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Stargazing Fireflies
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Posts posted by q4q4

  1. 12 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

    Ahhhhh.... the highs and lows of a couple's shipper.  Do not be disheartened.  Yes, nothing is quiet clear.  Yes, there's no official announcements and yes, it can be quite confusing and disheartening.  Specially when we all have to rely on whatever is thrown at our way. 

    But the journey is as much important as the destination.  Call me a masochist but I just love the anticipation...the thought of them getting to know each other better....creating a better and much more solid relationship.  Friends?  Nothing wrong with that.  It's the strongest foundation any couple should have. As for me, I always, always go back to what has drawn me first to this couple.  The mysterious drawing magnetism that these two people emitted whenever they're together, be it on screen or during their BTS scenes.  There are things we cannot explain, and their chemistry is one of those.  Who knew they would come out like that???  When I first heard their acceptance of the lead parts, not once did it occur to me that I would be shipping them.  Then BOOM! It was pure magic!

    I saw the subtle changes in LJE and I saw the changes in LJG as well.  Who knows what has happened from their first filming date up to last night???  We're talking about months!  Months of constantly being together, then months of being apart and going about their respective schedules and works and private lives.  Months that could draw people apart. Months that could shake one from a momentary enchantment.

    But.....secret drinking/gatherings?  Being always present in those gatherings?  Despite their busy schedules??? Wow!  That took effort and very much willingness to happen.  Meetings in between preparing for concerts and fan meets and perfect attendance at that? LOL. The insta flirting. And somewhere in between, the changing of dates of LJG's fan meets.  Coincidence right?  Tell that to the marines! :blink:

    We can take days dissecting all other videos about them that exist and I swear, I will still come back to shipping them.  Why?  Simply because whenever they're together.....it's pure magic. :wub:


    This needs to get quoted again and again and again lol LOOOOOOVED every point you made: valid, concise, and it makes perfect sense

    • Like 24
  2. 2 hours ago, caramelovers07 said:

    Last post for today:

    Jg & Je reunited in the car. LOL!!

    Ahhh JE is SOOOOO cute lolol so first thing JG saw I'm guessing is JE posing so cute-ly for the fans before she got into the car? Lol OR her bare back bc she was bending down when he first stepped in the car Lolol :wub:

    • Like 19
  3. 10 minutes ago, Siracusa said:

    Joongi is too busy hanging out with IU to go on Instagram right now. He can do it in the morning. After the sleepover and he cooks her breakfast. 

    Changing my wish now to a picture of him cooking said breakfast. Just a pair of eggs in a pan please JG - that's all I ask lol it'll also go back to their chicken and rooster emojis :phew:

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