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★초신성★ Choshinsung (supernova) Official Thread

Guest Alexiel

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Guest Senorita_

Thanx Alexiel for the clip! hmm did they film this long time ago?

Finally, Jihyuk gets his part, it's a bummer to not always see

Jihyuk sing his lines...cos all the other boys get a chance to!

I love SungJe how he points and stuff, cos to interact with the


Overall the boys were excellent! ^_^

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Guest IN`vincible

here's another awesome stage from our boys... and again, in white!!!

// pics are not big & clear because it just finished airing so HD is not available yet >o<;;

2007.10.15 MBC every1 초신성 - 히트

a818ad455c45e847f9c9871d889174bb.th.jpg b260edd39a1196558177396c1d3e2fc2.th.jpg 0561a5d600860c86502e70482198b7fc.th.jpg b4bede937bf3af0ec10d026e0be03ff2.th.jpg 7968884eb57afcd9bbf4741fd7163072.th.jpg 2aa077bc102dc2afedd2c72138e685f4.th.jpg fec5cf9ae021c1c4d6dd31f0f11f331d.th.jpg 0b89b32743aa6e9d7fc691439b2dea1d.th.jpg 30b0914d9657c218d5b2f71e70a76058.th.jpg 11b419d4e3f46dcadfeb2529ae5e0c76.th.jpg

EDIT; sorry, i noticed it's all sungje.. what can i say, the hottie's to blame ^o~

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Guest Senorita_

^ bwahaha hey, i dun blame you! Sunje is one already! ;)

Anywayz i would like to share some pics from the last

M!Countdown performance! ^_^











Credits: Mnet!

^Hawt photos! love it! <33

But...they didn't have GeonIl! <_< whhyyy?

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wow, the pics are great! thanks for sharing!!!!!!

they look great in the white outfit xD

i just hope they will have less lipsynced permances .__.

CSS (with KARA) - 071015 School of Rock (Part 1)


CSS (with KARA) - 071015 School of Rock (Part 2)


credit to daum

the flash as introduction at the beginning

they had better use the scene with 6 faces from the mv =.=

i like Gunil's introduction :D

& Sungje's moment was hilarious LMAO

for some reasons, i dont like the stage placement of this school =P

the audiences & gasoos are quite far apart =/

awwww!!!! Sunghee & Gwangsu D; D;

-oh Gwangsu, im so jealous with you TT TT-

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Guest IN`vincible

can someone please please please confirm if this is true??

초신성 선주문 4만5천장 대박예고

6인조 신인그룹 초신성이 선주문 4만5천장을 기록하며 대박 조짐을 보이고 있다.

최근 데뷔곡 'HIT(히트)'로 가요계 화제를 모으고 있는 남성 6인조 그룹 초신성의 정규 1집 앨범이

오는 19일 발매된다.

초신성은 CF감독으로 유명한 차은택이 메가폰을 잡고 배우 유진이 출연한 대형 뮤직 드라마 및

데뷔 전 교복 모델 발탁 등으로 일찌감치 올해 유망주로 떠오른 바 있다.

정규 앨범 발매 전인 9월 17일 'HIT(히트)', '너는 어디에', 'Romance(로맨스)' 및 'HIT(히트)'와

'너는 어디에'의 리믹스곡 등 총 5곡을 온라인 선공개한 후 초신성은

최근 지상파 및 케이블의 음악 프로그램을 통해 타이틀곡 'HIT(히트)'를 선보이며 팬들의 사랑을 한 몸에 받고 있다.

이번에 발매될 초신성의 앨범은 선 공개된 5 곡을 포함해 총 10곡 정도가 수록된다.

또 엠넷 등 케이블 방송을 통해 공개됐던 36분 분량의 뮤직 드라마, 촬영 당시의 미공개 영상이 포함된

메이킹 필름이 수록된 DVD로 구성된 1CD + 1DVD 형식으로 발매된다.

또한 멤버들의 사진으로 구성된 화보집을 겸한 2008년 캘린더 또한 앨범 패키지에 포함된다.

초신성의 소속사 엠넷미디어 관계자는 "초신성에 대한 관심이 뜨거워 발매 전부터

전국 도소매상의 구매 주문이 쏟아져 이미 선주문 4만 5천장을 기록했다"고 밝혔다.

한편, 초신성은 타이틀곡 'HIT(히트)'에 이은 후속곡 활동을 준비 중이다.

후속곡은 온라인으로 선공개 되지 않은 미공개 앨범 수록곡 중의 하나로 이전과 완전히 다른

획기적인 무대를 선보일 예정이다.

[뉴스엔 엔터테인먼트부]

as how i understood the article: they will be releasing an album soon ~

10 tracks including the first 5 that we all heard by now

+ DVD with mnet making footages

and 2008calendar with members' pics from photoshoot

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Guest IN`vincible

so i just finished watching ep7~ and i think the ending is so sad..

it started with sungmo being all fine, showing some moves, fooling around with sungje & it ended with him crying because his back hurts TToTT

08eceb3ea5cbc08b232b2edaaac3f22a.th.jpg bb92bebb836eae9b7dd34d67a17b50c7.th.jpg 289eb096ea40037e7f0a98da97e22182.th.jpg ed1d9db9ca6c35976d757105def48396.th.jpg 031556edcbc3e5990f3794900cbebd39.th.jpg

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/// x'ces

gwangsu & yunhak sharing the same jacket

c48c58b7c2d80d67548e97ce0e084fe4.th.jpg 30f76e7ba78dd58c98474e5ce7e2798c.th.jpg ac96427215fd66885df4a61a580f22ea.th.jpg cbf988457c19f93c2b262dae954d0889.th.jpg da6fbe234bd89f6401ee671e1806bf7a.th.jpg

and of course, will i ever forget my sungje~ :wub::wub::wub:

e89aff22061ce7cece529defcbf93657.th.jpg 2da3b1c4f394a854ab6f3ba7b97aec21.th.jpg 96fcd9ddcb4a7a25e6d9a0ab8460839e.th.jpg 5a237f797fd67054a99560dfd990067d.th.jpg 63431f966338de1cc8e141bc4810152b.th.jpg

please credit me when taking out!

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Guest kevjc07

071013 HIT on M.Net Super Concert


Jihyuk gets to do his part of the song in this version. :]

Wah, thanks for this. Even though this performance is lip synced, I really like it. Ji Hyuk gets his part and he looks really happy to get to "sing" it. I also really like the dance moves he does during his part, that whole backwards-turned around dancing. I wish this performance was available to download.

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Guest HoiSang

can someone please please please confirm if this is true??

as how i understood the article: they will be releasing an album soon ~

10 tracks including the first 5 that we all heard by now

+ DVD with mnet making footages

and 2008calendar with members' pics from photoshoot

oh lordeeeeeeee, for all our sakes, i absolutely hope it's true!!!! xD and hope it'll be out ASAP, haha~

thank u all for the links and piccies! those mnet countdown pics were beautiful! (too bad there were no pics of Gun Il...Sung Mo ^^; ) and aawww, yun hak looks so cute, showing off the saranghaee sign, lol <3

and aaack!mpick episode 7 spolier! *closes eyes* but...i can't tear my eyes away from the piccies, huhu T-T thanks anyways for sharing the caps~ (=

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Guest Senorita_

IN`vincible - Ahh yes, about the Mnet photos...i was thinking..'weird someone's missing' Then it was GeonIl who was! was like 0___0 nnoooo whyy isn't he in the pics!! V__V

Thanx for the links and caps! ^_^ Ohh i hope it is their album! I will definately buy it! =D

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Guest kevjc07

I was wondering, does anyone know why Geon Il was missing from that one performance? That's sad. He's one of my three favorite members (although I love them all!). It's sad that Sung Mo and Geon Il were both not present. Is he ok? He didn't injure himself did he? I hope he just had another thing to do.

Hopefully someone can translate that article soon, the one about their album. A full length album with a dvd and calender would be awesome. I hope it comes out soon too ^_^

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Guest IN`vincible

I was wondering, does anyone know why Geon Il was missing from that one performance? That's sad. He's one of my three favorite members (although I love them all!). It's sad that Sung Mo and Geon Il were both not present. Is he ok? He didn't injure himself did he? I hope he just had another thing to do.

Hopefully someone can translate that article soon, the one about their album. A full length album with a dvd and calender would be awesome. I hope it comes out soon too ^_^

geon il was there, there just wasn't any picture of him posted~

as for the article i posted~

they're now preparing for their album.. they'll be releasing 2 versions dvd & cd+dvd

cd contains 10 tracks (5 from the single)

dvd includes their full-length mv (the one with over 30mins)

+ 2008calendar

hope that helps ^^

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Guest kevjc07

geon il was there, there just wasn't any picture of him posted~

as for the article i posted~

they're now preparing for their album.. they'll be releasing 2 versions dvd & cd+dvd

cd contains 10 tracks (5 from the single)

dvd includes their full-length mv (the one with over 30mins)

+ 2008calendar

hope that helps ^^

Thanks for clearing that up ^^ Im glad that he was there.

I know which version of the album I'm getting (CD+dvd). Thanks for clearing that up. I wish the album had more songs on it though >_<

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Guest Senorita_

^ You hate their outfits? 0.o

I rekon their outfits look good on them, they don't always wear

the same thing...cos they always change clothes for their dance if u watched most of their performances.

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