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Posts posted by haniiiii

  1. ENGLISH translation and summing up of the BLACKLIST news by LJG INTERNATIONAL FANCLUB (https://www.facebook.com/LJGFansClub/):

    Today many media news portals in Korea mention Lee Joon Gi. Why? NIS (National Intelligence Service) in Korea revealed yesterday, that our dear JG (and a few other entertainers and public figures) was on a government "blacklist" and therefore he had to overcome many disadvantages because of it.

    I read the information from more Korean articles and checked up some information about Korean presidents and government quickly and the message of the article is this: President Lee Myung-Bak (2008-2013) and his government created a "blacklist" with Koreans who were not fans of the government and president at that time.

    One of the reasons could definitely also be that JG played a role in "May 18" movie about massacre in Gwangju on May 18 1980 (when General Chun Doo-hwan tried to eliminate any rebels of the regime by using military force - JG played one of the rebels).

    JG also made some remark that in past it was typical in Korea to have surpression and forced executions. But now it should be different and the president should serve the people, because he is elected by the people. And so people have to demonstrate, because they have no other choice. (more about his reaction to it in the link below) It was JG 's reaction to Lee Myung-Bak's support of importing beef from US again in 2008. (US beef was banned due to the "mad cow disease" at that time, because they found mad cow disease source in US beef). Many Koreans protested against this reban, because they thought it is health risk, there were massive protests of thousands of people. And in the end the president apologized to people that he should have followed the people's opinion.

    The last government of president Park Geun-hye (2013-2017) kept following the list, because they were from the same political party. But the new president Moon Jae-In is from opposite political party and he wants to investigate this list.

    JG suffered due to this list and one of its effects was definitely his sudden enlistment (even though he had a filming work to do, he was forced to enlist almost immediately and leave his filming work to another actors). Who knows what more he had to go through. But it is amazing that despite this difficulty, JG is hallyu star and one of best actors in Korea. He works so hard ♥♥

    source: http://m.entertain.naver.com/now/read?oid=032&aid=0002817893
    (source about presidents etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_US_beef_protest_in_South_Korea




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    1 hour ago, LadyOne said:



    This is somewhat good news... :)

    A good to know... and the last paragraph is funny. 


    No more stumbling block!

    I hope it is time for him to shine like a diamond again!

    He luv his country much! 

    @LadyOne I think that "yorobun" will not understand Chinese. :) Chinese version looks nice :D but I don't understand a word. I will translate it from Korean source haha



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    2 hours ago, LadyOne said:


    Wow so nice! When was your encounter with him? Could you share more! :heart: He never fail to gv good fans service... Always sincere... his gaze is electrifying... 

    @LadyOne I had the pleasure to see him this June at Criminal Minds drama shooting in Cheongju. (the car chasing from the first criminal case was shot when I was there ♥). I shared my story with LJG International Fanclub after that, maybe you have read it? That Czech happy girl was me. If you haven't read it, I will tell you with pleasure haha :D:D 



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  4. 5 hours ago, girlyponytail said:


    Thank to haniiiii for translation at the end of vid "Remember today, I will take our every single time and remember it forever"

    if i had an opportunity to meet him again, I'll say it out loud: "Me too... I'll remember that day, and will remember it forever. It's my best moment for a fan to met an actor EVER!!!"


    @girlyponytail You are very welcome :D 

    Btw, I cannot agree more with you that meeting Joon Gi is something to remember forever. It was one of my best experiences to see him face to face. I loved the vibes that he makes, the smiles and handshaking with fans so naturally and willingly. Just wow...When he walked to his van (with only one of his people), he was surrounded by us, fans, and he did not look uncomfortable or surprised at all. He didn't walk faster to get to the van faster or run away from us :D He just walked slowly and happily, like he was one of us. And it was 2am in the morning ♥:)

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  5. 1 hour ago, lisethvr said:

    Between 2am - 3am Korea time Joon Gi was active on Instagram and he unfollowed to 20 people, now he follows 38 people. This is the full list of people that Joon Gi unfollowed.


    Lee Sun-Bin
    Yoo sun
    Go Yoon

    Wow, why did he unfollow his current acting colleagues and NCI teammates? He used to like some of their posts and also responded to their reactions to his posts (Yoo Sun and her first/seventh comment on one JG's post, I still remember that :D). It is a bit strange.. but well, it is his IG, he can do what he wants. I just hope it is his doing and not some hacker's doing :)

    Btw, @lisethvr how did you know list of all of the people he followed before? Did you printscreened it? Cause you are really awesome to know that. B)  I would realize Joon Gi unfollowed some people if I saw 38 people instead of 58, but I would know only a few of those who are gone now. (Well, Hye Bin, right, I would notice she is missing there :D and the CM colleagues too). Good job! :) 

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  6. 2 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

    I will try my best,  because I really want to understand everything about JG,  and there are so many interviews and stuff not translated. So I'll be very happy if I manage to improve a little 

    @antoniaclamens 화이팅! Hwaiting! Bad news is, that our dear JG usually speaks really fast :unsure:^_^ Good news is, that on YouTube you can slow down the speed of playing haha

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  7. 1 hour ago, glassnokamen said:

    Just because you girls are talking about it, where did you study korean @haniiiii? By yourself or in a school? I don't think we have a korean school here in Italy :( There are several Japanese school, but not korean.

    @glassnokamen Answering your question ^^ (could be helpful for @antoniaclamens and others too) I think the moderator will not kick us out haha, since this is still JG related (see below) and also - this way all of us fans can study and understand our beloved real actor JG :D 

    So basically, I started studying by myself, we have some language schools with Korean in my country, because a lot of Korean companies are here (Hyundai, KIA, Hanwha etc.), but they go super slow in those language schools, I endured there one month and ran away :D Now I study Korean at a university, but still, most of my studies are based on self study (plus talking/writing on Kakao Talk with my Korean friends). I can recommend you nice (and free) material which I study from: 

    http://talktomeinkorean.com/ - a lot of videos and material for learning, free materials, but also materials to buy, ebooks, real books etc., very good listening real life conversations (Iyagi) also for beginners

    https://www.howtostudykorean.com/ - intensive learning of Korean, a lot of vocabulary, also with well made practical sentences. The structure of the lessons fits me very well now when I already know something :) 

    https://www.koreanclass101.com/ - there you have to  pay a few dollars after one week, but they have nice structure of lessons covering everything and explained well. This was my total beginning, but it helped me incredibly lot.

    Of course I have also many textbooks - Ewha, Sogang, Active Korean, from the Korean university where I studied last semester etc.

    And a "grammar bible" for every student - Korean grammar in use. It has three levels and there is explained all the grammar you need from total beginning to more advanced levels and also for TOPIK purposes. (ehm, you can buy that book, or you can download it on the Internet)

    Btw, do you know that Lee Joon Gi contributed to one set of Korean textbooks? It is called Hello Korean, it is for beginner students and it looks awesome, it has three books total ;) Joon Gi's voice is as a soundtrack for listening exercises plus there are many photos of him in cultural sections of the book etc. (oh, how nice is that. Even when the book contains what I already know... it is so tempting for me to buy it :D)




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  8. 4 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

    Thank you for the translations... as always. btw next wednesday i'll start studying Korean. i'm so excited about it! i can´t believe i'll be studying again tough... 

    @antoniaclamens Wow, that is awesome news! Will you study at some language school or by yourself? Good luck with your studies! And if there is anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask me :wink: 

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  9. 35 minutes ago, pixelsticks said:

    Hahaha..I am REALLY good at finding people in crowds.  I have found my friends/family in Superbowl tv crowd coverage, College GameDay events and even concerts! 

    @pixelsticks OK, I am tall and I was standing with a red banner in my hands when at Encore, when the video is out, you can accept the challenge haha and maybe you will really find meee :D:ph34r:

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    33 minutes ago, glassnokamen said:

    I was in the standing part and I assure you they often went to check there too. Along with me, they ask a girl to came out because she had taken a picture with her cell phone. I was there with two friends that were on the assigned seat (probably where you were). Security man ask to one of them to go out, then they deleted photos and movies she take, and they even try non to let her get back to the FM :(:( ... then they pitied her fortunately, and she managed to get back inside to see the rest of the show. It seem to me that in the other FM the security was not so strictly, as there are many more videos available than those made in Seoul.

    Right? So strict. If you compare it for example with Singapore FM... So many full show videos on youtube and many many manyyyy photos and videos from Singapore FM :D:D:D 

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  11. @glassnokamen Happy to help. By the way, Encore was my first (and oh my god absolutely no way the last :D) LJG event as well ♥ I wish they released some DVD. I still remember how the staff was still going up and down the aisles and checking if somebody was making photos or videos. And if they found somebody, they really took them out... OMG, such a nuisance. I was not in the standing part, there it was better I heard. But in all the seated part they were just so strict and crazy -_- So I am patiently waiting for their official DVD :lol:

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  12. @Linda Gunawan OK, so I scanned through the video :wink: The first words he says (when passing the cars) he is saying Thank you, I will eat well. And then after the meal when the video focuses on him, he is thanking many times and expressing he likes the gifts and that the fanclub worked so hard to make this, he is also saying he enjoyed the meal very much and that he will continue shooting the drama well after this. And also hwaiting :D:D 

    And if you would be interested in the Korean text on the pictures, banners, or the coffee stand etc., here we go: :D 

    First picture - Lee Joon Gi Chinese family support union

    the banner on the coffee shop: Here are drinks that are even cooler than Hyun Jun

    the side banner (purple one): In this hot summer, Chinese Lee Joon Gi family came to cheer everybody up

    the banner standing at the entrance to the buffet: Eat a lot! Criminal minds is awesome. Chinese family is cheering everybody.

    the big long banner in the buffet place: Our eternal - one pick- actor Lee Joon Gi

    and text with those little "Lee Joon Gi" paper stand on the tables: We always choose Lee Joon Gi, and another one: Never skip your meal time.


    btw I noticed he has Crocs (or Crocs like :D) shoes again, he really loves them lol. But they are comfortable indeed :) 

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