and choreography, you can't gatekeep the action genre. Though the quality can be varied. All in all, I enjoyed it
  9. I think it's a reach to say he's not interested in mainstream roles. I don't even think those exist anymore, at least it's not stuff that I watch. There is a lot of genre bending happening these days that conventional dramas are not the norm, unless it's your typical romantic comedies or weekend dramas with 40+ episodes that have a target demographic He's not unique in doing gray characters. Devil Judge, Fiery Priest, Through the Darkness, Beyond Evil are some examples of kdramas with gray / unconventional lead characters played by actors over 40 It's a lot of assumptions to suppose he's purposefully targeting those roles versus what he's being offered. In the case of MC, he wanted a do-over because of EoL. He's older now, I don't think romantic lead roles are going to land as often. It's the same for other actors in this age range from what I've seen. Funnily enough the reverse is true for older actresses because there are fans of noona romance Wanting something more (which hasn't been explicitly said but pretty obvious for anyone who's into acting and serious about their craft) can simply mean he wants to challenge himself by playing a range of characters including romantic leads. I wonder whether positioning himself as an action actor is a contradiction? Though from what I've seen and based on the roles you reference, there is action in them but that's not the main genre. Maybe that's the type of action acting he wants to do
  10. @Biology Lesson I need a leaf off your book. I stay too long with my employers. And yes I do get restless after three years but stay put because of routine and stability even though I'm bored stiff. Oh and the pesky thing called living expenses Maybe I've missed it but did he actually say he didn't want any mainstream roles? I was under the impression the opportunities are few and far between for most actors in general - and it's not specific to the Korean industry. Therefore, he's focusing on creating opportunities for himself Devil's in the detail and frankly it's all pretty vague to me. Apart from the fact that he doesn't have an agency and he wants to choreograph action not only for his own work. Nothing in this suggests to me he doesn't want mainstream roles. Has he said this? I'm not close enough to the situation nor do I have any power to influence it. All I have are opinions. I'm also not gunning for mainstream roles. It's not a binary choice between mainstream and action. There are other genres and action can be mainstream. My sceptism is because I want good content and those are few these days - I'm probably too picky as well. And from past experience, just because JH is in doesn't mean I'm going to like You're right, it is a waiting game. But stuff is also happening all the time in terms of casting news / other shows, which is what I'm responding to. Until something concrete materialises, I can't help speculating or being impatient. That doesn't mean I don't find it admirable he's trying to make stuff happen for himself and taking on a challenge. I also wish him the best. Maybe because I'm competitive and I have a bone to pick (because of all the Chuno impersonations which I know some of you think is a sign of admiration. I beg to differ!). I want him to win because I feel he has been slighted and overlooked. I want him to win because he has so much more left in him and I want him to do what he loves for as long as he can. Since he's trying something new, it wouldn't hurt to consider new / alternative ideas. That's what I'm offering, ofc which he'll never know What has struck me is when he says he's doing things by himself. He needs people to bounce ideas off and who can challenge him. All these DEI initiatives can't be wrong in thinking we need diverse teams for creative problem solving. As far as I can see, the action crew he has are yes men. I could be wrong. Building a partnership with a writer and director could also be good route
  11. @Biology Lesson I'm not paying much heed to his recent post because frankly I don't know what he means. He has said however that he wants to act until his 60s so I'm writing based on this and about longevity in general. Neither am I trying to decry what he's achieved. The fact that he's trying something different suggests to me that he's also thinking about how to develop his career in a sustainable way. This is what I'm responding. I don't think he has just one more challenge left in him. He's going to be 48 this year. That is far from old. You're right, the acting profession is ageist. In other profession, age and experience are revered. Women in the business have it worse. Then again it's a very subjective space he's playing in - people have tastes and preferences and it's not possible to appeal to everyone. What I've seen succeed in both Hollywood and Bollywood is actor / director / writer partnerships. Scorsese is one example. The others I can think of include Bhansali, Yash Raj films and Karan Johar He's said that there is something new he can bring in every decade as he changes and grow. Again something I agree. But it can only be proven with getting diverse roles. I'm not interested in volume per se, just quality I don't have a crystal ball that looks into the future. He's clearly contemplated a lot and knows what he's attempting is risky and not fail proof. Equally, my opinion is that he is potentially boxing himself into the action genre. You think it's thriving, which I don't necessarily disagree with but I also think it is crowded and 90% of it is drivel anyway. And I actually like action I have also acknowledged there is little room to manoeuvre. The thing I'm not going to do is pretend that I agree with all his choices when I think there are more sensible options. Does that mean I support him less? It's your perogative to think that! It's in my nature to ask questions, to grumble and if I can offer solutions I will. I don't have any power to influence him but what I'm not going to do is switch off my critical thinking skills just because I'm a fan of someone
  12. Sadly this proves my point around networks and friendships. It is also why I think the action market in SK is saturated. Not saying these actors lack skills but in a world where stunt people and CGI exist, skills are less important. It's all about who you know and your brand. JCW and MDS have popularity in this genre...my fear is that JH is not top of mind in this genre in Korea. I can't say what his prospects are in HW (I understand what he's trying to do but I'm still not sold on the idea). However, if I come at it from the standpoint of an international investor, I'd more likely bet on actors who can draw in crowds in their local market. Those 'stars' are more likely to get the first pick at big ticket films / TV as leads. Then what's left? For an actor of his calibre, if JH can't go down the commercial route, why not try the art / independent route or even theatre? He's free to do whatever he wants - my chief concern is the quality of action films and how that might devalue his brand. I'm being snobbish because I think he's too good for b grade stuff. And for now, at least until we get some announcement on a project, that's the worst case scenario that my mind has latched on to. Not that a villian role in RH 4 is a best case scenario either. I also recognise that he has little wriggle room in this and is doing the best he can. If I as a fan is frustrated, I can't imagine how he feels seeing all these casting news that never landed on his desk. I'm pretty sure he keeps abreast of these things Just to illustrate how much work he has to do swimming against the current of his industry. I somehow ended up on the page of the director of Crash Course in Romance and Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. I've watched neither so don't ask me how I got there. Someone did a nice table showing the director's tendency to reuse the same actors: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoo_Je-won SK is not exceptional in being cliquey. I wouldn't mind JH and the Swordsman director working together often. I like how compact / visual his storytelling is. I may have disliked the story of the Killer but I think the director is competent and you can definitely tell he has a background in art. I like his aesthetics. His last project was King the Land - an underwhelming and pointless drama but it was still beautifully shot. I'd like to see him do something grander in scale maybe with the budget of someone like Sanjay Leela Bhansali Kim HW would be great but she's riding a wave at the moment. Very in demand and most likely will be working with younger actors. That said her latest is Queen of Tears and most of the cast is recurring from the writer's and directors' past projects OT: I came across this which reminded me of JH and how he treats action as a discipline. I think that's why the Swordsman director said he would have been an army general - it's all about the commitment. And KJK on that episode with Donnie Yen that JH is a true martial artist. I hope all his efforts can convert into a big break https://www.instagram.com/p/C5l_iLNt9bi/?igsh=ejhtenU4aG5vaDFm OT: I watched Exhuma this past weekend. Not sure why it was successful but, since I'm not a Korean nationalist, I'm probably not the target demographic. I also watched Monster and though I liked the circular narrative structure it wasn't good at explaining the child's actions. Again the point flew past me I suppose. The most enjoyable of the lot was Robot Dreams. Even though it was a silent movie (animation) about a dog who buys a robot, it was immersive and a good film
  13. I don't want to know anything new unless it's about an acting project. Seriously, maybe because I'm being bombarded with casting news everywhere, it's a little sad not seeing his name across any lineup. SBS, TvN, etc. have released their lineup though not sure if it covers the whole of the year or just the first half Factoring shoots, post production etc, it might be another year until he graces our screens again. I could be wrong As the only actor I stan atm, I have a laser focus on him so it is dreadful when things are so quiet. And I'm not interested in variety shows unless it's something like Urban Cops where he gets to learn a new skill. Thankfully I have two shows from Lee Minki to look forward to and hopefully Gyeongseong Creature 2 at the end of the year. They're welcomed distractions
  14. Yep it is. He's a genuine friend I suspect. I remember him hugging JH when he won an award for MF I think? Or it might have been earlier... Anyway, goose dad loading in 3 2 1...(I mean it in jest though can't say my eyeballs will be interested in this!) Here's hoping the new drama or film project is announced soon I wonder who commissioned the survey and why? If JH was involved in getting it done, I'd say that's good market insight to have. Is the 28% the overall interest in him across both men and women in their 30s? Don't have other data to compare to so can't say if it's low or high relative to other actors. Doesn't seem high to me If there is anything to do to boost his appeal to women in their 30s, I think it's a good demographic to target. It would certainly help him win projects in genres other than action
  15. @dramafan33 can't say I've looked into him much. Perhaps some passing comments here and there. Surprising he still has the platform to work and that's a problem with HW as a whole. Even though the bullying and trolling in SK is crazy at least people have the shame (no choice really!) to withdraw from public life if they've done something wrong Not sure JH has the resources to do a proper due diligence on people in HW. Nor do I think he's going to be particularly choosy to start - though I hope he is! That said, it's all merely speculation on my part and might not amount to anything
  16. That's a good point. But villain roles in action movies are rarely ever fleshed out. You're just a bad guy and there to create trouble for the leads. Didn't JH also say in one of the old Gym KJK videos around the time he was promoting The Killer that he needed to gain weight? And on the press con for the Mongolia show KJK kept feeling him up And I don't think they cast according to weight class. Otherwise someone like Jackie has no business fighting MDS. Their fighting styles are also different Again it's purely guesswork re RH 4. I'm hoping it's more than a coincidence he met with Brett and is following on IG another person affiliated with it. The only other HW connection is with Mark Shaw, whom he met with recently
  17. It's another friendship I don't necessarily hold in high regards tbh. Hence my point earlier about JH having weak networks. How many Roundup movies have there been? And JH hasn't been near any of them even with his background in action. People can be friendly without being friends. That's the category I'd place MDS and JWS JH really does have a lot of work to do building that brand. I hope he catches a break soon
  18. I don't think it should be taken in the literal sense. My best guess is probably mid to late April he starts something. Though should be announced soon if it all goes to plan - I expect some sort of official announcement from the production side even if JH is flying solo at the moment. I say this purely out of guesswork He also mentioned a HW project. My guess is Rush Hour 4, which is in development. He's already met Brett and he's also following another guy associated with the franchise. It's between him and Ma Dong-seok I suspect. Stiff competition but I hope he gets it
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