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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest elainecruz63

I am getting tired with too much emphasis on SJ for the past few days... we waited for DANBAEK to be a couple for soo many episodes and after few days of being " together" . Here comes SJ! It would have been exciting for a change that Danpung will get pregnant! ENOUGH OF SJ AND GRANNY please.......it seems they rush the wedding with a boring honeymoon to let the story of SJ come in . :fury:

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Looks like the speculation that BH is MS's real son getting nearer. Like I sadi before, DJ seems blamed herself coz hasn't told MS about BH. That's why she is so afraid MS will die without knowing the truth. It will be her greatest regret although MS always treats BH as his own son.

As for SJ getting on spot recently, I'm pissed off too but I can endure it as long as he'll get his karma soon. In tragic state, losing everything and alone... And then...we go back to DanBaek sweet moments. Poor DanBaek! They're still newlyweds but have hard times coz of evil SJ!!

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SJ's ambition to take over the company was fast tracked by the sudden illness of MS which he caused, though in an indirect way. His irresponsible actions troubled MS & caused his BP to shoot up thus, the brain hemorrhage. What's infuriating was SJ's apparent indifferent attitude & it's obvious that he is faking as he consoled SA & granny witch. He had a lot of practice on deception cuz he was pretending to care from the time he agreed to marry SA.

SJ is dead worried that his misappropriation of company funds will be exposed & he knows the auditors will use these charges to pin him down ... the reason why he is moving to discredit the auditor who knows about his mishandling of the money intended for the construction of the 3rd factory. Records will show & will prove the auditor's accusation is true, so SJ's days are numbered.

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Guest SillyYun

what dramaok said is right on 2,3 i dont think 1. is possible haha!

I think she might say out if MS doesnt wake up, in hospital..then maybe the aunt heard? and OMO OMO!


I really hope BH is the real son though, cos i want to see how SJ getting all the trash back..when hes president im sure he will go and get JY back or something and cos he has power, he doesnt need SA and will treat SA worse..

even worse, im afraid to see SJ taking off MS's OXYGEN TUBE! and killing him! but i think that wont happy cos this is supposed to be a family sitcom~

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SJ is more inclined to make JY his kept woman like he proposed to do when he was threatened by SA with divorce. He never mentioned marriage to JY but hinted on an affair that could be carried in a "once a month" or "once a year" tryst as he told her. If he can handle SA at the same time that he is seeing JY in secret, the better for him ... that's the kind of person SJ is ... a cheat & a user.

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The Story -

"A Quest for True Meaning of a Family

"Likeable or Not" searches into the true meaning of family as a stepson, BaekHo, truly becomes a member of the step-family after his mother remarries. A true family is not based on blood-relations or the same surnames but on love for and interest in each other."

this is one of the description of this drama......this hinders me hoping for BH to be real son, except if they will angle it that MS already accepted BH as real son even before the truth that Bh is his real son comes out.

anyway i just want to see the downfall of SJ real soon.. NOt on episode 172 pleassssssse.

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anyway i just want to see the downfall of SJ real soon.. NOt on episode 172 pleassssssse.

Oh no,rafaelle..ep160-165 just enough!! I'm already sick of him...and that dumb witch granny :fury:

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Guest Rin Neo

Arhhh...how G responsed BH when he said he was going to the hospital really GOT ON MY NERVES...I can't tolerate her anymore...and SJ...that evil PIG...GO TO HELL!!!

KARMA please come soon!!!

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Guest SillyYun

does anyone sees previews for wednesday? since we know preview for tues is when aunt saw BH and shocked kinda?

anyone anyone in korea peeped? share with us

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Guest divasma

I mostly lurk and read all the terrific posts and re-caps. Thanks everybody! Not that I am complaining but I am getting a little tired of how the writers are pacing this show.

I really like the show and premise but we waited soooo long for DanBaek and now it seems the development of their married relationship is slowing down.

The SJ story dominates. We know he's a bad guy, already. We know what he planned and did. And the VP of Bonjour doesn't come back? What kind of contingencies does this company have? Are these businessmen afraid of granny when they already know the truth?

JY still doesn't know what she's doing and so on...

Yet it seems that suddenly everything, including SJ's karmic downfall, will be wrapped up in just 15 episodes? Including MS's health problems? Amazing miraculous recovery from stroke is faster than courtship and wedding, even faster than a flight from the States!

There certainly were and (I expect and hope) will be some more exciting episodes ahead. I just think it's going to get jammed up too quickly. I want to savor SJ's punishment and see that there is some real change in behaviors in SA and Granny, JS needs to be humbled, DJ needs to re-grow her backbone - if the writers are going to give us that, at least.

Oh well, thanks for letting me vent!

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Guest kauaisurfer

Oh well, thanks for letting me vent!

divasma...Both Mr & Mrs Kauaisurfer ...Agree with your comments (and others who have posted similiar statements) 110%!

With ONLY 15 episodes it seems the screenwriter are going to "Speed Dial" the storylines to resolution!

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Guest dramaok

Ep. 159 (Tue April 15, 08):


DJ: what is..?

G: you wrote this yourself w/ your hand. do you not remember? this is the written promise you wrote.. before you came into this house.

DJ: mother! why do you bring this..?

G: since Mansoo has collasped.. i am just reminding you not to forget.

DJ: what?

G: why would i bring this up if Mansoo were healthy.. to upset us both.. just don't forget the written oath you yourself wrote w/ your own hand.

DJ: mother! how can you.. ! how can you be like this! Mansoo is unconscious! and this is all you worry about? that i might go after the inheritance? Mansoo could die! Mother you can't do this! you shouldn't!

G: oh where are you shouting now! did i say something i shouldn't? all i said was not to forget about your written promise!

DJ: yes mother! i shall never forget til i die! til i die! (leaves the room)

G: what about me! aiyoo.... what if he goes leaving this old me here. what about me!

DJ goes to the room and sobs, then packs up suitcase and gets ready to leave the Bong house.


G: where are you going! w/ your suitcase and all?

DJ: weren't you intending to tell me to leave just now? i'm leaving!

G: what? when did i? fine fine!! do you think i'm scared of you leaving!! aigoo.. my world.. aigoo.. what about Mansoo..


BH: do you miss mom? oh you'll have to endure it today.. i made her go home to rest.. she doesn't complain but her body's weaken.. i did well, didn't i?

SA: (comes)

BH: how does it feel? refreshing? i get to massage your leg cuz you're lying here.. father! wake up! so i can massage your leg everyday! no.. everyday might be too much.. how about often? that might be easier to do.. hehe..


SA: what are you doing? mumbling to yourself?

BH: oh you're here.. father is laying here but he might be listening..

SA: dad! i'm here too..

BH: wow! you brought flowers.. how pretty.. freesia!

SA: dad likes them.

BH: i like'em too.. pretty color and they're fragrant.

SA: where's ajoomma.. ?

BH: my mom? i sent her home to rest a little..

SA: did you eat?

BH: oh what's happened? that you're asking me that too..

SA: i just asked cuz i was bored.

BH: i ate.. heh..



SJ: did you make an appt w/ the auditor team and the accounting manager?

Park: yes.. we should go now..


SJ: i heard about the president's audit last time.. the president is lying unconscious due to poor health right now but he already knows about the flush fund i created. it was necessary for our company's development, so please help me. so i will not forget your contributions later on.

guy: well.. it's all for the betterment of the company.. don't be concerned.

SJ: thank you, executive.. i feel strengthened to hear you say that. please have a drink. let's all toast to the future of Bonjour foods!



WJ: did you wait long?

JY: nope..

WJ: i'm so thirsty could i get a glass of water..

JY: have a seat and wait..

WJ: (phone rings) hi mom! i'm with Ji-Yeong.. Seoul? wait.. Ji-Yeong, my mom's coming up to Seoul for a class reunion.. she wants to see you, you wanna meet her?

JY: um.. okay..

WJ: (hugs her) thx Ji-Yeong!!!

dad comes: oh oh..

WJ: gee father.. you come in during pivatol time..

dad: hey but i did'nt know.. you should lock the doors then..

JY: dad!

WJ: my mother's coming to Seoul and Ji-Yeong said she'd meet my mother so i was hugging her for joy..

dad: oh you're meeting Woo-Jin's mother?

JY: yes..

dad: good thinking.. !

then Mr. Hwang goes to his home and tells everyone the 'goodnews' that JY and WJ are doing well.. and she's meeting his mom.


MA: how do i look! my role is a diner woman this time.. so i thought i copy your concept sister, and use dialect speech too..

dad: ya.. it feels like you're doing a good job..

GJ: but i'm not happy about it..

MA: why?

GJ: i mean.. does every diner woman have to look tacky? look at me! i'm not!

MA: don't you worry.. if i do it then it looks good!

DH comes and brings some ddeokbbeokgi (spicy rice sticks).. and asks Chanee to go play with him and Sonia in the room, but MA says no cuz DH has to do homework.

Chan: but why doesn't dad and Sonia live together when they married? if we all live together than we don't have to say goodbye..

MA: --



BH: coffee for you.

SA: thx..

DP comes.

BH: oh what took you so long!

DP: i bought this snack and that snack.. did you eat?

BH: i had dinner but was feeling kinda in the mood to eat..

DP: then come here.. you too, agassi..

SA: no it's okay.

SJ comes.

SA: you're here Seon-Jae ssi..

DP: oh.. oppa, did you drink alchohol..?

SJ: yeah.. i had a work function.. how's father?

SA: the same..


doctor comes and checks MS..

SJ: how is he?

doctor: we should have hope.. he could come back to consciousness..

SJ: (startled look)


doctor: if there's any change in the patient, please alert us immediately..

DP: oppa. go home with new sister.. we'll watch here..

SJ: is that okay?

DP: you must be tired from drinking and all..

DJ comes..

BH: mom! why did you come? i told you to rest today..

DJ: no.. i feel better if i'm here..

BH: but look how you came so determined! what's w/ that big bag..

DJ: oh.. just some clothes and stuff.. so i don't have to keep going back and forth.. you all go home.. Sooah you too..

BH: okay.. oh mom you're unstoppable..

DP: so unstoppable.. she should rest today..

SJ: Sooah ssi.. would you like to go back to maiden home then?

SA: yea.. i wanna be w/ granny..

SJ: then let's go together..

SA: really?

SJ: sure.. there's a couple shirts for me to change into right?

SA: yup (hooks arm around his)



DJ: honey.. wake up soon.. so i can run away.. w/ you like this i can't even run away.. honey what am i to you? am i really your wife? then wake up already and protect me! why doesn't she understand my sincere heart? did i marry you for money? have i been enduring through all the hardships for your money's sake? honey! wake up and answer!!! (sob)



DP: we're back..

G: oh how is it that you're all coming together.. i thought you were gonna be watching at the hospital tonight? how can you all be here..

DP: mother insists on being there. .

G: hm? she went to the hospital.

BH: yup. you didn't see her leave?

G: oh.. and did the doctor stop by?

SA: yup..

G: what did he say?

SA: he didn't say much, just not to lose hope.. cuz he could wake up..

G: of course! he's not going like this!

SA: granny, i wanna sleep in your room tonight.

G: son in law Na and Sooah.. come into my room i have something to tell you..


G: you have to be there for each other at a time like this.. Sooah ya..

SA: what?

G: we've decided to get son in law Na to be elected for new chief.

SA: what? then what about dad?

G: i want to wait til dad awakes too.. but the trustees threw a fit.. asking for new representative..

SA: they are too much.. has it been a month? those traitors..

G: but we can't let someone else take the president position, so i've decided to push son in law Na for the position. got it?

SA: okay..

G: so be on the alert, or we'll lose it all to executive Park..

SA: no way can that happen!



BH: Danpoong ssi it's been hard on you..

DP: it's harder on you..

BH: that is true, but i didn't even feel it cuz you're next to me Danpoong ssi..

DP: father needs to awake soon i'm so worried about mother too..

BH: he will! i have faith! Danpoong ssi things are hard but let's have strength together.. but am i asking for too much?

DP: (hugs him) no.. no such thing..

BH: ah.. this is why people get married! i feel so strong and i'm not afraid of anything w/ you here by my side..

DP: me too.

BH: you must be tired.. rest.. i'll go wash up ....

DP: okay..

BH: if you're too tired then go to bed first..



BH: about the factory construction and the resident protesting! i think you should reconsider..

SJ: --

BH: you got the permit approved using wayward method but think again.. and you can postpone the construction until you can settle protesting of the residents first..

SJ: oh i've had enough and tired.. how long are you gonna keep this up..

BH: this is what father wanted..

SJ: you are still an amatuer as usual when it comes to work..

BH: since it's about work i'll call you Development Director, but i believe it's more of a pro to do things the right way even if it takes longer..

SJ: listen carefully, Kang Baekho ssi.. don't you know how the company is in a crisis w/ father unconscious.. the company has no time or energy to waste on that protest of the residents..

BH: no matter how difficult things are, father would've done the best on it..

SJ: gee.. fine then go try to persuade the residents before the construction is due to start.. then..



G: go sleep with son in law Na..

SA: no.. i'm gonna sleep w/ you for now.. you like it too..

G: i do.. but i'm concerned about son in law Na..

SA: it's okay.. he understands. but auntie granny is in Korea.. when is she gonna come see us?

G: she'll meet us at the hospital tomorrow.. after she heard about your dad, she decided to come up from Jeon-Ju tomorrow..

SA: oh it's been so long since i saw her last.. oh but i forgot to call mother.. she must be concerned..



JS: hello? omo Sooah..

SA: mother.. you're not asleep yet?

JA: not yet.. how's inlaw mister? no improvement yet?

SA: not yet..

JS: oh no.. you should console your granny..

SA: yes.. but Seon-Jae ssi will sleep here tonight.

JS: okay..

SA: and don't be shocked mother, but granny decided to push Seon-Jae ssi for the position of head representative..

JS: oh. really?

SA: i'll tell you the details tomorrow..

JS: ok.. then.. sleep well. and see you tomorrow..


JS: omo!

GT: what?

JS: Mz. Choi decided to make our Seon-Jae the chief representative.

GT: what? chief representative? isn't Seon-Jae too young and inexperienced for this?

JS: what do you mean.. he's plenty qualified.. and gee why are you talking down like that..

GT: gee you're so immature.. do you think everyting fast is good?



CHan: do you really have to go dad? couldn't you stay longer and play w/ me?

DH: sorry Chan.. but tomorrow save your homework and i'll come help ya.. ok?

CHan: okay..

CHan: mom.. couldn't dad just live here since he already married Sonia?

MA: --


NEXT morning..


DJ: honey, want me to tell you something funny? do you know why i fell for you? what? your face? gee.. not so! your hand.. cuz your hand was long.. and i thought why is that your hand was even prettier than me when i was the woman.. and when you first held my hand i was embrassed i pulled away right away, but you caught on and grabbed it again and told me my hands were the most beautiful hands in the world. do you remember, honey?

Granny comes: do you think men who work remember such useless thing? why do you mention such useless thing.. i thought you were leaving what are you doing here?

DJ: don't you worry. i'm leaving when he awakes.. so just endure it til then.

G: you mean one.. did i say something untrue? i just told you not to forget you and my promise.

DJ: why do you only think about yourself? did you even think about how i might feel? what have i been to you? i've served you genuinely like a mother. but if you thought of me as your daughter-in-law even for once you would'nt do that!

G: gee aren't you doing great infront of Mansoo right now.. ya! so i'm a wicked mother-in-law, happy?!


Bongsoon comes: aigoo.. aigo.. older sis.. what is this.. !! aigoo.. how did President Bong collasp like this? Mansoo.. how can you be like this.. ! (sob)

G: stop crying.. he's not dead..

BS: gee sis.. i'm just upset he's lying here! when did i say he was dead, you're too much!

DJ: hello.

BS: aigo.. you're.. she's her! i heard.. you must be suffering so much in your heart w/ Mansoo here like this..

DJ: please talk at ease.. i'll go out for a little..

BS: where are you going?

DJ: i'll go get something at the market.. (leaves)

BS: gee sis.. you're too much! how hard you must have worked her she can't even be comfortable to be here together. so much time has passed and you're still so mean to her!

G: be quiet!

BS: gee.. you shouldn't be like that sis.. so much time passed and she met Mansoo again and became husband and wife so they're destined you know!

G: gee what destiny! she's got such an unfortunate fate so she made Mansoo like this! how can you say that!

BS: gee sis.. you know our family has high blood pressure generation after generation!


DJ: (listens from outside then leaves)



DP: i'm sorry i have to get going early again today..

Ko: no we understand.

Yoon: what are colleagues for.. we understand at a time like this..

DP: (leaves)

YS: bye..

Yoon: things must be hard on her and on Baekho ssi.. i think Director Na is in the running for chief position.. it's between him and Executive Park..

Ko: really?

Yoon: yup.. but even though Baekho ssi isn't their real son. but aren't they discriminating too much? i mean Baekho ssi became a regular hire on his own, but it's known fact that Director Na came in here because he was the son-in-law.

Ko: no... it was because Kang Baekho ssi declined when the president wanted to promote him! i really admire that about Kang Baekho ssi.. you wait and see he will become great later on.

YS: i admire Kang seonbae too. he doesn't make it obvious nor show off that he's the president's son.

Yoon: but i think teamlead would still feel kinda down..

Ko: don't say such thing. if things go well for Director Na she would be happy for him cuz that's her brother.

Yoon: but don't you know? after you're married, once a woman marries the arm swings inward toward the husband..

Ko: you're not even married you shouldn't say that!


YS: (sees BH and gasps)

Yoon: oh.. why did you come here.. you should go straight home from the site..

BH: did teamlead leave?

Ko: just now.. but did you hear what we were saying?

BH: just a little..

Ko: so how's the site?

BH: it's not great..

Yoon: we should all go together next time..

BH: that'd be nice..



SJ: (phone) ah.. Mr. Jo.. i will not forget your help. i will pay you back in the future.. thx..

Park: these are photos of Executive Park.

SJ: (smile)


Park: it's a low blow, but i think it's important we get ahold of his weakness.. please just regard it as part of the process.

SJ: you worked hard.. we have to fight for each and every vote til the voting time... please continue to work hard.



BS: aigo.. how long has it been since i came here..

G: it's the same house nothing much..

BS: Dong-Ji looked tired i feel bad only we came.


DP: omo.. granny. i didn't know you came..

BS: who is she?

G: it's Dong-Ji's son's wife.. you came home early.. say hi.. she's my younger sister who lives in the U.S.

DP: hello? i'm Na Danpoong. then you are.. auntie granny..

BS: yup.. aigoo.. but you're so pretty and bright looking.. but where's your husband?

DP: he should be here soon.. oh there he's here.. come say hi it's auntie granny..


BH: oh.. please take a bow.. (bows)

BS: oh. it's okay.. but.. (shocked to see BH's face)

DP: then let me make some tea..

BH: i'll go help..


BS: how is it that Dong-Ji's son looks just like Mansoo when he was young?

G: what nonsense..

BS: you don't know it cuz you live w/ him maybe, but he looks exactly like Mansoo when he was young..

BH comes: you must be hungry here are some fruits first..

BS: (stares at BH)

G: (stares at BH too)



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Guest professor97

Okie, I agree--Sangmin in Yellow Handkerchief was evil too--but I think SJ is even more vile and replusive. Remember in the end Sangmin died from liver cancer. I hear karma coming for SJ--it's just too clear that the writers are not going to offer him any salvation--he is truly ruthless--just like Granny Witch who will end up getting her share of misery as well.

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Guest divasma

divasma...Both Mr & Mrs Kauaisurfer ...Agree with your comments (and others who have posted similiar statements) 110%!

With ONLY 15 episodes it seems the screenwriter are going to "Speed Dial" the storylines to resolution!

:D "Speed Dial" I love it!! :D

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Guest kayana20
:o:P I'm kinda disappointed with how slow it is moving and when do we think we will ever finally have an answer for how G treats DJ. I don't appreciate that and I also hate the fact that everytime SA comes over she tries to treat DJ and DP like their servants even more. I hope goodness prevails and DP and Bh can keep their happy ending and get rid of all the evil beings that are trying to mess with their work, love, and belief in family.
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Guest Cerise

Yeah they're taking the story super slow... how I hate things to end in the last minute... it'll be a flop if they used this week's episodes and next week's too just with with this rate.

Baekho is the son... how would it be if they ask for some blooddonor for MS and Baekho steps up to be tested and they test his DNA in the process. icon2.gif

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Ya know the last drama that set me in a fit over the evil lead was Yellow Handkerchief

Noransonsugeon, not sure if you all know of this one. Loved this drama, but Sang min was so evil and wanted power so bad just like sj here. I have not wanted to slap an evil lead for a few years since Sang min and what he did to Ja young, but SJ is right up here with that creep..... for those of us who saw YH, well I am only hoping in some way SJ gets his kick in the pants at the end......goodness this is plucking my last nerve.....but that means this is an awesome drama for sure.

May I ask how many more eps to go ....thanks

Yep, YH is my all-time fave and I really disliked the mean MIL (or grand MIL (?) who happens to be the same actress as granny in this drama), as well as, Sang Min and his spoiled rich wife. But I don't think SJ's demise will go the way as SM's, although that would be more dramatic and pitiable. I do recall feeling sorry for SM in the end, despite his cruel shenanigans against Ja-Young.

Anywho, I just want SJ to be discovered in his selfish schemes and if not prosecuted and jailed, then at least banished from his job and family. And maybe just for drama, he could take SA with him and get a new start somewhere in Europe. :rolleyes:

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Ep 160 Preview summary

please someone transalting this...

선재는 박이사에게 불륜사진을 내밀며 대표이사자리를 스스로 물러나라고 말하고, 백호는 만수가 쓰러지던 날, 만수가 감사팀을 부른 이유가 선재가 몰래 만든 이중장부 때문이라는 말을 듣게 된다. 우진모는 지영이 과거에 약혼까지 한 남자가 있었다는 말을 들었다고 우진에게 말하자 우진은 화를 내고, 선재는 누워있는 만수에게 회사를 잘 지켜 갈 테니 이대로 깨어나지 말라고 말하는데...

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