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Posts posted by Taeunforeverrrr

  1. 59 minutes ago, Fantasylife said:

    Guys, what do you all think about the support for taemin's Gracia photoshoot last year? Do you think the message in the cup is written by naeun? Is it just me or the writing isn't the same when i compared it to naeun's handwriting in wgm?

    I think I found it. I kinda agree with you, it does look the same. Just look at these two pics, but it's a writing so who knows it could be anyone. But why I think it could be Naeun is because of her smiley. She always puts a smiley, after writing something:




    I see Naeun's in this:




    and this:



  2. There are so many positive comments from 2020 under Taemin and Naeuns last clip of WGM on youtube. 

    Can someone translate this? This person is so right about so many things!! For example Eunji saying she's close with Suho, and they met thanks to Taemin and Naeun aka have Taeun not dated Eunji and Suho probably wouldn't be close. Also at a fashion show Naeun was talking with Suho and waving at him Goodbye and saying something like "talk later?" or idk. 

    someone pls translate if u know korean: 

    외국인들이 올린 영상 정리하자면:에이핑크 쇼타임이 우결이후로 했었는데 지갑에 뭐있는지 보여주는 상황에서 나은이 지갑에서 사진을 꺼냈을 때 빨간 프레임사진으로 우결에서 나온 태민사진이랑 비슷했고 멤버들이 한 말 보미- “그건 안되지, 그거 올리면 실검 1위하지”이랑 반응들을 보면 우결 이후로 사겼던 것 같음. -우결에서 묵주팔찌 태민이 줬을 때 편지에 지켜줄게라고 했는데 태민이 라디오에서 연애 질문 받을 때 지켜주고싶은 연애를 하고 싶다고 함. 그리고 몇 년 전까지만 해도 둘이 완전 똑같은 은볼 묵주팔찌함. 이게 묵주팔찌중에서 디자인이 흔한거라고 아닐거라고 하는데 그 팔찌 디자인은 절대 흔한 디자인이 아니고 같은 시기에 했다는 걸 보면 사겼다는 거라고 볼 수 있음. 태민 이상형이 “바비 인형같은 스타일에 매우 섹시한 몸매를 지녔지만 얼굴은 귀여운 면이 있고, 내면은 순수한 사람”이라고 구체적으로 말했고 나은이의 이상형은 “남자다우면서 다정한 남자”라고 했는데 서로가 말한 이상형이 서로에게 너무 비슷함. 우결에서 서로의 세례명을 알게되었는데 나은이 작년 6월 인스타에 Artstin Marcella라는 그림을 올렸었고 9월에는 Francesco-The Kiss라고 그림과 함께 올림.(보통 이 사진을 인스타에 올리는 사람들은 작품명이랑 작가 이름을 올리지는 않고 본인이랑 그림 사진만 올림)서로의 세례명과 같은 작가의 그림을 올렸다는 건 좀 의미가 있어 보임. 인스타에 ohmytaeun아이디 검색하면 그렇게 유명한 장소도 아닌데 서로가 같은 장소에서 찍은 사진도 있음.(태민이 나은이 같던 곳을 LA의 시간으로 나은이의 생일 날 찍은 것 같음)최근에는 정은지의 가요광장에서 수호가 나왔었는데 둘이 친해진 계기가 태민나은 우결때문이라고 함.(만약에 태민나은이 사귄게 아니라면 은지수호도 지금까지 친하지 않았을거라고 생각함.) 그리고 무엇보다도 둘이 연기를 잘 못하는데 우결은 찐이라는 걸 알수있음. 만약 헤어진거라면 세례명 사진이랑 외국에서 같은 장소에서 찍은 사진도 지웠을텐데 안지운걸보면 ㅠㅠ태민이 은퇴하고 30살에 결혼하고 싶다고 했었고 나은이가 결혼하기 정말 좋은 여자인 것 같다고도 했었는데 둘이 꿈꾸던 영원한 사랑을 지금도 하는거였으면 좋겠음.이외에도 떡밥이 진짜 많은데 결혼설 존버중ㅠㅠ

  3. 5 hours ago, dreamcatcher0210 said:

    I'm sorry but can we refrain from sharing stuff like this? Not only are you making yourself upset over nothing (it's obviously choreographed and sooo long ago), you're also sharing the worry to your fellow shippers and I don't think we need that right now, considering what's happening. 

    I don't think the person posted that to upset any of us, but to reassure her that there's nothing between them

  4. 1 hour ago, syzsyzsyz said:

    Sorry for spamming, but I want to offer my own views/analysis on recent events:


    I've seen people losing their faith on taeun and tbh, I've lost my faith around 2017-2018; But, I would say that the hints from both of them are already obvious. I'm not 100% certain, but at least 70-80% certain that they are seeing each other.

    There's the LA post, the Valentines Day and White Valentines Day posts, the 7th anniversary posts... couple earrings... necklace... and lots more evidences. 

    Actually, I would like to thank the taeunian who was brave enough to show a banner of Taemin and Naeun in the Super M concert in Feb (if she is reading this thread haha) , because I think this banner gave Taemin courage to give these instagram hints... In the past, when taeunians were finding 'evidence', we could only see it through the clips of Shinee and Apink on the same stage, or confirm it through Naeun's bracelet. Taemin hardly shows any sort of reaction or give hints regarding their relationship because he is SO CAREFUL about it. That's why when Taemin did so much gestures on instagram, I was very surprised because he has never done this before. 

    Because of the taeunian who raised the banner, I think Taemin realised that there are people supporting him and Naeun all along - for all these years and he got braver - to show hints so that he could thank these fans for supporting his relationship, but also to kinda hint slightly to taeun haters/or just normal shawols that he wants to date freely and hope that they will still offer their support despite him dating. 


    Personally, I think if they are going to publicise their relationship, Taemin would probably wait until after his military enlistment - so maybe after 2023. This is because as a shawol - I know more about Taemin and he really enjoys being on stage (I mean he is literally the performance King) and most importantly, both Taemin and Naeun really love their fans, and they won't make decisions easily without thinking of their fans first. Shawols have been through with Shinee for a long time and through a lot of different events, and I think that applies to apink as well.  I really hope they can last till then -2023 and go to marriage!! 


    It's my first time posting here and I really hope that my analysis could strengthen our faith for our couple!

    I'm a shawol too, and I agree. I think if ever they're gonna announce it'll be when he finishes his enlistment. I know that they would never get married before his enlistment like Taeyang from BigBang but I truly hope they will :bawling:

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  5. 1 hour ago, syzsyzsyz said:

    Hi everyone! This is my first time to post here but I've been around for a while and have liked taeun since 2014! 

    As you can see from my profile pic, I'm a shawol and personally, I've seen a lot of negative comments about taeun since WGM. 

    However, (I think someone mentioned this before but) I feel like people aren't as strict about idols dating as seen in many different dating news amongst the years. Also, theres JH's incident in 2017 where I think K-shawols are more accepting nowadays. 

    I live in HK and I follow some Chinese taeunians and shawols. From what I know, there are still a lot of C-shawols (or fans who only like taemin alone) that are very very against taeunians (I've witnessed them bashing C-taeunians as well...)

    But besides from this, I think K-shawols are more accepting than Chinese ones, but again, this doesn't apply to every shawol. 


    About the Korean video on taeun:

    I know how to read korean so I can understand the comments. If anyone wants translation for any specific comments (or at least the most liked ones) I could do that and post it here with snapshots. In general, I would say there are both taeun lovers but haters as well in the comments, but there are also neutral ones. If I compare the love:neutral:hate ratio, I would say its 3:4:3 

    For example, the positive ones would say: 

    "Oh my... taemin and naeun had real feelings for each other... Its 7 years later but I really hope they would date one day"

    BUT, the negative ones: 

    "lol I don't get why they put Taemin's I'm Crying as BGM, its nothing but scripted but they're making it dramatic... Just leave them alone"


    The ones that has gotten the most likes were neutral ones:

    "That's why I really hate WGM...  WGM created a lot of chaos... T & N were just sunbaes and hoobaes but now can't even greet each other properly."

    "They look like ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriends"


    In general, I would say that people are starting to watch taeun again and put attention on them (tbh the youtube views on taeun has increased A LOT and there are a lot of positive supportive comments down there)... I don't know if this new attention is a good thing or not, but for sure, the increased amount of support is definitely a good thing. 


    Hope this will offer some help to others who need translation to the video!!

    thank u so much. 


    I understand what you mean, but I still see some huge taemin fansites on twitter that has "noWGM" in their bio

  6. 13 hours ago, LauLau said:


    I don't understand Korean but all the top comments I translated in google seemed positive though? They were a really popular couple in South Korea when WGM aired even though most Koreans were also hating on the program at the time... still, the ratings increased after Taeun joined.

    Oh you're right.... but

    google translate translated the top comment with 19K to this, and it doesn't seem positive to me:

    One of the programs that I really don't like. Go away with two kids who are between seniors and get married. Get married.


    OR WAIT IS IT POSITIVE? are they telling Taemin and Naeun to go away with two kids and get married?



    Isn't this a couple that the people of the nation are cheering for?


    Wow guys then I'm mistaken

  7. 5 hours ago, bbymeowie said:

    you guys know how there are some fan accounts who are dead certain that they are dating?

    i always wonder is it because they've spotted them dating before or?

    i mean there's a difference between being dead certain and hoping. i think most of us here are on the hoping ship?

    i wonder how they're so confident!!!

    Yeah like Taeun.Couple on instagram, she was arguing with someone on her latest post but it's deleted now, about the things she claims she knows but doesn't wanna tell. I wonder if she's telling the truth

  8. 1 hour ago, JulieC said:


    Yes they are actually living in Cheongdam ! But I don't think they live together because you have to be married (Korean Tradition) and both of them are Catholics so ... Naeun I'm sure 100% that she lives happily with her family but Taemin I think he does have 2 houses ? I'm not sure with this information. 


    I do remember, I think it was in 2014, Kai and Taemin has visited Cube Entertainment and Taemin was driving his black BMW car. They went at the cafeteria; I was wondering all of these years, why they will go there ? 

    That's why I can't but wonder if they're married especially after seeing the video of Taemin changing the rings in his hands, but now I'm just reaching.. God who knows


    @taemdeok I think the video was shared in here before, because I remember it. But yeah I've seen the Korean comments, and I've been so happy to see so many. I always wonder what they mean, but well as long as they're supportive!

  9. @LiveInDreams


    I’m sorry you were disappointed in the way I worded my post, I apologize for the offensive things I wrote, but I’m not gonna apologize for the things I wrote about Taemin and Naeun. I don’t think you’re a troll, but I can differentiate between a troll and a normal post. That obviously wasn’t just a normal post, and you can even get that vibe off the next posts the alleged person has been posting. The person is clearly a Taemin fan, and barely know anything Taeun related. She watched WGM, and I stated many times that I don’t care what they believe in, because they have the right to, just as we do, but this is a Taeun thread for shippers that believe in Taeun. And I’m sorry again if I’m offending you, but I don’t see the point in posting in here to make people argue about all of our threads and posts whether they're fake hints or not. Because we obviously believe in whatever we share in here. If you’re not a shipper, or ship Taemin and Naeun, just don’t post in this thread as it is clearly not for you. End of story.

    I’m sorry again for the words I worded in my last post, but I simply doesn’t believe that the person had any good intention with the post.


    I have myself been following the thread for a long time, and I remember a post about Sunmi and Taemin which didn’t belong in here as well. This is a Taeun thread for people who believe they’re real, if you don’t, find somewhere else to share your assumptions.  

    • Thanks 3
  10. 12 hours ago, qqbr21 said:


    Is this news true? 
    last night I suddenly missed TAEUN and watched the replay of WGM
    This morning reading this news, my heart is broken
    I hope this news isn't true


    I just saw this, this morning. There's actually people that believes they're together now, because of this. I honestly hope that it's for a dance collab like majority of the people or else why would they meetup in a cafe in public? They would know better. 


    I just wanted to say one thing as this post was posted. We all have every right to feel sad/upset if EVER a dating rumor is confirmed of Taemin or Naeun with someone else. But guys, who said we never were right? Maybe Naeun and Taemin dated before that? - But knowing that will just hurt more, then I will have so many unanswered questions like what happened that made them breakup? what happened that made them fall in love with someone else?

    Yeah well, I'm just saying I'm not saying Taeun aren't together cause of course I believe this is a collab, and when it releases we can all be at ease. It wouldn't make sense also cause how would they have gotten to know each other? Sure we know nothing about idols personally, but when did they ever meet to know each other - I mean Yooa and Taemin I'm so curious. But weird does Yooa live in Cheongdam too? Since they met up there? Cause Taemin and Naeun lives there right? Ughhh my heart will be so sad if this is something else. Anyway I'm crossing fingers, hoping it's a dance collab and nothing dating related hahaha. 


    Let's keep our thin highs Taeunians, I think we're on the right path. Taeun is real! That troll can say what she wants, will never change what we believe in! 


    - I just found out Taemin did a live an hour after, and said "he was in a meeting". So it's very likely it was work related :) 


    OKAY NOW I DEFINITELY DON'T BELIEVE IT'S DATING RELATED. The person who started the rumor said apparently Taemin and Yooa were very awkward together. 

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