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Lee Ki Woo 이기우

Guest FeYuSu

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some pictures ^^

c0ccb1e2bfecb1d7b3f0c0ba072827.jpgaww very cute..



leekiwoo3029pp.jpg i thought he looked very good in he was cool



leegiwooecole0502012wq.jpgthis one screams homo. :lol: maybe i shouldnt have put it up haha...




post some more ppl :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest puddle

man i was just drooling over him in Sad Movie

totally didn't recognise him from He Was Cool [i remember thinking he was reallllyyy good looking but i wasn't paying that much attention =P] and the IJUKSA screencaps my friend sent me before bwahaha i can't believe it's the same hot dude...i don't like his hair in ijuska o.O;

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest `soliloquy

Hey all, this thread has been kinda quiet these days, so decided to share caps I made from his latest movie- Sad movie.

I LOVE his character there; he's just HOT HOT HOT, especially when he smiles, and the camera pans a close-up of him, everyone in the movie theatre goes :wub:




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Guest `soliloquy

Gawd, it's really really quiet here, so thought i'd brighten the place up with some more Sad Movie pictures, with our dearest ki woo shi in them!

and cutegurl87, he's handsome alright! darn dashing.. :vicx:




He's been rather quiet these days hasn't he? What's happening with him? Anyone knows?

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Guest j_evenstar

guys, can u please tell me what is ijuksa? i'm lost.. and all i see in browsing through the thread is ijuksa!

i didn't even notice lkw was in windstruck!!

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Guest yongieee


he was SOOO FUNNY in classic

didnt like him as much in ijuksa

but.. hehe i like him as a whole

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Guest VINTAGE'art: moderne

I first saw him in the earlier episodes of xman </3 i had no idea he was in 'he was cool' until i re-watched it. .. lol haven't seen him lately

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Guest jacinda

He was so cute in The Classic! Better looking than both the leads.

He looks a lot like Joseph Gordon Levitt in some pictures. Very boyishly handsome.

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Guest alinek

oh my god, he's adorable. He's def handsome in "A Love to Kill". I kinda like him more than Bi. He's sweet, and i cant wait to see another drama of his? Anyone know whether he'll be in any new drama up coming?

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Guest `soliloquy

guys, can u please tell me what is ijuksa? i'm lost.. and all i see in browsing through the thread is ijuksa!

i didn't even notice lkw was in windstruck!!

Hey, IJUKSA is the korean short form for I Jukilnomui Sarang also known as A Love To Kill/The Love Of Death in English. :)

I love this guy, he is sooo boyishly good-looking!

He sure has potential to be bigger, only if they give him more screen time and more demanding roles! <_<

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Guest vondunker

oh i remember him! Hes Hyun Bin in He Was Cool right? Act as song Seung Hun's hyung in the show? Hes cute but too tall for the common actresses. He really needs a tall girl to pull off him.

Can't believe he was in Windstruck lol

is he in windstruck???? OMG, i've gotta really really recall. unless i have to search for him there. lets see if ive got a good memory... erms, nope. Whats his role there?

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^ during one of the story sequence. where she's telling a story about a princess. he was the prince who kept fainting. haha.

out of the movies/one drama i've seen him in he looked best in sad movie, but he was pretty funny in spin kick.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tuna_madunna

he's sooo tall! i saw Sad Movie and he and shim min ah really looked cute together.. but thye ended up a SAD story..

does anyone have a clip, giff or what when he keeps on farting in the classic? it was a really fun scene! hahaha!

God bless!

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