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Posts posted by chawanmushijjang

  1. Hello everyone! 

    I'm so stoked by all the comments and opinions shared from watching the DCUT... makes me so curious about what you have watched (cos I didn't buy it...) but every post from you DCUT-owners only confirms my gut feels about our JiJi couple. And this place only proves that I am not the only one with such gut feels. *Yippee*

    What's KHN and JCW auditioning for though? (Sorry if I missed it from previous posts.) 

    • Like 11
  2. Happy New Year, everyone!

    Just dropping in to say, "Thank you!" for keeping this thread A.L.I.V.E.!!!!!! 

    I still have not been able to get through any other romcom after SP (is there something wrong with me?) and it has been sooooo long already. I hope 2018 will fly by super duper fast so that we'll get to see JCW hogging the limelight with his shining eyes once more! So thankful for the photos and vids posted here!

    I am so surprised to see so many K-ent couples going public with their relationship this year, and today is only the 9th day of 2018. Maybe with recent events, more and more are choosing to embrace their emotions, be true to themselves, instead of suppressing them for the sake of image and fans. I hope 2018 will be a year of joy and satisfaction for everyone; work hard, play hard, and keep body, mind and soul healthy.


    PS: A part of me wishes our JiJi would go public too but the other part of me hopes they will keep it under wraps until the wedding bells peal. #greedygirl


    • Like 15
  3. 8 minutes ago, hannah92 said:


    Holy Molly, all of these pictures of our Jihyun are really beautiful, but the second pict is my favorite... i mean... dammit her legs are seriously beautiful, i find her really sexy and seductive in that picture and yes, i'm a woman... :wub:


    Ditto! She's really hot in that photo. I would love to hear what the photographer says about working with Hyunni for that.

    Haha, maybe Wookie shouldn't look at them, or he may start to get a bit nervous that the beauty and unaffected sexiness of his blooming rose will soon capture the attention and imagination of the other hot-blooded males in the world.  :tongue:

    • Like 24
  4. I think I'm missing out on some juicy discussion here. Looks like there's an ongoing analysis of what happened in the enlistment video... (Oh boy, I'm millions of pages behind! LOL.) 

    But before I backtrack and try my very best to catch up (!!!) I just want to shout out to @genxv for your amazing fanfic! I've read it from start to end over 2 days and you really did a good job! Thank you for your time and effort, and helping to put all the wonderful thoughts and hopes we have for Jiji into such beautiful words! The chapters were short but succinct, and yet, respectful towards the names involved. Thank you thank you thank you! Will you be writing more? Please tag me if you have new stuff! 

    See you all later!


    • Like 8
  5. 2 minutes ago, muxic88 said:

    what if jcw started dating (someone else, not namji) only after sp ended? not while filming the drama. genuine question!  That 'love game' song he sang at sketchbook is really something else.


    Hi @muxic88, yeah, valid question. But honestly, he'd spent 4 months in constant intimate contact with the staff and cast on SP, and given the time he had on his hands after the drama ended, there is a chance that he could have fallen for another person but it is still a very very slim chance. He will need to be swept off his feet, like *bam!* literally, by this other person, after having so much vested time and emotions and skinship with NJH for 4 months. It's still possible, but personally, I really doubt it.

    He doesn't look like an easily-fall-in-love person, especially 10 years in this industry, he would have learnt by now how to guard his heart. Otherwise, we would have read his scandals left, right, centre, through the years by now. 

    • Like 22
  6. Chingus and fellow shippers, don't despair over what Dispatch put out. Be strong! They could be red herrings for all we know. With all the hype built up after the drama, perhaps the management agencies of both JCW and NJH came together to devise a way to distract attention away from both of them and/or to douse the flames of their obvious passion for each other, so as to protect them for the next 2 years.

    Honestly, if you look at Soompi's home page, Y***a (her name, and her pic) has been hogging it for many weeks already. I believe it is in line with her idol group having a comeback, as well as her new drama airing. I see it as a marketing blitz, just like when SWDBS was on air, there were all sorts of articles and quizzes and pictorials that included the main cast of the drama. 

    Dispatch may have outed many celebrity pairings in the past but it doesn't mean that that's all they do. And in this case, it could very well just be a photo spread. Don't worry, be happy! And most importantly, remember why we're here in this community in the first place. Also, we've seen so much telltale signs from our ship's very own captain and co-captain over the past few weeks. 


    • Like 24
  7. 6 minutes ago, daloula said:

    About watching another drama, I'm currently watching one but it has zero romance and even though it's still airing and almost ending I feel nothing about it. For romance, I think we're probably a lost cause. I was watching another drama that was airing at the same time as SP and the first kiss of the lead couple made me throw my phone and stop watching the drama. I just couldn't take the romance in the drama seriously anymore.


    Good evening everyone!

    Unlurking for a moment to say, @daloula I know right! I just couldn't muster up any desire to watch another romcom after SP. 

    Actually, I didn't start out wanting to watch SP in the first place. It was because I was left high and dry after SWDBS (both reel and real) and decided to give SP a shot only after wandering in drama-desert for many weeks. After SWDBS, I was feeling like you, that probably no other on screen couple will be able to give me the feels like PHSXPBY, but wow, did our JiJi couple blow my mind away! :wub: At first I thought it was just a good script and great acting from veterans.... until I went in search of the BTS. That was the point of no return.

    Seriously N.O.  R.E.T.U.R.N. :astonished:

    Thank God for all these post drama activities to stem our bleeding hearts after SP ended. Thank God that the drama has brought 2 fated persons together. Thank God for this community of sisters and brothers who recognize what our JiJi has between them, so that the next 21 months won't be too hard to bear... It's all in God's will whether they will truly wind up with each other together forever but I don't think I'll ever be able to stop shipping them. 

    So now, I'm back to square one: drama-desert. 



    • Like 15
  8. I was just gone for a day and so many lovely bombs were dropped! I've only covered 20 pages and and I have 20 more to go... but I have to go to bed now, and I can't imagine how many more pages will stack up by the time I open my eyes and check in here again. I think my nightmare will be never being able to ketchup! :bawling: I feel sadistic saying this but keep them coming, chingus! 


    @attriste Hi and welcome back to spazz again after your travels! Yes, I like parkpark couple too but I don't ship them as hard as our JiJi couple here. I mean, I've never shipped anyone before, not even SongSong... so this addictive need to ketchup with their news and this thread is really unfamiliar and strange to me. 

    I need to check out Section TV's interview tomorrow!!!!!! *removes toothpicks from eyelids and prepares to go to bed* Goodnight, Chingus!

    • Like 13
  9. Wow, wish I was there at the concert too. His voice is just so... wow... And of course the "yeppo" and the BTS kiss scene during 101 Reasons. I screamed myself hoarse in my heart!:lol:Hehe, couldn't risk having my husband and son think the internet is a scary place to hang out on a Saturday night, could I? :tongue:

    My delulu mind thinks that maybe JH is waiting for him backstage during the 2nd concert so that both of them can make their escape to Jeju over the weekend after it ends, and JCW's mum and friends will then join them later for a "getaway with family and close friends". 

    Didn't a chingu post an analysis about Cancer and Virgo? Look how expressive and bold our Cancer boy has become after awakening the passion of our Virgo gal! Both of you are just so good for each other! 

    • Like 18
  10. 58 minutes ago, luvforever said:

    Yes! Wookie will appear on Section TV. I wish both JiJi were interviewed because Park Seulgi is a fun interviewer. I'm expecting for this interview to make us go to JiJi haven again.


    @luvforeveri know right! Actually I'm more excited about this than the GD he was on, LOL. I hope Section TV's nifty interviewer will help us dig out some goodies from JCW. Park Seulgi fighting!  Lol. :glasses:

    • Like 12
  11. 2 minutes ago, stucked said:

    HAHAHA. These TWO! Wait. A. Second. Are they actually doing some mind conditioning and positive reinforcement to us? US???? Shippers and non-shippers? OMO.

    Hints! Hints everywhere and on their mag and tv interviews, they're always asked about the other, like always, BUT they were NEVER directly asked if they're each other's ideal type - like with the leads of Ruler. It's like they're hiding a secret in plain sight just so no one suspects you. Or they are re-enforcing the fact that NJH will visit JCW in the army after the basic training so when that happens, it'll be like, "yeah, no biggie, we've known that all along.." SMART MOVE babies. I am proud. HAHAHA.


    NJH is a Psychology major after all... ya know what I mean? Hahahaha. 

    • Like 14
  12. 9 minutes ago, luvforever said:

    I guess we know who she is:D

    Ji Chang Wook unveils his ideal type, "a woman with fun personality who connects well with me"


    OMO OMO OMO!!!! *Smiles like a mad woman*

    This reminds me of the other OTP I ship (PHS X PBY) and PHS's suddenly very specific description of his ideal type in an interview after the drama ended!  

    We definitely know who JCW's ideal type is! And he has actually spelt it out on TV? 

    I mean, surely this is much more specific than before. And surely, if he hasn't met his ideal type already, how would he have been able to describe it like this? 

    //He shared: “I want to date someone who I can totally click with. I want somebody who can allow me to be innocent like a child. I know I might sound a little bit picky, but someone like a muse who can inspire me is my ideal type.//

    (quoted from article: http://www.hellokpop.com/featured/ji-chang-wook-female-type/)

    • Like 17
  13. 40 minutes ago, ucup19 said:

    Did someone already posted this ? Coincidence much ? hmmm.. interesting


    Rationally speaking (we've been praised as "Rational Shippers" after all :D) , the photo on the left was taken from a BTS of NJH's previous drama with SIG, whereas the photo on the right was JCW's recent Fossil CF shot. 

    Timeline is a bit far off, but who's to say that the stylist did not flipped through NJH's archives and decided to give us shippers sweets and treats by dressing JCW similarly? Hehe. Or perhaps the Fossil shoot stylist is also a shipper! Or even better, the Fossil shoot stylist is the same stylist who styled Bok Shil (NJH's character's name in SKL). 



    number of times "stylist" appeared in this post: 4

    number of times "NJH" appeared in this post: 3

    number of times "JCW" appeared in this post: 2

    number of times "Bok Shil" and SIG appeared in this post: 1 each 


    Conclusion: the stylist unnie/oppa is a crucial link to us shippers. We ought to start sending her/him food trucks. :glasses:

    • Like 15
  14. 29 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

    but isn't it a bit weird if this was an adlib? because it seemed like the cameraman(s) were ready to take that shot, thus the close up shot of the kiss. if it was an adlib then they wouldn't have known to take a closer shot (and a wide shot) of the scene. so this scene (kiss) could have been scripted and that they meant to give out that feeling. 

    as for the emotion in their eyes, that i have no idea. they did look really sad there so maybe during the scene their real feelings really came out. 

    but then again, i have no background whatsoever in that field so i don't know how it works... 

    @gracebkk yeah, you're probably right. I'll go watch it again and see if I feel different about it second time round. But then again, I may have to brace myself to experience another round of heartache cos it's the last episode. :flushed:

    • Like 8
  15. Just now, daloula said:

    JCW is going to enlist soon to the military and according to his own words, he won't be dating when he's about to enlist because it would be unfair to the other party. I actually agree with him on this. You don't get to know someone for 4 months and then decide to tie down the girl one month before leaving for almost two years. There were celebrity couples who did that and then they ended up breaking up. Sometimes even long time couples don't survive that separation.

    Plus I think they need time to move on from their characters to figure out what the really feel. There was an ex drama couple who only after the end of the drama and both working in different cities figured out that what they felt for each other was real and not their characters' feelings.



    There is that possibility, and if true, it only shows the maturity of JCW, and all the more NJH should wait for him, if I were her. He obviously cares so much about the girl to want to selfishly tie her down while being physically and emotionally absent during enlistment. Even long time relationships break down when there is such a long separation. And he knows it but yet he's probably hurting inside having to make this painful but perhaps correct decision.

    If true, then the whole bittersweetness of Episode 40's proposal scene will also make perfect sense. They could have communicated just before filming that scene and hence, reel vs real got blurred during filming. JCW probably couldn't recover in time. If NJH was adlibbing her lines, JCW's dazed look after she pecked him on the lips would also then make perfect sense. 

    Tbh, I have been bothered by the dazed look he gave her after she pecked him on the lips in that scene. But it has been analysed before in this thread. 

    Anyhow, this internal conflict is fodder for a fanfic. Anyone? 

    • Like 14
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