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    - SH not knowing about the violin girl's death was due to the amnesia or was it kept from him all these years?
































































































































































































































































































































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    Top star Jung Jun Ho is getting married in Oct. At the beginning of the year through a friend's introduction, JJH got to know Miss Park and the two of them are dating with the intention of marriage.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    It was love at first sight for both when they met at the beginning of the year and have been enjoying sweet dating all this time. Although they haven't been able to meet up often due to JJH's filming of The Last Scandal which ended on 27Apr, the two of them have been developing their beautiful love relationship by connecting on the phone.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The two of them have been dating secretly, known only to those who are very close to them. This is JJH's special caring consideration for Miss Park.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The two have directly or indirectly met up with each other's families and have received acceptance and are being treated as the perfect son/daughter-in-law. Especially JJH, who often spends time alone with his prospective father-in-law who runs a big distribution business, and is well-liked by him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A friend on the side mentioned JH said he was so happy to receive flowers from Miss Park on Valentine's Day. They get along extremely well and they look very compatible together, like they're each other's better half. People around them have accepted the fact that they'll be married in Oct.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Additionally, JJH expressed on 28Apr in an interview with Sports Korea that with consideration for the woman's side, he has to be extra cautious, that's why they've been dating secretly. Miss Park understands my work better than anyone else. Her passionate yet meticulous and caring nature brings me a lot of strength. They have yet to conduct formalized their wedding-intention meeting but they will be discussing their wedding plans/schedule in detail.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JJH started his career in 1997 through a public MBC audition and acted in popular works eg. "Marrying The Mafia". Recently, with his role as a romantic guy in the popular drama The Last Scandal, he has become the ideal lover of Korea's middle-aged women.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    So quickly time passed and there's only one week left to the final episode.....
































































































































































































































































































































    I really regret that the last 3 months went by so quickly...those who worked hard with me.....Jin Shil....Woong In.....Jung Soo....
































































































































































































































































































































    And.... Guem Chun noona....Byung Sae hyung....Il Gun....Soo Ho....director and all the staff/crew, the precious time we spent together, I will always remember well better than any other time.....
































































































































































































































































































































    To all the fans of "The Last Scandal" who have encouraged me not to be swayed in my most difficult moments, I want to express my deepest thanks.
































































































































































































































































































































    Lastly.....to the Hong Sun Hee (Choi Jin Shil) who enabled me to live as Song Jae Bin and Jang Dong Chul, I say thanks.....
































































































































































































































































































































    I will work hard to become the Dong Chul who lives on in your hearts as an exciting drama....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kristy! i'm forever grateful....those caps.....awwww!
































































































































































































































































































































    i was telling some others that in My Sis-in-law is 19, i fell in love with the character Seung Jae rather than YKS
































































































































































































































































































































    cuz of Seung Jae's devotion and heartrending one-sided love for Yoo Min
































































































































































































































































































































    and YKS at that time didn't look so handsome (like in WAY now!) and appeared goony when he smiled too widely.
































































































































































































































































































































    but here in WAY, i love both the character of Seung Hyo and the actor YKS,
































































































































































































































































































































    YKS has never looked more adorable & appealing,
































































































































































































































































































































    the stoic, silent, strong-type makes me go the opposite way - all trembling & gooey now *satisfied sigh*
































































































































































































































































































































    and this congruence is making my emotions explode exponentially....am i making any sense after watching ep14?
































































































































































































































































































































    i'm all wobbly like jello inside me, i'm smiling silly and will desperately need to hug a pillow to sleep tonite.
































































































































































































































































































































    i think i'll be smiling silly when i relive both ep14 & 15 as i work on translating them....emily saved the best for me, lucky me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    PyoungSang you're a lifesaver! Thanks for translating preview for ep15!
































































































































































































































































































































    yikes! so SeungHyo is gonna get hurt and JaeHa will lay his hands on the paintings after all.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    wonder what Ho Joong was planning to do with YoungIn that made her faint? so much excitement!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so after YI takes care of SH's wound, there might be a kiss in ep16? haha!
































































































































































































































































































































    i'm also demanding that SH sings to YI in ep16 or 17 just because i love YKS's singing voice!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hnitao, thanks for those great shots! they look much better than in the preview!
































































































































































































































































































































    i wonder if IG has "approved" of SH & YI being together before the

































































































































































































































































































































    or not?
































































































































































































































































































































    can anyone translate the ep15 written preview in post #1871 above? i'm dying to know......
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    thanks Suz, till someone comes up with a proper translation, this one's for the fun of it....
































































































































































































































































































































    Forest mini-series, "Who are you?" 15 times
































































































































































































































































































































    Broadcast Date: April 24, 2008 21:55-23:05
































































































































































































































































































































    This has been frozen inside a car that was empty jaeha, seunghyoneun jaeha to look relaxed. Youngin started, and then followed hojungeun house, the car hwangwonjangeun seunghyo house painting to move the library move forward. Jaeha was launched eura screaming seunghyoege ppaedolrin picture, the story of the death of ilgeon seunghyoneun jaeha to say let's share.
































































































































































































































































































































    Dad's picture to be moved inside the library youngin watching it with tears in his eyes, and people's eyes to avoid hojungeun youngin Reach stuns youngin. Know the status of a youngin seunghyoneun hurriedly ran out, jaeha have on the picture gallery watching hojungeul thrilled. Ilgeon lying in the bed worried about the youngin baraboda seunghyoege youngin to go, and waking up in the youngin seunghyoui wounds to heal them.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so a

































































































































































































































































































































    in ep14 but no mention of any

































































































































































































































































































































    in ep15?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    then how about SH sings for YI? i luv YKS's singing voice esp high notes!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    translated as follows...

    I've read from this article (using the translator) that the season 2 may start filming in 6 months time. But this is not confirmed yet. Am I correct?

































































































































































































































































































































    According to related sources, the popular weekend drama "The Last Scandal" will take a short break after the final episode and go into filming for Season 2 with female lead Choi Jin Sil hoping to continue in her role.
































































































































































































































































































































    在《我人生最後的緋聞》中,崔真實成功的實现了出道近20年來的首次轉型,她以邋遢市井婦女的形象征服了無數韓劇迷。在即將開拍的第二季中,崔真實能否繼續出演成為了人們最為關注的話題。 不久前,崔真實在接受韓國某媒體採訪時向外界透露了自己的想法:“我十分感謝這部電視劇带给我的一切。在接下來即將開播的第二季中,劇組的原班人馬大部分將照常出演,至於我個人的去留問題,現在我還没有作出最後的决定。目前我最關心的,還是目前第一部的拍攝進度,至於後面的事情,還是等我演好第一部後再去考慮吧。僅從我個人的角度看,我是十分希望繼續留在《最後的緋聞》中的。”
































































































































































































































































































































    In "The Last Scandal", Choi Jin Sil's successfully performed a change in style for the first time having been in the business for the past 20 years. She captured countless k-drama fans with her portrayal of a sloppy, marketplace woman. The talking point is now whether she can continue into Season 2 and Choi Jin Sil revealed her thoughts on this not long ago in an interview, "I'm very thankful for all that this drama has done for me. In the upcoming Season 2, most of the cast/crew will perform again, whether I go or stay, I have yet to make the final decision. Right now what I'm most concerned with, is the filming progress in the current Season 1, for what comes after, I'll think about it when I'm done with Season 1. From my personal angle, I'd very much like to stay on with "The Last Scandal".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Midway through the filming of "The Last Scandal", the production team started to discuss whether to continue straight into filming Season 2. Season 1 which was originally planned for 16 episodes will not be changed but the production team is considering whether to invite Jung Jun Ho & Choi Jin Sil back as the leads depending on their individual schedules/commitment and energy level.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At the moment, the original creative team is in the midst of working out the plot for Season 2, no details have been finalized yet for any filming.
































































































































































































































































































































    (Source: http://blog.xuite.net/chien0823/junho?&p=1)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kristy, you're totally spoiling us and i Luv it!
































































































































































































































































































































    i'm gonna be smiling silly the whole time till the c-subs come out then i'll get to work on it. Thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































    upside down or not, who cares! i'll just stand behind my monitor and watch it top-down.....
































































































































































































































































































































    PS: it's left-right laterally inverted too, i was wondering why was he on the wrong side of the car































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    then i saw the iMBC logo!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    tina, thanks a million for the quick recap of ep3, so u caught it 'live', lucky you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    do u think the

    violin bow
































































































































































































































































































































































































    could be the cause of the scars both guys have?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    anyone else here can decipher/analyse scars? strange to have it same spot, same angle huh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    PS: wow! must be a big deal to have

    almost the whole presidential security force descend on the dance studio for a rescue op

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    No, no, the HUG is still on Wednesday as the preview is only for EP 14, which will air on Wednesday ... have no fear ... so you'll get your HUG on Wednesday and maybe a KISS on Thursday if they feel generous!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    yes, my bad, i was holding my breath and misread your translated preview of WAY14.... (thot WAY15 was in there too but it's not!) so there's hope yet!!!! YAY!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ooohhhhH! thanks a million, Pyoungsang!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    so the

































































































































































































































































































































































































    is on thurs not wed!!! aish!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    now we have to wait till next week if there's any

































































































































































































































































































































































































    at all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ok i couldn't wait so i googled it.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Forest mini-series, "Who are you?" 14 times = WHO ARE YOU? Episode 14
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Broadcast Date: April 23, 2008 21:55-23:05
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Win jaeha hyo (ilgeon) to be worried about this youngin motmattanghago, jaeha say that the first seunghyoga a youngin. In the coming days after the convenience store holding the umbrella of the upcoming youngin seunghyoreul deliberately looking cold, we just offered seunghyoneun car hit a youngin geonnenda umbrella. Slowly walking to the car after writing a youngin seunghyoneun umbrella ttaragamyeo smile.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Seunghyoui his first love is a youngin yongdeok surprise of surprises at the end, I was wondering what the youngin seunghyoege call. Leon for the movie we are talking about a happy ending youngin asked, and hang up before the youngin kkyeoanneunda to look closer seunghyoneun youngin. A half-brother named jaeha hojungyi seunghyoui chose to take advantage of the situation like eating, ilgeon picture of a plan to move ahead. It paints a picture of a youngin seunghyoneun ilgeon youngin's hand and tell them safely. Says.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    any korean translator in the house or can someone attempt to decipher this quickly?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ok those shots are making me hold my breath till wed but is that all?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    a hug this week, so we'll have to wait till next week for the kiss???
































































































































































































































































































































































































    PS: i've said this b4 and i'll say it again, i luv YKS' long fingers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    my mum says smart guys have long fingers haha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i find it extremely hard to read DH.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    as a brother who has sacrificed himself to love and protect JB over the past many years,
































































































































































































































































































































































































    why is it now he chooses to be selfish and is so confident of making JB lose the fight for the girl?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    if falling in love makes him selfish, i really dun see any of that for DH & SH....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    no love at first sight,
































































































































































































































































































































































































    no poignant/awkward moments (my mind is still doing the WAY11 mental rewind),
































































































































































































































































































































































































    no quarrel-first-love-later scenes etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    their chemistry is all but in a pair of shoes? sorry but that doesn't move me at all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh in ep12, the symbolism of the walkie-talkie going out of range.....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's not the physical apparatus but JB's heart that went out of range *sniff sniff*
































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's so sad when you see the back of someone you love walking away from u to somewhere else
































































































































































































































































































































































































    and knowing that u can't take that same path with him/her, poor JB!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    JJH has not been any more charismatic than here in Last Scandal....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    my mind is on a mental rewind loop of ep11 and will be so over the entire weekend!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    that cherry-blossom walk talk, it's something SH gave considerable thot to, certainly not spontaneous.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    so when did he start having such ideas? it must have taken him time cuz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    he was quite thorough in his analysis of himself and how he will relate to YI & vice versa - what a sweet guy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i wonder if it started when YI taught him to walk barefoot in the house?
























































































































































































    u think the writers knew there's only 1 ep this wk that's why they made it so juicy and then left us hanging by our teeth over a whole weekend till we see the resolution of that

    love confession








































    next week? how are we supposed to survive so long? well, at least i get to work on the translations to tie me over.....








































    i guess Seung Hyo's love confession will be when he stops calling her 'Son Young In'!








































    is that the natural color of Go Ara's eyes or is she wearing colored contacts?








































    that string instrumental at the end really stirs my heartstrings.....*long sigh*








































    are the c-subs out yet so i can start working?






















    i am SOOOOOOO enjoying this drama!!!!










    it's funny, heartwarming, romantic even though the leads are not the usual 20-somethings.










    and the cast is superb too! JJH is in his full glory here and CJS is always excellent in any role.










    I love all the relationships they portray here










    - 'first love' is so precious and to be cherished and it's evident Jae-Bin hasn't gotten over it at all










    - i love it that Jae-Bin and his hyung seems to be on such special terms










    (it's still a mystery how that actress lady Na-Yun fits between them)










    i also love how the 2 brothers, totally un-coordinated and in their own way, have been individually helping Sun-Hee and how with just a glance between the two of them, they get so protective over her at the end of ep8!










    - cute pal-ship developing between the two 14-yr olds, height diff aside hehe!











    I was laughing really hard while watching this scene...it was actually a parody of the ending scene of the 1992 MBC Drama Jealousy which incidentally starred Choi Jin-shil...here's a clip that I got from Youtube with the same scene










    and the ending scene of Episode 8 is one of the most talked about scenes of the drama I must say...lots of articles about it



























































    thanks for pointing out that parody! i laughed out loud too.










    can someone pls translate the korean articles on the ending scene of ep8?










    or if anyone here can lay your hand on chinese translation of them, i can do it in english....










    one question.......










    in ep8 when Sun-Hee came back from the supermarket with groceries, there were some papers in the bags which Jae-Bin emptied onto the floor.










    what papers were these? how is it related to her

    divorce and her daughter













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