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Posts posted by leftphalange

  1. I'm enjoying the contrast they make to Heejoo and Haewon's surroundings. Heejoo got two delusional men obsessed over her, her issue with her daughter, the MIL and the family. Heejoo has her bff but she's an enabler, unlike Sangho ahjussi who keeps telling Haewon to stop anything bad she's doing in a comfortable way in spite of her stubborness. Even Seonwoo seems to care Haewon more than his sister lol. And not to mention her mother and late grandpa. Their interaction with Hosu tho, Hosu draws the bottle and can say good things after Haewon taught him. Their surroundings and relationship with others is like showing Heejoo and Haewon true upbringing.


    The scene where Lisa being jealous when she sees Juyeong instagram's photo, while she has an account for her self-harm photos, is one of the prove. Heejoo and Hyunseong might get Lisa's problem done but never really comforting Lisa for her own good. They're just scolding people. We may keep saying Haewon using Juyeong but Juyeong herself said she's relieved she can finally release from his father and gets a family, unlike Lisa who only got an illusion of happy family.

    Anyway, I'm not really fond of people die as a punishment, it's just like an easy way out. But I let it slide if it's Woojae. Even if he keeps alive he already got no sense and purpose anymore. He won't feel any regret. His aims is only Heejoo even if Heejoo hurts him or put him in jail, he won't feel anything other than be more insane than he already is. Moreover his character is the most lack of depth among the other main characters.

    Haewon can also die due to her sickness.


    (This is a spoiler from the novel)


    Both Woojae and Haewon die in the novel. Woojae never makes it to Korea, he dies in Ireland, meanwhile Heejoo kills Haewon.


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  2. 2 hours ago, aria26 said:

    in ep 12, hui ju acknowledges her mistakes to her husband (I love that scene, the actress is so good), in ep 14 she tells her brother that even if she keeps on apologizing to hae won, hae won will just continue her pity party. I think that if hae won came to hui ju not in a revenge mode, hui ju would have sincerely apologized. she felt sorry to her husband because she learned that she suffered through the years of her infidelity.

    Nah she's only sorry because she got caught (or because her husband finally brought it up). Heejoo only "respects" those above her meanwhile looks down people who she thinks below her, like Haewon and Juyeong. Haewon doesn't need to come to her first in anything mode if she's sincerely regret her wrongdoings, instead she comes to Haewon first. Look how she always talks highly about herself shamelessly and keeps lying when Haewon finally brought the issue, unlike when her husband who did it. And "even if she keeps apologizing"?, she doesn't even try her best, because she never shows sincere remorse. Don't make Heejoo looks like a good person when she's just a shameless brat.

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  3. I can't believe after 14 episodes some viewers still can't fully grasped Haewon's intention and caused of madness. She already said it blatantly in recent episode, the drama has told us explicitly. Haewon isn't obsessed for Woojae and Huijoo as a person, especially viewers who said Haewon is obsessed for a man who never loved her.


    She's obsessed by the pain those two, people who she used to love and admire, give her. She's obsessed because even after they fooled her, none of them acknowledge the pain they give her, even after they fooled her none of them sincerely apologize and have regret towards her.


    She's still hung up by Woojae's promises over the phone to come back, explain, and apologize to her. There's also a speculation she got a miscarriage (seems true based on the preview). So, she hold down those two people.


    I'm not justifying Haewon's problematic behaviors, she has her share too. But why do I have to compromise more to people who did something terrible because they have a chance to do so (Huijoo-Woojae) rather than people who have terrible behavior because someone else caused them?


    Well, technically if Haewon moves on even though Huijoo is still being a shameless brat nor Woojae ever explains it to her, we won't even have a pilot episode lol.



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  4. 2 hours ago, bee_wannabe said:


    Out of all WG moments in season 2, this one is my ultimate favorite. Despite all the sugar, none of them moved me as much as this one did. To be honest i started to feel numb to their sweet scenes. But then that scene happens and i find the excitement of looking forward to WG once more. I just love everything about it. Rosa's giddy reaction, Jeong Won's mixed expression of shock, disbelief, longing, relieved, and delight, the beautiful YYS's voice singing "the beautiful gyeoul..." when he saw her as if in that moment he really find her beautiful, everything. 

    Yess, Jeongwon's face is everything. We never saw the process of how Jeongwon fell in love and realized his feelings for Gyeoul and his gaze on her in S2 always smiley happy full of love, so his expression on that scene is like showing us another pov of him towards Gyeoul. I'm just fine with their fluffs, I took it as a compensation from ShinLee for S1 without non work related conversation lol. Beside they're on honeymoon phase. But I guess their fluffs in the beginning also a buildup to what comes to their relationship now. 

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  5. Their conflicts aside, I really appreciate Gyeoul's bravery for visiting Rosa, the first time after their official relationship, in the midst of her own chaotic situation, uninvited, without telling Jeongwon beforehand, without Jeongwon brings her to Rosa she brings herself, unexpectedly. This is a quite big milestone for her, hence her sigh of relief afterwards. And the look of Jeongwon, what is he thinking?? Surprised? Happy? I guess it's true that Gyeoul is unexpected factor in Jeongwon's life.

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  6. I've seen vary responses regarding this season, from as happy and satisfied as the S1 to constantly complaning in each episode. I guess it's just a matter of expectation. Tho I'm saying that this season is quite depressing but overall I still find the story is good and enjoyable. I went through isolation, worth 3 episodes, so I had to skip some sad parts for me to watch it later, maybe that affects me too. But hey, at least they've warned us before that this season they're gonna go deeper. Overall, I'm just happy to see those people on my screen.

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  7. On 7/17/2021 at 7:20 PM, LovelyLady said:

    On the bird's app, there was a lot of talk about Gyeoul saying she was "dumb and incompetent". Some find it ooc. For me, I don't think we saw all the facets of her character in season 1 to say that. Isn't it human to be vulnerable at a moment like this? Does it take away the fact that Gyeoul is a strong and confident woman?  It can happens to doubt yourself, to put yourself down even for a small mistake.

    Totally agree with this! So, self-deprecation can make someone ooc? Don't people do that all the time? Songhwa did that in her younger days too, she said it by herself. The more ridiculous was when they said Gyeoul is ooc just because a piece of glass. I don't know why some people feel they know Gyeoul better than what the writer want to show when in fact we just saw a glimpse of her life in S1.



    And oh JEONGWON IS PLANNING TO PROPOSE TO GYEOUL!!! They've been spending time together at Gyeoul's place lately. We are robbed :tears:

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  8. I don't really wanna be a clown but their photos have different vibe especially with his other photos with his costars when mostly it has cheerful tone, meanwhile it gives shy and awkwardness but not in a negative way, it's like a phase before *cough* dating *cough* when two people are getting to know each other. Lmao maybe I'm a really a clown. And It becomes the most liked and commented photos on his acc so far. That also happened in hospital playlist acc. That's why I can only roll my eyes when someone has bad opinion for this ship, they're still people's couple!


    @seasonal_love Idk why I feel like he wants to tease us too regarding his past mistake for following wrong acc, like "see guys I got her acc right this time" 

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  9. Kudos to Kwak Sunyong's acting on Ikjun - Iksun phone call scene. Her sequence expression from normal to surprise, heartbroken, sad. I really can feel how heartbroken she is when she heard about Junwan. Both really have issue with their communication. Even after Iksun asked if he was okay, he was lying. And as I expect, fans will dislike Iksun's decision from lying to keeping things from anyone about her sickness, as they probably expect more mature way for them for solving their relationship issue. But we know very well it's not always like that. 30s, 40s, 50s adults don't always know what they're doing. 



    7 hours ago, JungRok said:

    Hmm somebody said Season 2 is lacking with the fivers interaction; we havent seen bickering or gossiping yet like Season 1 does. 



    I remember many people questioned about why Lacking 5 have so much time to hanging out together while they're doctors last year. Looks like people always have something to complain :lol:

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  10. @__jesseHaha no it's not about educational message. Like I'm saying on my earlier post it's simply about what shinlee wanna show to us, is that Seokyeong is just in denial like S1 Jeongwon or Seokhyeong indeed doesn't need romantic relationship right now because he is so persistent leading a happy single life. For me it still feels vague. But I agree with you that Minha helps him, he opened himself to her. Whatever their relationship, Minha can be a good friend for him.  

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  11. @Raynaa Looney as an individual character yes, since they aim to give a message of drug addiction, but his relationship with Jiwon I take it as an open ending. Also, for other inmate characters mostly they have an open ending, like we don't know what happen with Captain Yoo's retrial and so on. PP plot follows Jaehyuk's story only. Once again, I'm not claiming we're gonna have a happy ending for all couples in HP but we can hope since shinlee made it before.


    I'm thinking the same about Iksong, like they really need someone else to push them, and they always use third person narrative when they talk about each other feelings. Now the real third person is coming. About the revelation, I expect Songhwa who's gonna tell the other boys, and then another calm reaction like they did to Jeongwon's dating news. What I like about lacking five's dynamic is they look so chaotic with each other but when it comes to personal problem they take it so lightly and always being supportive.

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  12. @Raynaa Actually it's not too far-fetched to have a happy ending for all the set couples. All shinlee's previous couple always have a good closure. Eventhough they broke up in the middle they'll get back together in the end. Unless it's one-sided love. But of course shinlee still can take another way this time, we still don't know. They give friends-to-lover trope with Iksong, LDR with Junsun, first relationship with wg. I just still don't get what the real message they wanna deliver with gomgom. Nevertheless Seokhyeong and Minha have good relationship and communication.


    Btw, they're still filming. Fans who wanna send a coffee truck even said the filming schedule might be extended.

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  13. Still can't grasp what shinlee wanna do with the goms. They put Seokhyeong - his mom scene side by side with wintergarden, is it to tell "No Seokhyeong, you're wrong, being with someone is more fulfilling than being single, look at them (wintergarden)" or to show how persistent he is to be not in a romantic relationship and what a happily single people look like??


    My initial observation on Seokhyeong is he needs friend outside the lacking five. Tho both men are reluctant to have romantic relationship but the goms and wg have very different dynamic. Seokhyeong can be very casual and comfortable with Minha, which is good, they have a good relationship to begin with. So, how Seokhyeong really feels towards Minha? Will the goms end up as a lovers or shinlee will only show until they become a good companion outside their works?

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  14. 5 hours ago, shawolynn said:

    Is it just me or they kinda look like each other in several scene? ;;^^


    Btw, where is the head rest?


    This is like intentional edits. They edit the head rest to emphasize the holding hands, and you see the green light, it's like they will keep moving together, heading to somewhere, their destination. As already mentioned, probably it's like bride and groom in wedding altar. This is sort of an easter egg.

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  15. 1 hour ago, LovelyLady said:

    Wintergarden's fluff in this episode was *chef's kiss*. I dread serious topics regarding them later. In the meantime, let me enjoy their scenes right out of a fanfiction.

    When he picked her up and the residents, interns, nurses ( they saw you) instead of assuming they were dating, they were like he's well mannered,a gentleman lol. Have we seen the same thing or they're so random as a pairing for them to even imagine it lol? I don't think Jeongwon act like this with everyone.

    Probably given the history of both of them aren't that close and used to be so formal and Jeongwon known for being kind to everyone but never seen date a woman. But I'm sure the way all of them are taken aback with how Jeongwon treats Gyeoul, deep down they know that's how a boyfriend treat his girlfriend.

    Jeongwon seems doesn't wanna lose. Gyeoul give him peck first and he should be the last who give the kiss.


    Another discovery!

    I try to mirror the pic and it's literally said Wedding & Party. OMG shinlee please don't play with out heart :tears:


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  16. Lee Kyu Hyung is a cameo I've been waiting for since the first season. Besides a tribute for Looney, he's here to "knock some sense" to Songhwa hahaha I couldn't ask for a better scenario. Yes, we still don't know what Songhwa truly wants regarding her relationship with Ikjun but after that question, who's the friend that makes her always happy and feels great, then Ikjun appears, we know the answer is him. ;)


    Anyway, I've rewatch their conversation from episode 1, I think Segyeong isn't a roomate nor housemate, they just live in the same building flat/apartment. For Junwan, I found him tends to not express his uneasiness, maybe he just wants to avoid drama and be mature but he can't always be like that, he needs to address what he feels to Iksun.


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  17. 11 hours ago, JJS's Fan-atics said:

    @shawolynnoh exactly. u got a good point here. This is the first time Jun Wan started eating first without him. So she just looked at him that how can he take lead without her. lol

        And sorry for me being dense but can some chingu make me understand how IkSun faced racism? What kind of racism is that she faced.

    The person who took her order purposely making fun of her pronunciation.

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