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What's Non-asian About You?

Guest Take Five

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Guest Aquaflower

I don't hang out with Asians outside of school. I also don't go to church (most of the Asians I know go to church lol).

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Guest tea.polkadots

I suck at Math & Science.

I eat almost everything with Mayonnaise (not soy sauce or fish sauce).

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Guest yi_jae_soo

-I suck at school. LOL

-I don't watch Asian dramas much. I hear about them, but never see it.

-I can't speak my native language (Korean) very well, as much as I can read. Speaking and understanding's hard for me.

-I'm not a fob. LOLOL

-I like Marvel/DC comics? (Does that count?)

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Guest Imboredthatsnotfun

Why does having friends outside your 'race' make you non-Asian, lol?

Especially when you don't live in an Asian country, it's kinda the norm.....

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Guest awesooome

I have big eyes. O_O People sometimes ask me if my eyes are swollen or something. <_< They're not. They're just big.

I'm really good at English. I speak English at home. And I'm not good with numbers. :P

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- I'm not too into the KPop trends/music/culture.

- I listen to a variety of rock music genres (alternative, indie, metal, etc.) and I hate techno.

- I'm not a size A, B, or C. Um, someone should understand what I mean. ;)

- I'm not stick skinny. I actually carry weight (more than I'd like ><).

- I naturally have double eyeids. (but I still have richard simmons eyes...:lol:)

- I hate math and I love English.

- I don't use chopsticks to eat. I use forks and spoons.

- I don't have that many Asian friends in school (however I do know a few or more)

- Asian guys don't really talk to me...only guys of other races do; Asian guys usually don't show that much interest. Maybe I just don't meet the "Asian standards"? >_<

- There's probably tons more.

OKAY, I'll admit it. I'm kind of a twinkie/banana/whatever.

My family has called me that a few times. LOL =/

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Guest Courtknee

A lot of my good friends are not Asian.

I suck at school.

I think white guys are hot - prefer them over Asian guys.

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Guest undefindwun

When I was in my hometown, I didn't have any Asian friends at all. The Asian people I knew at home were my cousins. Now that I'm at a school where there are more Asians, I tend to be friends with them.

I'm not as good at speaking my native tongue than the other Asians that I hang out with.

My rice cooker is broken, so I don't have any rice to eat.

I do speak English like a white person would.

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Guest `dang sun mei

I don't talk in my family's languages (tagalog/viet) outside the house.

I dress with American fashion.

I suck at math.

I have big eyes.

I live in America.

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Guest SolariaSky

Hm...probably the way I dress. I've been waaay too Westernized in terms of clothing choices. I love the Korean style and want to dress like them, but I'm not Korean and I don't live anywhere near Korea DDD:

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Guest mushikuns

Lets think about this.


Well, I think it is how I look. I'm half Korean, half Brazilian.

People are surprised when I tell them I am Asian..


I'm also very VERY unskilled in math. LOL. I get A's but it doesn't seem easy at all. I have one friend (who is chinese) that is extreme good at math, that its scary.


Other than that, I'm pretty asianish. kuku, I speak Korean..so.yeah :D

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Guest just_us

-I don't like math and I don't speak numbers

-I don't do nails (i do make up xD)

-I'm not striving for perfection

-All of my friends aren't Asian

-I don't get crushes just on Asian guys!


o l i v i a

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