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Posts posted by chawanmushijjang

  1. 4 minutes ago, leeeeeecx said:

    I have another theory about that interview.

    For example, you have your sister/brother/friend/significant other or anyone that you have in contact with ( Person A), I mean you chat all the time or something like that all the time. 

    then this person is having another conversation with one of your other contacts or some other person you don't know (Person B). Then A told B that he/she would cry if you do this to him/her. 

    I don't think you would have any idea that person A told something about you immediately. Be it an interview especially when you are on an interview/photoshoot spree these past days. 


    *ok my heart has calmed down and I'm flying to JiJi Heaven again"


    Perhaps! Perhaps JCW is also too shy to admit to her in their private conversation that he said that in the interview. Lol.

    • Like 14
  2. Be strong-hearted, fellow shippers!

    They have been so busy with interviews, photoshoots, variety shows, cf promos etc post filming. I don't know how it works exactly but their schedules must be crazy, especially JCW's who's in a rush to fulfill all his commitments before he takes a break prior to enlistment, and on top of that rehearse for his fan concert.

    So, I think it is pretty normal that they won't be able to talk much or if they do chat, go into detail of their day. They may have even decided to go on a "cooling period" to come out of their SP characters, who knows? 

    But the fact that they are not friendzoning each other in their interviews is really a very positive sign. 

    • Like 13
  3. 5 minutes ago, elnoxis said:

    Yup and that's why I love BH's character and our Hyunie! She's not your typical girl. She's a role model to young girls. Girl is studying in one of Korea's respectable universities and winning acting awards as well. I really love her. In this ship, I'm more of a NJH fan than JCW fan. But I love them both, I just love NJH more. ^_^


    I share your sentiment too, @elnoxis

    I've not seen her previous dramas (though I think I may, after we enter the wintry period of 1 year 9 months after JCW enlists) but I like that she's a breath of fresh air on the k-ent scene, and is a good role model for her peers and the younger generation.

    I like her spunk, her forthrightness, and her ability to laugh at herself. I believe she knows she's not the prettiest in the industry, but she doesn't seem hung up on it. Rather, she looks like someone who is driven, and knows what she wants, and desires to work at honing her craft and making each performance better than the last. That's a really professional attitude for a young adult, and to be honest, that's increasingly hard to find given the very different attitudes the millennials have towards working and living these days.

    And looking at her interviews, I think she's really easy to talk to because she doesn't try too hard or put up a facade. It must be fun hanging out with her. And I'm sure her family keeps her grounded too. This industry is as fickle as it gets, and she looks like the type who will just go forwards unfazed, and will give as good as she gets. So, make it good for her, Wookie! 

    There will be a long queue of potential suitors forming when he's away, now that we've witnessed how she's bloomed in SP. I sure hope the deal has been properly sealed and signed, their hearts locked together, and the key thrown away. 

    • Like 16
  4. Hello Hello!

    Jjang! 2 V-lives 10 minutes apart is super jjang! The news got my heart rate up! 

    On a side note, just so as to "include" my dear husband in my recent shipping obsession :D, I showed him the 2 BTS of our Jiji's kisses (1st, and 3rd) last night without giving him any details or info, other than it's a behind-the-scenes take, and the first question he asked me was, "Are these two an item?" LOL. Even he, who hasn't watched SP, or heard of either of them, said that. 

    Suffice to say the night ended blissfully *ahem*

    Going to get myself busy clearing work and clicking on the refresh button of this thread while counting down to the V-lives tonight. 

    • Like 20
  5. 6 minutes ago, miss0115 said:



    Hiii everyone! Happy Suspicious Partner's Day!!! <3

    So glad that I finally decided to joined in. First of all, I'm a newbie and its been seriously sooooo long since the last time I'm joining one forum (and its all because of JiJi LOL). 

    I will try to make my profile pretty but later because I'm now is in a rush LOL I just can't hold it in anymoaar. Too much feels after JiJi couple because of this drama ㅠㅠ haha

    I've been trying to stalking this forum but apparently I just can't help myself because I'm too desperate rite now >< I have severe mood-swings resulting from the withdrawal syndrome of this drama since last week. I forced everyone to listen my delulu shipper's story of our beloved couple but I guess now I will start pouring my hearts out here ><

    So, I will just make points here since I'm not following the convo since beginning (which is something I regret for because why am i just joining this full-of-oxygen forum now while all this time i've been torturing myself by hyperventilating over the couple /sobs LOL) 

    Here you go:

    1. Unless everyone whom basically knew JCW from drama, mine different. I knew him from the MV of my fav song. And I just found out that it was released in 2009. It was Younha's - Broke Up Today. Anyone knew this song? This song is seriously my all-time fav!!!  >< (to the point that whenever I go to karaoke I will sing this song like a diva LOL). But the MV too has significant reason to me become addictive to the song. The storyline is so angst but pretty ㅠㅠ (you guys should check the MV if you haven't and enjoy the beauty of the story and lyrics and younha pure voice and of course JCW's killer acting!!!! ㅠㅠ). It was soooo lingering in my heart until I realized that it was JCW the one starring in the MV. Because of that heavy impression of him on the MV I never watched his drama and I don't really "like" him. He's not in my hot-oppars list (NOT UNTIL SP SO I NEED TO CALM DOWN AND REFRAIN MYSELF FROM SELF-BLAMING THAT I'M SO PABO HUUU ALL THIS TIME IGNORING SUCH A GEM). 

    2. Guys, I've been liking K-Pop and K-Drama for I dunno how many decades (LOL) but I NEVER FELT THIS WAAAY ㅠㅠ You know this shipper-ing thingy in K-Drama at this level is something new for me ㅠㅠ Usually,  the feeling of shippering the lead actors will lasted once the drama ended. Because I still have that ego feeling like "ok enough girl, but now don't touch my oppa" LOL BUUUUT SURE NOT FOR THIS COUPLEEEEE ㅠㅠ I'M MORE LIKE "NJH YOU PRETTY PLEASE JUST TAKE MY OPPAAAAAA ㅠㅠ" ROFL Well, I didn't intend to watch SP bcs of JCW or NJH buttt I watched it since my CHANANA oppa (yeaa yeaa I'm a hottest guys hehe) and sadly now I'm totally forgot that he's even there ROFL (I better kneel down before him LOL). So this drama just totally purely absolutely put JCW-NJH in a new light for me. 

    3. Sooo, this is the very first time I'm crazy over JCW (yesss anyone please just slaps me lol) yeah surely he is FULL OF CHARMS now he is being added to my list of fav actors (FYI, I'm a fan of Yoo Yeonseok, Byun Yoo Han, Ha Seok Jin, 끝 LOL but now there is JCW too <3 ). And the interesting thing is its NJH the one who brings out the charms in JCW so that I can see him in a new light ㅠㅠ and now I fell for both, so hard!!! ㅠㅠ I fall for NJH because of the addictive-cursing song EBH always sings in front of her-ex. That time I just thought "who is she? she's REAAALLLY ONE OF A KIND" and then before I knew it, I fall deeper to both JCW and NJH ㅠㅠ

    4. This is the 2nd time I ship k-drama actors (the 1st one is Yoo Yeon Seok and Seo Hyun Jin and tbh SHJ is my number 1 girl crush everyoneeee). Now, NJH become my 2nd ever girl crush. Like seriously, this girl is amazing. So proud of her ㅠㅠ she is so precious ㅠㅠ for how precious she is, I want her to be with someone precious too. And not to mention, JCW really reaaallly suitable for her in my eyes ㅠㅠ I got goosebumps whenever I digging out of them. How the fate plays around them just too fascinating and overwhelming ㅠㅠ if its not destiny I just dunno what should we address this kind of things ㅠㅠ I saw both as the pure soul longing for each other embrace (oh well I dunno why am I being like this ㅠㅠ LOL). The chemistry is no joke. I will not discuss further about this since I believed that we are all in union for this matter hihiii <3

    5. Talking about whether they are currently in a relationship or not, I will have my comment is as honestly from my perspective I DO THINK SOMETHING HAPPENED BETWEEN THEM. I'm not saying that they are dating or not but I remember read some comment that said something like "unless he is a rock he would'nt feel anything acting like that" AND YES THIS IS SO LOGIC. While people debating why they are acting so distance during the end of filming and the wrap up party, honestly I'm feeling the other way around tho. For me, they are just so obvious. It seems like we can see through them that they have that "thing" between them. So I don't feel restless at all waiting for the ship to sail guys....<3 (and yesssss, I noticed a lot of SongSong shipper now join the force of JiJi shipper, please give your magical words and blessing to JiJi so they will follow SongSong brave step <3) 


    Hmm....ok, so sorry that i'm blabbering too much because i'm getting overexcited due to the fact that I knew I'm not alone shipping our lovebirds like crazy *grouphugs* LOL actually i have sooooo many things in my mind but i dunno how to write it exactly lol so i guess i'll end it for now as an introduction from me LOL





    @miss0115Hello! And welcome to the thread! Thank you for your long long post; I enjoyed reading it very much because it is so honest and cute! 

    I think most of us couldn't help ourselves too, and ended up shipping openly and safely in this place. So, yay! Come in and share more of your thoughts!

    Don't beat yourself up for not noticing JCW earlier. Actually I didn't notice him until Healer (I've not watched the drama in full yet) and SP is the only drama with him that I watched. 

    You watched SP because of Chan Sung, is it? Sorry, I'm too old to know who's who in the kpop scene (can't catch up with so many debuts and comebacks) and sorry, I really laughed out very loud when I read that you've even forgotten that he was even there in the drama. You're so adorable!

    But I love your comment about feeling that NJH brought out the charms of JCW. That is a fresh perspective for me. I think the age difference always makes me think that it is the other way round but then again, after reading your comment, I think both of them really are fantastic acting partners who bring out the best out of each other. They are really very precious thespians; let's hope they will have a future together. 

    I second you on the being too obvious part at the wrap party. I think if they didn't put on the brakes, photos of their natural inclination to stare and gaze at each other and get lost in each other's eyes will be splashed all over social media and there will be too many dire consequences to even think about. Lol. Thanks for voicing your lovely thoughts! Keep them coming!





    • Like 17
  6. 9 minutes ago, sharreb said:

    DISCUSSION ON KISSING SCENES (slightly pervy post alert)

    Base off interview:

    NJH: oppa inevitably took the lead

    JCW: i discuss with my costar how to film the kiss scene

    NJH: oppa makes sure im comfortable and it isnt awkward

    JCW: we were able to form a relationship. Create an atmosphere that allows us to film the scenes comfortably (paraphrase a lil, dont rem word for word)

    NJH: i dont thk its something to be embarass about (kiss n mature scenes)

    JCW: the kiss scenes came out beautifully thanks to NJH (an older interview)

    JCW: NJH responded to me well (me yes yes yes she totally responded :wub:)

    Cr: dazzlingkai


    -  Does discussing the approach of the kiss goes into details ..eg.

    1. Oppa will kiss n ngaw on ur upper lip

    2. Part 2 of our first kiss il then focus on sucking ur lower lip..hard

    3. Our 3rd kiss should be full of desire.. We should french kiss

    4. Rem to open ur mouth n respond to my kisses..

    Gahhh.. My point is they couldnt have gotten into detailed discussion on how the kiss would be without violating a girl's decorum n sensibility right..that would have been awkward but they both said it wasnt awkward..

    So while they could have said yes kiss no.3 should be more uninhibited and sth both parties participate.. Ultimately they still have to let nature takes its course. So the kissing took place naturally..

    We saw the bts. We saw the slow mo, the normal speed and we saw the broadcasted clip. They were hot for each other and his mouth was open wide devouring his prey and his prey was responding to him. Her roaming hands were further cues of her abandoning herself to his kiss. When she opened her mouth oh boy the hungry one wants to delve deeper. It was like prequel to a mating dance. N the open mouth post kiss n heaving.. Not an act either. And the pre falling to bed scene, his roaming hands..gahh i dont thk he would have explain pre filming his hands will move from here to here..it was natural and animalistic.. I can totally write a chapter on this.

    But major brownie points the man can concentrate on kissing while doin the manner legs, n if not manner legs then its jihyun steppin on his feet to be at a better lip to lip level.. N i must say again i wonder how many takes they did to film those kiss scenes. N how long each take last... Totally curious in the name of science. . . 

    Major brownie points for NJH to be not incinerated after being wolfed down n in this close proximity to those eyes (the same eyes that she praises in her interview as deep and lovely?). If Dongha NGed cause of JCW handsomeness.. How can JH's heart not go thumpthumpthump flutterflutterflutter each time. Thats like second to impossible.

    In fact in behavioral biology theres a whole chapter talking about cues and signals, hormones and pheromones (and im not talking about the cues on screen but those in the bts). Im pretty sure thats abundant when the two are put in the same room.

    Omg i hope i didnt violate a minor's innocence.. So far noone identifies themselves as a minor here right? If u r close your eyes n pretend u didnt read my post.


    *Gives standing ovation*

    I love your analysis @sharreb!!!! Those kisses in the BTS are giant signboards with flashing lightbulbs all around! 





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  7. 8 minutes ago, bonuibonui said:

    Did he sang the song in his appearance in sketchbook? I thought it was the song of 2bic which he and 2bic sang together and not his OST. 

    Well, I bet he'll sing 101 reasons in his concert though so I'm waiting for his concert :)


    @bonuibonui JCW said during his V-live on the day of the Wrap Up Party that he will be singing the his 101 Reasons live at the concert :heart:

    • Like 10
  8. 2 minutes ago, stucked said:

    Nope. As ironic as it may sound, because of their huge gap both in age and life experiences, I totally TOTALLY felt that sexual tension between NJH and JCW compared to ANY of their previous co-stars. I mean, I felt it crossing, slinking through my laptop screen. How can that happen? I mean, JCW is always a given, his gaze? He has the best gaze/stare in KShowbiz. Hands down. But, when you matched that gaze with that of NJH, I was actually shocked that she can actually do that.. to be that sensual. You know her gaze after they kissed the third time? The half-lidded gaze she did at JCW, that's sexy as f@ck! I was blown away! And I bet, all the actors who've worked with NJH before and who'd watched that scene or even seen a clip of that would've had had their jaws dropped. For real. HAHAHAHA! I mean, my baby girl is doing THAT expression which is only seen in you-know-what. My gosh. I was both scared and proud. HAHAHA! And I have this nagging feeling that she's nooooot entirely aware of this side of her. What a pure child. HAHAHA.  Lucky is the guy who becomes her husband. *wink*


    *Raises both arms up in the air and claps loudly in full agreement*

    Not having to try (to be sexy) but just naturally oozes it - this truly is the epitome of sexiness. And NJH has shown that she has it! And she probably has more waiting to be unleashed!

    Her past leading men would probably be slapping their heads for not having uncovered this aspect of her, for sure. But they weren't there with her at the right time either (Too bad.)

    So, again, the notion of destiny presents itself here in SP, with the stars and moon *ahem* aligned, bringing forth the blossoming of virginal beauty and charm! *gets goosebumps typing this* And I thank the scriptwriter, the PDs, and most importantly, JCW, for teasing out this hidden side of her. (And look what it has done to our dear dear Wookie...) 

    • Like 19
  9. 2 minutes ago, riririru said:

    I found this http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=014&aid=0003845913

    약 한달 뒤 군입대를 앞둔 지창욱은 앞서 남지현이 면회를 간다고 하자 ‘됐다. 안와도 된다’고 말했던 사연을 털어놨다. 그는 “장난이다. 와주면 너무 고맙다. 그 당시에는 ‘면회 갈게’라는 말이 꼭 저를 놀리는 것 같았다.(웃음) 그래서 일부러 애써 ‘그래 오지마. 난 안 와도 잘할 수 있어’라는 마음이었다. 오면 너무 고맙고 울 지도 모른다”며 너스레를 떨었다.

    There was a story of Ji changwook who is going to enlist next month telling Nam Jihyun "It's okay. You dont have to visit me". 
    Changwook : it was just a joke. I would be grateful if she would come. At that time the word "i will visit you" sound as if she was teasing me. (smile) so i intentionally said "it's okay. Dont come. I can do well even if (you) dont come" He added "i would be grateful if she come but im not sure if she will come

    :heart::heart::heart: oh oh oh oh oh !!!!! Dead giveaway!!! I hope the translation is correct! (No offense to you @riririru )

    • Like 17
  10. 1 minute ago, lividc said:

    Hi guys... I saw another part on JCW's interview in weibo. Since I did not see it being translated yet, I just shared the part here. However, not sure if it's totally accurate since I'm just translating from Chinese... hoping someone could translate the korean words fully in English. keke

    또 면회 희망 연예인을 꼽는 질문에 “걸그룹을 잘 모르는데 트와이스 친구들이 오면 난리가 날 것 같지만, 나하고는 전혀 친분이 없다. 남지현 씨도 오면 군대에 있는 친구들이 좋아할 것 같다”고 말했다. 

    Q: 希望哪個女團來軍隊表演? A: 我不太認識女團 也沒有熟的朋友 如果像是TWICE來的話軍隊應該會暴動吧 南志鉉小姐如果來的話 軍隊朋友們應該也會很喜歡的~

    CR to mow1230 weibo (http://www.weibo.com/mow1230)

    Basically, JCW was asked which girl group he hope could come to army to perform? In gist, he replied he is not really familiar with girl group or are close friends with them. But he said that if Twice will to come, the army will go chaotic. He also think the army mate will like very much if Nam Ji Hyun could come too. 



    oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!! I'm sure he himself will like it very much too! Plus she'll probably bring him his special order of chicken and pizza. OOOOOH! 

    • Like 18
  11. This couple really gives me good feels, whether or not they're really together in real life. I will also ship them as BFF if things did not work as I hope. I mean, they've been such positive influences on each other and positive voices for each other. And from JCW's comments on him trying to connect with NJH's mind, this is really more than a skin-deep connection. And honestly, JCW can have his pick of beautiful looking women but he also shows that he is a man of substance when he reveals that his ideal type must also be someone with whom he can talk (i.e. communicate) with. And NJH is a woman of substance too, from her academic achievements so far. You go, girl! Go chase your rainbow! And I'm sure if all things pan out, your Prince in Shining Armour will be riding alongside you to help you achieve your goals. 

    • Like 24
  12. 1 minute ago, littlerex69 said:


    even a man feel the pressure

    Imagine how hard (or not) for uri hyunii to contain her feeling on the set *evil laugh* 


    ikr, so even though NJH praised JCW, I think NJH is even more jjang to be able to withstand the toe-curling, panty-dropping hot stares from JCW on set. I keep thinking about the necktie-removing scene.... *wolf whistles* *stands up and claps for NJH's "resilience"*

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