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Guest --infatuated.

they really know how to break me.

i'm slowly deteriorating,

my heart blown to shards

there's no way of mending it now.

not even with the slightest bit of happiness

i get from being with you.

just when i thought things were going good

between us, just the slightest action

takes us right off course,

i don't know anymore.

is it too much for you?

because i'm done with it.

all my life, being dealt w/ it.

& for yours, just a split second,

but even so, that's not enough.

tell me if you can't hang,

if you don't want to.

don't let me find out the hard way.

i hella miss you too, & it sucks

not being able to see you as often.

we'll work it out, we always do.

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Guest m4rshmall0w

omg you're so stupid! while i was driving, i can't belive you made the window foggier! so useless! grrrr you! what if we gotten into an accident? you're so crazy! you stink! at least warn me first before you drop off your car. ughhhh... can't believe you didn't call before you fell asleep, whats up with you these pass days? you're so gay! better not wake up late for school! grrrrr!!!!!! ...i love you kool-aid!

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i gotta admit, i was pissed off at you this morning.

i wanted to go in your lecture. i wanted to see what it was like, for you.

and i was bored. and i wanted to be with the person i love for just a few hours.

and besides, didn't you come to my first day at uni? so why couldn't i do the same?


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Guest 정유미

omg. you.... i don't understand why i have to like you when i'm about to leave. i hate how you make me feel like staying, and you don't even know it.. T.T

it sucks to like a friend. :(

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Guest tokyochicdoll

That look of worry in your eyes when you saw me cry...

You can't hide that. You shouldn't hide that.

I know you care.

I'm going crazy thinking about you. <3

Nudging you, sniffing you... how did you feel?

“会不会觉得热?” So cute <3 “有点!“ 

But I love the feeling. I love it so muchhh...

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Guest sweetREDEMPTION.

Look buddy, I'm trying really hard to be patient with you.

You're really pushing my buttons. You're being really stupid.

Stop going out of your way for your "homies" and think about your well-being for once.

Gosh. I'm sorry if I was being a beee & if I was being moody last night.

You really frustrate me. That's all. On the other hand, I did pray for you.

I can't imagine going 45+ days without you in my life. Sounds terrible. =(

I hope all goes well for you today. I'll be waiting for the outcome.

I hope it's good. All I have left is my hope. Please, don't let me down.

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Guest chickyl3aby

you totally threw me off last night.

i'm sorry i'm so nice.

i'm sorry i can't be more entertaining.

i'm sorry if i bore you.

i really hope u aren't sticking around just cuz.

if you want to leave, please leave.

i'll stop being so nice. i'll stop being so considerate.




i feel sort of blah.

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Guest ling_ling



i know you want to talk to me

just reply

dont make me stray because i want to be with you

Your friend is making me like him more

YOUR SO ARROGANT about this situation - just stop being awkward and TALK TO ME!

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Guest gpie9

You know something else?

I'm done with you and my BS.

Now it's extended to your BS.

This game is over. Goodbye.

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Guest manlytoe

i gave up and i'm happy to have given up.

the feelings of sadness still lurk in me, but at least i know i'm through it.

it feels good. feels good to let go. feels good to finally remove that leech from my heart.

i thought i'd go crazy just thinking about it, but after sleeping, and thinking, i think i can finally move on.

move on happily. it makes me smile, smile because i know it's gone now.

everything is fine now. thank you. i thank you myself for being able to be so strong and willing to go through it.

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Guest tinasarangg

enough is enough.

this is goodbye, forreal this time.

my foot is going down and its staying down.

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Guest sweetl0ve

I am really sorry. . it's just that it's hard for me to trust, so I like to test people. . forgive me. .

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Guest envyandy

i guess your really not coming back. two months has passed, something inside me wants me to keep on waiting but i cant.

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Guest missdevotional

I'm sorry.

But I'm not willing to give it all up for something that may well have been a game.

You know it wouldn't have happened and it never ever will, so why the hell did you drag it out like that?

Why did you want it to be something more?

You being you, makes me hate you.

I want you to just leave me be. Simple as that.

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Guest --infatuated.

i am back in prison,

& i miss you like crazy.


i hate you. hahaha.

& you take daaays to text back.

oh well,

boys day/night for you.

& for me?

my lonesome self. :[

booo. <3

march2nd2008. <3

hello roy!

you're the cutest thing on my phone.

"kim, when can i see you?"

"idk. :[ i hope i get to see you tho, it's been too long!"

"i know! i'm dying here. haha"

"awwh. i'll make it up to you! <3 "

"don't worry, it's not your fault."

i hate you. hahaha.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

thanks for the walk

thanks for the hug

thanks for making me laugh

thanks for the stupid inside jokes we have

thanks for trying hard.

thanks for trying to make saturday perfect for me

thanks for being a dork that makes me smile

thanks for making me the happinest person ever even though you don't even know it.

i don't know were everything will end up

but right now, i see there's no point in caring

i'm gonna live up these days

and enjoy my moments with you


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Guest xnimporte

When I first met you and you smiled at me that night you asked for my hand, I felt infinite. If I could have died right then and there, I would have. and I would have died happy, so happy, because when you gazed at me with that look in your eyes I knew you cared and it was so tender and I melted. You've been on my mind more than anyone ever has, your hold on me tighter than ever, even after five years of nothing, and your back, your voice, your face imprinted in my mind. When it's time to part, I'll know that I’d never see you again and I know, for sure, that I'd die a little inside. If only, if only we could be together. Together in a perfect world, just you and I. I would give anything to be caught up in your smile, your laugh, your everything. I miss you, even though I never had you, and it hurts so much to think that what happened between us was nothing to you because to me, it was everything.

I regret never having kissed you when we were laying there, completely taking you for granted at my last chance.

Just at the right moment, I’d turn your chin and feel your face against mine for the first and last time.

And then I'd smile. I'd smile at the surprised look in your eyes, your parted lips, your unguarded face.. and your sweet dripping charm that would, no doubt, leave my lips tingling.

But now it's too late.

I know that I'd never be pretty enough, tall enough, skinny enough, experienced enough, confident enough, or just enough in your eyes.

I know that. And through my shattered pride, I let you go, but I can't help but wonder..

I wonder if you'd ever realize how beautiful you are.. beautiful enough to mean all the world to someone.

I wonder if you'd realize that, once upon a time, you were everything that I thought of. You were what haunted me for years on end.

I wonder if you'd realize that your mere presence made my heartbeat stutter, my legs quiver, my mind shiver.

I wonder what your reaction would be.

But most of all, I wonder what we could've been.

Perhaps we were destined to be together.

Or destined to be apart.

We will never know.

But I'll never forget you.


"Will you dance with me?"

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Guest janiiekiim

stop being immature and get over yourself. sorry but no one's on your side. fix your attitude.

stop acting so stupid. it's not cute. it's quite annoying. and boy. next year. i feel quite bad for you.

hope you're doing well. still can't help but think about you.

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