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Posts posted by agathe

  1. Oh girls ...
    I don't have internet on my computer since the passage of the storm in Europe ...
    I can only load instagram, youtube and facebook from my phone ... Couldn't load this Soompi thread before today ... Only with my cellphone...
    (Obviously, impossible to watch any drama !) :cold_sweat:
    On the other hand, I succeed loading the vote page for Soompi Awards ! Our JoonGi is first and we can be super proud. I absolutely wanted to participate in this effort with all the angels !
    The technician comes to repair my line Wednesday. It made me sad not to be able to follow you here anymore. 
    I apologize for my considerable delay in the answers, I think I stayed on page 1913 or 1914 ... :confounded:
    I'm looking forward to joining you again !

    • Like 5
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  2. On 04/01/2018 at 9:24 PM, cedarwood said:

    Second lead can also do that. :wink:

    I'm not saying Soo In she didn't love him or care for him - I wrote that she's flawless and that made her... boring in time. Watching second lead falling for PYK, then being rejected, then taking revenge and making his life harder was fun to watch. I mean - that girl was something! Not to mention almost palpable chemistry between actors. Comparing to Soo In... Soo In was boring. Which was a pity because the character started really well. She was interested in science, I loved those things she had - telescope, one of the first cameras... and the... all this dissapeared somewhere. Pity. She could be more than just love object.


    I agree. The second women has changed and sacrificed her joy for her father ... This suffering has made her more human despite the atrocities she committed ... And especially more interesting, because it wasn't a fixed character, she really evolved .
    Soo In remained constant. But it is not so much the way of being of this character which irritated me (tho...) ... The worst thing is that after the second part of the drama she always repeated, always, always, always the same thing, with the same expression! "Doryeonim" ... So much so that at one point everytime she appears I said aloud "Doryeonim", and then she said it each time ...


    @violina This is my ranking for poster ! (I don't do the opening ranking now because I haven't seen them all, but as soon as it will be done I would !)


    Whole Cast Poster 


    1) MLSHR.

    Because of the whole cast. They are all well dressed, they all have charisma, they are all different, the atmosphere announces a good drama... (And they are all beautiful !)

    2) Joseon Gunman

    This poster is really dynamic. I find JG very charismatic on it. This is the second drama I wanted to see after MLSHR, probably because of this beautiful poster. (Same comment for the solo poster !)

    3) Criminal Minds

    I admit that I was a little disappointed with this drama. On the other hand the poster is superb and gives really want to look at it. A lot of strength is released. The most recent posters are decidedly the most successful in my opinion !

    4) Two Weeks

    5) Arang

    6) SWWTN

    7) Iljimae

    Sorry but I really don't like the other poster :unsure:


    Solo Poster 


    1) MLSHR

    I don't even know how to describe this poster.
    JG is handsome, Wang So is perfect. ("He is love" as @antoniaclamens use to say !) His best role ... His eyes go throught everything, the atmosphere of the drama is transcribed to perfection...
    It's with this poster that I discovered JG... No words I'm just in love.

    2) MLSHR again.

    3) MLSHR again. 

    4) MLSHR again. 

    5) Joseon Gunman (so dynamic !)

    6) Criminal Minds (like the MLSHR one, I love the mature JG, I think his age suits him very well and makes him very manly, in addition to his skills for acting.... It feels well here !)

    7) Time between wolf and dog (this poster makes me want to watch this drama immediately!)

    8) Iljimae


    (Once again I don't like the others so I won"t rank it)


    • Like 3
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  3. I'm back from sickness and half-year exams. I don't know how I survived, but I survived good-job-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862 Thank for all your support message.

    I haven't been able to answer your messages for a week, I'm sorry. But I wanted to have time to answer everyone.
    And I confess that I preferred to keep my poor little free time watching a drama. (I'm going to talk about it !)


    On 02/01/2018 at 10:52 PM, glassnokamen said:

    I just finished to watch "Two Weeks" for the first time and I like it very very very much. 

    It depends if you want to go on with storic drama or if you want to switch on modern drama... maybe you can watch "Two Weeks" and then "Iljimae" and then TODAW (if you didn't watch yet) and then "Arang"... and so on :):)


    On 03/01/2018 at 2:47 AM, antoniaclamens said:


    I love Iljimae to pieces... but Two Weeks is my favorite JG drama after MLSHR. If you want an action drama that will have you at the edge of your seat while watching the most beautiful relationship between a father and daugther plus the best growth for a character then Watch Two Weeks by all means. But if you feel in the mood for a sageuk then watch Iljimae. I'm with @glassnokamen TBDAW and Arang will be great followers. 


    On 03/01/2018 at 4:07 PM, violina said:

    Oh thats a tough one because both are very very good.


    a) iljimae has JG adopting three personalities.He switched them so well.

    Personality 1:dorky/ adorable/ goofy /funny side, something closer to his instagram persona=Yong

    Personality 2: serious/artistic(he drew)/intelligent/master planner=Gyum

    Personality 3:martial art expert(his fighting scenes were so cool), master at robbing rich people's houses and the outfit was bada*s=iljimae


    b.I also think Two Weeks is not too far off from Wang So in terms of acting skills and character development/growth.I loved LOVED two weeks.His relationship with his daughter was amazing.JG is a natural with children.It will pull at your heartstrings.


    Since your last watch was a sageuk, maybe like @glassnokamen said.Switch to modern(two weeks) then back to sageuk(iljimae).But whichever, you start.both are good.Ah! forget about the romance in them especially two weeks, they make up like only 5% of the story line.Two weeks is anti-hero turn hero story.Iljimae is a complete hero story.


    I come to this point ! I listened to all your recommendations and and decided to watch Two Weeks first.
     I decided to be reasonable and watch one episode a day to draw out the pleasure. I knew I was going to watch something awesome, because of the way you talked about it.
    As a result, in four days, I watched 12 episodes. Oops ! big-eye-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928624

    I think that... after 30 minutes of the first episode, I already knew that this drama would become one of the best I had ever seen. And yet I usually prefer  storic drama than modern ! (but I thought it was a good idea to alternate between historical and modern, as you suggested)

    I have  only 4 episodes left, but this drama is just great ! I didn't expect this story at all, but what a surprise !
    The relationship between the father and his daughter is superb, the idea is great, there is a crazy suspense, crazy actions, crazy twists ... I'm really sad to see that I only have 4 episodes to watch. But what do you want, with such cliffhanger, I could only quickly watch one after the other hehe-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507

    It's certainly my second favorite after MLSHR !


    I agree with @violina about Wang So, Two Weeks is not too far in terms of acting skills and character . That's probably why I love it so much, because Wang So (and not just because of JG, although I think that JG magnifies this character and that it only works with him) is my favorite character ever ever ever. I have the impression to rediscover him, with a character sacrificed, strong, and weak for love ... Love it


    [+ I don't like Joseon hat at all ! Even on JG, but he's still very handsome with. That's partly why I hope his next drama will be either Goryo or modern. Really, because of a hat !!]


    On 03/01/2018 at 4:43 AM, LadyOne said:


    @agathe Gunman is his only drama that technically has a happy ever after... not another open ending... 



    Oh... and yet, I didn't find this ending very happy ...


    On 03/01/2018 at 9:18 PM, cedarwood said:

    Haha! :lol: I doubt we ever have this. I don't think he likes to show his body too much. I mean that only shows how caring person he is. He knows his fans would die 1 second after showing his body. :wink: Ok jokes aside - there are so many stars that take off their shirts almost all the time. I like to see those little shows of LJG's body - it's more exciting. Male body is great but... I don't know - LJG doesn't have to be shirtless to have our full attention. I think he knows that.

    I'm just an old lady, don't listen to me. :wink: 


    Are you in Paris now?


    Naaaah, you're not. Don't think we don't appreciate all those seconds we can see something. crazy-monkey-emoticon-105.gif?1292792407  It's just... Lee Joon Gi is one of a kind. He's not like anyone else. He's unique. And not showing too much body is one of the things that make him this way.



    Wait! You're only 18??? Ok I'll stop perving!



    Yes I think he prefers to keep a little modesty. It's true that I find his body very sexy so I appreciate to see it appears from time to time. The pleasure would undoubtedly be different if he unveiled it all the time.
    (But I would still like to see a photo ... a unique ... You see what I mean embarrassed3-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129)
    It makes me think that the other day, I watched the interview of an actress who explained that it was more private to reveal her feelings to the world than her nakedness.
    It have nothing to do with, but I thought about it so I wrote it :rolleyes:
    Yes I'm parisian!
    Yes ahah, but do not worry, I'm not prudish :tongue:


    On 03/01/2018 at 10:26 PM, cedarwood said:

    I'm just saying that he'd have better romance with the second lady lead - better chemistry. Besides the lady lead is completely flawless. Pity.

    But Joseon Gunman is not about romance - it's about those moments when LJG does THIS!!!


    Oh btw @agathe I forgot to show you my favourite "reason to watch Joseon gunman and who cares about the romance?!


    Even if the lady lead is too perfect and romance isn't too hot - this thing makes up for it. :D 


    It's true that these are good arguments ! The action was really great Gunman in Joseon, it's true.

    But I was disappointed because I was told about this drama as a romance (at the same level as the action), so... :(
    You put the words on what I felt. She is too perfect. It's a pity because his character could have allowed a great development (her curiosity etc..), especially because the drama is long.



    So, I saw THE JG's movie. The king and the clown. I know @antoniaclamens was expecting my opinion.

    Well I don't have words to describe this movie.
    It's probably one of the best I've ever seen.
    I liked it so much that I bought the DVD!
    Once again I wasn't expecting this at all (truly I always fall on bad summaries).

    At first I was a little afraid to begin it. It's going to sound silly, but I've been used to seeing JG as a super mainly guy... I thought that I won't find him credible with effeminate character. (very silly)
    I was wrong ! JG has so much talent, I shouldn't have to doubt him. His character and his way of playing, it's perfect. The story is really beautiful and touching. I didn't see the end arrive and I was very sad when I saw the credits appear. 

    It's really a great film and I understand the success it has had in Korea (and around the world, I know that it was published in France in cinema and it received French prizes).


    Well, It seems I finished quoting page 1912 cool-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862496


    • Like 8
  4. On 31/12/2017 at 11:15 PM, cedarwood said:

    PS This thread is exactly 12 y.o. Am I right? :D

    Woa 12 yo ! That's incredible ! I was 6 years old when this thread was created :huh: At that moment I realise how long is his career. Happy anniversary !


    On 01/01/2018 at 6:35 PM, antoniaclamens said:

    I'm not sure,  I think I like his torso to be elusive. It's so exciting to catch a glimpse of it.  Plus we get to see some of it in dramas like MLSHR,  Two Weeks or Iljimae...  Iljimae has a lot of his torso and Sexy back... Every time he got hurt 

    Exactly what I was saying in my last post, I'm all alone depressed1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928 

    Now you tease me girls, I need to watch these drama. Which one could I start ? Iljimae or Two Weeks ? 

    (And thank a lot for you wishes I'm better now!)


    I just finished Joseon Gunman.
    I loved it, even if I find some little negative things to say about this drama.
    I was a little disappointed by the romance. I didn't find it very... useful ?

    But it may be the post-MLSHR effect :ph34r:


    It annoyed me that in the second part of the drama, Soo-in does nothing exept repeating "Doryeonim" while crying, and he also cries, and then hug hug I'll come back ... I found it a little cheesy.

    However it's still a huge pleasure to watch JG.

    I think I'll be able to watch a drama only if his thumb appears.

    I'm going to watch The King and the Clown tonight. How long I've heard about it!
    Then, I hesitate between Iljimae and Two Weeks (because of the torso teasing uhuh :rolleyes: no I joke).

    • Like 3
  5. On 31/12/2017 at 9:49 AM, bluelilac1214 said:


    @pixelsticks @cedarwood and I recently did talk about this and there were so many characters ideas – even a merman! :D And we’d love to see him in a Snape like character who gets the girl and lives happily after. The “Happily Ever After” part is a must, you see. My heart is broken too many times because of his characters, and therefore I demand a happy ending! crazy monkey 067 Well, what did Oppa say recently - he wants to do a negative role too! crazy monkey 105



    I agree, It's time to repair our poor little hearts. We need happy ending ! 

    A negative role, I'm not sure what it means ? 
    A bad person ? Or a role that ends badly ? By the way, has he ever played a villain ? :huh:

    I think he would be excellent in the role of a tyrannical villain (remember his laughs and tears at the end of MLSHR !)



    What would you say if I say that I kind of, sort of prefer the way it is now – his torso being elusive? crazy monkey 182And we are talking about a man who wears suit for a photoshoot in the beach! hehe onion head But he did show some skin in “Two Weeks” when it was necessary for the story.


    I would say that you're too wise ! :tongue: Ahah


    On 31/12/2017 at 1:34 PM, glassnokamen said:


    And don't forget about Moon Lovers... he expose his "elusive torso" and "elusive back" too.

      Reveal hidden contents






    And I'm with you @bluelilac1214: I prefer the way he is, with his torso being elusive, so he can tease us :wub:



    On 31/12/2017 at 7:03 PM, bluelilac1214 said:


    Oh, I can never forget about Moon Lovers. But he showed even more skin in Two Weeks.


    Ok sorry girls ! I am alone !depressed1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928

    But it's true that those teasing are very enjoyable :wub:

    I haven't seen Two Weeks, that's probably why I'm not satisfied hehe-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507



    I don't know why but Soompi refuses to go from one page to another for a few days. 

    That means I can't quote messages that are on different pages.
    So I have to do a double post if no one comes in between, sorry :mellow:

    [Edit : antonia saves me !]


    • Like 6
  6. Happy New Year girls !

    I wish you to best ! I hope a lot of things will happen for JG and angels in 2018 !


    (Not a good time here, I'm very sick, so I am alone on my sofa with my TV :dissapointed_relieved:

    But I could see the light show and the fireworks of the "Arc de triomphe" (triumphal arc ?) in Paris, so I'm quite happy :D)


    (I will reply to your post when I will be better ! too illness at the moment)

    • Sad 5
  7. 10 hours ago, violina said:




    Thanks dear. As a fan, I will happily take lee joon gi in sageuk/historical drama anyday, anytime period.Imagine him in Silla Dynasty?They also had fabulous hair and glamourous hanbok fashion.Even if he does them for the next 10 years:wub:.Why? He is BRILLIANT in them!!He also shines in action/thriller /crime drama.Each and every role he has done in that genre.He delivered 100%.


    However, for the sake of versatility and growth as an actor.I do think it would be great if he took on a modern melo or rom com drama next year.As "Scarlet Heart Ryeo" and "My Ear Candy" has shown us, when he pours his heart out into creating chemistry with the female lead..the results are amazing.So I wish for him to work with a great actress next year, in a role that helps him showcase his ability to create chemi with his co-stars.Also for the last four years, he has been playing intense hero-centric characters.So it would be nice if he plays something lighter.Just to relax a bit like a fresh breath of air.


    But before even drama, I am really REALLY rooting for him to break into the Korean movie industry again soon.I do still feel like one of the reasons among many, why he is popular and excelling internationally but continues to be underrated in his home country.Is because he hasnt been in a Korean Movie in a long time.I feel like the more active, Korean actors are in k-movie industry, the better chances are, to gain access to better quality productions,  more interesting scripts and better co-stars too.


     JG is JG tho.Whatever, he takes on..he will do it well.We can always trust him to give it 100%.So lets wait impatiently haha..until the next news about his project comes out:)


    I agree with you, 100% ! 
    It would be very cool if he plays in a Silla Dynasty too. But for my part I prefer when he plays hero-centric characters, because the way he plays anger, grief, emotions... is his power. I think that playing in something lighter could restrict his talent. Maybe I'm wrong !

    I also hope he'll have some propositions for korean movies, I haven't realize it but it's true that it would be a great event in his career. 


    @antoniaclamens His tummy :wub: Belly button :wub: When will we have a photoshoot with all his torso, as other stars do ? Mystery is very cool, I'm just saying that sometimes... uhuh... I'm too hungry



    7 hours ago, haniiiii said:

    Ready for 2018, girls? I am ready now :D   

     Almost ready ! I just need to finish the cleaning of my house, and to hang on the wall my resolutions of 2018. And it will be ok !

    Happy new year with your JG calendar :tongue:


    • Like 5
  8. Thank a lot for these articles @violina !


    It makes me want to ask you this question : In what type of drama would you like to see JG ?
    Personally I would like to see him again in a historical drama, in the Goryeo period. In a romance again. 

    (But I sadly understood that he wants to play roles in our time. :()

    Anyway, I will be happy whatever it be -_-

    I have understood that he didn't sign anything at the moment. I hope he has received interesting proposals !

    • Like 5
  9. On 27/12/2017 at 3:00 PM, pixelsticks said:


    Hmmm...wouldn't it be nice if there was an event to WIN the OKINAWA Books!?!?!?!  Hey Namoo and JG!!!!  Are you listening??? Reading????  <<<And I am not sure if I want to spleep.  Just kidding...hehehe>>>


    It would have been so cool but it seems they won't do that :(

    [Anyway we'll never win ohoh]


    I have seen somewhere (can't remember where) that foreigners have to wait until Namoo put on sale the books, so not the January 9th for us. 
    Maybe I'm wrong 


    Elusive  torso tummy :wub:



    Tummy Bonus 




    Don't thank me serenade-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


    Smile of the day !


    • Like 6
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  10. 12 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


    Is it really that good?  How is it with humidity? <<<inquiring minds>>>


    Professional hairspray ! You won't find better smoking1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

    2 hours ago, LadyOne said:


    2018 Lee Joon Gi Okinawa Photo Book (Including 2 books / DVD) will be available for sale from 9 January 2018. :wub:


    for more details:  http://www.leejoongi.co.kr/notice/91



    Awesome !


    120 000 KRW 



    Why is it so expensive  bsod-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862493

    • Confused 1
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  11. On 22/12/2017 at 4:48 PM, glassnokamen said:



    As far as I know there are at least other two/three chingus that can partecipate at te lottery... but I suppose that there are much more that are here that can partecipate too.


    I cross my fingers for all of you ! dong-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862500 

    On 22/12/2017 at 5:57 PM, pixelsticks said:


    Merry Merry Happy Happy! Which one's are you partaking in?

     First of all, I have to finish Joseon Shooter (I'm in episode 17).
    Then I NEED to watch The King and the Clown , with all these parades for the 12th anniversary, I can't wait anymore ! hehe-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507
    Otherwise, I'm going to watch either Arang and the Magistrate... or  MLSHR one more time happy-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862507 



    Merry Christmas girls !

    I hope Santa Claus will bring you health and happiness (and a mini pocket-JoonGi ) :D



    • Like 8
  12. My exams are over !

    It's time to enjoy holidays, Christmas and a lot of JoonGi's drama angel1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286248


    4 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

    I would die to be able to win the burgundy or the white jacket http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gif http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gifhttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gifhttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gifhttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gifhttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/61.gif

    ... well... I would certainly die if I won one of those two http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/38.gif http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/38.gifhttp://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/38.gif

    If you can participate I really hope you win one of these lots !
    (Of course, I will be so jealous of the person who will win it hell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862)


    A small dose of video of JoonGi with baby, a lot of kisses and smiles (lucky babieshell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862)   to make life worth living again :





    • Like 8
  13. 1 hour ago, haniiiii said:

    btw, after Instagram update yesterday, Instagram actually really informed me that JG posted something today. After really long time... Yay! :D @pixelsticks What about you? Did IG inform you too?


    Same here, IG didn't informed me for weeks, but today I was noticed 4 minutes after :tongue:

    • Like 3
  14. @antoniaclamens Thank you !


    @haniiiii Oh you are studying something related to Korea, it's cool !
    When we talk about Korea or Japan in class, my concentration automatically comes back ahah 


    @glassnokamen Thank you, once again a new IG upload in a few days * - * Maybe something good has happened in his life to offer us all of this :wub:


    "Even the most beautiful is sometimes ugly" parade :rolleyes:




    Smolder parade :tongue:








    "I am bored" parade









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  15. 10 minutes ago, haniiiii said:

    @agathe Oh yeah, there is not worse Christmas than when you are at university. Sooo true it hurts, haha. But thanks god for some free time we get in January/February, haha. Btw, what do you study? :wink:

    Unfortunately, I also have exams in January :( (well, only two, the first week, fine), but I resume classes on January 15 :'( 
    I study geography ! And you?
    (I like the Christmas photo, he's too 'charming' on it :wub:)

    • Like 4
  16. 16 hours ago, violina said:


    @agathe Bonjour!Bienvenue ma chérie:).Please fangirl and post as much as you like.


    Merci beaucoup ! <3


    @haniiiii Yes ! I am only in first year of university, I am 18 years old (closer to 19). :) 
    It's so nice to prepareChristmas with all this work ... I really feel the magic of Christmas in those moments #sarcasm 
    Same I work at the same time (I babysit about 10 hours a week, but in the second semester I will only do 6 because of my new **** schedule :ph34r:)
    Hwaiting !


    @pixelsticks Thank a loooot !


    @bluelilac1214  I felt exactly the same all day, it had been so long since we had not heard as many JG' news  at the same time ! :wub:

    For the thread, I'll try to do that 

    • Like 5
  17. @haniiiii Oops, it was written on your profile, I did not see that! Thanks omg :wub:



    Yes, you're right! I think I felt in love with Wang So, then Lee Joon Gi :ph34r:
    By the way, I will not be satisfied until I see JG in a Goryeo suit again. 

    Even if it's not for an MLSHR sequel (oh no, I feel like crying when I say that crying1-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928624), I need to see him like that. 

    He is so sexy with long hair and the costume... hmm :rolleyes:

    Yes, I saw that, but the thread is very long and it will take me time to translate everything. I would have liked to join you but I am busy with working until December 20th (period of exam). :(


    @glassnokamen Thank you ! Yes, I am the newbie now evil-smile-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928 

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