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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest waterfall0004

Ep.159(Tuesday) Spoiler:


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here,with KBS login.While SJ's enjoying his victorious temporary CEO position(and looks set to do some more dirty works..yikes!) DJ seems to have a fallout with the old Witch,and maybe will be leaving the Bong household?Meanwhile...congratulations to Mrs kauaisurfer who got it absolutely RIGHT..the Aunt finally appears and finally meets BH,and boy was she surprised at the look of him.Reminds her of a younger ManSu,probably?And now no doubt,Witch's curiosity is roused.Tsk,I really dont want them to go with the "Bong BaekHo" plot device,but seems like it's inevitable now..what with SJ gaining power at Bonjour and MS out of the picture..but still who knows,...I'd still rather have Kang BaekHo be accepted for all that he already is right now.. :( .But next week will be very,very interesting..thats for sure..

I usually hate Mondays but now wishing its Monday already!....yup next week's so interesting...as most wanted person appears.."put things in order?".

ke2 ..same with you..when its a hard day...i watch khai's danbaek cuts...always make me smile. I cant deny my adiction to DanBaek, teh chemistry's just there.

Finally, there may be some light at the end of tunnel. Wish some more peace in mind next week. Thank for preview and spoiler.

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Guest allydean

wow,.. I haven't watched MiGo for two weeks now and can only keep up by reading dramaok's summaries (many thanks!). I think SJ is going to have a lot of trouble taking over Mansu's position even though he got that evil granny on his back (the reporters aren't going to keep quiet about the land permit approval, and probably initiate an investigation),.. considering the situation right now, I don't think Mr Jo (the accounting director/auditor) will keep the secret about SJ's taking money from the company from granny, or at least other board of directors,.. I just can't see how he can just sit quiet and watch a thief take over Bonjour and serve him (funny how JS likes to call BH a thief, and look how things turn out now). Granny is not that hard to defeat anyway, biggest shareholder or not,.. just break the news to her and she will drop right in front of him,.. I hope she's not going to die, though but she really needs to be humbled,..

Regarding MS, I

was browsing through the dcinside forum a couple days back and came across one poster claiming to see the actor playing MS filming a scene (I'm not clear on what was filmed and where, sorry..), which should be an indication that he won't be in his current condition for long, right..? I just hope the poster did not just see the actor on set, playing a coma guy,...


Wouldn't it be great if MS and other board of directors setting SJ up to think that he is in control and have all the power he wanted then watch him fall on his face in front of them,.. or one day SJ turns up at work, walks into MS's office only to see MS sitting on his chair with his back to the door, then he turns, looks up at SJ and says "Didn't I tell you to f@#$ off already?!"

Whatever it is,.. I think SJ, JS and granny deserve public humiliation, or at least in front of all those people they've humilated,...

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Guest zaeya

SJ enjoy your temporary CEO status because Karma comes in many forms, sometimes Karma is a writer, sometimes Karma is DP going off on SA and Granny and sometimes KArma comes in the form of an aunt from the US who might possibly be a silent partner of Bonjour and major stockholder.....................................

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wow,.. I haven't watched MiGo for two weeks now and can only keep up by reading dramaok's summaries (many thanks!). I think SJ is going to have a lot of trouble taking over Mansu's position even though he got that evil granny on his back (the reporters aren't going to keep quiet about the land permit approval, and probably initiate an investigation),.. considering the situation right now, I don't think Mr Jo (the accounting director/auditor) will keep the secret about SJ's taking money from the company from granny, or at least other board of directors,.. I just can't see how he can just sit quiet and watch a thief take over Bonjour and serve him (funny how JS likes to call BH a thief, and look how things turn out now). Granny is not that hard to defeat anyway, biggest shareholder or not,.. just break the news to her and she will drop right in front of him,.. I hope she's not going to die, though but she really needs to be humbled,..

Wouldn't it be great if MS and other board of directors setting SJ up to think that he is in control and have all the power he wanted then watch him fall on his face in front of them,.. or one day SJ turns up at work, walks into MS's office only to see MS sitting on his chair with his back to the door, then he turns, looks up at SJ and says "Didn't I tell you to f@#$ off already?!"

Whatever it is,.. I think SJ, JS and granny deserve public humiliation, or at least in front of all those people they've humilated,...

Welcome back, allydean...mis you a lot.

Good points, I'm with you. Hope it's not a good-ending especially for JS, granny and SJ. JS and granny maybe don't deserve for hard punishments but like you said, the humiliation...Both of them always look down on others because of their background and education. They're too stubborn to admit their mistakes and open their eyes widely, only judge people by their covers, not see them deeply through their hearts. Hope...at least they dare to admit their mistakes and say sorry for what they done.

For SJ...I need severe punishment. His greed already made him blind.

I wonder how "aunt from US" looks like.... ;)

zaeya, looking forward next action of KARMA....Don't let SJ too long enjoy his "happiness"

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Guest damifino

I think the show is setting up for the downfall of SJ, granny, and JS.

SJ - it's inevitable with all his misdeeds. His downfall will be his humiliation and loss of career and reputation. What will be his just reward? SJ will lose his job, reputation, and SA will divorce him so no access to Bong family money. He will crawl back to JY and tell her that he has never stopped loving her and ask her for another chance at which time she will look pitifully at him and say that it's too late.

Granny - she was spiteful and a bitter old woman, but nothing too horrendous, just your average vindictive mother-in-law. However, looking from the previews where she pulls out the pre-nup that she made DJ sign, I think she has passed the point of redemption. Honestly, her son isn't even dead and she's already getting ready for what will happen afterwards? So cruel and tactless. What will be a just reward for her? BH will be revealed as an heir to the Bong family, but because of what she did to DJ when she and Mansu were young, she lost nearly 30 years time with her grandson and in the future because of the prenup thing, she will be cut off from the grandson who will carry on the Bong family.

JS - other than death, there is nothing worse for a mother than the utter destruction and humiliation of her children. SJ's downfall will be her own downfall and she will fully deserve it since she had a heavy hand in SJ's outcome.

Right now, things look dire for MS and DJ, but I think this is a blessing in disguise for both. I wrote earlier about MS getting out of being responsible for SJ's actions due to his illness and I think DJ will finally get out from under Granny's thumb because of this. Just when things look bad, Granny pulled the prenup papers. I think it will be a final wakeup call to DJ that no matter what she does and how much she slaves away that she will never earn the love and respect of Granny and I'm hoping that when MS finally gets up from his coma, he will find out about what his mother did and lose the respect he has always had for his mother and take DJ to live elsewhere.

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But it's alright as long as the punishment for SJ is not just a slap in the wrist. He deserves to fall on his knees with his head bowed down before the people he hurt, used & trampled on to reach his ambition ... and all of these in the full view of his materialistic mother. Watching his mother losing control of herself & begging for mercy & compassion for him will be fair punishment.

I still don't have sympathy for SA ... but DJ hit the right words asking for DP's patience & consideration like saying SA is to be pitied. It will not be easy for her to accept but she has to admit defeat now with her husband who will soon see his downfall. Her dad's condition will also make her realize how bad she conducted her life being irresponsible & selfish.

I not sympathy for SA either but i not hate her also... I believe she still learning the meaning of life cuz all this time she never have any difficulty in her life plus grandma always by her side when she made mistake... That make her not even know which one right or wrong. I think after what have happen to her dad she will change... plus we already down to 15 episode.

Well,I have some SPOILERS to share with everybody regarding next week's development,with the hope that it will make the weekend fly by faster,so........here we go:

Ep.159(Tuesday) Spoiler:


You can watch it

here,with KBS login.While SJ's enjoying his victorious temporary CEO position(and looks set to do some more dirty works..yikes!) DJ seems to have a fallout with the old Witch,and maybe will be leaving the Bong household?Meanwhile...congratulations to Mrs kauaisurfer who got it absolutely RIGHT..the Aunt finally appears and finally meets BH,and boy was she surprised at the look of him.Reminds her of a younger ManSu,probably?And now no doubt,Witch's curiosity is roused.Tsk,I really dont want them to go with the "Bong BaekHo" plot device,but seems like it's inevitable now..what with SJ gaining power at Bonjour and MS out of the picture..but still who knows,...I'd still rather have Kang BaekHo be accepted for all that he already is right now.. :( .But next week will be very,very interesting..thats for sure..

I love the spoiler... I really hope BH is MS's son... cuz nothing work to take grandma heart except BH is MS's son... same with JS... That woman's just so greedy...

That evil grandma already plan to kick DJ & BH even his son still alive... look like she love her money more that her son. She thinking to kick DJ first than her son health!

That jerk SJ!!! :fury: How can he be so mean and evil!?! His evil grin...I feel I'm gonna slap him. Hope the writers don't let evil SJ replacing MS position too long. I'm sick of him. Oh no...hope I don't get hypertension coz of SJ :crazy:

But I think, maybe this time will show SJ's true color. He maybe thinks MS will never wake up and he already got all he wants. He'll steal more money from Bonjour. He never get respect from other employees because his decision about Bonjour never on their sides so it means Bonjour face more problems. He'll dig his own grave. Hope those will open witch granny's eyes how her beloved son in law really is.

Beside that, I love watching BH-SA-DJ relationship. I believe they become closer and this time SA will know her beloved husband is a damn evil man. Nothing good in him, even compared with BH that she always looks down. Ooh...only two things that her husband good at. Cheating her feeling and telling lies!! :ph34r:

SJ is complete package for devil!

wow,.. I haven't watched MiGo for two weeks now and can only keep up by reading dramaok's summaries (many thanks!). I think SJ is going to have a lot of trouble taking over Mansu's position even though he got that evil granny on his back (the reporters aren't going to keep quiet about the land permit approval, and probably initiate an investigation),.. considering the situation right now, I don't think Mr Jo (the accounting director/auditor) will keep the secret about SJ's taking money from the company from granny, or at least other board of directors,.. I just can't see how he can just sit quiet and watch a thief take over Bonjour and serve him (funny how JS likes to call BH a thief, and look how things turn out now). Granny is not that hard to defeat anyway, biggest shareholder or not,.. just break the news to her and she will drop right in front of him,.. I hope she's not going to die, though but she really needs to be humbled,..

Whatever it is,.. I think SJ, JS and granny deserve public humiliation, or at least in front of all those people they've humilated,...

Agree... & it a been long time not see you allydean . Granny and JS deserve public humilition that make they dont even dare to to show their face again... And for SJ, i hope he got more than that... Jail maybe!

I done with the cut this week... Here:

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Guest Gen_Ji

oh I never thought it would get so tense this week....Hope next week will get more some *cheer up* moment...

and looks like SJ is going to show his evil side more while Mansu is in the hospital....

but how sad looking at spoiler for tuesday from bm that DJ is being kicked out from the Bong household ??? That wicked witch Granny...oh..I hate her so much...

Hope she'll get some punishment for that...and also hope that Mansu will regain consiousnes faster....and everything would be better...

Look like the aunt from US will get us some interesting point....Thanks bm for the spolier....

Thanks dramaok with the summary and caps....and Khai as well for the cuts...

oh can't wait till Monday....

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Guest professor97

I have to say that SJ is the evilest character I have ever seen in a Korean daily drama--surely he is heading for a huge fall. I just hope he takes SA and Granny with him.

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Guest aznlafinbananaxp

i hope the writers quickly bring SJ, JS, and Granny to justice.

there are less than 20 eps left.

i don't just want to see their downfall. i also want to see BH and DP's success as the top management team at BonJour.

also, don't wanna see DJ kicked out as it seems like Granny is going to do in next week's episode. (somehow i really hope SA comes to her senses and sticks up for DJ.)

for some odd reason, i don't really want to see SA fall with SJ. like DJ said, i think she's just immature and doesn't know how to show her affection.

other than that. i just wanna see SJ fall. humiliated in front of all. i can't stand the sight of him in the CEO position at the company. i want SA to leave him too. want him to lose everything.

hehe. that's a little too much maybe.

i'll give props to the actor to being able to pull off such an evil character and make so many people hate him. but then, i always thought the best villains were those who you kind of felt sorry for as well. writers who create those kinds of characters and actors who can pull it off should always be commended.

anyways. anxiously awaiting for monday.

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Guest allydean

Maybe it would be good for granny to 'kick' DJ out. Then BH and DP would also have to follow suit. And after she finds out about that jerk SJ, I would love to see her beg on her knees for DJ, BH and DP to return!

oh, I would love to see that too,..

Hi, bm, ke2, Khai,... :) it feels good to be back,.. though currently things are not looking good for the good guys in MiGo,.. I hope it won't be too long and we get to see the downfall of SJ and the rise of BH,.. and hopefully the writers did not rush things this time like what they did with BH and DP's marriage, though I doubt it coz we only have like 15 episodes left,..

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Guest elainecruz63

Finally, there may be some light at the end of tunnel. Wish some more peace in mind next week. Thank for preview and spoiler.

Will Baekho's mom be thrown out of the house? why is she carrying a suitcase? Correct me if I am wrong.. I hope she leaves. Will BH loose his job? I hope there will be more Danbaek moments!!! They just got married ! They are still in the honeymoon stage. It seems the show is getting heavy, too much drama. I miss the light and funny show. Well, maybe after the " darkness" , it will lead to great "revelations " and realizations that will lead to Danbaek, WJ and JY, Baekho's mom finally happy. . :D

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Guest Rin Neo

I know many of you guys want BH to be Bong BaekHo, but I think if it turns out to be the truth, it would be a BIG shock not only to G and JS but to BH himself. You see how they treated BH when he tried to do a ancestral rite secretly for his father and he didn't show much his feeling with his late father during the drama. Although he respects MS a lot but how will he face the fact that his mother has been hiding a big thing to his late father...also the way G will (definitely) treat him if he's her grandson...Hmmm, I can't guess how he will react!!!

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I know many of you guys want BH to be Bong BaekHo, but I think if it turns out to be the truth, it would be a BIG shock not only to G and JS but to BH himself. You see how they treated BH when he tried to do a ancestral rite secretly for his father and he didn't show much his feeling with his late father during the drama. Although he respects MS a lot but how will he face the fact that his mother has been hiding a big thing to his late father...also the way G will (definitely) treat him if he's her grandson...Hmmm, I can't guess how he will react!!!

Rin, maybe BH's late father married DJ knowing she was already pregnant. Maybe, he was that kind of man, that could accept BH as his own son simply because he loved DJ very much. If BH does turn out to be Mansu's biological son, I'm sure MS will be very happy.

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I know many of you guys want BH to be Bong BaekHo, but I think if it turns out to be the truth, it would be a BIG shock not only to G and JS but to BH himself. You see how they treated BH when he tried to do a ancestral rite secretly for his father and he didn't show much his feeling with his late father during the drama. Although he respects MS a lot but how will he face the fact that his mother has been hiding a big thing to his late father...also the way G will (definitely) treat him if he's her grandson...Hmmm, I can't guess how he will react!!!

I'm kinda hope that will be the rest of story, cuz right now is mostly about SJ... so maybe 10 episode left it more about BH as MS's son.

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Guest SillyYun


i hate him i hate him!!!!!!!

omg BH looks like MS? haha so our prediction from ep 70 till now is coming true? muahaha

i cant believe SJ is so evil and mean..hes really insane inhuman

is 158 already cast? tomorrow gonna be 159? i cant wait for dramaok previews..

ARGH I REALLY HATE SJ getting away with things!

I bet SA will find out later and hate him like hell!

SA is actually gradually changing to good..

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I have to say that SJ is the evilest character I have ever seen in a Korean daily drama--surely he is heading for a huge fall. I just hope he takes SA and Granny with him.

And please bring Mrs. JS Na with them ... she should go down the drain with them because if she remains she'll continue the evil spell that will haunt BH, DJ & JY. Seriously, JS will be a pathetic figure when SJ is disowned by his in-laws. Though it's primarily SJ's decision to marry into the Bong family for selfish reasons, it was thru JS' influence that made that decision easier for SJ. She got rid of JY in a very harsh way, accepted "bribes" from SA & granny witch & rushed the wedding without much thought of the consequences of a marriage infected with vested interest.

JS' treatment of BH is inexcusable ... she mocks him like a useless fellow who can't have a bright future. She was never a true friend of DJ because she looked down on her & envied her fortune for marrying Mansu. She thought that by SJ's marriage to SA, she's more superior than DJ & BH because in time, her son will take over & head Bonjour as Granny witch always said ... how can this woman treat the husband of her only daughter that low ... BH's success is DP's success & BH's failure is also DP's. Maybe she thought that DanBaek's marriage won't last, the reason she asked BH not to register their marriage ... and perhaps she wished that the marriage would fail! <_<

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Guest Rin Neo

Rin, maybe BH's late father married DJ knowing she was already pregnant. Maybe, he was that kind of man, that could accept BH as his own son simply because he loved DJ very much. If BH does turn out to be Mansu's biological son, I'm sure MS will be very happy.

Hehe, this nick name is pretty old to me, I dun use it anymore on other forums so it's strange to see s/o calling me Rin :sweatingbullets: ...If BH's late father really did accept DJ being pregnant before marriage, he was such a GOOD man!

But what I'm most curious about is how our BH will react, how he accept MS and G in a NEW way and oh yeah, you guys only mention about how Granny Witch will change her attitude but I haven't see so far anyone talk about how SA will treat BH if he's her true oppa. Will she become more close to him or get jealous (yeah, obviously BH will receive more care n love from MS n G) and hate him more??? Hm...interesting yet sophisticated plot waiting ahead ^O^

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