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Posts posted by ai

  1. can someone PLEASE tell me why the first episode isnt true widescreen?

    there are black columns on the left and right

    this is the third time i've had to ask this question

    are my posts showing up here? or am i just so non-existent nobody cares to reply?

    well, most are probably like me....we dunno the answer

    dun be upset, we see ur post alright so u're not being ignored, we just dunno

  2. ok people, the reason i'm here is because of LeeJiHoon!

    i wanna see LJH showing off his athletic & singing prowess...hope they manage to weave it in somehow.

    was that LJH tripping down the steps or was it a stunt man?

    i must say i luv LeeDaHae's voice when it's all soft and demure.....ultra sweet!

    wah! JangYoungRan, HaSukJin and Ryan - the whole xman crowd is here!

    i'm so excited to see the explosive start in ep1.....all that bickering right from the start had me screaming/laughing....i luv them already.

    i'm having visions of them in the last ep wearing their hanboks and having their wedding ceremony back at Hwa Ahn Dong!!!! aaaahhhhh!!!!!



























































































































    u know it just occurred to me, this line of turning "Maybe" into "Must Be"
































    1st came out in the japanese drama PRIDE - these words were written by Kimura Takuya's character on a lampshade or something, right?
































    somehow i just remember him saying that....anyone else saw that drama?





































    to those who saw the english subbed version of KBS Entertainment Relay which featured the interview b/w Min Ki & Chae Rim, and Lee Hye Young & Gong Hyung Jin on 3-3-07, can you guys summarize what was said? The version I saw here in SoCal tonight had cut out this segment.
































































































































































































































































    oh dear i just deleted my recording of that from KBS World with eng subs.....so from my memory (and sequence may be wrong)....
































































































































































































































































    I(Interviewer): You're prettier now.
































































































































































































































































    CR- people say i look older now.
































































































































































































































































    Q: what kind of audience are you getting for this drama?
































































































































































































































































    CR- single ladies in their 30s
































































































































































































































































    Q: What special capability would you like to have?
































































































































































































































































    LMK- the ability to see thru things
































































































































































































































































    I- like see thru naked people?
































































































































































































































































    LMK- yes and buildings too
































































































































































































































































    I- link public showers?
































































































































































































































































    LMK- yes.
































































































































































































































































    Q: What message do you have for the audience watching this drama?
































































































































































































































































    CR- just work on being professional (i think she means proficient) in your jobs thereby earning the respect of those around you. soon, the right guy will come along, do not be anxious.
































































































































































































































































    Q: Why do you think the word Spring is included in the title of this drama?
































































































































































































































































    CR- cuz spring connotes new hope so for those single ladies in their 30s the message is there's hope yet
































































































































































































































































    LMK- i thot it was because this drama is gonna end in sping?!? [this is why i love LMK!!!! he's naively funny]
































































































































































































































































    i dun remember the rest, sorry!

































  5. Episode 21 Audio Preview translated

    TB: You’re not happy living like this either. Because you're unhappy, that’s the reason why you keep wanting the things you want and taking away [what isn’t yours] the things you take. And the reason you’re behaving like this towards me isn't b/c you love me; only, you just simply want to have me.

    this is said to Su Jin not Dal Ja right?

    i think TB is saying that SJ is not happy with herself, she's dissatisfied and she's looking all around for things to satisfy herself or to make her complete.

    love isn't about fulfilling one's own desires but rather giving off of oneself sacrificially and that's not something SJ is prepared to do.

    she thinks having TB makes her win but she doesn't think about what TB wants and what makes TB happy.

    ooh! Chariots of Fire theme at the start of ep19 when DJ was doing hurdles....any of you saw that movie?

    so DJ is leaving for US in 3 weeks or is she going to be in the US for 3 weeks? i'm confused....

  6. this must be the most under-rated kdrama of all time!!!!! what a mistake on my part to have missed it then!

    i had committed myself to translating some other drama when this was broadcasted and also because this was on cable,

    it was missed out by the regular chinese sub teams so although i really wanted to follow it, i couldn't ....until now!!!!!

    thanks to jojo she passed a set to watch and i just realised i should really have caught it and join in the discussion!

    now i'm in love with Lee Jin Wook the man and Seok Man, the character he plays

    i like it that he did not sucuumb to his circumstances and has all this initiative/drive/survival instinct/kind-heartedness all rolled into one!

    hana's character really tugged at my heartstrings....i see a girl who's somewhat unplugged from the rest of society (esp ep1,2 i'm only up to ep4 now...)

    all her talent being buried for the moment as she searches for her own identity and for meaning to continue the work she so loves

    i know someone in my reality circles whom i love very much who is rather similarly unplugged from society right now like hana and

    i really hope she will also get to meet similarly nice folks that hana met who drew her out of her shell and changed her life

    i like thinking dramas in addition to all the sickly sweet romantic ones

    i actually paused many times to think about scenes/dialogues or just plain soak in what i just saw on screen!

    i realise i wouldn't have had the patience to wait for the next episode week by week so it's just as well i can watch everything now all at one go.

    this is my biggest regret in recent months....to have missed out on all the soompi discussions and the fiery, fanatical thread this should have been in the kdrama world!

  7. And that imagery...the blood streaming from TB's head, his eyes rolling back, the uneven breathing and then it quickly switches to the jerking fish (struggling in its moments of death?? or was it still alive?) and the first person to take a piece off that fish dish was the ex-GF!

    without watching ep 17 & 18 yet....(cuz the gigasize link died twice on me after 3-4 hrs each time!!!! *sob sob*)

    the dead fish scene reminded me of Dal-Ja's early days at her job when she was helping to prepare props for the broadcast and all the dead fish fell on her?!?!

  8. azzurri, i remember seeing someone's translation on this but i'm too lazy to go thru the thread so i'll help to translate here from chinese subs....

    In Ep 4 TB gave DJ a plant with a message taped to it. Can anybody tell me what he wrote? And DJ sent him a text message after that, and he was smiling and looked so pleased when he read that. Can anybody tell me what she wrote?

    TB's message "My name is Battery. Just look at me to get recharged."

    DJ's text said "Full strength! Fully recharged! Thank you. Kang Tae-Bong!"

  9. i've yet to watch the latest 3-4 episodes but wait...........

    so JH was supposed to go to a Data Centre in New Jersey right?

    is that anywhere near when the vixen is from and will return to?

    hope not!

    sometimes man has many facets in the different environment he's in....

    a weakling when he gives in to temptations yet a disciplined and successful career man climbing the corporate ladder

    but i can only say to be faithful to the one you love is to be recognise our own strengths and weaknesses and to always be on the lookout for sticky situations and to never believe that we're up to the challenge but turning and running miles away quickly!

    ==> the only way to get around temptation is to flee from it!


    but didn't TB also say that he wouldn't have gone into her room if he didn't...?

    Maybe the words 'I love you' has something to do w/ this past love of his?? And why he doesn't say it?






    Just thinking about it, Nam Bong Ki never said 'I love you' to Bong-soon, well, not in Korean, at least...and Bong-soon had to learn the hard way how difficult it must have been for Bong Ki to express such feelings when she attempted to say those foreign phrases herself. I think RRLY taught us something about expressing love in other ways instead of just saying 'sarang he...' Even till the end of the drama, Bong Ki and Bong-soon never uttered the Korean 'sarang he..' to the other.






    Wasn't her mind screaming somthing along the lines of 'NOOOOOO!'? I wonder if the illustration at the end of the episode suggests that DJ/TB will take the fall and keep SJ's pregnancy a secret?











    actually it's a known fact that men & women defer when it comes to expressing love






    men have an urge to satisfy (the good ones will have control over the urge & learn to wait for the right moments)






    women love to be cuddled, to be told "i love you" before they embark on the next step of physical love






    hence the beginning of a marriage (cuz i suscribe to love only within a marriage) is having both the men & women work these things out






    for her to believe that he loves her and to find security in that knowledge and to let herself be his






    for him to give assurances to her and to be disciplined to wait till she's ready






    guess other than saying "i love you" men find other ways of expressing love...






    when they think about their woman, when he finds ways to care for her, when he's concerned about how she's doing etc






    and our TaeBong certainly is all that!!!






    i learned alot from NamBongKi on "i love you" from all over the world






    - i think they used that idea in Lovers in Prague too when all the love messages were stuck to an endlessly long wall!



    My take on this is, Tae Bong is quite the "ideal" of the Korean man... but certainly not the reality. Actually, he's an ideal man, period -- Korean or not. In his speech in Ep. 14 about liking Dal Ja for who she is, I thought for the first time that Tae Bong was rather TOO perfect... Maybe other viewers had this sense earlier, but I saw enough dimension in Tae Bong's portrayal to keep him happily flawed and believable. But in 14, as wonderful as his speech was to hear, I felt it was a little fairy-tale-esque. Here it is in more detail:

    Tae Bong: "I told you not to overdo it. To me, whether you're wearing jeans or sneakers, I like you. You're fine even with an unwashed face, and it doesn't matter if we don't have any of this and just eat cup ramen. Going to the hospital right after work, then the supermarket, going grocery shopping and preparing all this food... Although I'm thankful that you'd do all this work for me, but you overworking yourself is what I find not so great."






    Dal Ja: "But, it's your birthday."






    Tae Bong: "I already received my gift. What more is there?"






    Dal Ja: "But it's the first birthday between us. I wanted something with a deeper meaning, something that would stay in our memories."






    Tae Bong: "For me, just being here together is plenty. Is it inadequate for you?"






    Dal Ja: "No, it's not that."






    Tae Bong: "There's no need for you to appear like Superwoman in front of me. Because I like you just the way you are. Being close to you like this, and giving you a kiss. Or holding you. Just being like this is enough to make me happy."






    So I'm torn, because it's a great, swoony scene. But it's also a scene that made me very aware that a romantic female must be writing the lines! If such a man exists, show me the way. But I think it's a little too charming and perfect to be real. Spoken like a true cynic.











    i have yet to watch ep13 & 14 with subs so i'll defer deeper inputs till later but just from reading spoilers....






    tae bong is saying "i love you" in a rather practical way, that love is not measured by romance (does that make sense?)






    not in the gifts (cake or wine) nor the setting/ambience (kind of clothes to wear or kind of food) etc even how we look - all to stir up that romance factor






    but it's all in being who we are (taking care of oneself well so that we have both the capacity and ability to love another)






    i guess tae bong is well aware that dal ja might feel insecure since it's probably her 1st in 33 years to express this kind of affection for anyone






    and that dal ja is stretching herself in view of her circumstances and tae bong would rather she just be herself






    he knows/understands her well enough and wants to assure her that she's perfect just the way she is






    if my guy does that to me, i'd be mighty touched!







    During her presentation, Dr. Ahn starts to ask questions to DalHee..like what she did to the patient and how she took care of the patient while the patient was unconscious. As she answers him, he makes her realize that it wasn't her FAULT. He tries to explain to her that the procedures she had done on the patient was all correct and that she didn't kill the patient because of her "mistakes". ------> WHEN I SAW THIS SCENE, I WENT CRAZY!!! hahahahhaHAH......DR. Ahn has his own little way of comforting DalHee....WITH HIS INTELLIGENCE! :) Dang, this man IS SO HOT<33 hahahahhaha....
















    u know i've just been surviving on all the spoilers here cuz chisubs stopped at ep2 for me *sniff sniff*











    but man, you're right, i go crazy when there's a smart man around....











    just like Tae Woong in Snow Queen, he got me holding my breath explaining all those mathematical theories!!











    and now i'm sure Dr Ahn's gonna have that same effect on me in that scene u mentioned above.....











    wow! i hope dal hee sees his expression of love/comfort behind his astute intelligent questioning haha!











    arghhhhh~ the wait for chisubs is killing!! anyone have non-cb links?



    HAHAHHA..jae hee looks really funny in that poster! :lol:

    And Kim Jung Hoon has the jerk type of look, you know, those kinda guys who think they can have anything..






    can't wait! :w00t:











    hey jo! welcome back! missed u much!






    what u said about kim jung hoon is funny.....1st time i hear this angel face described as a 'jerk'! haha!






    i'm not sure i like jae hee's instant noodle hairstyle yet!






    give me some time, i'm sure i'll turnaround.



    Yes...I believe Min Ki was the one to invite Joo Ji Hoon to the premiere of his movie 'A Day for an Affair' and JJH stood up along w/ the models of Min Ki's management when Min Ki came on stage and introduced himself.






    actually i read during the Goong days (about when IRRLY was aired maybe?) that LMK & JJH are very good friends and they both started out modeling together.






    during BTS of Goong, i think JJH mentioned that LMK called him on the phone and encouraged him or something like that....anyone remembers anything?






    so no spoilers for tonite's ep? i'm dying to know cuz i didn't get to watch it live!






    EDIT: creidesca, khai & lotteworld - thanks for the updated spoilers!!!!






    hey the panel.....






    looks like TB & DJ are now traveling together (along life's path?) cuz they're seated together on the same "vehicle" (magically transformed pumpkin?)






    no matter what rain may pour down, they're under the same umbrella and they'll weather the storm together?






    if anything, the big round moon (would be full moon this time of the lunar calendar!) signifies romance, a night when lovers meet.....






    oh what do i know....i just like to make things up as i see it.....awgh our sweet red-string couple!!!!



    wow ... Kang Team Leader is TB's aunt???!!!!!!!!! how come she doesn't seem to know TB when TB came to office & the time when he joined them for their dinner/gathering?? such a weird family ... and father's older brother at that~






    hey exupery! Kang Team Leader is a woman!!!! she's Dal-Ja's boss! so that makes her Tae-Bong's aunt!






    it could be that TB's father doesn't contact the family much after marriage and TB may not have met his aunt much or even at all?!?!






    that office dinner/gathering was when DJ was with the old dept before Gargamel joined the group so she wasn't there when TB was there.



    does Kang Team leader know TB's mom????? TB's mom covered her face when Kang Team leader came out YESSS! But what exactly is their relation? Kang Team leader must definitely know TB! She even mentioned his name!







    could it be that Kang Team Leader is sister to TB's father? same surname right? so she's TB's aunt?



    yah, the bed scene is today :)

    i hope it would be comical but sweet as well :)






    edit: oh if it's on thurs then i would just have to wait... so much better if it's today though... i really cant wait!











    yes i distinctly remember the bed scene as a Valentine's Day treat for us hehe!






    these last 3 days i've been re-living MinKi's last bed scene in IRRLY (the hospital one not the one at his home!!)






    that was so utterly sweet but i hope tonite they'll make that honey-factor a zillion times higher cuz it's tae-bong's birthday!!!!!!!






    for those interested, here's appetizer for tonite....






    IRRLY kisses



    -Since TB's grandpa is a former loan shark, does that mean he is some sort of gangster? If so, how does that not affect TB's father's reputation as a university dean?






    i think TB's grandpa has "converted" his biz to something more 'legal' now and having his daughter marry a university dean has certainly given more credibility to his biz. i also think TB's dad had his own reasons why he married into the family although nothing's been revealed so far (maybe he needed finances then?)



    oh my goodness! UKJ's ex-wife returns!!! And on the same elevator as TB's mom, heading towards the one destination--Dal Ja!...uh oh, TB's mom's first impression of DJ might not end up well...

    The illustration at the end of the episode...at least it's just of DJ and TB...need to have a better look at it though






    The only reason why DJ was struggling in TB's arms was because he was hugging her too tightly? =)

















    Good to see that the workplace problems were resolved in this episode...whew, and likely no need for a Seon-joo suicide scene from the looks of it.

















    And that outburst from TB's dad! Yikes.






    Question: Why did UKJ keep calling his secretary? Did he finish reading Candy Candy, or can't finish it, so that's why he's asking all these questions?











    yah 2 mad women in the same lift is no joke! actually if one did call out "Oh Dal Ja", the other one wouldn't have known who she is!






    the buffering was so terrible it like showed 2 sec out of every 10 sec block *sob sob*






    the ending panel, i only had a glance. there's a heart-shaped brick wall between DJ & TB.






    so i take it as there's an obstacle to overcome but there's LOVE between them!!! yay!






    gotta have a closer look!






    Creidesca's question - i think he finished but he needed clarification on the ending eg. what happened to Candy in the end?






    actually i never knew Candy Candy before this & i dunno korean too so it's just a guess.






    i think Rep Eom is dying to know what happened in Candy Candy so he can plan his next move on DJ






    so if there's an indeterminate ending, that ambiguity is not something he can handle!






    cuz he'll be at square one again - not knowing how to start the game! haha!


  20. since it's such a rare occasion getting to hear MinKi speak up, is there any chance at all,

    folks around here wanna work on subbing last week's Come To Play episode?

    thanks to n5y17cgirl(+credidesca) & cafeaulait, some spot translations are already avail.

    anyone knows whether a chinese-subbed episode is avail somewhere?

    those who are interested, pls PM me directly and let's see what we can do, ok?

    i've been watching Heroine 6 over & over again!

    my stomach is cramped with too much laughing over MinKi's dancing!

    he dances like a toddler, an orang utan and a horse!

    gosh! someone send him for dancing lessons quick!

    how did he do his modeling if he even has problems with rhythm?!?!

    but he's just too adorable!

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