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Posts posted by Seriya

  1. What wonderful news!!  Congrats to Binjin & to all Binjin supporters!  


    My heart was already fluttering with SYJ's words that her current love (HB) was her first love.... and now we have this wonderful announcement accompanied by touching, heartfelt words from the two of them.  Same as when SYJ confirmed the relationship personally on her IG.  For 2 such private people, we as fans are really blessed that they are willing to share their happiness with us through such personal words.  It's been a privilege to see their relationship blossom from TN colleagues and shy admiration then to good friends who grocery shop together to onscreen and offscreen lovers in chemistry packed CLOY to relationship confirmation to marriage confirmation!!  


    I wouldn't have been surprised if we'd just gotten a marriage confirmation after the fact, without photos or anything.  But wow, with them announcing like this, and HB even referencing JY & Seri's love story with his pic and words *swoon*, who knows, we may luck out and get a wedding portrait! :P


    I wonder if their marriage plans were delayed by covid.  Hopefully they can still have the wedding of their dreams in March, but for such 2 down to earth people, no doubt the important thing is having the partner of their dreams by their side and everything else is extra.  Hopefully they can travel within this year to have a honeymoon abroad!  And I hope people will respect their privacy given the immense interest.  They have been good to already share so much. 


    Binjin came into our lives like  a gift.  May they be happy forever.  And may everyone find happiness like theirs.


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  2. On 6/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, QueenieBee said:

    Same. I love her CFs (Valentino in particular has been an amazing campaign) but SYJs true charms shine through when she is being interviewed or on variety shows. She has such great humour and wit. I'm still sad we were deprived of quality post-drama interviews after CLOY.

    Yes!  Why was that?  CLOY was such a massive hit that I thought there would be a lot more interviews/media coverage with them afterwards.  They don't need to seek out coverage given their status as well established actors, but I still expected some coverage.  I get that normally there is more press when you have something to promote, but still, I would have thought the media/their agencies would have capitalised on the massive success of CLOY to some extent.  I came to CLOY late so I could be faulty in my recollection, but it felt like they laid low after CLOY finished airing in SK?  I'm sure they really needed a good rest at that point after the exhaustive filming as it seemed both fell ill towards the end, but yeah, I wish we heard some in depth interviews with them later on, separately if not together, on their expectations and experiences filming CLOY, and reaction to the global reception. 


    I love SYJ's authenticity and down to earth quality, but I feel she may even censor her wit and humour a bit publicly given Korean media, so she's probably even more savagely funny in private.  And of course, in the glimpses we've seen, Binjin can have a good laugh together over just about anything lol. 


    On 6/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, QueenieBee said:


    Yes I imagine it was scripted but with his input. The words seem to capture his life philosophies pretty well. One thing I really appreciate about HB is that although he is a man of few words, when he does speak every word is purposeful and well thought out. He doesn't ramble on or try to fill in space. 

    Very true. He makes his words (and I feel, promises) count.  They both do.  They have different verbal styles but they both give real thought to their words.  And I remember SYJ observing that HB was a very good listener, to others as well as with her, and she likely appreciates that quality very much.  HB in love may also be more talkative than before haha.  Though you really just have to look into his eyes....he doesn't even have to say anything! 


    On 6/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, QueenieBee said:

    Honestly I was so surprised she finally posted Kitty (heh, I can't with the name :lol:).

    It's diabolical lol.  I really want to know if it's partly a joke, or she just really loves "Kitty".  Does anyone know what her previous puppy's name was? Might be some clues there heh.  Fans are like dogs going after a scent (or should it be a bone, lol). I have no idea how they came up with Mina in the first place (puppy's name at the pet store?), but it's a bit wild how invisible Mina was manifested and eventually transformed into Kitty on SYJ's IG lol.


    On 6/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, QueenieBee said:


    I think we fans got so used to her privacy in the past year that we were expecting that to continue post-confirmation. But actually it seems she has relaxed herself and is sharing more like she used to when she first started her IG page. There are many pics of her previous pets and vacations and times with friends. I had been thinking she would not post anything with HB in the future, but now I'm thinking she will surprise us one day. But it won't happen because fans demand it. She will share if and when she wants to. 

    She's been acting and in the public eye for so long, but perhaps her big surge in popularity on social media and in her international fanbase took even her a bit by surprise, I don't know.  Plus she knew the interest in Binjin was intense and she was still trying to keep that under wraps.  But she still did hilarious and wild stuff like her random or not so random liking sprees!  Um, the classic post Baeksang "tell me it's right to date" and her playing along with fans using pouty and sad HB faces to her likes lol.  Plus her very personal and heartfelt IG relationship confirmation post despite being a very private person.  A person who does all that and names her puppy Kitty has got to be a lot of fun to hang around with, I feel. :D  Yep, I agree she may share one day (or she may not, I'm cool either way as I can absolutely understand if she chooses not to), but it will absolutely be on her terms, in her own unpredictable way. 


    On 6/6/2021 at 9:24 PM, QueenieBee said:

    I'm really eager to hear if she accepts 39. There was so much casting news last week about this project it seems they are finalizing the cast at this stage. This seems like a project SYJ would enjoy (female centric) so I hope it works out. 

    Same. I want to see SYJ's next pottery project!  She and HB both seem to like projects that are appropriate to their age, so maybe this kind of slice of life drama speaking to this time in a woman's life holds special appeal for her.  Provided the script is well written of course. 


    HB amazes me with his physical transformations and how he looks different but equally hot hehe.  They have both got finer with age imo.  Lucky them and lucky us to see it on screen. 


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  3. Lovely to see some good content from both SYJ and HB this week.  The W Korea content was such fun and it was nice (and smart heh) of them to add English subtitles!  As beautiful as they look in CFs, it's always more interesting to me when we get to hear them speak and see glimmers of their personality.  SYJ is often asked to portray a very elegant and feminine image in CFs, but I feel the cheeky/funny/sincere/down to earth SYJ we see glimpses of in the W Korea video interview is more like the real her.  Her reaction to the Kakao interruption was so funny.  I would like to see more savage humour from her haha.  I would love to hear her talk more about acting too.  Her potter analogy was spot on.  Imagine an uncensored roundtable talk with her and her actress girlfriends.  That would be so fun to watch.  Again SYJ seems like she enjoys games (even if it's guessing what's in a handbag lol) so it would be fun to see her competitive self on game shows again.  I guess a golf show may be the closest thing for now haha.  I liked seeing her pilates and TRX workout so I am looking forward to seeing her do more sports in a program.  Still hoping for an athleisure wear endorsement for her, honestly sure she looks great in yoga clothes.  The book she mentioned sounds interesting (and there are also ones on similar themes in English).  She probably was just reading it purely out of interest, but who knows, maybe she was interested to read a book by a doctor if she may be playing a doctor in a possible future role. 


    Why do I think HB probably tasted that yummy hamburger? :P  He needs a lot of protein for all his workouts hehe! And no one's going to just make one patty!  The UA video was great.  I mean, it's HB working out. :DWhat's not to love?  I liked his words in the video too.  Even if they were scripted, sure HB had his input and it reflects his thoughts and personality.  HB really transformed his look and physique from TN to CLOY and to CA2.  Binjin are both super hardworking people who put in their all to be in top condition physically and mentally, consistently over time, which isn't easy.  It's great they have a supportive partner in each other with shared values, shared workout ethic, shared interests to relax like golf and food and nature and travel.


    Still chuckling over the fact that SYJ named her dog Kitty.  Assuming Kitty also means cat in Korea.  SYJ probably got a good laugh out of it lol.  I do know humans named Kitty so I guess there's no reason why dogs can't have that name as well lol.  Maybe she likes Hello Kitty?  Who knows.  It's nice when she chooses to share pics of Kitty and her gf trip with us, but I don't expect it because she may understandably really value keeping personal parts of her life private.  I hope fans can understand that and not demand her friends or anyone who has interaction with them on the internet to share stuff about them.  If it happens one day, it'll happen.  Pressuring people won't make it happen, more the opposite.  And hopefully people can respect that not everything is about Binjin and that's healthy and natural.  Girlfriend trips are great!  And I hope every article going forward doesn't have to put their names together or mention their dating relationship even when it's about their work, it's annoying. 


    Sorry SYJ even you can't make me like leopard print :P or minibags (I'm with her mum lol) or that hairstyle in the video.  




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  4. That's a nice look for SYJ in the YL CF.  Elegant and sophisticated.  The lighting was good.  And I wouldn't mind that house lol.  An interior design CF is a good match for SYJ and it seems to be something she's very interested in herself too.  But I'm still waiting for some brand to think beyond the usual realms of SYJ's image, capitalise on her athletic side, sense of humour, actual personality and not just looking pretty with a product (though she does that very well).


    It would be nice to see SYJ and friends chill together, should they choose to share.  But I think fans should get the hint if they choose not to share.  Actors already share so much with the world, and if even a comment generates a headline and an article in the media, it's no wonder they are very careful about protecting their privacy. 


  5. Random question, but I saw some posts about the Kakao Talk session Binjin did while promoting CLOY.  The one where they are holding phones to read the messages in a live chat room.  They text on the phones a bit and there's a host asking them questions.  Think it was quite a long session around an hour.  I didn't watch the whole thing.  But my question is, how did fans know what nicknames Binjin used in the live chat to identify that they texted to each other and what they texted?  So I can know whether those assumed text convos were legit lol. 


    Hope everyone is well and staying healthy. 

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  6. On 4/18/2021 at 11:16 PM, slowpoked said:

    It’s so nice to hear a potential new drama for SYJ! While I liked she had a great rest and recovery after the brutal schedule and filming of CLOY, I’m ready to see her act again, and move, not just in print or


    Ditto.  Hopefully she'll be feeling refreshed and reenergised after her extended break.  But whatever break she takes between projects, I'm confident she'll keep acting for a long time given her passion for it. 


    On 4/18/2021 at 11:16 PM, slowpoked said:

    I hope this will be streamed on international platforms. 

    Yes.  Forgot this key point hehe.  So we can contribute to its viewership. :P  I think the impact and reach of CLOY exceeded SYJ and her team's expectations and being on Netflix was key to that, so hopefully there will be access on international platforms for her next projects.  It seems Netflix and other platforms are also investing in content produced locally in SK.


    On 4/18/2021 at 11:16 PM, slowpoked said:


    After the massive success of CLOY, I’m sure the expectations on her are sky-high, so I hope that if she accepts this project, that it will be end up to be a good one. I like the fact that her co-lead will be another female actress, as SYJ has been outspoken in wanting to be in more female-centric projects in the future. 

    Expectations will be sky high and it'll be hard to please everyone, especially as I think SYJ tries to show us something different in each project.  I think her key consideration for any project will always start with a good script, a good story, a good character, so fingers crossed.  It would be nice to see her in a female-centric story.  Still hoping for a SYJ version of female roadtrip buddy movie some day, and a hard hitting drama on #me too. 


  7. Excited to see some potential casting news for SYJ at last!


    Nothing but Thirty is on my list of dramas to watch as I've heard lots of good comments about it, and if SYJ takes on a Korean adaptation, I'll definitely be interested to see what they do with it.  Female centric/slice of life/themes of womanhood approaching a certain age milestone are all subjects that interest me. 


    Nothing but Thirty was a big hit in Asia so I am guessing its potential adaptation is also a hot script in SK.  Haven't watched any of the writer/director's previous works but hopefully they will do this project justice.  I do like age appropriate casting and SYJ and the other actress would be a good fit for an adaptation looking at the age 40 milestone. 


    I also like the fact that a potential series would be 12 episodes.  I find that Kdrama episodes can sometimes drag in terms of episode duration and the number of episodes, and some series would definitely benefit from shorter, sharper editing and storytelling.  SYJ has spoken of the stamina required to film a TV drama so perhaps the shorter number of episodes also appeals to her.


    I thought SYJ's next project might be a film, but her criteria is probably whatever script appeals most to her.


    I still hope Cross happens eventually as it seems like an interesting project, but if there are more delays, glad to see SYJ back at work before that.


    When an article includes a comment from the agency that they are "positively reviewing", does it mean that an acceptance is likely?  Things can be lost in translation and weirdly translated into English.


    Has SYJ ever played a doctor before?









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  8. Watched some of Uhm Ji Won's yt videos from her channel.  The one with her and Gong Hyo Jin and friend doing an impromptu shopping trip at the market was fun and funny.  Then I saw that their mutual friend Oh Yoon Ah also has her own yt channel.  They all seem like really down to earth ladies with a good sense of humour so I can see why SYJ is good friends with them.  And they all seem to love plates and flowers lol.  It would be fun to see SYJ featured in her friends' videos some time, but no pressure, I understand it's not for everybody.  Not every actor wants to share their private life on the internet when they already have to share so much else with the public.  

  9. On 4/2/2021 at 4:25 AM, slowpoked said:

    Where did you stop? Because SITR, to me, is like two separate dramas. The first half was glorious and excellent, while the second half is an abomination altogether. So if you finished the first half, you probably already got the best part of the series anyway. You may want to just finish it for curiosity's purposes to see how it ends. But unlike CLOY, it doesn't get better as it reached the finish line - it actually got worse.

    I stopped about halfway.  Not because I disliked it or anything, I just went through a busy period and haven't picked it up again yet.  CLOY and SITR are two very different kind of dramas of course, and I actually do like more realistic life dramas as well, but I didn't feel as compelled to go straight to the next episode with SITR as I did with CLOY.  Even though I relate on some levels to Jinah in SITR, Seri is more my speed.  That said, I haven't watched Jinah's journey to the end and presumably she'll have her journey of growth.  I will finish SITR for sure as I do like SYJ in this role and I like seeing her in a substantial role, and the drama holds my interest for the most part, though I am finding that kdrama can drag a bit sometimes due to the longer episodes.  I did find CLOY pacing to be good, but that may be an exception. 


    I will say I found the first half of CLOY to be somewhat stronger than the second, that is I thought the part set in NK was stronger.  Maybe cause there was more a balance of the comedy and the melo, and then as it progressed it turned into mostly melo.


    I do really want to see SYJ in a good comedy after seeing her comedic chops as Seri.  And I think a good comedy or a lighter project would be a good work to deliver in these challenging times for the world.  Not that I don't want to see her in a movie about a Very Serious Subject loved by critics either lol.  To be in something as acclaimed as Minari.  A smart, fearless, uninhibited female comedy with her buddy Gong Hyo Jin could be fun. 


    On 4/2/2021 at 4:25 AM, slowpoked said:

    And yes, I agree with you the soundtrack got too repetitive. And I'm not really sure how SBYM really fits the theme of the drama. I'm not one to hinge if a drama is good due to the music, but SITR is one example where better choices on the soundtrack would have helped elevate it (of course, the main aspect would have been the writing as well). But juxtapose the soundtrack with CLOY, and it's just no contest. And I didn't even understand a single song in CLOY, but it was much more impactful than the English songs I know and understand in SITR.

    Did they not have enough $$ to pay for more songs on SITR lol?  Or the director just really wanted to hammer it in?  I really enjoyed the soundtrack on CLOY too.  It's endlessly replayable like CLOY.


    Cool that CLOY is going to be made into a musical.  But no, I don't think SYJ should be in it hehe. 


    Nice to see SYJ out and about enjoying the outdoors.  Hopefully between the cap and mask, she can enjoy some privacy and freedom. 

  10. 3 hours ago, KimDdalgi said:

    I was curious about the shoes she is wearing is it an Under Armour HOVR? If so, what a nice Couple shoes of brand if ever.:heart2beat:


    No, she is not wearing UA shoes.  I did not expect it but I can finally say SYJ and I share something from our closets lol.  She has good taste. :P She is wearing shoes from On (a Swiss brand, also endorsed by Roger Federer).  They look good but I always prioritize functionality and comfort over style and they are very comfortable and lightweight.  Recommended for runners.  Also very comfortable to wear if you have to be on your feet all day long.  Even my non runner friends who don't usually wear sneakers were won over because they look stylish lol.  Unfortunately not cheap but running shoes are getting quite expensive these days.  If you are lucky, you can catch them on sale.  Does SYJ like a good discount like me?  Hahaha.


    Whomever took the photo, my pet peeve is when people cut off the feet!  But I guess the photographer can be excused this once. :P I was reminded of SYJ teasing/half teasing HB about her taking better photos of him than him of her in that CLOY interview.  Whomever SYJ was out with and it doesn't have to be HB, good to see her out enjoying the outdoors at sunset in springtime and sharing it with fans. 


    As a fellow yogi, very much agree with what SYJ said about yoga and recommend it to everyone. 


    'It's a calm yet intense exercise that makes you feel your muscles stretch and strengthen."


    Some people think yoga's just for women (it's not) or that it's only about flexibility, which is not true.  It's about strength as much as flexibility.  It's not just about making poses either, it's about focus and concentration and being mindful of your body and breath.  It definitely can be intense, physically and mentally, even a good cardio workout if it's flowing.  There's plenty of good yt yoga videos or apps and all you need is a mat or even just some floor space for anyone who wants to try it out. 


    Great to know she's enjoying her practice.  With her pilates + TRX background, I'm sure she is fantastic at yoga.  You can see her superb core strength and flexibility from seeing her in action in that program she did where she invited people to her pilates studio.  The beautiful and strong and fit SYJ we see with her beautiful lines is earned from years of hard work.  There is no short cut.  And SYJ understands that.


    It's a big missed opportunity imo that a yoga or athleisure brand like Lululemon or Adidas or UA :P  etc. haven't sought out SYJ for a CF.  Has she done any CFs for sports brands in the past?  She's a licensed pilates and TRX instructor who has practiced for many many years so I would say she is well qualified to endorse active apparel and products.  And she would get all the poses right in any ad for sure.  It would be so cool if SYJ would post a pic of her doing yoga on her IG!


    In reading that old article from SYJ's pilates instructor, I was very impressed by SYJ's work ethic as well as her warmth and kindness for others.  I love that SYJ works hard at her exercise and loves to eat.  HB seems the same way too.  It's always nice to see a healthy appetite and zest for life, for work, for the small pleasures in life. 


    I liked how SYJ expressed her feminist values and her healthy attitude towards self value, goal setting and finding happiness in the Glass interview.  Wise words. 




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  11. On 3/24/2021 at 5:47 AM, slowpoked said:

    She looks so different in the Valentino photoshoot! If I'm not too familiar with her and only casually watch her, I wouldn't know it's SYJ.

    I love that a brand finally had SYJ portray a bolder, fiercer image.  SYJ's image in advertising usually tends towards the soft and feminine (is that the case for most female celebs? I have no idea as I don't follow others), and that's fine and safe, which is perhaps what most brands want, but it's so much more interesting to see her presented as something bolder and different.


    I remember SYJ once said she didn't think she could portray a femme fatale well (is it cause of Open City? have not watched that yet), but I would love to see her give it another try sometime with a good script and a good director, especially as I love noir.  


    On 3/30/2021 at 8:24 AM, slowpoked said:


    I think as you grow older and in the business for too long, eventually you just learn to brush off negative comments. Yes, it hurts in the beginning, but it's part of the business, and you eventually learn that some people are just inherently mean - you just can't please everybody. SYJ is at that point in her career and personal life that she can ignore those negative comments and still be generally well liked by most everyone in the industry. She's stable and steady. Of course there will be a difference in how an SYJ would handle such situation vs. say, a new idol just getting her first TV drama. The latter will still be sensitive. I think even SYJ would say that she was once at that point in her life as well.

    Absolutely.  I think a lot of us can identify with similar feelings as we grow up and hopefully mature and blossom.  As SYJ herself said, she picks 30s SYJ over 20s SYJ because she realised she was able to be less sensitive/more confident in her 30s compared to when she was younger and working hard to establish herself as an actor in a tough industry.  I'm glad she was able to feel freer in her 30s.  You can't live your life on other people's terms or focused on what others think of you.  I love what she said in the Glass interview about valuing yourself, finding something you love and working hard towards it.  Wise words. 


    From what I read from her, SYJ also strikes me as a person with good EQ.  I was impressed by her professionalism and maturity even around the age of 20 in one of her oldest interviews I've watched of hers that filmed her on a work day.  And I really enjoyed a recent translation by a fan on twitter of an article from some years ago, written by SYJ's longtime pilates instructor who felt compelled to set the record straight about SYJ and her warm heart, after reading some hurtful untrue stuff written about her which SYJ just laughed off but bothered the instructor.  Could definitely relate to what the instructor wrote.  Some good insights into SYJ's character.  So true what she said about the difference between those who truly show commitment and focus and those who don't, and how SYJ showed it every day for years.  Lots of respect for her work ethic.  The stories she shared about SYJ's kindness and thoughtfulness for her teachers were sweet, and that she never asked for any special treatment or discount.  SYJ's pilates gym is featured in her Master of the House episode for those interested.  I think she's a loyal person who really values good relationships built up over time considering how long she's stayed with her agency, gym, hair and makeup people etc. 



    On 3/30/2021 at 8:24 AM, slowpoked said:

    Is it just me or the background music is one of the songs from SITR?

    Haha I still haven't finished SITR. Think I have to go back and watch it from the beginning again. That soundtrack was beginning to get on my nerves, the same song played way too much! 

  12. As I said in the other thread, I wish they or SYJ, whoever made the picks, had also included a photo of her with her signature eye smile in the black and white photo series.  I think that is a very charismatic look of hers.  Think it would have been a great addition and contrast to the more soulful look she's going for here.  The smiling look in the video is still a bit restrained for me and doesn't show the full power and charm of her eye smiles imo.  The film clips chosen are fine.  The Incredibly Vigorous at the end was a bit strange lol.  


    I wonder if they are rushing to release it in time for award season in Hollywood and capitalise on the interest in Minari etc.  In that case, an earlier start to properly prepare would have been advised.  Hope they proof read everything carefully!  Since most things are going to be virtual anyway, I hope they take the time to get it right.  Still, it's nice to see SYJ included in the first batch.  Interest might wane after a while if there are 200 actors to go through.  Hopefully more global industry people will know her through CLOY or her other works or this publicity.  


    P.S. So I watched a few more of these videos and it seems like everyone is either Incredibly Vigorous or Extremely Exquisite lol.  SYJ's video is one of the better made ones imo, with scenes getting time to breathe.  I noticed some other actors had TV drama clips included as well, perhaps they had a shorter filmography or wanted to showcase their big drama hits.  CLOY would be one of the biggest hits internationally for SYJ and her most recent work.  Not sure if the choice was made to focus purely on her extensive film career, or they ran out of time to squeeze in one more work and fit in CLOY. 


    If there was one scene from CLOY you would pick to be included in her highlight reel, what would it be? For me, it would probably be one of her crying scenes.  Or a comedic scene that could translate without dialogue.

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  13. 16 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    I agree, I prefer these types of photos compared to the overly photoshopped CF ones. But one thing I like about most of the CFs SYJ does is that she is usually smiling in them. Like the recent Crocodile Ladies, Smart and Jennyhouse usually feature her smiling. The Bride and You was going for a different aesthetic so I get why it was more serious (and it turned out stunning)! 

    One comment I would make about the Korean 200 video/profile pics for SYJ is I wish she/they'd included at least one pic where she was full on smiling and showing off her dazzling eye smile.  I think SYJ unreservedly laughing and eye smiling is one of her most charming and beautiful looks.  (I bet HB would agree! :P) And it would be a good contrast to the soulful, vulnerable, kind of sad, expressive look she showcases in the other pics. 


    I wonder if it was MSteam and/or the media studio in charge of the Korean 200 campaign who selected the clips and put together the video.  I thought it was a pretty good choice of clips and they chose some good scenes which are highlights of her career and show her range as well.  It was interesting that The Truth Beneath was the closing clip with sound.  A powerful scene.  SYJ was scary in that movie heh.  The editing felt a bit abrupt at the end and the "Incredibly Vigorous" kind of made me laugh.  I mean, they are not wrong, but it also made me think of ads were certain products lol.  I feel they could have chosen another strong but elegant turn of phrase there.  Some personal quote from the actor could have been interesting.  But something also could have been lost in translation!


    16 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    And yes the writeup on the Korean 200 site was a bit messy despite the content being really glowing. Looks like they realized it too because they made some changes,  taking out mostly all the typos and spelled Sam Worthington's name correctly :lol: but for some reason they can't manage to spell CLOY correctly. They changed it from Forced Landing of Love to Crach Landing on You :ph34r:

    Forced Landing of Love does not sound like an appealing romance!  Wasn't it also translated as Emergency Landing of Love or something like that?


    I don't know if it's cause they have to do 200 actors but parts of this project feel a bit rushed.  The Negotiation was also strangely in capital letters alone amongst all the films.  Did they want to rush out the project to coincide with Hollywood awards season or something?   


    16 hours ago, QueenieBee said:


    This may be slightly controversial but apparently the Director of CLOY confirmed that Seri and Captain Ri do only see each other once a year :tears:(according to this Tweet translation of a magazine article, click to expand and read the 3-parts)


    When I watched the CLOY ending, I understood Seri and JH had an arrangement to meet for 2 weeks a year in the time after they reunited, and they shared a beautiful home in Switzerland during that time and were very happy together.  That is what I took away from what was actually showed on screen.  And I was perfectly happy with that ending.  I didn't need everything spelled out for me.  In fact, they kind of showed more glimpses into a happily ever after than I expected.  I didn't expect or need to see a wedding, children etc.  Sometimes I feel an ending is better if there's more left to the imagination and it's not all nailed down.  What we saw at the end was only a moment in time in the not too distant future for them.  I didn't interpret it as being their permanent schedule together forever.  That's open to interpretation and what fanfic is for lol.  The most realistic future I imagine for them would be JH defecting to SK when Seri became pregnant.  Or both of them renouncing Korean citizenship and choosing to become citizens of Switzerland or another country if that would make a life together easier.  Seri certainly has enough money to make that happen and she can run Seri's Choice from anywhere.  Whatever they do, wherever they go, it was enough for me to know they got their happily ever after. 


    Considering they shot the ending scenes at the very start (I never know how actors handle scenes all out of order, more in film than in TV dramas), I thought they did a pretty decent job in nailing the chemistry and the emotions in the reunion scenes.  I don't know if they felt what they shot originally wasn't intense enough so they reshot at the end for the closeups.  Glad they had the time and budget to do that.  And props to Writer Park. I never know how TV writers do it as well, to write on the go, under time pressure, in conjunction with filming and you have to finish the story well. 


    But still, it's quite a fantasy ending for a fantasy show like CLOY.  Real life for defectors or NK/SK couples would, I imagine, be a lot more harsh.  There are many heartbreaking stories in the news, including one defector diplomat whose teenage child is still left behind in NK.  And I read the other day that watching or sharing SK dramas in NK is now punishable by death....I don't know how widely that is enforced or not, but poor Ju Meok!! It's no joke.  What I loved about CLOY is it brought out the message about our common humanity, no matter our differences and divisions.


    On a cheerier note, still get a kick out of seeing SYJ being embarrassed by seeing their ending close up kisses on the screen for the whole cast and crew to see at the wrap up party hehe.  The cast and crew reaction was also lol.


    Also lol at Bodyluv pillow being Binnie Jr.  Seeing HB in his bedhead glory and lying all over the sheets makes me think again that CLOY had some missed opportunities cough.  HB's shots for the Korean 200 campaign look good. 


    Lovely to know Binjin now feel free to go out in public and enjoy meals in restaurants together, and even leave signatures together.  Looked like a restaurant with an interesting cuisine and a nice outdoor area.  Hope they had a good time and their privacy was respected.  I guess naver will write articles about whatever they are observed to be doing, separately or together now.  They both love to eat and they both love to workout.  I would so subscribe to their youtube channel even if all they do there is eat and critique food and workout lol. 





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  14. 20 hours ago, QueenieBee said:

    I also hope they were able to enjoy White Day together yesterday. Throwing it back to a year ago, SYJ posted this seemingly innocent plant on her IG. She only tells us its a gift, doesn't say who gave it to her (she usually does) and its posted right after White Day. Hmm B)


    Didn't that IG post also say something like "let's go a bit further"? :glasses:  IG translation is so bad I don't know what it means half the time.  Instead of a tomato plant, SYJ gets an orange plant. Classy gift, whomever it's from.


    If you were to use one word to describe the photos of SYJ in the Korea Actors 200 Campaign, what would it be? I think it's very interesting to see what kinds of expressions/what aspect as an actor each chooses to showcase through the photos.  For SYJ, I would describe the first photo as "vulnerable".  The second one, "contemplative".  I do personally prefer more expressive photos over model type CF shooting photos where the aesthetic is often blank expressions. 


    Looking forward to HB's choices too!  Haven't seen all the others but I like So Ji Sub's too.


    The SYJ write up isn't terrible, but it definitely could be better written and more polished imo.  Especially if it's going before a global audience and industry people.  Typos are a definite no no!  Would be even better if it included direct quotes from the actors themselves to give readers more insight into them and their approach to acting.



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  15. On 3/7/2021 at 2:56 AM, slowpoked said:

    But Personal Taste just had no nuance to it. And Episode 1 is already a huge faceplant for me - I had a hard time believing a woman would NOT know that not only his long-time boyfriend is cheating on her, but was actually already making plans to marry her best friend and roommate!!! So ridiculous!

    Offtopic: just started World of the Married and I can't believe the protagonist is still speaking to any of the people in her social circle after finding out what she did about them! But then I guess we would not have a drama if she cut them off in episode 1 lol.  Still, I can only take so much incredibility!  And goodness, the actor who played Manbok in CLOY goes topless haha. But he's definitely a good actor.  


    On 3/7/2021 at 2:56 AM, slowpoked said:

    But I still plowed through the end because I like SYJ. I like her enough that I will watch her in bad projects. LOL!

    Ditto. That's true love for you lol!


    On 3/7/2021 at 2:56 AM, slowpoked said:

    There’s also The Art of Seduction, which is so-so. She fares much better in MWGM, although it’s not a straight-up funny, haha role, if that’s what you’re looking for.

    Haven't been able to find TAOS but I just finished watching Spellbound.  Hmm it actually wasn't as all out comedic as I expected, kind of melancholic in parts actually and then turned melo as well.  Even though I thought White Night didn't work well on a number of levels, I thought it was overall more interesting than Spellbound which was kind of meh for me. 


    MWGM, well, SYJ managed to make her character not entirely annoying for me, which I consider a real feat! ;) 


    On 3/7/2021 at 2:56 AM, slowpoked said:

    CLOY is her best comedic performance to date, and that says something considering there are really dark elements to the series. 

    Both SYJ and HB and the supporting cast made me laugh more than I expected, in unexpected moments, which was great.  Actors often say comedy is harder than drama, if that's the case, I thought SYJ did very well with the comedy in CLOY.  I'd be interested to know what comedic films she herself enjoys and what comedy she watched as prep for Seri.  Is she a black humour, dry comedy kind of person, or laughs more at the absurd and farcical or all out physical comedy? 


    On 3/7/2021 at 4:09 AM, SonBender said:

    I agree that Art of Seduction and MWGM probably have the most light-hearted moments. I disliked Personal Taste, although that in itself is personal taste. Ha! 



    I am curious about Alone in Love as some like it, some don't, and I think SYJ referenced it as a turning point in her career of sorts.  But it'll probably be a while before I get to work through her TV dramas. 


    On 3/7/2021 at 4:09 AM, SonBender said:

    CLOY is well-written, so the funny parts--of which there are many--are truly funny. But it also has its share of violence, crime and heartache.

    It was the blend of genres which made it all the more interesting.  The switch in tone isn't always easy to do and they pulled it off well for the most part. 


    What do you guys think of the SYJ's photo chosen for The Actor is Present project?  If you use one word to describe her expression in the photo, it would be....?  I would be thrilled (see what I did there) if they could correct the typo though!  

  16. On 3/5/2021 at 1:13 AM, SonBender said:

    White Night must have been a difficult role for Yejin. I had to watch it twice to figure out all the characters.

    I came across an old interview of SYJ's where I think she said WN was difficult for her because the character was so awful and it wasn't one where she could really act a lot with her facial expressions.  If anyone has more interviews from SYJ on WN I would be interested to read.  I like reading about SYJ's thoughts on a piece of work after I've watched it. 


    On 3/5/2021 at 1:13 AM, SonBender said:

    And I still don't feel like I have a 100% understanding of the details. I heard a Korean say that the English subs sometimes do not capture the subtle nuances of a conversation.

    I'm sure they don't.  Even for CLOY.  It's hard for some nuance/cultural context not to be lost in translation. 

    E.g. I watched that video where two Korean fans gave their reaction on Binjin's dating reveal and they commented on the wording of SYJ's IG post on that subject. As hard as they tried to explain the significance of her choice of word, it was still hard for me to completely grasp the meaning or the equivalent in my own languages. 


    There's a wordy review of WN which compares it to the Japanese drama original, and apparently there was also a Japanese film version as well, if you want more details on the plot and characters.  If they are available with subtitles, I would be interested to check them out sometime. 


    But I'm in the mood for something lighter these days.  CLOY is my comfort food when I want something light.  What other works of SYJ do you recommend if I want something light and funny?  What is her most comedic role? I thought she had great comedic chops as Seri in CLOY so I would love to see her do a full on comedic role sometime. 


  17. On 3/4/2021 at 7:50 AM, QueenieBee said:

    The cap was just a cap and wasn't intended to send a message. Not HBs style to invite gossip through his wardrobe :P 

    I think Binjin are too old to send any messages through wardrobe. :P And I don't think they are the type to do so at any age lol.  OK, Ralph Lauren may or may not have been a message :P, but if so, I think it was more of a fun and nice thing to do rather than anything dead serious.  Binjin are mature adults, people!  If they have something to say to each other, they will just communicate with each other directly and not talk through wardrobe or third parties or social media posts.  There's no need. 


    Now, fashion that gets grammar wrong bothers me. That's a fashion terrorist. :P 


    On 3/4/2021 at 7:50 AM, QueenieBee said:

    And I actually loved his response to the GQ question about love. He said its something you can't live without but its hard to keep/maintain (which is wise and true). And when probed further, he said he works hard to protect it. If you read between the lines, its obvious the interviewer is trying to get him to say something about his love life/SYJ, since it took place shortly after their relationship confirmation. HB knows what the interviewer is really asking and without saying much he actually says a lot. He says he is trying to protect his love/relationship. And we have seen over the last year that his way of doing that is by keeping it private. 

    Binjin's answers on love and life and work have always showed good maturity to me.  And they have similar attitudes, which to me really bodes well for their relationship.  From the outset, even in TN days, I think SYJ said it was easy for her and HB to talk with each other and they had similar thoughts on a lot of things.  So even though their personalities may appear quite different at first glance, I think there's a lot of compatibility on a deeper level and in terms of values.  That interviewer was definitely trying to get him to talk about SYJ/love life but Bin's a smart guy and seasoned interviewee. He gave us lovely crumbs while preserving their privacy and protecting their relationship, which is the most important thing for them. At least HB's not as mischievous like SYJ, at least in her younger years, when she intentionally doesn't give reporters the answer she know they are fishing for lol.  I really liked HB's answer on his definition of a happy life in the Swoon video too.  So true what he said.  Happiness can be found with a tweak of our thoughts or in the smallest things in life.  I don't think he was specifically speaking to SYJ in that moment, but he gave her food for thought in that moment, enough to space out. :P  Lovely to think that their definition of a happy life now includes each other. 


    As for fandom drama, unfortunately it always seems to exist in every fandom.  Is it human nature?  There are always though who may be unhappy in their real life and therefore choose to project negativity and hate and drama into online life.  There's no point engaging on a rational basis because it's not rational.  Engaging just amplifies the drama and negativity and gives attention to those who may crave it.  Fandom drama is a complete waste of time imo and your time will be much better spent doing something productive and positive.


    Like enjoying HB's UA photoshoot. :P 


    This thread is so quiet. Is everyone off fighting in fandom drama somewhere or daydreaming after Binjin's latest photoshoots? 



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  18. Looks like SYJ made lots of fans happy with her liking spree.  Some of the posts she liked are hilarious, re HB etc lol.  Great that she takes the time to connect with fans and has a sense of humour about things too. 


    Looking good in Valentino.  Any kind of collaboration with them would be cool.


    Just watched White Night.  Whoa that was a dark movie.  Just as dark or maybe even darker than What Lies Beneath.  Purposely went into it not knowing anything about it.  Just seem to recall SYJ saying it was one of the more difficult characters she'd played, so I was intrigued.  Now I can understand why she said that.  A challenging character in a challenging script that didn't allow her to show a lot. 


    I thought the story itself was intriguing and had a lot of potential.  But it wasn't fully met in the execution of the film.  The characters weren't fleshed out enough emotionally for me to really feel their story, though I guess the director didn't want to shed too much light on the characters to retain the mystery.   Don't want to go into too much detail here to avoid spoiling those who haven't seen it.  But I do think it's definitely a film in SYJ's resume worth seeing.  The more I watch from her filmography, the more I see that she was an actor ready to take risks and challenges and bold roles early on.  Even when a movie of hers doesn't work entirely onscreen for various reasons, I feel she has a good eye for interesting scripts.  Of course I do hope that she'll do a film project soon like CLOY where I feel everything clicks together- script, cast, directing.



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  19. On 2/26/2021 at 11:59 AM, ElectricHearts said:

    I love how easily he makes her laugh. All he needs to do is barely say anything and put out his hands and she is laughing. Anyways, they clearly have inside jokes lol...

    Part 2 of the CF and Ms. SYJ is still laughing hard.... even while looking at a blank screen lol.  Thanks to her we are getting to see HB's delectable dimples more and more often. :D Have I seen 2 happier people in a phone ad?  Never have I rewatched a phone ad. The things Binjin make me do lol.  I can imagine SYJ showing ahjussi HB all kinds of funny fandom things on her phone and having a good laugh about it together.  


    On 2/25/2021 at 8:07 PM, bin-jin said:
    HB: I am putting an effort. I am trying to protect it.

    YJ: I’ll work hard to tend the relationship with care  


    Perfect caption!  


    I'm optimistic that we'll get another joint CF sometime in the future now that we know they are open to the idea.  Though of course, fingers crossed, we see them together in a non CF context sometime too. 



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  20. 1 hour ago, QueenieBee said:

    I enjoyed the BTS. Nothing earthshattering which is to be expected since it was vetted by the agencies but its awesome to see them side by side interacting again after SO long (since Baeksang in June). They looked relaxed and seemed to enjoy the shoot.  HB always makes SYJ laugh which is my favourite thing ever. She finds her Mr. No Jam hysterical. Only love can do that :lol:

    I don't know what they are finding so funny, especially Ms SYJ, but their laughter = our smiles. :D 

    If they wanted an eye catching moment with the TVC, they got it with that full on laughter and chest touching, scripted or not.  Though we really don't know what's so funny in the TVC/with Binjin lol.  It's OK, it's enough to see them being so happy and having such a good energy together. That's never changed since TN days.


    Thanks for the Eng translated interview with HB for UA. I like learning about actors' workout routines as they manage to stay in such good shape!  And this pair loves to eat!  HB seems to bulk up/slim down with ease.  SYJ's qualifications as a pilates and TRX instructor are impressive.  Her core must be so strong!  I wonder if SYJ has gotten HB more into pilates and him getting her more into weight training.  A couple that sweats together stays together.  They can practice cardio together hahaha.


    Remember that CLOY bts at the NK village home where HB decided to do push ups for some reason. SYJ was in the background doing her own thing and not paying attention to him lol.  Maybe she is blessed with the sight of HB working out too often heh.   


    Anyone know where I can watch the Eng subbed videos of that Korean female entertainment host who knows SYJ and who talked about Binjin after Dispatch released the news and after they did the Smart CF? Thanks. I saw them before but I can't find them again. 

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  21. 7 hours ago, SonBender said:

    For Daemang/Great Ambition go to veoh.com and search for DMGA. It is divided into 60 episodes and 2 or 3 of them don't play right or are missing subs. Quality is low, but you can follow the story. Note that Yejin only appears in the first 3/4 of the drama. It is a unique role in that it is a historical period and she dresses as a male merchant, although no one seems to be fooled.

    Oh I kind of like the trope of a woman cross dressing as a man in a historical piece.  Is that the only role where SYJ has played a "man"? 


    7 hours ago, SonBender said:


    I have not yet come across Sunhee and Jinhee with English subs. Chinese is available on DVD. I've watched all of Yejin's works except for that.

    I've still got many of her works left to watch. I want to watch Blood & Ties, Spellbound and White Night next.  Does anyone know where I can find them? Thanks. 


    Which of her works is your favourite?  Or do you have any favourite scenes?  Even though The Classic is not my favourite of her works, the scene of her running in the rain is really a classic one.  Along with the drinking scene in AMTR.


    7 hours ago, SonBender said:


    One of the downsides to the coronavirus disaster is that Yejin has not produced any other work since CLOY, which is where I was introduced to her. Her CFs and personal life are not the reason I follow her, although I do like the Pocari Sweat CFs filmed in Santorini. So we continue to wait, and rerun her best work.

    Same.  I also liked the Pocari CF and the music is now on my playlist lol.  Can understand why that CF & music became a classic.  But CFs aren't the same as a piece of artistic work for me.  I feel SYJ is getting even better and better as an actor, and after watching CLOY and some her past work, I feel there's so more kinds of roles she can still do!  I'm excited to see her challenge herself in her future roles. 


    As much as I am happy for SYJ that she's found happiness in her personal life, I hope that doesn't become the exclusive or dominant lens in which people interpret her work, especially her acting.  Was reading some translations of the original CLOY script on twitter thanks to a fan and comparing it to what transpired on scene, there are some great adlibs/improvisations/translations to the screen thanks to the actors and director etc. But I don't think of those adlibs happening because Binjin are together or anything like that, they happened and they were awesome as YSR/RJH because they are fantastic and professional actors in their own right.  Sure they must have a great comfort level as colleagues and as a couple, but being creative and collaborative is what makes them good actors regardless of the nature of a personal relationship with an acting partner and I don't like to conflate the two.  



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  22. @BinJinshipperfromIndia(love India and can't wait to visit again!), you sharing such a personal post made me want to share something too.  Over lunar new year, I received the news that an auntie I know had passed away from cancer.  We didn't know she was ill as she didn't share the news beyond her immediate family.  So it was very shocking and sad news and she was quite young, only in her 60s.  I had exchanged emails with her over Christmas to give her my best regards and to stay safe from covid.  She had replied that she was staying in and enjoyed watching CLOY with her daughter and teaching her how to cook some dishes.  I'd never mentioned I was a fan of CLOY but thought it cool that we all had found enjoyment from the show, living on different continents.  Now that I know she was ill, I hope she found some joy and comfort and distraction from CLOY in what must have been an incredibly painful time, and made some good memories with her daughter doing things they loved together.  And maybe CLOY can give her daughter some cheer and distraction as she grieves.  Sigh.  So cherish time with your loved ones, now and even when the pandemic is over, because life is fragile. 


    I think CLOY has brought light and laughter and comfort to many people around the world especially in a time of uncertainty and bad news, and writer Park, dear directors and dear Binjin and all the cast and crew can be very proud of that.  It is a show that people will remember and rewatch and still be beloved in many years.







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