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    btw, how is it those ahjummas at EY's house seem to know JS so well? they recognized him and knew he was a doctor. were their families acquainted or did he make his presence felt very often in EY's house during university days?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i was drawn to Coffee House only becuz of Kang Ji Hwan so my take on the story was viewed with JS as the focus. JS is a narcissistic writer, full of idiosyncrasy, unable to pursue love cuz his past haunted his present and selfish enough to always put himself before others, often inconveniencing the ppl he works with and he couldn't care less about it.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    when JS left 2 years ago, he couldn't bring himself to pursue his love without being burdened by thots of his ex-wife and he knew it hurt EY terribly cuz she loves him too. for 2 years, he did some traveling and soul-searching and probably realized that 'in this whole wide world, there's no other woman for him' (borrowing the line from Haru in j-dorama PRIDE) so he decided to come back and propose to EY. but he found a different EY - she seems much happier now, loving JW so naturally, getting pampered by in-laws, excited about her wedding preparations. JS was devastated. he didn't expect this and he's in a fix - should he fight for it or just let it be? he stops thinking of what he himself would want, what would SY want? what's in her best interest? he has grown. he lets her choose. she chose to move on. JW has changed too - no longer the childish, presumptious fool. now he cautiously treads to minimize any sadness for EY, securing only happiness for her, even telling JS to leave before the wedding so as to ensure that. JS found a different SY too - she's grown up, holding her own as a radio show writer but wait, she's been hanging onto every word he said, word-for-word! and look, she's even got a prize-winning idea for a book he would pay for. JS thinks to himself, he should try to put JW & EY at ease, make EY think that he has moved on too so he gets SY to fake as his girlfriend only to find that SY can't fake what she doesn't feel. indeed JS wants to fight to preserve or hold on to something but what is it? he says it's happiness that shines into everyone's lives JS sees everyone happy, at peace and blessed and realizes that's what is so precious.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    whenever he disappeared in the past, EY demanded his return but never had hopes that he would but here is SY insisting that he shows up and she'll be waiting. JS realizes SY could read his mind and influence him in a way no one else can. she asks him the most pertinent question when he was about to run away again. she urges him to stay, steers him back to why he returned in the first place and challenges him to keep his appointment at the radio station. SY then tells him what she herself is fighting to hold onto - not her own radio show but her belief in him (the words he says and that he's someone she respects) and she wants to hold onto that belief for life, begging him not to destroy that belief in her. i'm bursting with anticipation to know what JS would say in the radio show. but i'm sure one of the things he talked about preserving or holding onto is..... SY's belief in him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  8. but i am curious on how he altered his background info to say he was adopted by an american couple and graduated with an mba from boston university. this is probably not true, but he seems really smart and knowledgeable about writers and things so maybe? but then why would someone with an mba give a crap about revenging on this family i would just live happily lol. once again this is probably not true and i'm just speculating. all this is making me think gun wook is super prepared for revenge and that the end results are gonna be good.

    i think after GunWook was thrown out by the Hongs, he ended up in an orphanage (where he met SeonYoung, the girl who died) and was probably adopted to the US where he did go to school and eventually graduating from President Hong's alma matter too. he probably decided on his revenge plan long ago, maybe even before his adoption so you see he's planned his whole path of life upfront. his aim wasn't just to make a good life for himself with an mba or whatever but his entire life mission as the revenge - doesn't it remind you of Seo InWoo from Prosecutor Princess? but while he started out as a scheming stalker, he actually turned out to be a self-sacrificing lover, i wonder how GunWook will turn out? i'm still a pure romantic at heart so i'm not sure i'd warm up to GunWook unless his evil intentions melt with his undeniable love for a woman.....(like how Seo InWoo crumbled under his love for his princess!)

  9. this drama is a blast but i'm dying of curiosity. in ep6, did JS mean anything from his dialogue or is it all in his eye-twitching message? how did SY figure out what JS wanted her to do ie. prep his getaway?

    JS: Dearie, you've been working with me for 3 months now, haven't you?

    SY: What? Yes.

    JS: Now it seems when I say one thing, you do another thing, right?

    SY: What?

    i keep going thru this dialogue translated from c-subs hoping to find some hidden code but i guess it's just all in his eye-twitching or am i missing out some important nuance from the korean language? anyone has a view on this?

  10. Keeping on to this hypothetical thinking, I don't think that he's terminally ill though (as in he's going to expire anytime now), he may just have a dormant illness (that carries a certain risk) which is why it really doesn't seem like a big deal for now. I really could go on with this :lol: but it's fast becoming an essay so I will end here - for now. Sorry for the length of this post. I'll post more after I reorganize my thoughts.

    zealioner, perfect summary as always, thanks!

    your thot above reminded me of Robbers (Jang Hyuk & Lee Da Hae) where the male lead also suffers an ailment which he can die from but other than during flare-ups, he can appear perfectly well. i do think there's a possibility that JH is sick and that's why he's kept away from marriage all this while but i couldn't figure out how his family would react ie. if his sister knew of his condition, she would also understand his insistence on staying away from marriage and his father maybe doesn't know he's sick but then again, is that possible? so i got stuck there but i'm patiently waiting for the story/plot to play out and hopefully there's lots more focus on the JH-HW relationship....

  11. I think both Jae-ha and Hye-won's reason for not wanting to marry is a need to stay independent and experience life rather than because of some specific reasons. I believe they never actually say they will stay unmarried for life, just not now.

    yes, i think both JH & HW chose not to get into marriage relationships at this point in their lives and i agree with u that JH is more drawn to HW (more than HW is attracted to JH anyway) for him to go to the extremes of rescuing her at all the critical moments. and they must know each other well enough to even consider the idea of a contract marriage - including whether they can live in the same house and see each other's faces daily etc.

    i think he raised the idea of the contract marriage based on the following

    - he believes HW herself values career above marriage (he first raised the contract marriage idea way before the ruckus happened at the dept store when HW was physically abused etc, ie. he first approached her not because she needed a way out but he himself needed it first)

    - he sees the trouble HW was getting herself into and wanted to help her preempt it, in fact at one point he mentioned he was helping her out so that she could continue her 'ties' with her boss

    - he knew HW was mature/'cool' enough not to get entangled even in a 'contract' relationship hence he felt comfortable to even fake-kiss her knowing she'd understand his true intentions

    i'd venture a guess that JH might have known that he has a medical condition which his family is still unaware of (not terminal nor life-threatening but maybe a lifelong condition he has to live with) and hence he never entertained the thot of marriage?

    also i too had a question about the Jay Hyung that knew JH and HW's dad.

    I think she worked for them or was just someone he had look into honey moon spots and a place for HW's mom and dad, since before HW came, the dad and the hyung guy were talking about how his wife never really got to travel while he did since he went on business trips.

    it did seem weird how he smiled at HW and then for JH add that he was looking for someone in Korea at the end of their meeting... it raises questions for sure

    what we know so far is that hyung was overseas with JH and mentioned that he will pack up and go back to Korea one day to see the person he's been intending to meet up with, it does seem HW is that person. it seems strange that he'd be so infatuated with HW when she's not even aware of his existence. but once he found out HW was going to marry JH, it didn't seem like he intending to pursue his intention.

    those who like Lee Yoon Ji should definitely catch her in Heading To The Ground....many, many romantic moments in there!

  12. yes i can't wait too.

    actually, JH really understands HW very well, he knew that she was being drawn to the dept store president even before she realises it herself. JH pointed it out to her and she of course denied it but i think increasingly she begins to see how that president guy does have a soft spot in her heart. i think she completely 'wakes up' from all this fog when he held her hand in the car, i think that startled her abt her own inclinations and she's now desperate to stop herself hence she decides to team up with JH....yay! he goes to her family to propose for her (but gets turned down by her father, dunno why!)

  13. welcome exupery! it's called 蒲公英家族 i think it's subbed by 玩玩网, i'm watching from tudou.....yay! more viewers now.

    zealioner, thanks for the detailed recap of ep9.

    JH's such an interesting character. even though he's laid back, he's very passionate about his job and he's good at it too. he's wise and mature, sensitive, warm and kind. i wonder what exactly puts him off marriage. in his initial proposal to HW, he recognises she has the same qualities as him too. i dun think he will ever try the same stunt (contract marriage) with any other woman except HW. the way they share their thots honestly with each other, they seem to be able to connect at a deeper level - all the right ingredients for a good, strong relationship!

    if anyone knows where to watch it raw off a stream site, pray tell. i simply can't wait! ep 11 tomoro!

  14. May I know.. what exactly JH's father business is?


    i'm not fully clear but i think he owns acres upon acres (30,000 pyung) of elevated farm land or plantation growing flowers and trees, land was big enough for 10,000 Mediterranean pine trees. he also pointed out the worth of 2 trees he saw there: one kind of tree was worth 1 million won each and the other kind was worth >2 million won each! u can see HW's mum doing the math with her finger tips haha! later she had math tuition with TH's mum and they estimated the land would be worth 9 billion won (1 pyung ~30,000 won) if it was in the city.

    i'm so excited to see that right from the start the contract 'marriage' is established based on needs of both party. up to ep4 we could tell JH had already given up hope of HW agreeing to the 'marriage' and he asked HW for the favor only for that day (he was going to wrap up his studio but he wanted to finish his final job for the dept store). in the preview, HW is the one who goes back and asks JH for the same favor, that's so thrilling!

    the c-subs are slow but i just hope they'll continue doing it till end of drama. i also hope more ppl will come to this thread and my wish is that it'll get popular enuf for just JH & HW cuts that follows only their story, that will be so great!

  15. i finally watched ep10 with c-subs.....yes, so JH's family is indeed ultra rich, what a good thing!

    both JH & HW don't know that their parents' first meeting is indeed their pre-marriage official parents' get-together. we, the audience, however are just jumping with joy cuz we know it's for real....in the more usual progress of relationships:

    show interest ==> date ==> fall in love ==> propose marriage ==> parents meet ==> marriage

    in other dramas eg. Goong:

    antagonism ==> put together by force/farce ==> start of friendship / propose marriage ==> parents meet ==> marriage ==> fall in love

    in JH & HW's case:

    antagonism/friendship ==> parents meet ==> contract marriage ==> fall in love ==> marriage

    my personal wish is to have them fall in love real soon rather than after they get married but i know it's gonna be a joyride anyhow, what an adventure coming up!

  16. btw, why JH's brother in-law burnt his father in-law underwear? Does it mean something~?

    what i got from the c-subs was, it's a traditional practice to burn an underwear to have good fortune come upon that person, that man did it in the hope that his father-in-law (owner of the underwear) will find a mate and a mate for JH very soon too hahaha! the preview did show some initial interaction between JaeHa's father and TaeHwan's mum so that might turn out interesting!

    wow, Jae Ha the hero stepping in to rescue Hye Won....for a laid back guy like him, he can surely step up to bat when he needs to, saying all the right things and restoring honor to Hye Won, it's no wonder she will eventually fall for him.....can't wait!










    2nd daughter MW is not pregnant yet, it's just that she found out she had slept with her husband during her fertile period so she was worried that they might have just made their second child haha!








    dun think HW got fired yet, not in ep 8 anyway but there was a scene at the store where a woman confronted HW for stealing her husband and JH stood up to claim himself as someone who will marry HW (yay!) so maybe after this, HW might be asked to leave.








    what do u think made TaeHwan behave like a gangster in the past? it is said he smashed windows with a baseball bat and even threatened other kids for their money. he seems like a good man now, could he have been reacting to JW's rejection of his love or something?











    i'm liking the start and i'm hoping this drama gets as good as Family Honor & Creating Destiny. i'm particularly keen on JH & HY and hope they take the biggest pie of all the stories. hope this is not too late, regarding the Father....








    he has been outstationed overseas for many years overseeing construction projects so his wife has been 'suffering' by bringing up the 3 daughters pretty much single-handedly. Father is earmarked for an upcoming promotion and his wife is doing all she can to help him secure the job. In the company, the Vice President is on good terms with Father and VP is helping to get the President to pick Father for the promotion. Mother makes dumplings for VP's family which the 2nd daughter really hates - doing favors for others in order to get ahead. Mother got so desperate that she even gave jewelry which was her wedding anniversary gift to the VP's wife. VP confronted Father that it wasn't proper to do so and told him the promotion will be given to someone else anyway. Mother is devastated while Father feels angry that his wife stooped so low to give away her precious jewelry but also felt terrible that he couldn't get the promotion even if it was for the wife's sake.....



    I am truly getting sick of her moping around about this kid. She borrowed money, her payment is to have this child , why is she being such a richard simmons about the child. She should of resigned herself to give up the child, basically its was not hers to keep. Is she going to pay back the money? Why is the writers still prolonging her mysery? Why can't she be a little happy for once.








    we're forgetting this thing called maternal instinct. yes, EN accepted the deal purely as a transaction but little did she realize that after carrying a new life in her own womb for 10 months and then go through child labour and getting to hold the newborn in her arms......while the physical bond of mother and child is broken, the emotional bond stays forever and EN never expected this since she was an unmarried single having a baby for the very first time.

    All ex-boyfriends and addresses, no. But if person X were married or had a child and I was going to marry that person X .... then yeah, I'd expect some kind of flag. A, "hey, i've been married before, but things didn't work out" or "there was a kid and I had to give him up for adoption" or SOMETHING. Maybe not all the dirty details, but I'd want to know if there was that kindof past. You would seriously not care if your fiancee/husband/wife had hidden an ex-wife or a child that you had no idea about that you happened to chance upon? I find that hard to believe.

    I think you're allowed to hide your past when you're dating, but when you decide to take a serious commitment like marriage, I would expect my fiance to divluge such information - at the very least how I mentioned before (at least knowledge of existence of such a past).















    EN's case is different cuz the fact is hidden even from those who are closest to her - her own family. if she doesn't tell even her own father and i'm sure she intended to keep it a secret forever if she could, she would never have mentioned it to KH too. i believe when she married KH, she had some faith in him that if her surrogacy ever got exposed in future, KH would eventually still stand on her side but this faith has come to naught since the baby she bore belongs in the same family, what a disaster! my heart goes out to EN & KH....*sob*








    my only consolation is that the title of this drama must give us a happy ending somehow, right? i can only hope that when all the dust is settled, there's enough sanity in KH's father/grandma/etc. to point out that if there's total acceptance within the family (KH being accepted as a son, EN accepted as YB's aunt) then the family can stay intact and EN & KH can still happily together....*crosses fingers*



    cuz EN is the surrogate mother ( egg from her & sperm from SH) so do it cuz she was in need for the money for her father surgery, when she gave birth the lady who she makes the deal with took the baby to SH mother, so no one know about the identity of the surrogate mother but only SH mother & that lady.









    wait.....i'm not sure but was it made clear earlier that other than being a surrogate, Eun Nim was also the genetic mother of the boy? i was under the impression that she was only the gestational carrier with the fertilized embryo from the rightful parents SH and SY embedded into her, that's why SY insists on her rights to hang onto Yoo Bin.....anyone knows?











    watching it live is a whole different experience esp for a drama which features soccer, it sure gets the adrenalin going. looking at the stands, u can tell who are the actors (lightly dressed) and who are the fans (all wrapped up!) who joined in the filming, wish i was there! but no victory T-shirt secret message haha! soccer has a way of uniting the world (eg. World Cup) and so does k-drama!








    some questions:








    - Dong Ho said something about 3-leaf clover (happiness) vs 4-leaf clover (good luck), did anyone get that? what was he trying to say?








    - what did Hae Bin's father say about Bong Gun after FC Soul won the match?


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