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Junjin 전진


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Guest chibimarukochan

HEY jiejunwoo!!!! omg i never knew you were a staff here! hahah can't believe i didn't see this thread earlier...i hadn't been to the shinhwa thread here for a long time, but i've came back now! :)

talking about game shows... i just downloaded this clip of shinhwa on this really old show during their 4th jib days. its called x-file or something...i think u guys have already seen the ep where hyesung and junjin dress up as girls. :P this time they make trouble on some show... yeah...and the skidiving thing is part of xfile too isn't it? hahah it's so funny. i was wondering if any of u have all those x-file clips?...

anyway here's a pic posted by symphony from wanjunjin forum:):


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Guest JjReiZhAxP

YAY! i finally found it! LOL. i was just browsing around the forum trying to find out if jinnie had his own thread and here it is!!! well... i just wanted to say that i can't wait till he get back to acting, but i'm looking forward to his solo album more so he can show everyone just how talented he really is. <33.

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haha.. the X files are funny.. i don't have the whole clips.. only have bits and pieces of it.. i got the grandma stone, the racing car..

jiejunwoo , are your video subbed? chinese or eng?

no subs at all.. sorry :(

but i have:

miracles of the human body,


the rock


haunted places

sky diving

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Guest devylann

^ yesh...he did that solo in Winter Story 2 album (2004-2005)...I've got the romanizations n translations from Aheeyah coz i didnt know which one u wanted...I love that song alot n i think it's possibly the best recorded solo he did...n i mus add that h sounds incredibly sexy when he was narrating...ooh~hehe


tahnx for da translation!!! i love this song!!!!! i loved it when i first heard esp b/c i thought junJin only rapped and even now i still love listening to it!!!! it's soooooo sad!!!!!!!

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What is this!?!?! Our beloved, sexy Junjin is releasing a single!?!?!!? :o:o:o

Ahhh living in Europe for a year (whilst good) can really suck sometimes.... :tears: Any news of asia never reaches here. -_- Anyway... does anyone know what the single is called? I need info to be filled in and I'm far too lazy to go back 20+ pages. :ph34r:

But on a happier note :w00t: I managed to come across this awesome Hyesung wesbite in English (yes yes... before you start hounding me for me including a hyesung website in a Junjin thread... read the rest). This site has an awesome photo section and no doubt you will find plenty junjin photos in there too. Aaaaand you can hear the whole shinhwa album online while browsing!!! ^_^

I accidently stumbled across this in wikipedia of all places. So check out Junjin under wikipedia because they might have links to really good sites!!! Anyway here it is!!!!



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Guest pinkie pink

i just watch the guerilla concert over you tube, i so love him more such an emotional person... any new project, drama for him?

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Guest JjReiZhAxP

hi JJ thread! i was watching old episodes of Xman and ive noticed, is JJ a little bit cross eyed?

nah... he's not cross-eyed at all.

HI KAYE UNNIE!!! *waves* lol. :P

when's he releasing a single? he's releasing an album around october, although it's probably going to be postponed since shinhwa's 1st japanese album is just about to come out and i'm sure they're gonna be promoting it in japan. but yeah... i can't wait till jinnie's album comes out :D

there hasn't been any news of him being in any drama so far since he's focusing on his solo album.

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Guest coreen

hi JJ thread! i was watching old episodes of Xman and ive noticed, is JJ a little bit cross eyed?

No!! He is definitely Not crossed eyed....

Anyway...i heard he gave up acting in a new drama for Shinhwa 8th album...Right now is said that he is going to have his SOLO album soon!!! yeah! i cant wait for that! and yess think prob is late oct or nov...cos right now he got shinhwa asia tour to be busy with :P ..... cant wait to see junjin oppa in BKK and SG!!!! yes .....in another week...is Junjin oppa's bday ~

found this gif...

gosh is just super cute!! so grateful to the fan who did this!!! (i duno how to make gif u see...)



Thanks so much for posting that gif!

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Guest chibimarukochan

no subs at all.. sorry :(

but i have:

miracles of the human body,


the rock


haunted places

sky diving

i have the one where they 'make trouble'! :) hehe its short but so cute just watching them ^__^. it's the one where junjin jumps up and kicks eric on stage (while this guy was performing) and he falls down HAHA...poor eric...but it was SO funny!


hi JJ thread! i was watching old episodes of Xman and ive noticed, is JJ a little bit cross eyed?

how? i dn't think he is either...

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hi JJ thread! i was watching old episodes of Xman and ive noticed, is JJ a little bit cross eyed?

cross-eyed?? nah.. don't think so too..

his eyes are one of the expressive eyes i've seen.. :blush:

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i have the one where they 'make trouble'! :) hehe its short but so cute just watching them ^__^. it's the one where junjin jumps up and kicks eric on stage (while this guy was performing) and he falls down HAHA...poor eric...but it was SO funny!


how? i dn't think he is either...

ahh i saw that clip where Junjin flying kicked Eric do you by any chance have the full thing? or what the show was called?

i don't think he's cross eyed, he can have a really intense look when he puts the effort in :P

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Guest pinkytina

I love JunJin!!! My fav. in Shinhwa was DongWa and Eric, but somehow I am falling for JunJin too. I haven't seen his acting yet, but I just started Nine Tale Fox's. He is sure a great dancer though. Can't wait till his solo album is out.

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