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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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DP and BH should keep granny and Mrs. Na away from the baby! We don't want another SA, and SJ, do we?

They should keep DJ away too!

We don't want another BH do we? :unsure:


What can I say.....

The writers, try as they may, could never make me fall in love with a dunce! :lol:

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DP and BH should keep granny and Mrs. Na away from the baby! We don't want another SA, and SJ, do we?

I agree ... Granny & Mrs. Na will not be good models ... in fact they will be bad influence! SA & SJ are more than enough to handle for the two families.

I will reserve my comment on the way the drama ended ... but for now, am a bit dissatisfied! <_<

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Guest Gen_Ji

Thanks ChristyKim for the eps 171 preview summary ....

Wish that anyone could translate eps 172 last eps preview..... but from the caps and the video preview I think all would have a happy ending, with DP pregnant , and JY also pregnant ?? How could she be pregnant if she is not married to WJ yet ??? so they're marry in the states??? and SJ out of jail ??? how come be so fast ?? (even though I think there would be some "Few years later .... ") but how come the writers let SJ and SA be together again ??? Can we forgive SJ so fast after what he have been doing all this time ??

and thanks Khai for the preview caps....also thanks to elainecruz63 for providing veoh link...even with no subs....but it's better, we can see the actual video...

Hmm...feel so empty in this thread without dramaok summary and caps....Hope he/she is fine...

wow...It's sad for thinking there still one more eps to go....and we all have to stop discussing about MIGO....

I would like to say I'm very enjoy to visit this thread everytime I got a time....and just by reading the preview and caps and summary already made my day....

Thanks to all who has contributing to this thread...Hope we can meet and discuss again in other drama....

Anyone, who is thinking of watching the next drama "You're my destiny" ?? though I can't watch the first 1 month eps of the drama coz of my coming final exam...I'm considering to watch it later...Hope the storyline is good....

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Guest elainecruz63

I am too is quite disappointed. In my opinion, they have prolong the SJ scene too much!!!!!!!!! :sweatingbullets::crazy: And other stories were expedite! Now , 3 of the characters are abroad...They could have extend the development of the other stories, just like WJ and dev. , more danbaek moments. It was suppose to be a light drama. The writers thought maybe by sending him to jail, he was able to pay for his sins. Now they will squeeze all the wonderful moments in one episode.( maybe)

1. DP and JY getting pregnant...

2. baekho maybe Mansu's son

3. Granny witch accepting DJ, tearing the contract..

I expected more danbaek moments today... but what the heck is baekho scaring DP coz his toothbrush is gone.. :crazy::wacko:

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Guest bulyongjun

Please let me know where i can download this drama especially episode 121, i lost it. i want to download again

before this thread end. THX.

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Guest divasma

animefanzgirl and elainecruz63 you are boh so spot on, along with others who, I believe, have expressed similar opinions.

This was a decent drama, mostly enjoyable to watch and started with a good premise. But I feel the writers dropped the ball toward the end and failed to realize its full potential, thus disappointing me. I also think the high ratings must have come from folks like us who kept watching because we just knew (or hoped) something would happen, or because we thought we would really have some more DanBaek moments or because we hoped that there would be some justice and/or learning for for some characters. Some major characters: SJ, JS, SA, MA and JY - I feel had no growth at all.

With SJ and SA re-united - what have we learned? Nada, zip, zilch! he didn't love her when they married and the only kind thing he could be given credit for is getting a divorce.

I didn't catch anything on this character - but does GT come out of it well? He really did suffer, I think, because of his son and wife.

And as for Dongji - well, what a colossal waste of a wonderful actress!

The best thing(s) about this drama were (are) 1) this wonderful board and all the posters and translators and summarizers - it is more like a family discussion center and 2) we got to see some new faces of some very talented actors.

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Guest heredity959

kinda off topic but aunt granny wore a g-unit shirt this episode. thought it was pretty funny. :lol:

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Guest Gen_Ji

I've just seen today last two eps... Oh...I think this eps is the most touching eps...Most of the actor/ actress cried and apologize.... Admit their mistake, and some development on SA character...In today's eps SA seen more mature because of these recent problem happening to her...She even alr admit DJ as her step mother and called her "omma"... That's so touching.... and also GW seen this and become more soften to DJ and even realise the warm heart of BH....SA also apologise to JY when they meet at the airport...

Today eps is the best in my opinion...

Hope tmr ending will give me a big satisfaction.... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest Khai

I love this scene...








I think i heard that SA call DJ mom...

I really hope that someone could translate the last 2 episode... It really at the end and i dont want to miss a thing...

After today episode i dont think BH as MS's son is a big deal for grandma anymore... I think grandma also realize that SA also need a mother not just a grandma by her side...

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Guest claireli

i also really liked the scene today with DJ and SA. i have about five minutes before i have to run to class, but i'll translate that one scene since it was such a nice one.

SA comes back from visiting her inlaws for one last time before going to Paris, she comes in to the house crying and goes straight upstairs. DJ follows her up and comes in to the room after her

DJ: Sua, did something happen, what's the matter?

SA: I just came back from meeting SJ's mother and father. It hurts so much. My leaving is hurting them so much(i think this is what she said, any corrections are welcome)

DJ: Just think about what's good for you right now, don't think about other things

SA: I really don't know if I'm doing the right thing now, if i go to Paris alone will i do well?

DJ: If you don't want to go then don't go, just stay here and let's live together

SA: I want to but i think if i stay here it will be too hard.

DJ: Our Sua...what can we do? (hugs her)

SA: Oma....my Oma (oma is mom in Korean, by the way in case anyone doesn't know :)

DJ: Sua, it's ok, it will be ok now

well, i better run now, but i'm sure there will be more people helping out soon since this thread is full of helpful people. hopefull this helps out for now....

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Guest warrhero

I saw todays episode and I thought most characters showed some development

SA calls DJ "our mom"

I was also hoping that she would call BH "oppa"

instead she said bye to BH with a bright smile witch I though was just as good

SJ's mom goes to visit SJ and tells him that SA left to paris

later we see SJ crying alone in his cell

WJ tells JY to go see SJ, he even found out where SJ was being held by his own initiative

JY goes to see SJ and SJ asks for forgiveness and wishes JY a good life

later JY come out crying and WJ is waiting for her outside and they hug

I think JY was hurt at that moment JY ripped SJ out of her

SA and JY meet at the airport

SA asks for forgiveness to JY

JY apologizes too

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Looking at today's episode, I realized that SJ was s busy trying to succeed by using SA that he didn't even realize that he had actually fallen in love with her. He cried more sincerely over her leaving then he ever did with JY. JY was just his fall back girl. He didn't want t let her go even though he had SA.

Also, I glad BH never told DP all of the things SJ had done. I think it would have effected their relationship.

I will really miss our DanBaek :tears:

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Guest merela

Please let me know where i can download this drama especially episode 121, i lost it. i want to download again

before this thread end. THX.

c-sub link by cococrust for ep. 121


If you want HQ Clubbox download, mandalaywith has posted the link on Post #1728, which is in page 87 of this thread.

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Guest elainecruz63

Looking at today's episode, I realized that SJ was s busy trying to succeed by using SA that he didn't even realize that he had actually fallen in love with her. He cried more sincerely over her leaving then he ever did with JY. JY was just his fall back girl. He didn't want t let her go even though he had SA.

I think SJ has accepted the JY will be more happy with WJ... remember that scene when he smiled when they saw JY and WJ together after he got fired...

SJ cried maybe bec. he did not expect SA will leave . He really has nobody. I guess you realize the value of the person when they are gone.. :(

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I think SJ has accepted the JY will be more happy with WJ... remember that scene when he smiled when they saw JY and WJ together after he got fired...

SJ cried maybe bec. he did not expect SA will leave . He really has nobody. I guess you realize the value of the person when they are gone.. :(

Good point! They should have left him alone instead of having him get back together with SA. I would love to see the episode wnd with him going to Paris to look for SA and he sees her happily married with a child. The series ends with him sitting alone old on a park bench remembering the past. :lol:

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Good point! They should have left him alone instead of having him get back together with SA. I would love to see the episode wnd with him going to Paris to look for SA and he sees her happily married with a child. The series ends with him sitting alone old on a park bench remembering the past. :lol:

I think it's ok that SA and SA got back together. SA doesn't deserve a clean start. She only deserves her egotistical ex-husband who got too big for his britches and thus went to jail trying to steal her daddy's britches! This is what happens when one literally steals a man.

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Guest Animefanzgirl

I think it's ok that SA and SA got back together. SA doesn't deserve a clean start. She only deserves her egotistical ex-husband who got too big for his britches and thus went to jail trying to steal her daddy's britches! This is what happens when one literally steals a man.

With all this stealing of britches we'd have all kinds of half-naked men running around...WAIT A MIN that would have DEFINITELY made this drama more interesting. ;):lol:

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