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Posts posted by therese3

  1. Hooray for the BINJIN Nation!!! My gosh. :issohappy:


    I watched Yejin's CF so many times because a part of me can't wait for what's to come - with the hints of them together in the next smart CF.


    It makes me sooo happy and damned proud that Binjin's No1 shipper - smart , is from my country. 


    I am also soo happy for mommy and daddy. Mommy's twitter hashtag was trending in most parts of asia. Yey!!! That would make them feel that they are well-loved and supported. So yes, they can tell the world that they are already married. No need to be shy about it. :fullofhearts: If they are worried about their careers in Korea, they can always move to the Phils, lol. Or in some other parts of Asia where I am sure they will truly be loved and supported. 


    Just a thought and a feeling. Sa tingin ko, hindi magpapatalo si bench. :D For the BinJin Nation World, I'm just saying that there's a big possibility, bench will not allow smart to get all the binjin publicity credits. So I will not be surprised if bench announces Yejin as their next endorser. Come on Bench!!! Be one with BinJin Nation and post it all over EDSA!!! 

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  2. Now that Baeksang is over, when will we see Daddy and Mommy together again? huhuhu. that is the sad part. 


    I can understand how hard and uncommon it is in the korean acting industry for the same people to reunite again in a project.


    But in my heart of hearts, can some big hotshot international company invest in a project for these two? It sure will be a big hit internationally.


    I hope SMART still has a budget to include yejin as their endorser seeing how their executives were hinting during their interview that Captain Ri is lonely.



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  3. Just thinking....


    I think the term "Popularity Award" for Baeksang doesn't do justice on how that award is won, considering the hard work fans have to put through just to let their favorites win. In our case, our daddy binshi and mommy yejin. 


    The term "People's Choice Award" would probably been heavier and have more meaning because it means that it was given by the fans, everybody who has been watching the kdrama and not just a group of people tasked to choose who wins the award. 


    Well, anyway, congratulations and good job everyone for all the hard work!! :):thumbsup:

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  4. 1 hour ago, itsmeehLala . said:


    They're famous actors in Asia. it's not fiction. Great story eh?

    I got hooked because of their story. The same as HB and SYJ thats why i'm shipping them. I have the same gut feeling and all the same words i've used before (i.e. mirroring, strong chemistry, denial, secret meetings, etc), it's like a deja vu to me.


    I got the same feeling with SongSong couple and i shipped them before.  So i hope i got it right again this time.




    The negotiation press con wherein HB said something to SYJ about covering her legs because of the short design of her skirt. 


    That reminded me of Song Song couple when they were facing a crowd in China. SJK made sure that SHK covered her legs with a towel when she sat because she was wearing a mini skirt. 


    #CoupleFeels #InGroceryWeTrust :joy:

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  5. OMG. I just saw the full BinJin Bestfriend Compilation Video. Both of them were so happy and it's like there were sparks in their eyes and they were revolving in their own world. 


    Whoever made it. Thank you. And whoever posted it here. Thank you. These are the kinds of vibes that should be in this thread.


    My gosh. During, the bts of the promotional tour of negotiation, HB was soooo protective of SYJ - reminding her to cover her legs, getting her mic, moving the wires so she wouldn't trip, also holding on to her elbow. It seems like he would sense when SYJ was not comfy with where she's standing and would move her. OMG. The perfect gentleman boyfriend!!! (My ex wasn't even like that to me. That's probably why he's already an ex. lol.) 


    If they are just besties, where can I find a bestie guy like him? I'd like to have one!!! 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, jacdayans said:



    Maybe he is already used to it.. he had no “urge” when it comes to professional setting because it is reserved for private moments hahaha

    Actually, I was thinking how SYJ could have done that easily & effortlessly multiple times as if it is something so normal :naughty: I mean, if you’re doing it to your co-star, a friend, or even your bff-in-the-whole-wide-world, there should be some hesitation or safety concern because slamming your body to another person requires some force. There will be no harm but can be a little painful I guess? 

    But seeing both of them doing it so casually made me raise an eyebrow :naughty: They must be “rough” :joy:


    :joy: these are the kind of positive vibes that i like! 


    anyhow, there was part in the BTS that she was like rocking him trying to cling on to him, right? naughty naughty! :joy:

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  7. 35 minutes ago, lavanta said:

    @itspeanutbutterjellytime thank you for directing the thread into its rightful direction as it should be. Many friends gave great detailed answers and i completely agree with them. But for me there is ONE big thing i love above everything else: respect! HB stated his respect and admiration of her in various platforms (i.e. Vogue interview, Netflix interview, Negotiation promotions, CLOY interviews). He says: 

    • he gets thrilled like no other by her skills,
    • he wants to act with her and learn from her (no other male actor at his calibre would say such thing),
    • SYJ has so much more charm to show the audience,
    • we should watch the movie and drama because SYJ is in it, instead of boosting himself

    It is hard to find a man that respects your skills and admires you for it like HB does. No need to say, he is one of the best Korean actors out there and still humbly putting SYJ at the top and having great regards to her, tells me great deal of his infatuation of SYJ.


    SYJ is the best of best when it comes to Korean actresses (my other favourite is Kim Hye Soo). She is so high that possible suitors might be intimidated by her status. It might one of the reasons why she could not find the right man until now. HB differentiate himself from others by getting close to her without being intimidated. One of the reasons for that SYJ has high regards for HB as well. Their understanding of each other, their mutual respect for their skills and capabilities are the foundation of their relationship.  


    This is why i love them, they are mature, they learnt from their past experiences and approach their relationship with that mindset. It's clearly not a fling or just some love sparks but they have a good foundation of mutual respect and admiration. Love is like a wind could pass in a blink of eye but respect is what stays forever.






    You are so right about RESPECT. 


    They are actually perfect for each other because they are both equals and accomplished in their field. Not one is higher than the other which can cause jealousy/insecurities in a couple.


    Everybody has already mentioned a lot of scenes but I'd like to point out one thing that maybe some have missed.


    Have you guys seen the BTS on the scene where they got reunited in RJH's house? They were both being lovey dovey in front of their parents and the director already said cut but HB squeezed SYJ's arm and held on to it for like a few more seconds. touchy touchy binshiii 

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  8. 1 hour ago, sussieh said:

    Wow! Exactly how I feel! I second you completely in what you wrote.

    Same with me btw: Long time k-drama fan (since 2008), long- time HB fan (since Worlds Within), but this happen to be my first time as shipper! 

    I am surprised (and it is also a little heartbreaking as a fangirl), that some people (not many at least!) are even criticizing HB’s actions because of this last denial. He has been always a true gentleman, a man of few words and reserved (the shy type of guy). And, he is now 38 yrs old, of course he is more mature now, and he will want to protect their privacy (more if SYJ has always been more private). He is playful in some BTS but at the same time it’s normal that his playfulness is shown in a more mature way. He is more protective also. And sometimes it’s like his own feelings betray him and he simply forget  everyone and everything around them (hehehe... for example in last BTS while turning her in the air, I giggle each time I watch that part! :wub:). Also, look at his many sweet gestures, at those long devoting gazes, hearty smiles and warm laughs (as we have watched many times LOL). Same SYJ, although I am her new fan (I love her btw! She is an amazing actress!), call it woman intuition, don’t know, but in her smiles and gazes I also perceive warmth and feelings for him. 

    We have many sweet behaviors between them. Let’s just support them and respect them. 

    :heart::heart::heart: Good vibes!

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  9. In my heart of hearts, I am hoping and praying that BinJin are really a couple or are going to be a couple and will get married. 


    I saw a twitter post which says "I am rooting more for their love life more than mine." I found that funny because somehow I can relate. 


    Will my world stop if things don't go my way? No because I have my own life/reality to live. But I will be seriously heartbroken. And will need months, if not a year to fix my broken heart. Hahaha.


    But for now that there is no concrete evidence (Agency denials don't count) that they are not dating, then I will be that happy shopper who dreams that they are somewhere together celebrating CLOY's success. Hahaha. Come to think of it, there's actually more evidence that they are at LEAST close friends. #InGroceryWeTrust   And again, men and women their age can't just be besties/close friends in the end. It's a make or break age...


    Those who can't believe and who can't have this kind of faith, I don't think you belong in this forum. Go find some people whom you can band with and share your angst and negativities. Respect and allow us shippers to live in that pink bubble and happiness. 

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  10. 7 minutes ago, flailingfangirl said:

    Oh yes, one last point. I think this forum is amazing. We can discuss things and ship them happily, without doing any damage to their respective careers of course :glasses:


    Very well said! 


    As what @flailingfangirl said, shopping them rationally.


    Let's all hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. 


    In the meantime, we can be delulu and happy shippers! :D Can we also avoid too much negative vibes? Haha.  I mean, there's too many actual evidences that they could be more than friends. So let's not allow a single denial to dampen our spirits. 


    And if (I hope not though), this ship will not reach its destination, then just let's cherish these moments and be grateful that HB & SYJ made us happy and giddy at some point in our lives.


    As what some are saying, they too are people just like us who have personal lives. Let's respect that. 

    • Like 12
  11. 3 hours ago, truongapril said:

    does anyone have a link of The Negotiation making film? can you share please?


    I saw it on youtube movies. you can actually pay to rent/watch it online. about 5usd. I'm watching it one of these days. 


    I honestly still have sepanx over CLOY. I usually tend to marathon watch about 2 kdramas per week. I couldn't find one that I feel like watching right now! 


    Any good, underrated and not so known k dramas that i should watch? I'd gladly appreaciate any suggestions. 


    Shout out to my Filipino kababayans here! :D Seems like there's a lot of us here. Nice to meet u guys!



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  12. OMG!!! Magic thumb is soooo amazing.


    And sooo consistent!! Naughty Binnie!!! :lol:


    The holding hands is an acting need/requirement. The magic thumb is an added bonus. And one doesn't add a bonus if he doesn't like giving it or if the recipient doesn't want it. RIGHT?? :D


    Me being a happy shipper/delulu is thinking maybe both of them are quiet because they are off in a warm, private island, enjoying a late valentines celebration. :D Binnie getting his private bonus from yejin. LOLS. 


    No harm in happy dreaming as long as one is aware of the reality. 




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  13. I honestly think we shouldn't make a big fuss over the VAST denial.


    I think the agency is defending the fact that they don't want their actor to look so unprofessional as to holding hands unnecessarily while on set. That's just it. 


    I totally agree with this post!!! 


    And let's all remember: Actions speak louder than words.




    Agencies' denials (which seems to be quite normal in the kdrama industry) vs. grocery, negotiation interviews & presscon & CLOY BTS. 


    Which poison would you rather take? :lol: hahahaha.


    10 minutes ago, skidadling said:



    I also want to echo some of the other responses here. While they may be all lovey dovey in BTS videos and the like, these are two very mature, professional adults. You can't measure them by the same standards you would with people in their teens or 20s. Grocery store dates make more sense than on-set hand holding. I mean, I know tons of married couple personally who have told me that grocery shopping is the only time they have to go on a date. And if the agencies can deny that, they'll deny anything and everything.










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  14. 6 minutes ago, Meli said:

    Yes.. There is a post from i think january 26th about the party... Then the next one is her in White dress and someone commented it was in koreatown LA. 


    @therese3 i have no idea... Maybe they went together to the party and to meet the in-laws lol

    . @Annie12 Is sophia then her sister's daughter?

    Is this why Yejin speaks english so well?? 



    It's meet the whole family!!! Hahahaha. 


    Whether sophia is her sister's daughter or a daughter of a close friend, I think it still kinda means something for HB to meet her family or people she considers family. 


    Come to think of it, at her age, guys who only get to meet your family are either long time friends or new close friends. 


    HB can't qualify as long time friend.

    HB is a new "close friend" BUT at her age, there is no such thing as being just friends with a guy. Well, you can start as friends... :D



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  15. 29 minutes ago, Meli said:

    Yeah, I was thinking this too:D the writer must have done it on purpose to mess with us lol


    Exactly!!! Unless every friend had their own cart i'm not buying it:lol: 


    According to Yejin's insta she was there for a birthday of a little girl named Sophie..anyone know who she might be? 

    Quick curiosity:it was announced today that actor Lee Sang Yoon is leaving the show Masters of the house... When i first saw the episode with Yejin i really thought they would make a cute couple (before i saw her with HB) . He even reminds me a little of Hyun Bin. He is also such respectable actor with clean scandal record. 


    Is this about the grocery in LA? the articles were posted Jan 20, 2019. SJY birthday is Jan 11. I was really thinking that this trip was to celebrate her birthday. :D

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  16. 2 hours ago, YuSanSeul said:


    Unless either one of them are already in a serious relationship with someone else, for which I will be truly gutted.

    So be brave fellow shippers/shoppers if we choose to stay on board! Safe to say I am still on this ship, only because I support their individual careers as artistes and I really would like to see them find happiness in each other. How often do you come across someone who fulfills all the qualities you seek in your other half (cue SYJ. YES you tick all his boxes!), lets you goof around with them and genuinely allows you to be yourself? Cheers all! :kiss_wink:


    Well, there really is a possibility that they are just (still) friends. But for one of them to be in a serious relationship with another person right now. I do believe that is close to impossible. Because if one of them is in a relationship, they wouldn't be that touchy during the BTS in respect to their individual relationship, if there is one. Especially if they are good friends and know that one of them is already committed to another person.


    With the ending of CLOY and the beginning of their individual movies, tough times are going to be ahead of us guys. We have to be strong! Fighting!!! Hahahaha. I would rather that they take things slow, get to know each other and deepen their relationship for a successful marriage rather than they get married and end up divorced. (Sorry Song Song Couple fans. I don't mean to offend.)


    Unless someone sees them going out or traveling, I think we have to prepare our hearts of the reality that we will be getting very little news about them. *sighs* Until, hopefully, they announce their marriage. Both of them are 38 in Korean Age. So if they want to get married before 40, then they'd have to do it next year. Lol. 


    Fighting guys! Let's keep the faith! And right now, all we can do is lift each other up. We can do this! hahaha. #InGroceryWeTrust

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  17. 2 hours ago, jacdayans said:

    I ship ParkPark Couple hard and still actively lurking in their thread until now. I think for PPC, they made a lot of mistakes with their interviews after the drama finished. I realized that knetz are generally fine with denials but do not treat them as if they are stupid. The rumors of them dating for 3 years and planning for marriage broke out exactly 1 day after the drama finale. Knetz were really supporting PPC but during the interview after the drama ended, both PSJ & PMY gave bad answers to the press. Unlike BinJin & SongSong who just laughed it off over rumors when asked, PPC were a bit dramatic. PMY told the press how stressful she was with the rumors that she could not sleep, cried or something but when journalists asked if there is any possibility of them dating, both PSJ & PMY gave vague answers that obviously indicated that they are dating. After that, knetz starting to turn their backs on them. 

    I shipped quite a number of rumored & confirmed couples including idols, knetz are actually supportive of them as long as the celebs are chill and considerable about their dating life. HB & SYJ are top stars, the amount of support they are getting is unimaginable as long as they keep it cool even with denials. Let it be an open secret until they are ready to tell the world about their relationship.


    PPC had a very strong chemistry with WWSK and I too wanted them to be together. I was trolling the few BTS that I could find online but somehow the BTS showed nothing at all. In fact, with the BTS that I saw, I somehow came to the conclusion that there was nothing between them. They were awkward. I don't mean to offend you, I hope. 


    CLOY BTS somehow gives me hope. Hahahaha. There's this level of comfortability & closeness in them that one can say they are really close friends, at the least... But I honestly wouldn't dare smell my closest guy friend's hair unless I like him and I want to flirt with him. :lol:

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