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you are the most selfish pinkberry in the world.

if you hate what people call you and you always have to say sorry for what you do to us,

and you don't wanna go through that (something you say everyday),

then you should fix your attitude.

you are selfish and you don't care about anyone else.

you're not there for us all the time anymore. noo, because youre too self absorbed in your own problems.

don't automatically think we're always gonna be there for you, just because that's what we've been doing for 4 years.

we can always turn away.

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Guest Alt.Loves.Ctrl

Why won't you just be up front?

Why are you being such a hypocrite? You think i don't know. Of course i do.

Just tell me. Don't you feel bad at all?

Can't you tell that i'm slowly dying everyday..

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Guest JunRi<3

Time came and went. You entered my life, you left.

It's sad it had to end this way.

Yeah it's only been two hours since we split up, but I already miss you, a lot.

It seems like you got over me days ago. Congratulations.

Maybe it ended because you really lost interest, because you didn't make effort to hang out... but I guess you realized that you definitely didn't like me the way you used to.

I can't say it's been use and abuse, but I definitely can't say that this relationship wasn't lopsided.

Thanks for a great year.

You fooled me well.

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We were so close together. We had this special chemistry between us.

We were the best together. We made each other laughed and smiled. We would argue and then get over it.

We would make fun of each other and laugh at each other's jokes every single day... but now everything will be in the past.

Why her? Why does it have to be one of my closest friends?

It hurts so much. It hurts deep. I feel like being stabbed by you every time you mention your relationship with her.

Can't you see that I'm hurt?

Once you two get together, I will have to refrain myself from talking to you.

I'm going to miss those late nights where we stayed up and talked to each other about the most random things.

I'm going to miss everything so much between you and I.

I'm also going to hurt for so long because now we can never end up together and it's a fact too.

Even though you're such a jerk, I still hang on to you. Every time I let go of you, you came back and I'd hold on to you again.

Over and over again. It hurts knowing that now I really do have to get over you.

It's time to let you go and never, ever hang on to you ever again even if you came back.

I won't be yours and you won't me mines ever.

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Guest miss sweetie

I've been feeling even more left out than ever and when you guys pick on me, it only makes me more upset, so I try to distance myself from you two, hence the reason why I never go online anymore.

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Guest Aesthetic_Chinese

"I'm slowly falling out.. baby

we're tripping on silly things

boy I need you to meet me halfway,

if you want me to be with you.."

Keyisha Cole.

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Guest SarangHeyo <3

it feels like....

im some sort of accident.

you know, ones that you cant stop?

the one that you make a mistake and then you find out that something living is in your stomach.

if i wasnt born, then i wouldnt be able to feel pain

or happiness

or depression

or anything

but the funny part is, people say that

if you weren't born, then you would have never felt loved.

but thing is, ive never felt loved.

i feel like dying.

i want to escape the world

and never come back

because then, i wouldnt be able to feel pain

or depressed

and you know what?

i might just be happy

for once.

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Guest bloopy_babo

i do not know if what you said was intended for me but i hate awkward moments.

i hope i was not the only one to think so.

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Guest ryoheiyoshida

Why do you keep doing this to me? It's not fair .

You only care about your self and your own self-amusement .

How self-centered can you be? I've waited so long for you to come back and you ditch me so soon.

You even forgot about our anniversary because you're too busy partying ..

Do what ever you like , I don't care anymore ...

Why do I bother to stress over someone who only thinks about herself?

You only care when about me when it's enjoyable to you , not when i'm down .

Why the hell do you get all mad and jealous if I do something with my friends?

I don't even go clubbin' or glance at any random girls .

Do what ever you like alright .. as if I haven't sacrificed so much of my life and social life for you.. You're always the victim right?

Don't call me bragging about much fun you had and when I talk about my day it pains you to hear if I did something

fun without you . It's hard for me to be so supportive and you could give a damn about how I feel .

My heart is filled with frustration and anger . Don't call me tomorrow , I have nothing good to say .

I can't even sleep anymore..

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I miss you quite terribly. </3


I think it's stupid that you jugde me for whoever I want to be friends with, or the people I am friends with. Whatever..


Thanks for talking to me. It really helps to talk to others.

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Guest xxpiinkified

sometimes, though i really don't want to admit it,

i really miss the way things were before. how we'd stay up real late to talk.


does what i say really affect you?

you're being less clingy, and you deleted some of your facebook posts, LOL

kinda cute. =)


grrrr. you scary strangers, leave me alone! i'm not interested.

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Guest cheerydumdum

i'm sorry you feel that way. :( cheer up, please!

i'm scared. my heart's sorta kinda just a little bit racing right now. i'm worried you won't respond. lol i'm so stupid for making that wish right now. do you know how sad it makes me feel looking at those new pictures nicky put up? i look at it and think, "he looks happier without me." and i'm probably right, huh? and i can't help feeling sad because i realize that those pictures that other people put up are the only way i'll be able to see you. haha. i'm so pathetic. but i miss you and feel like crying and i know it's not because of PMS. if you don't respond, i think i'm going to completely give up. well, maybe after giving you a birthday present.

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Guest x3yumiko

i miss the way things used to be...

i miss the times when we's stay up late just to talk to each other...

i miss the times when you'd text me everyday to say good morning...

i miss the long talks we had...

i miss the times when you told me that you'll miss me...

i miss you so much...

i wish i had the guts to tell you how i feel...

i wish you'll talk to me again...

will you talk to me again?

if you dont want to talk to me...

its okays...

ill give up on you & let you be happy...

i miss you...

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do you know, i really miss the time where we both will sing to "she bangs"

all along to the bus stop. i tried to talk to you like usual but it somehow turned to

"your friend", "my friend" topics. its as if like we just knew each other for days. i wonder if you're happier with them.


they said i'm picky. am i?

i enjoy my single life. no unwanted arguements and misunderstanding.

but sometimes i feel rather lonely especially seeing my friends with their bfs. lol. they looked really cute

together. i want to feel again the lovey dovey feeling and the need to have someone to be there with me. idk,

i will follow the flow. i just wanna say that i still believe in the name of love and i'm still waiting for the right one. you are not right?

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