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What's Non-asian About You?

Guest Take Five

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Guest Kizoku

Well, some people who can actually SEE don't think I look completely Asian. Or at least not typically Asian. Eh, but I'm still Asian.

-I understand basic Cantonese, but can't speak it nor understand the complex Cantonese. >_< I spend way too much time away from my family. Completely fluent in English. Speak English with my parents.

-My clothes are not quite so Asian. But I mean really...it's the East coast, where do I get "Asian" clothes? I like them so much, but I wouldn't like them much on me.

-I'm not fond of most anime and manga. >.> But anyone who is very realistic and thinks generic fantasy ideas are tacky could too. The drawings for some are very pretty, and I used to be sort of obsessed with it. Only for a year, until some girl copied everything I did and claimed them as her own ideas/unique style. Grr...

-I wouldn't wear the traditional Chinese dresses xP They're pretty, but not for me.

-I have barely any interest for most Asian celebrities, the ones most people here drool over. xD

-I only genuinely like SOME Asian music. I'm not into most of the pop, but a lot of it is catchy. Some is just too lame. Though, I don't like most of what's on American radios today. I'm a classic rock person, but I love tons of genres. People say I have amazing music taste. I'm just experimental. >.>


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Guest missdevotional


- Most of my friends aren't Asian

- I can speak Vietnamese, but I can only understand Cantonese. (I'm half Viet, half Chinese) - my family mostly speaks English at home.

- I never learnt to play an instrument

- I'm an average student.

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Guest heavenztears

- I only have 1 asian friend and that's because we've known eachother since kindergarten.

- I don't like to hang out with other Vietnamese people that live here.

- I dropped math... haha! Broke the stereotype there.

- I don't like anime or manga at all.

- I've never dated an asian before.

- I don't dress like asians or at least the FOB-style.

- I'm born in Holland :D

- I can speak Dutch and English without any accent.

The thing is that I do speak Vietnamese and I can read and write it as well... So that's basicly the only asian thing about me.

EDIT: I HATE those wanna-be-cool Vietnamese celebrities when they think they can sing and rap in western style and they really have no talent whatsoever to me.

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Guest 영원한 사랑

Alot of things are asian about me except for the fact I can't speak korean that well and I think in an American way.

Other than that, everything about me is korean. :)

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Guest xdeathberry

I suck at math

I speak English better

My handwriting SUCKS. [both Korean and American. -___-]

I forget what some Korean food are called. haha

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Guest lorxp

I get along and interact better with white people than hmong people.

My parents are not strict about grades.

I'm not a genius at math.

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Guest raspberrii

i guess the things i can list off the top of my head are

-not really fobby style (although i wish i could pull it off and admire it sooo much)

-not hard working AT ALL

-not a genius

-not a prim and proper type either

-no accent

i guess im more second generation but im technically fob/1st gen

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Guest Ailes Noires
^ LMFAO. I don't either. ToT~

But seriously, I don't apply myself like I'm supposed to. I procrastinate to the point where I don't even do an assignment from time to time. :(

Haha, I'm like that. I probably have some underlying issue, but damned if I'm going to do anything about it.

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Guest JJ no Baka

-i'm not smart. :lol:

-i'm white-washed

-i speak english to my parents often

-i dont have chinky/slanted eyes

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Guest jen.tart

non asian hm..

well stereotypically (is that a word LOL)

im not good in maths,

not hardworking at school,

i cant even really speak my own language. i speak in english all the time haha

and i dont have small eyes.

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