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Tessie Afdo

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Posts posted by Tessie Afdo

  1. 10 minutes ago, ash011 said:

    JW is smart!!!  From what I know about this JW character, he's not someone who will go and accept death.. I think he has a plan, so I think he won't die.. 

    I wish he does have a plan. Didn’t he say since he and Prof Cha were allies they live and die together? Prof Cha is dead, JW still in the game mode even server is shut down, now what? With the writer’s intention on making JW pay for his own life for killing Dr. Cha and the she  stressed on the interview that JW is too bad for HJ, I have a bad feeling that JW will die and that the next scenes on the last episode are all about reincarnation as Koreans are big on this. Also the lyrics of the last OST seems about reincarnation even the scene of JW and HJ on the poster on the hill in Granada facing each other as strangers. Could it be JW died and came back to HJ’s life as another person and they met in Slovenia and Turkey? Just my thoughts.

    • Like 8
  2. 4 minutes ago, yeohaengja said:

    Seriously, what’s the point of killing Prof Cha?????

    It will only make Jinwoo’s life harder... I mean if Prof Cha still alive, at least he could take all the blame, not Jinwoo.


    Then how they will solved it? Suspecting Jinwoo all over again? Gosh i’m so stressed out.



    I think that confession JW made Prof. Cha  write on that piece of paper which Prof. cha stashed in his pocket or Yura’s confession later will  save JW, if he will not die in the story. 

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  3. 18 hours ago, DOCDOC said:

    Agree with this.


    I do agree with you.


    16 hours ago, maris1 said:

    I liked and tend to agree with dramabeans summarising JW-HJ relationship progress from beginning to the end of episode 6...

    sharing with you all...



    Also, look at things from Hee Joo’s Perspective too...

    1: JW has been the first saviour in HJ’s life at a young age of 27. For many years she has just singlehandedly taken care of 2siblings and grandmother. By no means sign of a weak person. SJ realises that fact which inspires him into creating Emma after her. Grandmother acknowledges her hardship through the years as she hugged HJ...Min Joo lays it straight to JW that HJ is too good for him. Her family knows!

    Still waters run deep couldn’t be more true for HJ. There is a underlying strength that cannot be seen in her outer veneer.

    ( Though at some subconscious level I think JW realises that...)


    2: JW is also the first one who appreciated HJ as a classic guitarist since her becoming guardian of her family and encouraged her more than once to take it up again. 


    3: We all agree JW was charming in his dealings with HJ since his about turn realising he needed her for his gain. If we find him charming despite knowing he was not being upfront with HJ...we can surely understand her liking him..:D


    3: JW falls in her hostel...in that single moment his personality changes from the assured, confident charming suave self to one with irreversible handicap, hallucinations & seizures having undergone surgery.... diaganosed with ‘stress related paranoid ideation’ seeing/fearing a dead person with a sword like a ghost of his ex friend. Now on sedatives to keep him calm.

    All these events are quite a lot to absorb in a single day by any standards. We know why...but HJ does not! 

    HJ also feels burdened by the fact that accident happened in her hostel leading to JW in this state...Her emotions were stretched to max in series of events within a short period time. Therefore, it is not surprising if she gives in under all the stress & sheds tears when HJ held back in JW’s embrace pleading to stay there a while; final straw being when she hears him utter the words

    “ I’ve gone crazy”


    Do we call that weak? Unreasonable? Out of place?


    Do we see another good side of HJ...?

    The empathy, compassion, pity , concern for someone she considers as her saviour, for one who brought a ray of hope for a future for her whole family and their happiness ....

    now reduced to obvious physical and mental challenges/ handicaps


    There is much more ...but one thing is for sure...

    HJ has a silent strength, admirable loyalties, ethical values, empathetic, loving and loved by her family and people she comes across in her daily life...

    That’s something that we cannot say for

    JW, females surrounding him and his life.


    JW & HJ both provide each other what each is lacking....we can see that through the multitude of events involving them

    I think ...At subconscious levels they do register & appreciate what each brings in each other’s lives..

    i look forward to the development of their story together...which though headed for love but not there as yet !


    Sorry for the long monologue....

    .... there is still a lot left to say..:D




    I’m with you. Thank you.


    Hope not.  Until now I still wonder why they bothered to cast Yoona in Confidential Assignment. 


    On 12/19/2018 at 2:25 PM, NileRose said:

    @DOCDOC big thanks but do you mean their characters of course hahaha:kiss_wink:

    Wow then Emma is different from HJ or the opposite I can't wait 


    As Park Shin Hye and Hyun Bin ha ha ha. How not to ship them???

    • Like 7
    • LOL 1
  4. 21 hours ago, wenchanteur said:

    Sometimes I want a situation to be different than it is, because I detect a misdirection.
    But I almost never want a character to be otherwise than he is. Even a hateful character. Besides, I don't hate hateful characters, in fact, I like to hate them.
    Indeed, the character of Park Shin Hye can be a sensitive, weak woman, I find it beautiful as long as it fits her character well, and she is well incarnated. And I have to say, she cries really well. I love it! I don't need a strong woman at any price, and if it turns out that she is not a strong woman in the rest of the drama, and she keeps crying like a poor girl, that will suit me very well.

    After "W", my second favorite drama is "Liar game". (the original Japanese version, of course). I have always read negative comments about Kanzaki Nao, the main female character. Accused of being useless (she rarely solves riddles), whiny and fearful (she suffers all the dirt), excessively stupid (she is superhumanly naive), and irritating (her motivations often make the hero's plans fail.). Next to that, Park Shin hye's little tears are really a mouse's pee in the ocean.
    Everything the heroine is accused of is indeed true. And yet, his character is so touching, and totally essential to the drama. It is through her that the emotion of this really very cerebral story comes from. The emotion, the morality, the thrill, the meaning. She is the necessary complementarity of the story. It is because of its existence that we end up crying, during one of the final scenes of season 1.



     Rey well 


    Very well said, my friend. I love the contrasts on their characters, soft and hard. It is Hee Jo’s character that brings beauty and charm in the drama. I couldn’t imagine it to be any other way. She’s a perfect picture of a healer to a wounded Yoo Jin, her gentleness.

    2 hours ago, nistymaj01 said:


    Ack are my eyes playing tricks on me?! Is JW's hand on top of HJ's lap before she stood up!?


    Is it not? I thought nobody would notice ha ha ha! 

    • Like 6
    • LOL 2
  5. Oh my gosh, I’m so with you. Shin Hye’s character is of a gentle spirit as reiterated by her male friend, a far cry from her last character in Doctors and her previous ones. She’d been through a messy mixed roller coaster kind of emotions for the first 6 eps. She went from self pity when JW lashed at her to wonder when she learned he’s a very famous and powerful one that deserves to be respected to awe, gratefulness and growing admiration when he saved her financially to guilt and too much sense of responsibility when she realized his predicament happened after he acquired her dilapidated hostel to pity for his plight and pains and to top it all, to her growing love  on him. I think I understand why HJ cried a lot and why her character is kind of low keyed compared to Hyun Bin’s cynical, ruthless CEO kind of character. That makes  her more special compared to all the other girls in JW’s life. 

    • Like 7
  6. My sentiments exactly. Thank you for putting it into words. I’m more on the romance side of the story and I love how their romance is progressing so far. It is not rushed. JW has to survive first before he goes into sorting out his feelings with HJ. That’s the last thing on his agenda considering the difficult situation he’s in at the moment. I’m more inspired with the 7 ep preview. JW, in Korea, now that his life is back to normal (I want to think so) haven’t totally forgotten HJ. They met again.  

    • Like 4
  7. On 12/17/2018 at 2:04 AM, lovehbhjw2013 said:


    I agree, HJ is just a simply and caring person.  Her only complexity in life is being the sole bread winner of her family which also develops her as a responsible and caring person for her family.   She has a kind heart and feel grateful to JW for her windfall that solved her financial issues.  However, when she saw JW suffering and going crazy, she wanted to return him the money and hoped that everything would resume back to normal...she linked his spates of bad luck to that transaction of buying her bonita hostel(?) which seemed unrelated.   So HJ is just simply cute and sweet in nature.....a breath of fresh air for JW who has been meeting the wrong type of women not suited for him and unfortunately married them wrongly too....   But I am really glad he met HJ.   


    SJ behaved too much like a victim, as if JW has always been giving her the shorter end of the stick but I believed he loved her before......perhaps he really neglected her emotionally but still it did not give her the right to betray the trust in a marriage.  Even her father-in-law was still fuming mad with her messing around with both good friends, their business and in the end his son's life went into it as well from his POV. 


    The second wife was like someone he married in a fit of spitefulness to spite his friend and his ex-wife but in the end, he was on the losing end himself.  


    I actually enjoyed the tempo of Ep 5 and 6 for me to slowly think through things.  I think this repeated attack from the zombie Cha was worthwhile for us to understand how JW slowly learned how to deal with him.  The attacks were relevant because each time we heard his inner thoughts when the attack happened.   I felt his horror of living like that....constantly being pursuit by an enemy.  I cannot help but think this is a good way of sharing what game addiction is all about.  Obviously, his opponent was "addicted" to the game and bent on killing him whenever he could even if there was a real motive to kill him...it was done through the "fun" of a game.   And to drive one to think that he was crazy was another horror to me.


    I don't know all the answers to explain this strange phenomenon that JW is going through but the story really sets one thinking about many things.  So I must say I am still enjoying the drama a lot.  And of course the possible start of a romance between the two is starting to flutter my heart too.   It's not just a regular romance but a romance of hardships and difficulties that they would go through together to solve this MOA mystery seems exciting to me...


    HJ's sis is really an important character, she gives out so many tips of info so relevant for us to know...so I like her for her precociousness. 


    Prof Cha is such a serious character but I like his presence to add more mystery to the story....Is he really a caring uncle and father only or more? The way he tried to cover everything up for JW now appeared that he wanted to clear JW of any possible murder but it's quite odd considering the person who died was his son.  So he is definitely enigmatic.


    SJ touched her pregnant tummy with some amount of angst in her when her father-in-law hinted at her for a no-autopsy option.   So would she grow to hate JW even more in days to come, never knowing what was JW's involvement in her husband's death?   I feel even more resentment growing in her for JW, not just a baby growing in her.    So is she going to be a time bomb which would explode in time to come?   *shivers* for JW.


    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, PororoQueen said:

    Thank you @Kasmic


    Hmm...I think Su-Jin's refusal in getting her husband's autopsy is sounds suspicious - SJ father in law sincerely asked her opinion means that Prof Cha respect her as part of his family. No autopsy will kept us the viewers wander for the rest of the drama. But, I'm sure in the future the cause of the Zombie Cha death will be revealed. I feel that SJ always not happy, and even when she's heavily pregnant, her husband gave her very little attention....*clue?? No??*


    I'm hoping to see Zombie Cha re-appearance. I think it's funny that he will remain as a zombie (He's the second lead actor anyway) - how lucky Cha Hyung Seok is in this drama, he only need to be around in suit, covered in blood holding a sword ready to attack JW.


    Hey JW is now level 5 - but he's leaving Spain next episode - how can he use his chance level 5 to communicate with EMMA at Alcabaza Cafe? duh... they have to go back to Granada.


    On the 7ep preview, Hee Joo also went back in Korea  and opened up a store (guitar store maybe) named EMMA. So the story continues. . 

    • Like 2
  9. Poor Jin Woo. Now he’s not sure of himself whether he’s still sane or insane. But that moment of realization when he thought he was about to die in the hands of dr cha, the point when  he realized where their thirst for vengeance took  them, was really sad.  JW, try to let go of your baggage and learn to forgive. Then open up your heart again to another love. Maybe it will make all the difference. Maybe it will snap you out of your situation.

    • Like 4
  10. I agree with you saying they need another player for them to come out of the game. You think Emma holds the answer to all these? Only if JW could level up so he could communicate with Emma. Seems like unlike JW who can relate on two different worlds Emma and HJ are two different characters.  HJ can shield JW on the real world but she’s not with him on the VR. But how can JW level up on his situation right now? On the preview JW is leaving Granada and HJ going back to Korea. Woukd  he get to Korea or he will be trapped in the game while on the train? Where was he during the one year he was gone? In the game or in jail for murder? So unpredictable. One thing is for sure though.  HJ/Emma is Jin Woo’s saving grace in reality and in VR. That hug in the rain is so touching. Even the tender looks they gave each other in the hospital are  so palpable. I noticed Shin Hye’s ear is so red in one of those intimate hospital scenes. I couldn’t  get enough of their chemistry, my only consolation for now. But still, I’m rooting for this drama. It makes me think a lot. Thank you TVN.

    • Like 7
  11. 1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

    Holla @kokodus just done watching it now. Like you do. It's even more confusing. Lol


    I remember about the BW game you mentioned. Thanks to HJ for becoming his shield to Dr. Cha. I do think whether this game is really turning into real or is it just the players seems to be very immersed in it and led themselves to be psychological affected with it. They become irrational, hallucinating and gone insane.  But you know what's more important and interesting part for me here, thanks to Dr. Cha and all this confusion our OTP got to have a touching rain hug. :lol: it has reached ep 5 already they finally have a sweet hug. I like that moment JW grabs her hand into his embrace. In HJ's mind (reality perspective) he looks so miserably fragile and ill. It's so different from JW she first met. The look she gave him and the fatigue and relieved he feels. Idk am I describing it clear to you. But I love their moment here.


    SJ should be okay or if he really got injured his body should be remained. How could he disappeared without his body found. So I assume that like JW there's an obstacle to his duel got cancelled. He is deeply injured so he might go into hiding somewhere. Both JW and SJ should meet later to answer all this puzzle together or both are really going crazy together. Look I become more confused with what I'm saying now.


    The secretary and JW memories confirmed that without the smart lens he is automatically logged in. I think the AR game JW plays is another form of Jumanji. He is trap inside the game, can't stop midway or get himself out of it unless he finishes the game or another player gets to join to play to keep the game on and reach final. That way everyone can return home.


    The preview shows JW asked HJ to bring him his smart lens. At this rate i want her to join the game as well. The guitar sounds that keeps playing in JW's head and Emma. The writer keeps throwing more and more puzzles to us like usual. I hope he didn't forget to give at least some good answer to one of those later. 


    Put that confusing story aside, I just love how HJ's sister is matchmaking her with JW. Her intuition is quite absurd as JW explained. But I think that must be right. I like her honest and easy going personality. 


    Very long, hoho, I feel like you might get tired reading my long wall of text. :lol: I'll end it here. 



    On 12/13/2018 at 9:17 AM, Tessie Afdo said:









    On 12/13/2018 at 5:00 AM, kilumar said:

    Oh I think I am the only one who think this way.May be jin woo is on the train and hee joo running after that train to say good bye.And in trailer narration hee joo said he brings magic in her life but he suddenly disappear.Can it be they never meet again and time jump happen.Did Jin woo trap in game for one year?It can't be possible .Right?i have no idea.


    On 12/13/2018 at 9:54 AM, Tessie Afdo said:

    It could be HJ was running after JW or for her brother SJ whom she was expecting to come home since the other day. She knew he was boarding the train from Barcelona to Granada. Could be she finally realized through JW that something wrong happened to her brother so she was there to check for him at the station. It’s just my guess.  You may be right that JW got trapped in the game and was separated from reality and from  HJ temporarily and that he was  with HJ’s VR character Emma and they embarked in series of adventure until they came out of the game mode.  I think , this is where their romance started as Shin Hye said she’d be playing a different role this time.  Could  it be JW thought he fell in love with Emma rather than with HJ? I can imagine Emma playing an important role as to JW’s survival in the VR as the OST suggests. If my guess is right, Isn’t he a lucky guy? He got the  best of both worlds for in reality later he will realize that HJ is actually his lifeline,  to heal him emotionally and to free him from the world of hatred, vengeance and loneliness much destructive than the world of VR he’d been in. Forgive me, it’s just my wild guess.


    2 hours ago, lduc said:







    1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

    Holla @kokodus just done watching it now. Like you do. It's even more confusing. Lol


    I remember about the BW game you mentioned. Thanks to HJ for becoming his shield to Dr. Cha. I do think whether this game is really turning into real or is it just the players seems to be very immersed in it and led themselves to be psychological affected with it. They become irrational, hallucinating and gone insane.  But you know what's more important and interesting part for me here, thanks to Dr. Cha and all this confusion our OTP got to have a touching rain hug. :lol: it has reached ep 5 already they finally have a sweet hug. I like that moment JW grabs her hand into his embrace. In HJ's mind (reality perspective) he looks so miserably fragile and ill. It's so different from JW she first met. The look she gave him and the fatigue and relieved he feels. Idk am I describing it clear to you. But I love their moment here.


    SJ should be okay or if he really got injured his body should be remained. How could he disappeared without his body found. So I assume that like JW there's an obstacle to his duel got cancelled. He is deeply injured so he might go into hiding somewhere. Both JW and SJ should meet later to answer all this puzzle together or both are really going crazy together. Look I become more confused with what I'm saying now.


    The secretary and JW memories confirmed that without the smart lens he is automatically logged in. I think the AR game JW plays is another form of Jumanji. He is trap inside the game, can't stop midway or get himself out of it unless he finishes the game or another player gets to join to play to keep the game on and reach final. That way everyone can return home.


    The preview shows JW asked HJ to bring him his smart lens. At this rate i want her to join the game as well. The guitar sounds that keeps playing in JW's head and Emma. The writer keeps throwing more and more puzzles to us like usual. I hope he didn't forget to give at least some good answer to one of those later. 


    Put that confusing story aside, I just love how HJ's sister is matchmaking her with JW. Her intuition is quite absurd as JW explained. But I think that must be right. I like her honest and easy going personality. 


    Very long, hoho, I feel like you might get tired reading my long wall of text. :lol: I'll end it here. 



    1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

    Holla @kokodus just done watching it now. Like you do. It's even more confusing. Lol


    I remember about the BW game you mentioned. Thanks to HJ for becoming his shield to Dr. Cha. I do think whether this game is really turning into real or is it just the players seems to be very immersed in it and led themselves to be psychological affected with it. They become irrational, hallucinating and gone insane.  But you know what's more important and interesting part for me here, thanks to Dr. Cha and all this confusion our OTP got to have a touching rain hug. :lol: it has reached ep 5 already they finally have a sweet hug. I like that moment JW grabs her hand into his embrace. In HJ's mind (reality perspective) he looks so miserably fragile and ill. It's so different from JW she first met. The look she gave him and the fatigue and relieved he feels. Idk am I describing it clear to you. But I love their moment here.


    SJ should be okay or if he really got injured his body should be remained. How could he disappeared without his body found. So I assume that like JW there's an obstacle to his duel got cancelled. He is deeply injured so he might go into hiding somewhere. Both JW and SJ should meet later to answer all this puzzle together or both are really going crazy together. Look I become more confused with what I'm saying now.


    The secretary and JW memories confirmed that without the smart lens he is automatically logged in. I think the AR game JW plays is another form of Jumanji. He is trap inside the game, can't stop midway or get himself out of it unless he finishes the game or another player gets to join to play to keep the game on and reach final. That way everyone can return home.


    The preview shows JW asked HJ to bring him his smart lens. At this rate i want her to join the game as well. The guitar sounds that keeps playing in JW's head and Emma. The writer keeps throwing more and more puzzles to us like usual. I hope he didn't forget to give at least some good answer to one of those later. 


    Put that confusing story aside, I just love how HJ's sister is matchmaking her with JW. Her intuition is quite absurd as JW explained. But I think that must be right. I like her honest and easy going personality. 


    Very long, hoho, I feel like you might get tired reading my long wall of text. :lol: I'll end it here. 



    • Like 4
  12. It could be HJ was running after JW or for her brother SJ whom she was expecting to come home since the other day. She knew he was boarding the train from Barcelona to Granada. Could be she finally realized through JW that something wrong happened to her brother so she was there to check for him at the station. It’s just my guess.  You may be right that JW got trapped in the game and was separated from reality and from  HJ temporarily and that he was  with HJ’s VR character Emma and they embarked in series of adventure until they came out of the game mode.  I think , this is where their romance started as Shin Hye said she’d be playing a different role this time.  Could  it be JW thought he fell in love with Emma rather than with HJ? I can imagine Emma playing an important role as to JW’s survival in the VR as the OST suggests. If my guess is right, Isn’t he a lucky guy? He got the  best of both worlds for in reality later he will realize that HJ is actually his lifeline,  to heal him emotionally and to free him from the world of hatred, vengeance and loneliness much destructive than the world of VR he’d been in. Forgive me, it’s just my wild guess.


    18 minutes ago, Tessie Afdo said:

    It could be HJ was running after JW or for her brother SJ whom she was expecting to come home since the other day. She knew he was boarding the train from Barcelona to Granada. Could be she finally realized through JW that something wrong happened to her brother so she was there to check for him at the station. It’s just my guess.  You may be right that JW got trapped in the game and was separated from reality and from  HJ temporarily and that he was  with HJ’s VR character Emma and they embarked in series of adventure until they came out of the game mode.  I think , this is where their romance started as Shin Hye said she’d be playing a different role this time.  Could  it be JW thought he fell in love with Emma rather than with HJ? I can imagine Emma playing an important role as to JW’s survival in the VR as the OST suggests. If my guess is right, Isn’t he a lucky guy? He got the  best of both worlds for in reality later he will realize that HJ is actually his lifeline,  to heal him emotionally and to free him from the world of hatred, vengeance and loneliness much destructive than the world of VR he’d been in. Forgive me, it’s just my wild guess.

    I think their VR adventures took them outside Spain as like in Hungary, etc. as based on Hyun Bin and Shin Hye’s still cuts while filming in Hungary with  Hyun Bin wearing the same green outfit he was wearing on the train. I think that gives account to the one year that they were trapped in the game. I believe they got out of the game because they continued  filming in Korea. Sorry, I know it’s too early to guess what’s going to happen on the next episodes. Just could not  contain my excitement.

    • Like 4
  13. I think, the guy who called HJ on the phone was JW programmer in Korea, the last person he was talking to before he had his encounter again with dr cha where he dropped his phone when he was hit. It’s the last scene on ep 4 in his room in hotel Bonita. Maybe, his employee got scared Of what was going on with JW when he sounded upset on the other end so he contacted hotel Bonita for them to check on him as we can see HJ picked up the call, and started to climb the stairs and wondered if JW would still be up at that hour and then he saw him fell from the 6th floor.

    4 hours ago, kilumar said:

    Oh I think I am the only one who think this way.May be jin woo is on the train and hee joo running after that train to say good bye.And in trailer narration hee joo said he brings magic in her life but he suddenly disappear.Can it be they never meet again and time jump happen.Did Jin woo trap in game for one year?It can't be possible .Right?i have no idea.


    • Like 6
  14. On 12/12/2018 at 10:54 PM, Raquel Bastian said:

    and I also think someone is playing the game other than jin woo and his friend(who stole his wife) because who would call HJ on her phone?, i think the phone call was a warning to help JW. 



    On 12/11/2018 at 10:55 AM, kilumar said:

    Oh ,what? Do you really think hee joo is died?nooooo sob sob :tears:.I will never think that way.But i hope the writer will not make it happen. Anyone notice that in ep 3 where the arrow shoot at jw.Before that they showed one of the security guard check jw office with flesh light in his hand.After that scene jw game is stop for temporary.Why it stop?I mean he play many time and never happen before.Am i right?  Can be possible that someone is break in office and hack the game or the AR game is wrong itself and make CEO cha zoombi:sweatingbullets:

    BY THE WAY,I want our otp love story so badly:wub:


    On 12/11/2018 at 11:35 AM, lduc said:

    [Showbiz Korea] Hyun Bin & Park Shinhye (현빈 & 박신혜)! Memories of the Alhambra is perfect for you





    On 12/12/2018 at 2:32 AM, siddy09 said:



    I guess you have to be really 'dead' as in defeated and killed in the game to be declared dead in the real world. JW had wounds but not like fatal wounds. JW literally gashed the sword in Dr.Cha's abdomen(it was a gory sight), who would have not survived? About falling from 6th floor and surviving, I think it depends on the fact that JW did receive medical assistance on time(we saw the ambulance scene) whereas Dr.Cha was left to bleed on bench till morning. But then I am thinking that Dr.Cha's wounds were not visible, so what would have the doctors treated?

    Maybe I should also not think much..:mellow:


    On 12/12/2018 at 10:54 PM, Raquel Bastian said:

    and I also think someone is playing the game other than jin woo and his friend(who stole his wife) because who would call HJ on her phone?, i think the phone call was a warning to help JW. 



    On 12/13/2018 at 2:18 AM, lovehbhjw2013 said:


    Yes, I too think there is a 3rd person lurking around in the game who has to explain for the disappearance of Se-Joo and the resurrection of Cha in the game repeatedly.    This is probably the most difficult person to deal with.....stealth mode.


    On 12/13/2018 at 2:18 AM, lovehbhjw2013 said:


    Yes, I too think there is a 3rd person lurking around in the game who has to explain for the disappearance of Se-Joo and the resurrection of Cha in the game repeatedly.    This is probably the most difficult person to deal with.....stealth mode.


    On 12/12/2018 at 10:54 PM, Raquel Bastian said:

    and I also think someone is playing the game other than jin woo and his friend(who stole his wife) because who would call HJ on her phone?, i think the phone call was a warning to help JW. 



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  15. True. Why would SJ leave a memo to JW when his last message to him on the phone was for them  to meet in Granada at Hostel Bonita. SJ never thought he’ll never get to Granada. I like your assumption that SJ is on the same case with JW that’s why he’s on the run because of the same situation  ( thunder, lightning and rain) when they are being attacked. I also want to think that Emma is JW’s shield. The presence of HJ that night JW fell from the 6th floor saved him from being killed by dr. Cha. I wonder what will happen when JW levels up and he starts communicating with Emma. Will they leave reality living out the fantasy side of the story? In one of the trailers HJ said like JW came into her life , changed everything around her and then he disappeared. Also, in the interview Shin Hye said there will be a moment when the AR World was suppressed to give way to the  fantasy/romance side of the story, whatever that means.and finally, the lyrics of the ost is talking more about a dreamlike fantasy where it’s just the two of them in pn it. Sorry, this is so long.

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  16. 41 minutes ago, katakwasabi said:



    SJ did not leave a memo for JW. The train staff contacted JW bcause there was info of his contact number in SJ's bag. The other thing with JW's contact info was the train ticket to Granada, that's why the bag was returned to Granada station. Which make sense, because SJ did call JW to meet up in Granada. But there was no memo whatsover addressed to JW. JW went through SJ's bag and found no clues.


    Then JW indirectly asked to access SJ's computer in search for more info. The note inside SJ's book in his room looked like marco han's contact info: a phone number and an address of some sort. JW instinctively took a picture of it, but it was not addressed to him.


    I read some knetz theories that led me to think that maybe SJ is like JW. He tested the game with another programmer friend, defeated him in the game, and is currently chased by his zombified friend ala JW who keeps meeting Mr Cha over and over again. That's why SJ is on the run.


    Lol i want to stop theorizing or making sense of what is happening. But this is kinda fun. A short escapism from real life activities hahahaha



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  17. Actually,  it was said on that scene that there was a low internet connection that the arrows were suspended midway. By the way, thank you for your reaction. Sorry for being paranoid. Of course HJ will not die. She’s the main cast, what am I thinking? I still have to see the emotional healing of JW brought about  by the power of HJ’s unconditional love to him which is going to happen in reality. Their romance is just budding couldn’t wait for the culmination. 

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  18. So SJ left his backpack purposely on the train for JWto recover later as there is something  inside there (memo) to connect to him. As  seen on episode 1 SJ just took something  from the  backpack, turned his back and the sound of gunshot was heard. My point is, SJ knows he’s in trouble, he’s on the run and he wants JW to rescue him as that memo led JW to his workstation in his room. Did JW uncover something while he was rummaging through his files and all besides Marco’s name and number? As for the characters Emma and Zenu, if they are allies in the AR world, then I must say the lyrics on the OST #1 Star(Little Prince) is on point. I’m just intrigued with the title Star (Little Prince) though. What does it connote? Why not “I’l Lead You With a Light” instead? I’m, sorry, but, why do I have a premonition that HJ died in real life and they’re in a fantasy side of the story as the way JW recounting the story and the way the lyrics of the ost implied? Please, tell me I’m all wrong. One thing I love about this drama is because it is real first before it is virtual and fantasy unlike W Two Worlds. I want it to start like that and end like that . . . everything else is just a dream. 

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