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Posts posted by park2park

  1. 15 minutes ago, Matilda_Anne said:

    lol my colleagues who shipped psj and kjw finally watched wwwsk (a few eps only) and she keeps asking us why little lee young joon has double eyelids but vp lee young joon has monolids.. .. i told her she should ask the casting director not me.. turns out she only watched the drama to find negative things to say.. it upsets me so much :huh:


    she said she dont see any chemistry between psj and pmy at all and pmy has ‘unnatural face’.. she also said the story is so corny and typical, like other chaebol drama.. i honestly dont know why she suddenly becomes so bitter.. i dont think she’s a hater though.. maybe she’s just upset (somehow i feel like she knows psj and kjw never have romantic relationship with each other but she refuses to believe it).. is this a typical problem among shippers? 


    i guess the eyes can only see what the heart wants to believe.. 


    anyhoo it’s a free country im not passing any judgement. ship whoever you want as long as you dont be a hater and go around saying bad things about other people right?  sorry for ranting :tears:

    the fact that she said pmy has "unnatural face" clearly shows she's among one of the haters. Maybe not explicit to ur face but forsure she's a disguised hater cuz all haters do is say about superficial thing about pmy. and the whole monolids doublelids, what kind of drug is she on? LOL (If you're close w/this person sorry if I offend u, but I can't stand stupid haters like that. she has no act of decency as a decent person. Just cause you're a strong shipper of something doesn't give you the right to say nasty things about others.)

    • Like 7
  2. 12 minutes ago, twoparkcouple said:

    I'm surprised about ppc's recent move ..seems like these days, ppc open and show appearing together little by little.

    u took the words out of me. its too early to conclude anything but if this is their way to reveal soon, i pray to gods in all universes to protect our PPC from haters, in exchange I promise to stop spending money on stupid things.

    • Like 5
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  3. (1st pic) PMY: do u think we look awkward and weird enough?


    (2nd pic) PSJ: of course they'll never know and think we're practically strangers.


    Haters: I knew it! It was all show. Totally knew they weren't anything.


    PPC shippers: why r they standing like bricks..! *do some more diggings. I KNEW IT! I freaking knew it! These lovebirds heheh great acting onstage thou 

    • LOL 9
  4. 7 minutes ago, newkid09 said:


    Hiya! First, I want to say that this is a really good group and I'm glad to be part of it. Not many celeb threads can have members who can stay harmonious with each other despite having dissenting views so I'm happy to know there's a group like this that exists (or maybe it's a cultural thing because I'm coming from the West). I respect your views, of course, and like what I said when I joined this group, I was 80% positive that they are dating. Now, that's increased to 87% given the recent updates of this ship which we ALL swooned over. I'm not going to argue about anything that you said because I also have a feeling that things will turn up in the coming months (yes, I agree that the Cosmo event is the coming out of these two). BUT the only thing that I want to urge all of us is to say level-headed despite what we all saw. I mean, yes, he's a gentleman, but what he did was also something he did to KJW and to his other female co-stars. And OF COURSE he should do that. Not just as a bf but as a gentleman. That's why although I got giddy with the updates, I decided to keep it together until more news and updates pop up.

    I have to admit that I got a little offended when you said: “I don’t think this is the ship for you“ especially since you used the word “level-headed” which made me think you were referring to me. Is it bad to disagree and express thoughts here? Is it bad if we interpret things a bit differently? I think one of the members here who welcomed me said that this is the place where we can let loose without judgment. As I stated earlier, I was a bit wary to post my own thoughts to avoid disappointing some of you here but upon finding  out @tali58also had the same sentiments, I decided to share mine...all for the sake of free speech.


    Besides, if we take everything at face value, then we won’t stop won’t we? Someone can say that they French kissed on their way home and we’ll accept it for what it is given what they showed us. In that case, we won’t be different from the other shippers who say that PSJ/PMY is dating so-and-so because they wore this-and-that or because they did this-and-that. Seowon shippers once said that after FFMY, PSJ and KJW had the same gestures and he was SO caring towards her (he even fed her with ice cream using his own spoon once). They stayed for a little while after the KBS Awards and their stylists were seen hanging out together afterwards. Now, does that mean they were also a couple? Absolutely not.


    To let you know, all of the couples I previously shipped actually DATED and not one of them were the obvious, puppy love story that is typical in media. They were all NINJA couples (trust me they were even more ninja than PPC) and I was privileged enough to have friends inside the biz (we're talking about actors, personal assistants, script writers, directors and managers) who gave me info with the promise that I would keep it to myself which I did at the time it was all relevant and remained under wraps. In fact, had it not been for these insiders, I would have not known they were dating. Yes, there were hints here and there just like PPC but I only got confirmation through people who were generous enough to share ACTUAL photos of these people being a couple by being oh-so sweet at each other's houses (some of these friends of mine were invited to their private parties).


    To share one story with you, people with second- to third-hand info let me in on a secret that this certain ship was going to get engaged. The girl even accidentally uploaded an IG story with her wearing a ring and we, the privileged few with inside info, rejoiced like wild monkeys. To boot, they also went to an event of a product that the guy endorses while the girl, although an A-list, had nothing to do with that said event. They were sitting at the same table (with the guy's family mind you) and although they weren't sitting beside each other, we surmised that it was to hide their relationship until they make an official announcement.


    Fast forward to a few months, the girl did get engaged but to a DIFFERENT person. It seemed that this ninja couple broke up before our insiders found out and they only attended the event together because they confirmed in advance…back when they were still together. Of course, we eventually found out the reason why they broke up and why she ran off to a different man but it really DEVASTATED us because there were both clues and CONFIRMATION. Their body language at the event was also sweet but something was off. I ignored it at the time because of the things we were hearing but I realized that I should have trusted my instinct more so that I wouldn’t have been utterly distraught.


    I'm not saying that this will happen to PPC (I'm praying they will get a happy ending because they deserve it) but all I'm saying is that I hope you respect our views as much as we respect yours. We are all one team here and even if we have some slight differences in opinions, we aim towards one goal. In fact, I believe having differing views is what makes this group great because we see two different sides of the same coin.


    So I'd like to apologize if I offended you, but please don't get rid of us here. I, too, was giggling like an idiot when I saw these updates and I can't wait until we hear the big reveal. I hope the next time we see them together, they will be holding hands or something like that. For now, I choose to wait. Cheers, mate. ;)

    sorry I didn't mean for my post for you to think its specifically for you cause whenever I'm scrolling through, I don't look at the user lol I was just writing a general statement. I totally get your point and u are totally entitled to it and I respect it as well. When I said this couple is not for u, what I'm implying to is PPC does the most unexpected and unpredictable behaviors so for some that are faint-hearted, they might not be the couple for u to confidently ship. I think our perspectives are different that you worried about future while I focus on present cause I don't think about future because I already know future is  unknown. I'm just saying right now from what I see I believe they're dating.  Either way, lets continue to cheer them on. This is a space for all cause at the end of the day we all have one common dream: PPC get married lol

    • Like 9
  5. Ok this is my honest take with everything that happened since last night.


    Firstly, after Cosmo event, it occurred to me the reason why PSJ said he doesn't want to lose to knetz about the dating news might actually be a beforehand warning to haters/annoying media outlets. He knows Korea is not his golden place to truly be himself cause look at all the nasty comments they said to him and esp to PMY. So since haters are being stupid, he's handling it his own way and that is to not attend Korean events together. Simply because when they're not together, there's no fire for haters to pour fuel on. Instead, the more they're not seen in Korea together, it seems to make people, esp media outlets yearn for them. At this point don't even try to tell me they can't go cause their schedule, etc.  When there's a will, there's a way. Cosmo event simply proven just that.


    Now as for the Cosmo event and PPC behaviors. I think that event was not just their way of slowly coming out to the truth but I think its their way of thanking their true fans. They don't owe us anything that they must be seen together but yet they chose to go and as much as they said it was a private event, com'on there were fancams everywhere and you think PPC don't know that? They absolutely knew, which is why look at how carefree they were offstage. In other words, onstage is for work but when they're offstage its their true selves to their fans. Now I noticed some of you wanted to be level-headed but too much to the point it's becoming cynical. Forsure the future is still unsure and I'm completely aware that any sad outcome could happen at any point during their relationship but at this point with everything that is right in front of us  right now and if you are still either unconvinced or trying to leave rooms for negative possibilities, I don't think this ship is for you.  PPC is not your typical puppy love and the situation that was lay out for them wasn't easy to admit either. The reason I said so is because let's recount the past incidents: 1) even after dating rumor came out, their interviews were totally off. We have PSJ saying there's possibility of dating in future, only time will tell when compared to previous co-stars, he straight flatted out said no. Then we also have PMY who just laughed it off a lot and never nail in the fact that she won't date him. Unlike her previous costars, she kindly rejected them. 2) the IGs lol how many more "accidents" must PMY clicks until u guys finally admit its not really accidents. 3) onstage vs offstage. They looked like 2 bricks standing on stage to me LOL like PMY was totally avoiding eyeing everywhere in PSJ's direction. Then we have offstage, totally different. Don't say its just gentleman like of PSJ to do small gestures like showing the way or turning back to see if she's ok because trust me being gentleman like without feelings can be easily carried out cause you're simply being a gentleman but being caring as a man towards his woman can only be easy if your relationship doesn't constrict any restrains and we know there were eyes, cameras everywhere watching them, so tell me how can PSJ behaves like the bf some of u probably wanted him to be in order to prove a point when every little thing they do is being monitored. This is something u just feel it. He shouldn't be all smiling and touchy towards PMY in order to show there's something. He stalled his steps, his position and her position when offstage, they left together, Idk what more do you guys need tbh lol.


    I sure don't know what the future holds but right now, I believe it wholeheartedly that PPC are in fact 100% dating.

    • Like 17
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  6. omg something is definitely up with them. Look at them on stage, like 2 statues. Noticed how PMY avoided turning to PSJs way, then PSJ gave it all away when he lead this hand to show her the way lol then we have the offstage behaviors, looks like a couple to me rather than just friends or colleagues. all I can say is this couple is too much hahah


    My fellow PPC shippers, we can all be happy now cause all we know is they'll be together, side by side after the event with no flashing cameras. Just them two. *ahem.


    • Like 6
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  7. 13 minutes ago, Inetz said:

    The thing I like with PPC is they don't go by the rules like they are making their owns rules. They are unpredictable that's why I must say this ship is fun. Especially when you don't have any expectations :D


    PMY spotted at Shanghai 


    Haha that fangirl "actually we don't have any fan ticket but we will find a way in" HAHAH

    that's all PPC shippers right thur

    • LOL 4
  8. 23 minutes ago, snitchdream08 said:

    Its so obvious that PMY choose the scene where LYJ/PSJ doesn't involved. Maybe she shy or maybe she didn't want rumour comes up again. Different situation when she choose the scene in her fanmeeting because its more private than this TVN's event. She's so funny, I think there's nothing special from sneezing scene but yeah this scene were so funny :D


    Idk maybe its my wrong idea. The worst thing is they already broke up so she wants avoid everything related to PSJ. I hope it not happened. But who knows.


    To all MinMin shippers here..I wanna know, in the past..do PMY and LMH have opportunity to attend in one event? Maybe between 2013-2016

    lol I highly doubt it. Look at her all giggling when they talked about kiss scenes. And if they did break up, wouldn't it be super rude and annoying that the casts and the PD chose kissing scenes. They seemed close enough to at least know the status of PPC so I don't think the casts and PD would publicly do that to her. If the justification is they're just trying to promote WWWSK, I highly doubt it even more cuz WWWSK kinda pass the promotion stage already. It's not some drama that's about to air y'know?


    Sorry if I sound like I'm attacking u but I don't want to leave negative thoughts in mid-air that could cause chaos in this thread when we have so solid evidences yet.



    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, tali58 said:

    Something just occurred to

    me!!!!  In every single post- show interview I've seen of PSJ dramas, the actress is always asked how it was to film kissing scenes with PSJ, did he make her heart "flutter".... EXCEPT for PMY. I haven't seen or read her being asked that question!  Has anyone?...


    We all know the answer already, no need for PMY to explicitly saying out loud lol


    • LOL 6
  10. 51 minutes ago, tali58 said:

    @park2park, Is this a scene in the show, or a bts shot?

    Its from a scene where Miso was drunk.


    35 minutes ago, tali58 said:

    As much as I'd like them to be a couple, I don't think these aren't "inappropriate". They're in keeping with the scene portrayed. Good actors and dancers can feel very comfortable with their performance partners, as they practice together scenes that require close touching. They show a level of comfort with each other,  but actors and dancers can fake those. I'm on a performing Argentine Tango troupe. As you know,  Argentine Tango is an intimate dance.  Even the hold un France is called an "embrace."  When my dance partner and I (we're definitely not a couple) practice and perform our numbers in shows,  some of the choreography requires very intimate closeness. His hands and our bodies can seem to be touching intimately, and sometimes the audience thinks we're a couple because of where his hands touch, but we're not.  This happened to others on our troupe as well. When people think that we are a couple, then we know we did a good job taking the story the choreographers wanted us do tell. 

    Where I see the signs for more than friendship between our Parks is in the bts clips, and in the chemistry between them. There's an energy flowing between them that's more than friendship. 


    I somewhat disagree on this. The "inappropriate" we're referring to (or at least to me) is that fact those places are known to be sensitive yet he looks extremely comfortable doing it so we don't think it's just pure acting. There are scenes in dramas we know between actor to actor they have to do scenes where it involves touching inappropriate/sensitive places and they look uncomfortable doing it in the eyes of viewers but w/ PSJ and PMY it's different, in fact during the closet scene I think PSJ even tried to make it look uncomfortable so he doesn't get questioned. It's just the feeling I'm referring to.

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