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Posts posted by andiamrea

  1. 20200515-005826.gif

    If "pick me pick me" isn't enough anymore, go ahead and help her fake a boyfriend... :P



    She might had had enough of all those liver transplants and want something different. 



    Be mature and don't be butt hurt Ik Jun.... 




    Oh hey! He already walked out... *facepalm What a cutie pie though! :sweatingbullets:







    He was so happy though. He was so confident that she'll pick him. Oh boy! Better luck next time! LEE IK JUN FIGHTING!!!









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  2. Daebak! Yoo Yeon Seok and Shin Hyun Bin are really close. I notice she hits him... a lot. So cute! I adore the constant bickering. It's such a fresh concept since we're not used to Winter Garden being all warm and fuzzy. Keep feeding us Yeon Seok-ah and Hyun Bin-ah!!! 









    I'm a musical fan so I do have a special place in my heart for Jo Jung Suk and Jeon Mi Do. Especially Jo Jung Suk! He even played Moritz in Spring Awakening for crying out loud. One of the best musicals ever and one of the most beautiful characters in theater history. Go ahead and check it out. Theater actors are the best!!! :wub:


    *I'm so excited for Gummy and Jo Jung Suk! Gummy is my childhood (because of my kpoping days). I love her so much. I remember hearing back then that she married an actor named Jo Jung Suk. He was a nugu to me, I didn't even know him. But now look at me fangirling over him. Thanks Hospital Playlist!!!






    I came here because of Jung Kyung Ho, never thought I would end up falling for every single actor. Since Hospital Playlist, I watched Oh My Ghostess, Jealousy Incarnate and Misaeng (Kim Dae Myeong is such an adorable teddy bear). I've yet to watch a Yoo Yeon Seok drama though (online exams and all). Will Mr. Sunshine be too much for my weak heart? Oh! I hope to see more of Jeon Mi Do in the small screen. Please do more dramas!


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  3. 4 hours ago, Kaizen68 said:

    I am in for all the main pairings. I don't see Ik Jun & Gyeo-ul be together because I can't imagine Gyeo-ul becomes a stepmother for Uju. If someone is a great-coworker, it doesn't automatically means she's a great love interest. My mind is as simple as that.

    It keeps me up all night just thinking about these two. I don't know why but my gut tells me there is a small possibility what with all the doting and support Ik Jun gives her. But with Uju in the picture, the possibility lessens. Gyeoul is like a little kid herself. She has a lot of growing up to do before possibly becoming a stepmom to Uju. Maybe season 3? They're my favorite non romantic pair tho. But my priority right now are Winter Garden and Ik Jun-Song Hwa (do we have a name for this loveline?) :wub:



    2 hours ago, Kaizen68 said:

    It's official. Min Ha is my second most favorite character (after Ik Jun).

    Same here chingu! I have loads of her gifs too. It's so fascinating how an episode can change our perspective of a character. What great storytelling. How can I fall for her that quickly??? My top three are: Ik Jun, Gyeoul and Minha. I hope Minha has a relay cam too. I miss her green eyeshadow! 






    2 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    I’ve been given permission to post this...

    A Winter Garden fanfic


    Hope you enjoy it...

    Thanks for this. Winter Garden is such a slow burn that I might have to rely on fanfictions for the meantime. Only 1 fanfiction? We need to get to writing chingus! If only I have the time :sweatingbullets:

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  4. The uber exclusive guilty pleasure of all residents (and mine), Dr. Bong's Salon was missing in action just like EunWon. But rest assured, we got our weekly dose of heartwarming resident friendships. Chi Hong and Seok Min provided comfort and strength to a sad Jae Hak. Even overworked sleep deprived MinHa found the time to set Gyeoul up for a date. Where can I get myself a friend like her? I've been saying this for weeks!!! My lovely residents hang out for real juseyoooo!!! :wub:


    Can I give Minha a big virtual bear hug??? Amidst all the difficulties, you pushed through. She was overworked, sleep deprived and yet did her job with a smile. She even did so well with the Abruptio Placenta case. You made me… (ahem) You made SeokHyeong proud. It's adorable that he knows she's been talking behind his back and he's okay with it cause she has to relieve her stress somehow. How sweet. He even bought her food. We all know he loves taking home food for his mom. But for him to do the same for Minha just shows how much he cares and appreciates her. This is definitely an adorable loveline that I'll start to look forward to. 




    Are korean doctors naturally kind and understanding? How can a resident go MIA and not get an earful? Okay I know this is fiction. If this is real life, she wouldn't have a department to come back to. Eunwon doesn't hold a candle to my girl. She's cunning but at the end of the day, hard work pays off eventually (Minha's hard work that is). So it's time to make up for all the night shifts she did on your behalf! 


    Two of our favorite residents got called into the principal's office. Jae Hak cracked under the pressure and lost his cool (he called the patient rude). I hope he gets back to his feet again with Junwan and his friends' help. I miss our comedic Jae Hak. I commend Gyeoul for suspecting that the patient was a drug addict. But drug history is confidential, she shouldn't have disclosed it like that. She should have proceeded with caution. Our Gyeoul still has a lot to learn. Please guide her Jeongwon and IkJun.


    I feel so bad for Rosa. Seeing lonely Chairman Ju, she knows she'll end up like him when Jeongwon leaves. I feel bad for him too. His sons rarely contact and visit him :tears: Whether or not Jeongwon finds love, I want him to stay for his mom. Will they drag this priest thing until the next season?


    Everyone loves SongHwa, including Rosa and SeokHyeong's mom. They be shipping their sons to her. Hey! Who wouldn't want SongHwa for a daughter in law? All we're missing are Junwan's and IkJun's moms. :D


    Remember when I said I wanted SongHwa as Uju's mom? Well she currently got her hands full taking care of IkJun. Their interactions throughout the episode are not plenty but these sweet little things (bandage scene, towel scene) grabs you. It's a trap!!! *admiral ackbar

    But I keep falling for these two. Please let them live happily ever after... :wub:






    Bed scene??? I was as shocked as you were. I even saw Jung Kyung Ho's bare chest!!! I wasn't functioning for a full minute. I thought it was too fast for this couple, then I realized that these are people in their 40s. It's totally fine! Was that their place or IkSun's? They have couple toothbrush so I assumed it's their place? I dunno. 


    Okay! I was being pessimistic about my ship these past few weeks. Hey you can't blame me though! I just wanna protect my heart from 'the inevitable rejection'. But boy was I wrong! So wrong! Sorry Winter Garden! I'll put my trust on Jeongwon's " special treatment " of Gyeoul.

     He obviously has feelings for her hence the cold shoulder, the lying and the awkward rejection. This is all new to him. Discovering a side of him for the first time because some woman stirs unwanted emotions in him. It's confusing him and that's what makes this ship worth it. I love that last scene, mind you it was him who striked up a conversation after the usual greetings. She even gave him a cold shoulder. His face when some guy picked her up was priceless. Priceless I tell you! He was clearly so shocked that his dear Gyeoul dared to go out with some guy right after asking him out. It's like he saw a ghost. You need to act fast Jeongwon. Minha is so determined to help Gyeoul move on from you.


    As for Gyeoul, she's come to the realization that Jeongwon doesn't like her (which isn't the case) so she's just following whatever Minha says. But I think she'll still like him in her own little way. She already made her move, now it's Jeongwon's turn.







    I don't know what writernim's intentions are but I noticed they highlight the other residents' skills may it be social or surgical. But with Gyeoul they start her arc as an underdog. She's the only resident from Dr. Bong's Salon that hasn't been given a case to highlight her surgical prowess. Episode 7 was for Chi Hong and 8 for Minha. Will Episode 9 highlight Gyeoul's skills?

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    @nrllee Exactly my thoughts chingu! Though I don't think her crush on him defines her. She clearly does her work, not for Jeongwon's sake but for her and her patient's. Though I understand you, most of her scenes involves him and we don't know much about her outside the hospital setting. I hope the writers touch on her backstory soon. I want to get to know you more Jang Gyeoul! :D


    *Am I wrong to say that we haven't got a scene that shows her surgical prowess? I find that very odd cause we have Chi Hong, Jae Hak and Seok Min's surgery scenes but none for Gyeoul.


    What's in store for Gyeoul in the 1st season?

    I think her arc this season is about self development, first loves and heartbreak. I think she's the character with the most potential for growth. She has a long way to go to becoming an exceptional doctor but with Jeongwon and IkJun's help I have no doubt that she's on her way to becoming one. I ship Gyeoul and Jeongwon but I think a rejection is inevitable. It's just my opinion we still haven't got Jeongwon's side of the story so who knows maybe he might reciprocate. All I'm trying to say ineloquently, if rejection does happen I hope she toughens up and moves on. Life still goes on. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? It's part of life's journey, though it's painful but  atleast she'll get something good out of it. 




    I can also see Jeongwon entering the seminary at the season finale. Try it out first to see if you really want it, right? Then he'll just stay there for a few months and realize that Medicine is his true calling. Because I don't see a season 2 with a member of the fab 5 missing. Like how can you shoot Hospital Playlist with a character down at the church? Lol. Plus I love this mother-son dynamic. Comedy gold! :P




    I can see IkJun as a possible love line (I'm an IkJun-SongHwa shipper too but I wouldn't cross this one out) but they're more like brother and sister this season. If the writers plan to develop their relationship maybe we'll see it on season 2 or 3. But I can't deny the chemistry they have. I just find myself smiling whenever they're on a scene together. He adores her so much. Even if she doesn't represent IkJun at Dr. Bong's salon (I just find it cute and funny that Chi Hong, Minha and Jae Hak are members because of their respective professors, while Gyeoul totally abandons IkJun for Jeongwon. Talk about loyalty!:P




    IkJun can end the season with no lovelines at all. Based on last episode's band montage, while the rest of the group had shots of their respective love lines inserted in their shots, IkJun had his patient and Uju. Tells me his priority right now is his job and Uju. Though I want SongHwa as Uju's future mom, we're not gonna get that this season. How do you rekindle a 20 year old romance? Let's just pray that Jo Jung Suk's lips be used properly this season... or the next.  I'm sure it's worth the wait. :wub: 

    Oh he was the last to be introduced on Ep 1, last to be involved in a love line (Ep 6)... What do you think that means?:o






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    This is so freaking relatable :P You're working your a** off while someone's slacking. Not that Eun Won was slacking but she was taking her damn time. Hahaha And what did the nurse mean by the bear and the fox? Who's the fox? 



    I've never been so disappointed to see Jung Kyung Ho in my life :huh: Sorry. Both Gyeoul and I wanted Jeongwon lol :D I can't believe I just said that.



    Poor Dr. Bong! They're just too mean :lol: I seriously want this group to start hanging out for real. Come on be best friends!!! And Jae Hak was the only one not interested in the fab5's love stories. He's so precious.






    Awwwwww!!! You gotta love this man. I seriously warmed up to him in this episode. He's like one of my fave residents now (but I love all residents) Chi Hong Fighting!!!






    This broke my heart. I know he will eventually talk about his divorce but the dialogue was so heartbreaking. I wasn't ready for it. :tears: It must have been so hard to talk about it and open yourself up to a total stranger. 








    Am I the only one who ships these two? This is my real OTP! :D Step aside IkSun!!! 







    He innocently said yes to Dr. Bae's invitation, without batting an eyelash. But with Gyeoul he was clearly shocked and taken aback. The contrast is so stricking. My girl finally made a move :wub: but why do I feel like he's going to reject her based on the preview? Urghh previews are tricky tho. I'm so proud of you Gyeoul. But what's the reason behind the contrasting reaction? Does he know of Gyeoul's feelings? He's just so inexperienced in these things that I doubt if he picked it up. I doubt IkJun would ever throw Gyeoul under the bus (he adores her so much). I've been saying this week after week but... Jeongwon what are you hiding?


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  7. OH MY GHAAADDD!!!!!!!

    I still can't gather my thoughts!!!! :w00t: I'm going crazy! MY SHIP SAILED!!!! Oh my god!!! IkJun-SongHwa! My heart is still pounding! I literally screamed when he was there at the hospital waiting for her. This is their freaking episode! :blush:




    -Junwan is so in love! He finally got his 'yes'. It's so adorable how he's always on his phone waiting for her text and crazily spazzing whenever she does. But what was that about IkSun still hurt by what happened in the past for her not to trust anyone??? I'm getting a bad feeling about this one. I hope it's not something that involves Junwan.




    -Rosa and Chairman Ju are so funny. I just love their 65 year old friendship. So adorable! I was like 'you took the taxi! Why do you have your car keys?' That was so funny. I feared for his life for that photo 'your youth is gone' I thought she was gonna beat him to a pulp. I just smile so much whenever these two are together. 




    - But the funniest scene goes to IkJun and Junwan. It's a total chaos! He's so badass for smacking 2 eggs at his brother in law's head. Hey you need to win his approval! Hahaha What have I done in life to deserve Jung Kyung Ho and Jo Jung Suk!!! My two favorite actors pulling each others hairs! We're so blessed. I'm so blessed to see this holy holy scene!!!




    -I love Dr. Bong's salon and now Jae Hak joins them too. I hope Gyeoul, Chi Hong, Jae Hak and Min Ha hang out for real. All my favorite residents becoming bffs. Will we see resident-resident romance?




    -Seok Hyeong and Minha i don't know what to say about these two but they're cute together. I'm slowly warming up to Minha. She would be a pretty strong influence for Seok Hyeong. This scene is so cute. I thought he was gonna be offended by the question but he's totally cool about it. He's just over that fiasco.


    - Uju is back! You adorable marshmallow!!! More scenes please!!!




    -I feel bad for Gyeoul but atleast he texted you (with a smiley face but I have to agree with MinHa that's not enough basis that he likes you). But I think he checked on her. How will MinHa know who visited if she was asleep? Urghhh my ship didn't sail much again. But atleast he looked concerned when IkJun said Gyeoul had an anaphylactic reaction. Better luck next week Gyeoul! Fighting!!!











    - I thought IkJun was going to Go Ara's shooting. Lo and behold he went straight to SongHwa at the hospital. It was weird that he looked upset when SongHwa said SeokHyeong calls her often. He even opened up the topic of the confession. He still has feelings for her! Then it was revealed that IkJun was the first one to fall for SongHwa! :wub:Oh my god! So that's why he placed his hand on her shoulder during that 1st photo! And he was about to confess but Seok Hyeong beat him to it. He pulled some Junghwan moves there when he left the gift (traumatic 1988) and even did the same as Taek by not confessing for the sake of his friend. So they were the love triangle!!! That's why during the episode 2 band practice SongHwa points to the cake, IkJun nods and Seokhyeong sadly stared at SongHwa. Oh my god!  I can't imagine what these two love birds endured through the years, having relationships but still harboring feelings for each other. I hope they get to live out their overdue romance this time around. At this point, it would be too tragic if they're not the endgame. I can't take another tragic first love story (ptsd reply 1988).





    -The guys opened the door with their individual charms. Haha Junwan you're just too cute! I'm so happy IkJun got to give her the coffee this time. I was so upset last episode cause he wasn't the one who gave the coffee. She said she wanted one and he got her one. Just like that scrunchie scene. IkJun always has your back SongHwa :blush:


    -Okay IkJun liked her back then but was he really SongHwa's first love? That flashback scene with SongHwa seeing JunWan and IkJun leave, I can't tell if she was looking at the former or the latter. But Junwan is definitely off the market right now. Hahaha 


    1 hour and 22 minutes of pure bliss then it's waiting game again. I can't with this drama! It's torture but it's worth it. 





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  8. 54 minutes ago, midflight said:

    Was it confirmed that it was Captain Ahn who gabe the flowers to Song-hwa? :)

    I assume it's from Chi Hong cause during the confession scene the roses were on frame everytime. And I remember there were roses at the campsite that Song Hwa frequents. The NS team even planned to camp there to see real roses. And as we all know, Chi Hong was the only one who pushed through amidst the heavy rain.

    And as @kokodus said, there's no other admirer. It would be weird if one of her friends gave her those flowers randomly. But I'm confused as to why he didn't say that the flowers were from him. Some part of my mind hopes that it's not Chi Hong's :D

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