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Posts posted by ruminati0n

  1. 24 minutes ago, Liting1 said:

    I REALLY hope we get to see them running away & enjoying their time spent together in the drama! They can't just say/hint something & don't do it. Need some cute & intimate OTP scenes cause these episodes have been depressing.  


    All i have to say is that once the romantic feelings between MY & KT becomes mutual, I better see lots of sweet interactions & if my heart bursts cause it's so beautiful, I'll survive till the end of the show! :lol:


    SAAAME im actually hoping they have a scene at the beach!!! bec the hospital is so near the sea, and KSH's most recent posts in instagram are at the beach too so :phew:

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  2. 57 minutes ago, stella77 said:

    All of a sudden, I remember the car ride scene in ep 4, KT with MY — when she offered to run away with him - he looked as if he was about to cry, right? He looked so vulnerable again because she saw through everything. 


    he looked more of guarded, for me, then - as he always is around MY. or as he tries to be. but you just know beneath the facade that there's simmering excitement, curiosity, hopefulness, desire, and maybe even fear all at once. i think KT has mastered the art of appearing strong in front of everyone else. in psychology, we call this defense mechanism sublimation - wherein you convert the energy from your inner turmoil into socially productive activities like work. but what's so special abt his dynamic with MY, as you mentioned, is her ability to make KT vulnerable and defenseless (and perhaps vice versa). she's highly perceptive (a trait of people with ASPD that allows them to manipulate others) and she knows how to push his buttons. KT resents her for this and he does his best to resist, of course, and so when he fails to do so - it comes out as a raw outburst, like how we've seen him project his anger towards her several times. there is anticipation then, naturally, for the time when he would just allow himself to feel freely around MY, and when that time arrives, as what MY said in the same scene ~ it will be magnificent.



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  3. while browsing through videos of the drama in youtube, i came across the teasers again and noticed some scenes. so far almost all scenes from the official teasers/trailers, we've already seen in episodes 1-4. the first three pictures below are the few that have not yet made an appearance, while the last picture is the last frame from the episode 5 teaser:








    based on KT's outfit and the location, these all look connected. seems like next weekend would bring us to KT's experience of being back at the cursed castle since he followed MY there when they were young. could also be that he's entering for the first time? the flashbacks of their younger selves only showed him by the gate if i remember correctly. anyway, i can't help but wonder where his memories would take him, and how he'd react at present after he realizes that MY was that girl from his past...


    (this is how we survive while we wait another week for the next episodes – on crumbs. haha)




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  4. 28 minutes ago, glory said:

    waiting for new episodes feels like a torture!!! i've been lying on my bed all day and acting as if i'm going through a breakup and it's only been a day since the last episode was released...don't know what i'll do after this series ends :(((((((


    i feel this haha! on one hand, i would like to binge watch all episodes in one go so im not left hanging, but on the other hand i'm also grateful for the break in-between episodes bec it gives me time to process and savor all the content and intricacies in each...though definitely i wouldn't mind if the breaks were shorter, like maybe 1 day. LOL!

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  5. 49 minutes ago, TiNaDo said:

    I believe it is the girl. The one from his past; the one from the cartoon. And... actually, our KMY herself. :) Since it's all the same person.

    Again, nothing accidental and a good question, love. Because "she saved my life" could mean so many things - could be literal (we all know their story there) but he could also be speaking figuratively (her opening his eyes to the sadness & the desires he has buried deep inside him). And in both scenarios he ran; in both cases, being scared (of her, of himself, of the unknown?).


    oh yes! i forgot that she did save him from drowning when they were kids!! for a second, i thought he was referring to joo-ri, since in the preview i think the scene of MY saying "why are you always siding with her?" came before this scene... haha i hope it's not JR really!! she gives me the creeps


    anyway exciting episodes ahead if KT is reminiscing about his childhood crush again! him going to the "cursed castle" would surely make him realize that it was MY all along!!! 

    • Like 6
  6. my goodness, this show is a gift that keeps on giving! so much intricacies in all four episodes so far, i hope the momentum won't slow down!! 


    episode 4 though - i think this is a very important one in terms of the development of the relationship of our two leads. it's the first time we're seeing KT starting to genuinely care about MY. he gets upset when he's reminded that she only sees him as property, meanwhile MY i think might be starting to wonder if maybe he's more than that. most importantly, the depths of the past of these two are unravelling more and more, along with how much pain they both carry with them individually, and so the audience begins to wonder how they can work through these scars as they eventually come together... it won't be a smooth road for sure! but i sincerely hope they learn from each other and heal together, and ultimately receive the love they are both longing for so much because they've also been through so much in their personal lives already THEY DESERVE IT :tears:


    ALSO can we talk about how raw and heart-wrenching and just beautiful that hugging scene in the rain was??? made me cry for how truly lonely they both are on their own, but seeing them together also gave me so much hope :tears::tears::tears:

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  7. 3 hours ago, 042278mu said:


    Spoiler  for ep.4

    KT catch up MY walking in the rain, gave his jacket to her  and hug her.:ilike:


    just finished watching. i cried so much on this scene :(


    what a beautiful episode yet again! this drama keeps surpassing my expectations.


    big takeaway from ep4 between the two leads is that KT is starting to geniunely care about MY :tears: notice how he gets unsettled and even mad when he's reminded that MY thinks of him as only an object to be possessed. i think MY also still thinks this is the case, but she doesn't realize her growing feelings for KT too maybe because she has never known real love yet.. to be sure, it won't be a smooth path ahead for our moonmoon couple as they have to battle through their own (admittedly, deep) scars while they also navigate their feelings for each other. but that scene of them hugging in the rain just gave me so much hope for what's to come next for them it's almost heart-wrenching!!! :tears: i wish both of their characters get the love they so long for in the end, they both have been through so much pain already waaa 

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  8. 51 minutes ago, ainipang said:

    Hi.. just wanna share my opinion.


    I duuno why i kinda dislike the nurse's friend. The one who like MKT.Her innocent makeup and attitude remind me of the antagonist in my id gangnam. The one who only act pretty infront of others but the real her was not nice.

    Or maybe it just my shipper instinct who want MKT with GMY together without any love triangle relationship


    Loving the pair and eager to watche their relationship progress




    Same with what @madmad min and I mentioned! Here's the twitter thread I read that translated more of her character description: 



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  9. hi everyone first time to post here since ive mostly been in the moonmoon couple forum. but i think tonight's episode speaks a lot about how the series won't just center on the relationship of KT and MY...


    as someone with a background in psychology, i just want to express the big KUDOS i want to give to the show, especially in how it accurately and masterfully portratyed sleep paralysis (through the gripping terror you feel with MY as she slept), a manic episode (through the rush/high bordering danger you feel as kwon gi on went through that club and ran away after),  the blatant disregard to social norms of someone with antisocial personality disorder, the depth of feeling someone in the autism spectrum is capable of holding despite the limits in expressing it, how being in denial of/not facing/pushing back our troubles can torment us, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, how deep and long-lasting a mark our parents, their parenting, and our family environment can imprint on us. BRAVO :please:


    P.S. anyone else feel something off about Juri??? I read somewhere that her character description includes something like 'jekyll turning into hyde after she drinks alcohol' (is this why she chose cola over beer when jae-soo offered to give her some in ep 2????? waaa) im a bit more scared of her now than of MY...

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  10. 14 hours ago, Chellsee said:

    This new new stills are just so adorable... :heart:

    source: http://www.mhns.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=410827








    IM CRYIIIINGGG :cries: 

    had a hunch that this was kang tae's hand in the teasers and now im fairly sure it really issssss :sad1:


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  11. 9 minutes ago, adorablehome said:

    Good afternoon guys :kaching1: we only have a day left for a whole new episode and can you all wait because I cant... 


    I wonder what will be the scenes tomorrow, are there any new stills? Moreover, I am glad that I have waited this long, weekdays are soooo loong I want to see our dandelion couple now


    goooooood morning/afternoon/evening!!!


    the only thing im sure of that we'll get in episode 3 tomorrow (!!!) is this scene because kmy is wearing the same thing from the end of ep 2 :hwaiting2:



    • LOL 18
  12. 1 minute ago, parknaeun said:


    Kang Tae and MY must have slept together :naughty: really guys, dont mind my green thoughts, I was born like this like how KT said that MY was born to be herself 


    HAHAHA! I was just thinking maybe it's connected to the rain from this picture below....but who knows maybe what you said could happen too :dorashakes:


    14 minutes ago, kenchickenchi said:



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