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Posts posted by tinymel

  1. Hi, long, long time lurker. 


    I cannot believe the wait is finally over. I watched ep 1&2 then caved and bought VIP (oopss...).


    Have to say, I think it is good they are going chronological rather than following the book's structure. It could be confusing otherwise. But I really, really hope we get the book's opening scene in the drama!!! It was one of my favourites.


    One thing I prefer in the drama is how DongHua has these little moments when he looks at things and you think he is thinking of FengJiu. Visual media can be better at this than books. And the characterisation of FJ as well because in the book she is reflecting on her time as his fox so her perspective is different


    Anyway. Back to lurking and the real world. Just couldn't contain my excitement. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. Will probably reread the book saturday.

    • Like 1
  2. Joyous New Year to All!!!


    Jumping on the "I'm so excited for her new drama" train. New kinda role for her, which is super exciting. 


    Love this ship and shippers. 2020 FIGHTING!!!


    also 2020... 20:20 vision... clarity... relationships... dating news... marriage news... baby news... ok, I have never claimed to be rational... just be happy that the captains of our ship are adorkable and hard working. Looking forward to all their projects in the new year. 

    • Like 7
  3. We got confirmation today!!! NJH will be in 365! AND she updated!



    Also, I know people have been a bit tense that SOOP hasn't made an announcement but they will need to now, so end of the week is my guess. TBH, there was an official statement at the beginning of the summer saying she would focus on being a student--they would respect her wishes. Her exams are next week(16-20 dec according to the university academic calendar). Therefore, even though she is filming, I am sure that her finals are her main priority. They won't forget her. Expect to see lots of her in January/New Year!




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  4. Just finished watching ep15 and 16! (have not been reading on the thread because I was trying to avoid spoilers and then everything moved super quickly! will go back and read)


    1- I was really happy to see BK smile(I was worried we'd never see LJW smile:tears:) and then realise that he is a monster. Too little too late but it felt in character. He needed to realise that the DO he liked was shadow-DO not as stage-DO... if that makes sense.


    2-I read somewhere that there was little romantic chemistry between the leads... all I have to say to that is: say what? This show was never about heavy romance. and it is a campus drama... I want sweet love not rip-your-clothes-off chemistry. So bug--- off critics. Our brilliant cast gave exactly the right amount of love... Also it KILLED me that JD and DH didn't get together. They had the most chemistry... I get why she made her decision but I wish she had said "maybe next time" to DH. 


    3-The ending was perfect for me. I was happy that we didn't see any of Secret's leads or support characters (EDIT! NJ... Sorry how could I forget our strawberry sweater. I feel that was massive trolling of the most oblivious character in the entire show). The show is about extras and that is how we ended. I hope that Squiddy and Squiddy-wifey are currently raising a little squiddy family together. 


    4-More on the ending. That DO doesn't have a name in the new manhwa is EVERYTHING. I now want to see fanfics for all the unnamed characters in dramas... or at least fanfics for extras and leads who have connections but no other relationships (I have a couple of very specific couples in mind). 


    5-On the topic of fanfic... in a way EY is a fanfic. It is taking characters who we want to set up and put them together. Second lead syndrome can be gratified now in my heart (Looking at you SWB!!!) :wub:


    I do think ratings are important for the cast and crew because of future projects but... I think the k-watchers have a shift towards darker/more serious dramas at the moment (away from comedy). There is an argument about social-economic anxieties and the kinds of media we consume... I can't find the article and can't remember if we watch funny things when things are good or bad. But... WHO KNOWS. Love the dramas you love regardless of ratings. xx

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  5. 1 hour ago, Jillia said:

    Do Hwa gave Ha Ru clothes from his brother and he is wearing another flamboyant jacket again. :lol:



    Am I really the only one who LOVES these jackets? I want them. I would wear them every single day (changing at lunch time). They go with everything! Jeans, skirts, dresses, shorts... I could wear them out with the girls for drinks, or to work, or to a fancy date... I mean literally the most versatile thing in a wardrobe (after an LBD) is a flamboyant jacket... :wub:


    And I've watched without subs and tje'ogij  a4tjosgjaarag rmamkger I need subs but I also don't want to relive... but I want to... :(

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  6. 7 minutes ago, celebrianna said:

    @tinymel, I can’t see any similarities at all between Mr. Darcy and BK in character or situation. Both are rich but that’s about it. Mr Darcy indeed was full of pride but as Elizabeth realized later after honestly admitted she was prejudiced, Mr. Darcy was a “principled” man and an excellent judge of character. He was indeed awkward in social gatherings and held the country crowd beneath him, but notice also that his letter to Elizabeth was “spot on” about her beloved sister, her family and Mr. Wickham. It was really remarkable how everything he warned about in that letter came to fruition not long after Elizabeth received it.


    Notice also that after making that disparaging remark about Elizabeth, after observing her on subsequent occasions, he treated her “differently” than any other woman that someone as rational and realistic like Charlotte picked up on it first.



    Ah! Sorry for not making myself clear on that! I don't think that Mr Darcy and BK are similar people--rather they are meant to represent the same thing to the reader. A male character who represses his real emotions because a real or perceived barrier to a happy relationship with the woman he grows to love. So yet another stock character and relationship that the author/writer can play with/ subvert.


    In my opinion/ by now well established, BK is meant to be a character who acts like he hates DO but secretly loves her--he rejects her because of his own mother's death/ doesn't want to be left by another person he cares about. Only BK is in fact an angry, arrogant man who is selfish and, frankly, horrible. But I still think that BK will have (most likely on the stage) a meaningful confession to DO--one that is meant to be the ultimate turning point in their relationship arc. By meaningful, I mean one that happens either in the hospital or another place where there isn't a group of people. If it happens on the stage and then flips back to the shadow it would be very interesting to see how BK will play it out... I don't think he actually likes DO, rather she is his toy that has been taken away. But he confuses that with love, which is tragic.


    Hope that makes more sense! 



    • Like 6
  7. @nrllee and @brielover thoughts on the other titles:


    Pride and Prejudice-- Mr Darcy being the most famous tsundere character in the Western canon--BK will probably get a massive confession soon. Arguably also the difference between how people act in polite society and how they act one on one.


    Turandot-- maybe riddles? or the fact that Turnadot says that the prince's name is Love; she gives him a name like DO gives Haru his name? And if she says his real name he will die, so maybe the idea of giving someone else control over your fate? (I haven't listened to the opera in a while)


    Merchant of Venice -- I think there are a couple of parallels one being debt--"pound of flesh". Also the use of stock characters (the men who try to woo Portia are all stereotypes of where they come from). Portia also is the epitome of a perfect heroine (pretty, smart, wealthy) which is how DO sees herself at the beginning before discovering she is merely an extra... Arguably Portia, herself, is an extra in a play about Shylock, the Merchant of Venice. You could also say that the relatively minor character Jessica is an example of an Extra who proves crucial the way the play turns out (actually a lot of extras in MoV are important to ensuring the play ends the way it does)--she is also, ultimately, unhappy in her marriage "I am never merry when I hear music". 


    EDIT: I am also intrigued by the other titles which all have to do with contemporary takes on historical houses or interiors. Again the idea of things not being what they seem. Also the nice duality of Historic and Contemporary like our two manhwa


    I love all genres tbh and the idea that the writer and production team would be willing to have a tragic ending would be really refreshing. The whole drama feels very tragi-comedy but within the safe, quite sanitised confines of a high school. One thing I've found interesting is that it does not hold with the tradition romcom plot line boy meets girls, boy falls in love with girl, something keeps them apart, they start a new world/life together where the old way of doing things is overturned so that true love rules supreme. Instead we have a story of Hubris in the sageuk manhwa (v fitting and common trope for historical fiction) and Cinderella in Secret (in a high school, also well trodden path). Both have morals about being humble and putting the needs of others before your own. Then! There is the main Shadow love story. Again a common theme of wealthy girl trapped in a loveless relationship who is won over by the poor but kind and loyal servant(who can represent a romantic connection she won't find elsewhere). But that in turn is undermined by the story of the extras in the shadow (namely Squid, BK, DH, and JD). DH and JD are now the centre of a Romeo/Juliet doomed from the start romance, one consigned to the shadows--actually theirs is the relationship that most closely mirrors R&J imo. Squid is the puppet master who turns out to be more of a puppet than any of them (which is sad). I can't see how they can make everyone happy--perhaps the next manhwa is DH and JD trying to get together with Haru and DO either as the leads or absent altogether. Perhaps their disappearing from the Stage is ultimately the happy ending we should want because it means they no longer have to worry about the whims of an unseen writer.


    Another thing that makes the drama so engrossing is that how it plays with internal referencing (BoF for instance) without alienating the viewer into thinking the characters are the same. NJ is essentially every LMH character squashed together (I'm sure to find a CH reference somewhere) and is so 2D that it is no wonder JD is falling for DH! Though I think it is done in good humour, behind all good jokes is a grain of truth. Interestingly I think tastes have changed to the point that straight romcom (and fusion sageuk) is going out of fashion. Maybe will have a comeback in a couple of years. This drama feels in some ways the nail in the coffin of High school candy girls--I couldn't be happier!


    Ultimately for me this drama is THAT girl. The one who is perfect in every way possible but you can't hate her because she is just a genuinely good person. 


    Ooof. Did not intend it to be that long but once you got me started I couldn't seem to stop.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, nrllee said:

    @tinymel Romeo and Juliet was mentioned because it was one of the books on the shelf where the comic Secret was found.  Along with Pride and Prejudice, Turandot,  Merchant of Venice.  All these books are obviously inspirations for the story line or they wouldn’t have been placed alongside the comic.  Hence the quotes.  :)


    Ah!(I did notice the titles that but didn't realise that was why you using the quotes) But still!!! I don't want tragedy. :wub:

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  9. 21 hours ago, nrllee said:

    @brielover:wub:  Shakespeare is the master of love speak.


    Less Romeo and Juliet(tragedy) and more comedy:


    "I do not wish any companion in the world but you" (Tempest)

    "The course of True Love never did run smooth" (Midsummer Night's Dream)

    "The sight of Lovers feeds those in Love" (As you like it)--poor DH I feel this is particularly him

    "There is witchcraft in your lips" (Henry V, not a comedy but the best line EVER)(below because a bit off topic)

     Advanced issues found

    --also Henry V and Kate love scene is very Haru and DO... all flirty and then "ooops, here comes your dad let's pretend like we weren't being cute and kissing, but yes! I want to marry her..." 






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  10. 1 hour ago, Jillia said:

    Basically the manhwa writer writing a big parody on all the tropes and clichés, making us think he/she is completey unoriginal but in the end it's all his/her plot.


    Hahahahah... I think the manhwa writer is the subject of the parody of the drama writer! (I haven't read the actual manhwa so don't know how it works there). 


    While the idea that the manhwa writer is controlling the shadow is really interesting, it--I feel--over complicates the drama because we have no other knowledge of the writer in the drama (which I'm pleased about because I like when dramas have a strong core of not too many characters). I do like the idea that the writer's set ups influence the shadow though--as if they cannot really get rid of their fundamental set up:


    DO-- to live and change her fate (dying in Secret; being used as a pawn in TF)

    Haru-- to go from being invisible(he is meant to be a shadow guard) to protecting DO 

    BK-- to use DO for his own selfish needs and only begin to care when his toy is taken away

    Squid-- to feel powerless against the world / know he is a puppet

    DH-- to love the girl and never be able to express it except in the shadows

    JD-- to struggle against her powerless set up and only be able to stand up for herself in the shadows


    The writer (drama not manhwa) is being soooo freaking clever with these characters though. Even on the stage DO knows that her illness is what prevents her character from being totally happy. Haru knows stage and shadow that he can change the world but that his actions have serious consequences. etc etc...


    @bebebisous33 YES!

    • Like 12
  11. I know this isn’t our trumpet vine but how beautiful is this flower? It looks somewhat like the pendant. 


    Anyway. I’m really enjoying all the discussions. Some interesting ideas. 


    For me the most fascinating thing is how  baek kyung is a support character/lead and therefore is invested in the story playing out according to the authors original intent. Until now he has no reason to be a different, less angry, person because his shadow self is satisfied by his stage self. Now his shadow and stage are coming into conflict and he wants to change the shadow and not the stage. I think that is why he was the first to completely understand how to change the stage. Haru know instinctively but BK knows the structure. 


    As we go along, I’m convinced more and more that DO will be the one to make the ultimate decision. Based on what we’ve seen in Trumpet Flower manhwa, I think that she put herself in the way of the sword. That when they tried to change the stage there is resulted in her death and the scar. Which makes me feel like the ending here will be bitter sweet. With DO choosing to find  Haru in the next Manhwa. With eps we have left we could do that and still have a half episode of them being adorable in the new manhwa... maybe with Haru as the lead. 


    Because ultimately this is about freewill and as they have more and more memories of their history the more they will remember of their past. 


    And it makes me so happy how kdrama fans on soompi sit around discussing philosophy. Bring out the popcorn! Time for Freewill 101!


    I only wish they could make make a season 2 so that we can see new hijinks.  

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  12. 3 hours ago, larrysouth said:


    LOL, that was a dated pickup cliche back around 543 BC.  It only got more dated in 1990.  I groan every time they play it on television now.  However, I will keep an open mind since it involves our shadow couple, Dan-Oh and Ha-Ru.  :wub:


    Every romcom worth its salt needs a pottery scene... but it would be great for one where the GIRL is teaching because I've never met a teenage boy who knew how to throw a pot... 


    I actually really adore bits like this because flashbacks to high school and sometimes that was the intro to skinship... mini golf (how to hold a golf club), waltzing (close hold), playing pool... and all sooooo much better when one of you *pretends* not to know how to do something so that you can be taught! sigh :wub:

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  13. 1 hour ago, renjunnie said:

    What if

      Reveal hidden contents

    Like the secret manhwa, at the trumpet creeper writer makes Dan Oh end up with Baek Kyung. But, it's turns out that the three of them aware of their existence as manhwa character. Dan Oh love Baek Kyung at stage, but she love Haru at shadow.

    Haru and Dan Oh fall in love deeply, and want to change their fate so badly, but they found that they can't change it.

    Dan Oh really loves Haru. So she doesn't want to end up with Baek Kyung. But because her set-up, she knows that she can't be together with Haru.

    Because of that, Dan Oh stabbed herself with sword, right on her heart, so she can die and hope this story never happen again later (because the story keep repeating)

    Because of this, she have heart sickness at secret manhwa, and the story that she wanted to avoid, happened again.

     Oh my imagination :sweatingbullets:



    This is the best drama of 2019. Meta moments, references to other works, working in tropes etc that normally make you cringe. 


    Lets talk about that kiss for a min. Does anyone know where I can get a box to stand on while kissing my LO? It looks like a fairly common prop. They had one in SLOMS... Maybe amazon? An extra 10-20cm would make the world of difference. I’m down for one of us carrying it around if it ends the neck ache. 

    • LOL 12
  14. 19 hours ago, Dundee said:

    Sometimes i can’t stand DO’s character on the stage LOL

    If she could legally drink, she'd raise a glass to that.


    JD LIKES DH!!! FIGHT ME!!! --I really am so happy that she is aware because 1-another girl who is aware 2-has NJ ever done anything that is selfless for her? nope. he gets other people to set up the confession, he humiliates her with his early behaviour... let's just say that I'm not a "the guy pulls your pigtails because he likes you" kinda gal...

    Meanwhile DH is willing to sacrifice his own happiness for hers (and she over hears that at the sandwich place... loved that she made him a special one... really hope that was not part of the stage and was her own choice but probably not... still sets up the possibility in the manhwa that she can start liking DH)


    Can't wait for today's ep!!!

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  15. goodness, goodness me... :love: 


    3 hours ago, babyval22 said:

    48.     Before, you have said that you fell asleep on your way to the beach.
    -    (laughs) Ah~, that. It happened before my enlisment. I like going out out of sudden like that. Even now I often go out without any plans. Or that I asked my friend “shall we go?” and gone to Busan. As for the beach incident you mentioned (laughs), I suddenly wanted to go to the beach, I drove my car at around 4A.M., alone. I cannot think straightly at that time. Because I felt very sleepy. I wanted to keep going, but the sun rose, and I felt sleepy. I decided to take a quick nap in the rest area, but when I woke up, it was already lunch time. The weather was very hot as it was summer. In the end, all I did was sleeping in the rest area and headed back home hahaha.

    otherwise known as "car camping"...


    normally the saying is "loose lips sink ships", but with Namji it is the other way around! Sail onwards!

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  16. 1 hour ago, nateko said:

    BTW, I was thinking why exactly is the manhwa titled "Secret" if it's simply a teenage love story about JD and NJ? What exactly is the secret? There's nothing secretive about the main leads.


    I always thought the “secret” is that the characters in the manhwa are “real”. So a big Meta moment. We(the viewer) are in on the secret; DO and the other aware characters are in on the secret. 


    Also the secret about Haru and his back story as well. 

    • Like 5


    How many shows / actors have a lead character cry so much and still keep us hooked? 


    DO is amazing. Haru broke our hearts. And BK (magically) is no longer violent—while this is v abrupt, so the mysterious writer writes. I think JD is becoming aware—finally since I want more women aware (this is my only gripe with the show). 


    Re DO not hugging back—I felt for her. I saw it as her being so exhausted that she just needed to be held. Their hand holding was so much more intimate and comforting than just a hug. It reminded me of the line in Romeo and Juliet : and palm to palm is holy palmers kiss. 


    Cannot wait to binge watch 10eps next weekend when I have the place to myself :lol:

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    Watched with subs!!!


    1- It looks like several of the other extras are starting to become aware... any thoughts that it is only extras who can become aware? There are several scenes with extras looking confused/surprised (when BK "confessed"; when BK and Haru had their confrontation)


    2- Are they giving BK a reason to pretend like he didn't like DO? (that he pushes her away because his mum died from sickness so he never wants to get close to people who might die?... fairly classic trope)... But it in no way makes him a good guy... and I really can't stand his character. 


    3- Speaking of tropes! urgh. loving them here so much. very well done and often subverted, even the love lines.


    4- yes! totally agree. I think he has always been aware of his feelings for DO but they have become stronger as it goes along... the bit on the bench did me in. But the movie theatre scene was the best... so many memories of being a teen and hyper aware of your date in a dark theatre :D

    4 hours ago, Jillia said:

    when he got a nametag it was almost like he was able to be a real character who starts liking and disliking things


    5- I am going to admit that I've always felt a bit sorry for Jinmichae... I think he genuinely wants the best for the manhwa (not necessarily the characters)... when he said that everything had returned to what it was my heart broke a bit. Clearly whatever ending Flower had is really tragic and he wants to prevent that. He seems lonely. I loved at the beginning when he said that it took DO a much faster to figure it out, as if she always does. His relationship with Haru is clearly complicated and he cares for him. When he said "you would disappear" I interpreted that as who Haru really is. That who everyone is on stage isn't who they really are. With Haru's new role in the manhwa, he is now just another character. 


    6- I think he could still know all those things and be a body guard / military official in a sageuk (plus fusion etc)

    4 hours ago, Jillia said:

    I wonder if that wouldn't mean is rather a noble man in the other drama than a bodyguard?


    7- This was hilarious! I've really been missing him--and occasionally rewatch METS for the cute he brought in the beginning... I wonder why he hasn't gotten more roles? (he has always been my favourite of the Lee Minhos)

    3 hours ago, angelbeast90 said:

    She sounded like she was saying Lee Taeri. Found out Lee Tae-ri previous name was Lee Minho before he legally changed it!




    Final thought... So many of the guys in this drama are "armpit sniffers" (guys where the girl is so much short that she only(barely)  comes up to his armpit... not gross if they bathe regularly! come one! hehehe... I am also dying to see how they manage the DO Haru kiss... even sitting down she is so much short than him. :D

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  19. 22 minutes ago, uglypearl said:

    HaRu's Role In The Secret ManHwa Now Is That

    He Is Part Of Tennis Club And He's BaekKyung's Good Follower.


    I think this "supports" the/my theory that he was the protector of DO AND BK in the sageuk(have we confirmed this?) manwha... the plot of Secret* is slowly turning into the plot of the other manhwa... which is meant to be a tragedy where BK (after being a right royal pain) falls for DO and then she dies** after they reconcile--which was why it was BK and not Haru who catches DO.


    *the Secret being that 1-the characters are, well, characters in a manhwa. and 2-the secret behind who Haru is (the translation of the korean title is "Haru found by chance"

    **DO's driving motivation so far has been living. not falling in love but living. I think this means that her character in the other manwha is meant to die. Haru is meant to make sure that she doesn't prevent her death...


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  20. 25 minutes ago, juhli said:

    I'm still very in love with the theory that our 'shadow' main leads DO, HR and BK were together in a different (sageuk) manwha and HR used to protect them both...bc on today's episode he protected BK again


    BK as the a-hole crown prince? DO is the ignored crown princess who falls in love with the guard (HR) who is always protecting her??? (except that BK was meant to be the lead BUT DO and HR fell in love anyway because they are fated no matter who they are *meant* to be with?)


    --I will 100% write a fanfic for that if it isn't what we end up with... 

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  21. So, bear with me because this is super new idea... does anyone think that Ha Ru could possibly have been the ML/other in a *different* manhwa--which is why he has the scar... it somehow "erased" him from the Manhwa. Which is why he "remembers" Nam-joo's parents (as if they are his own).


    Jinmichae is there to make sure that the manhwa ends the way it is meant to--even as characters become aware or despite the fact that they are aware.


    But yeah the story has been officially turned on its head in the final stage (we weren't in the manhwa at the ending)**.


    **you can normally tell because the colour tone switches from "warm" for the stage and then "cool" for the manhwa.

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