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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest koreandramadabest

waaaaahhhhhhh!!! seee today's visitors!!! there are lots!!

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SO EXCITED FOR THEM! i noticed that danpung was always smiling when he is always with baekho! and i knew that they'll be together/ have a SWEETEST MOMENT/SWEETEST RELATIONSHIP? waheheheh! am i just imagining or not? waheheh :lol::D:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

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it's funny how we have to wait for 122 episodes for BH and DP to get together,.. and it only took one episode for SJ to get suspicious of them,.. :lol:

Hopefully the writers aren't rushing things already... just when I am starting to enjoy the start of mushy wushy DPxBH.

As for JY and SJ, I think the writers are prolly doing this to connect the JY's dad bankruptcy prob story plot. Picture this: JY goes to SJ for help (or maybe SJ hears of the problem) and voluntarily helps JY's dad. Hmmm.... what do u ppl think?

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hello there Khai. :) And yay for Khai/warrhero's DanBaek Cuts productions! ;)

it's funny how we have to wait for 122 episodes for BH and DP to get together,.. and it only took one episode for SJ to get suspicious of them,.. :lol:

:rolleyes: I know..they can't even have one episode of properly dating before somebody finds out about it..and it's SJ no less. <_< Btw in tonight's ep BH mentioned that the last time he brought dosirak to the office,DP missed out on eating the kimbab he made,and seems like this time she's gonna miss the chance again..what,a bad luck already?! :crazy:

And yes,there's gonna be some DP jealousy of BH and SJK in the next ep..and that little fight,hmm..I thinking it's because BH wants to tell/show the world that they're dating,but DP says "are you nuts?". :phew: Or it could be about something else completely. :)

bm, love it....thanks...

Gosh, DP seemed so blessed and shy..just like a teenager :wub: You're right...we don't need kiss scene, it's already so beautiful...

I wonder how's DP's mom reaction if she know about it. She will be furious more than SJ and JY?!?

ke2..I don't even wanna imagine how the reaction of Witch Jr is going to be when she finds out. :rolleyes: And yeah,we dont need a kiss scene for DanBaek's beginning,but we still need that first kiss to happen soon though,and we need it..fast!! :P

I can't wait for dramaok to return,she has to be here right now with the rest of us while everything is still so new,she just can't miss out on this.And she constantly helps with explaining/translating stuffs as well,not to mention bringing us a lot of goodies related to MiGo.Hopefully she'll be here again soon. :D

Ep.122 caps Part 4:

MA waited for Sonia to return home,and First Aunt told her that Sonia is really pitiful and suffering a lot already.When Sonia returns,she apologized to MA and MA came to the conclusion that Sonia has decided to marry DH and slapped her.Sonia begs MA to please stop telling him to break it off with DH anymore.



At Bonjour the next day,BH paced back and forth as he reads a book,waiting for DP to arrive.




DP: You're here..good morning.

BH: Right back at you,Team Leader.Did you sleep well last night?

DP: Truthfully..I couldn't sleep well last night..

BH: Me too..I didn't sleep well thinking of DP-ssi..

DP: Omo..who said I didn't sleep well thinking of KBH-ssi?..

BH: There you again,acting that way.Playing innocent.(?)

DP: What..playing innocent?







In the middle of their conversation/morning flirting..the rest of the Marketing Team arrives,and DP suddenly began shouting about an imaginary mistake at a baffled BH ,who quickly caught on and act along as he apologized..





DP walked out as the team members voiced out their concern about what happened,and after assuring SJK he's fine,BH laughed a little to himself.Whereas the panicked DP recovered with a happy smile.




JB's having a tough day trying to find a source for money(?) and then returns home looking tired and unwell..


A worried GeumJa helped out to make sure JB is comfortable and wants him to eat medicine..and later a sad-looking JB sat alone..


JB calls the clinic to say he's not coming in and EulSoo asked JY if the reason why she's looking down is because of her father's situation.JY answered by asking ES what he meant,and ES realized that JY still has no clue of what's been going on and silently pitied the fact that JB is going through it all alone.Later JY calls WJ up and asked him to go out drinking with her.


WJ asks JY what's wrong,and stops her from drinking any more when he sees that she's had too much.JY asks WJ if she's holding onto WJ a little,is it possible that WJ will hold on to her.(?)



Meanwhile at his office,SJ seemed unable to concentrate on his work..and left..


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Highlights of episode 123 in my recollection: NOTE: not in correct sequence

> JY while tipsy recalled her good times with SJ just before he served the military & made her


> SJ who was waiting in his car saw JY, approached her & consoled her with warm hugs; JY

didn't resist & sobbed uncontrollably in his arms; SJ kept on apologizing

> JY & SJ had a long talk; in my reading (I could be wrong coz I didn't understand a word),

JY tried to make SJ understand that they have to end amicably whatever they still share &

it's wrong for them to meet & still treat each other like before. HELP, translators!

> SJ while driving home cried really hard ... for what reason, I dunno!

> BH & DP had their first date in an expensive restaurant; DP wanted to have it in a cheaper

place but BH prevailed only to find him embarassed coz he did not have enough money for

the bill; DP ended up paying with her credit card ** a very funny scene **

> Mrs. Na prepared the fertility tonic for SA but when she turned her back to answer a phone

call, SA threw the tonic in the sink. SJ came & looked distressed & sick; SA gave him a pill

& was happy to hear SJ say, " ... kumawo." SJ looked appreciative of his wife's gesture.

> Granny witch is still mean to DJ & BH ; Mrs. Na came & showed her displeasure to DJ

> BH prepared a sumptuous lunch for DP; while exchanging pleasantries at the Bonjour lobby

SJ saw them & became suspicious about the closeness of the two

> During lunchbreak, DP was able to cleverly evade the 3 coworkers with some alibi; BH texted

that he is at the rooftop & to DP's surprise, BH had the food he brought laid out for both to

share; just then, SJ entered & as translated, said, "...what do you think you're doing"

> JY seemed to be a different person to WJ, radiant & friendly when WJ came to the pet shop

she was not too nice the previous days so WJ was kinda surprised

> The Hwang house that was used as collateral for the co-signed loan of JY's dad is in danger

being foreclosed ; persons came to check on the house; MA & first aunt were bothered,

JY's dad tried to put up a brave front, went to ahjumma's resto & had a drink with her

> Sonia returned to her old job with DH ... seemed to have left her job at the bar

I missed a lot of scenes, so please, anyone can fill them up to complete the important parts.

This narration is based on my interpretations, so please excuse my inaccuracies.

bm, dramaok, silly_yun ... am not trying to replace your more dependable translations ...

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Thanks for the goodies...bm..we are so contented ..we dont really need the kiss yet :D .

I noticed DP changed her hairstyle...maybe this is an extra effort to look her best in BH eyes..oh well as if she needs to even change a thing.

everything's beautiful as it is...we're in this DanBaek kind of love :wub:

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Thanks for the updates and quick run through, bm05om and Carmina. The annoying thing about these daily dramas is that the couple takes ages to get together, they spend one week (or less) of bliss then it's a whole bunch of drama about why they can't be together. And with Mrs. Na being so annoying, it's not going to be easy for them.

Looks like JY is really moving on. I hope that's how it stays till the end of the drama!

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> SJ while driving home cried really hard ... for what reason, I dunno!

He was crying because he got dumped and then kicked to the curb by the person he loves! :lol:

He's so dumped that he's now seeing his wife for the 1st time! He's so pitiful he's even thanking her for giving him some vitamins(?).

Ssagaji! <_<

BTW - SJ&SA will now be moving into their good little boy and good little girl act. :ph34r:

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Wow..that's the biggest number I've seen for this thread. :w00t:

everything's beautiful as it is...we're in this DanBaek kind of love :wub:

I like the sound of that..this DanBaek kind of love. :wub:

I missed a lot of scenes, so please, anyone can fill them up to complete the important parts.

This narration is based on my interpretations, so please excuse my inaccuracies.

bm, dramaok, silly_yun ... am not trying to replace your more dependable translations ...

Thanks Carmina for the episode guide/highlights..that's gonna help me if I do the caps later.And nooo I do not belong in the same category as dramaok and SillyYun,they're too wayyy up there. :sweatingbullets: Btw I really appreciate you and others doing the highlights too,and I've a feeling that next week I might not be able to do summary caps :( ,so if dramaok hasn't yet return by then and SillyYun still isnt here regularly, I'm sure the thread will be counting on you and the rest. :)

and it's funny how it took HW 48 episodes for DP to feel slight jealousy when she saw him with another woman (and he boasted about it until the next episode) but it took BH only one episode after they confirmed their love for each other to get DP in a heap of jealousy (I can't remember the number of times she was jealous to see BH with another woman before they got together)

Yeah..never underestimate the hold of the man that is Kang BaekHo has over DP..(LOVED the 48-eps bit to death,ally!! :lol: ) ..and considering by now she really should already have a clear idea of how crazy,head over heels in love BH is with her..tsk,tsk.. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the updates and quick run through, bm05om and Carmina. The annoying thing about these daily dramas is that the couple takes ages to get together, they spend one week (or less) of bliss then it's a whole bunch of drama about why they can't be together. And with Mrs. Na being so annoying, it's not going to be easy for them.

Looks like JY is really moving on. I hope that's how it stays till the end of the drama!

So true clockwatcher :wacko: ..but I'm still hoping that they'd be kinder to us this time around and have at least a running theme of little blissful moments here and there in the midst of all those upcoming obstacles and sufferings *fingers crossed* .. I think it could work for DanBaek's particular situation.OH and PLEASE let the requisite blissful couple moment be more than one week,although that could prove to be too high of a hope on my part. :(

Ep.122 caps Final Part:

JY tells WJ that she wants to go home by herself,and finally WJ relented..




On her way home JY passed by a couple walking together,and remembered her memories with SJ..







JY sinks down to the ground,gasping painfully.. "Bad Jerk..bad jerk!",but then suddenly SJ appeared by her side and pull her up..






SJ: JiYoung,what are you doing here like this?Come on,I'll help you.

JY: Bad jerk..You,what are you that I'm suffering like this?

Oppa..what?Oppa why are you like this?I told you not to appear in front of me anymore didn't I?But now you came..

SJ: JiYoung,I'm sorry..I'm sorry..




End of 122 caps.

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Guest mizer357

Hope that Sonya will not let that woman, Miae, intimidate her. Someone's got to teach that woman a lesson.

i'm not sure why people hate on miae so much. i think she's such a great counter to JY's personality. if JY is the angel on one shoulder, Miae is the devil on the other. she actually makes me laugh out loud more than any of the other characters (with the possible exception of DP's mother).

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Thanks for the final caps!

Shitty end to ep 122 with that crappy hug. BUT, I'm a sucker and found the memory cute. They looked sweet together holding hands and SJ looked nice wearing that blue cap. I really hope they both sort out their feelings and decide not to get back together. How can she take back someone that betrayed her by marrying someone else? Not date but marry. That's just too much.

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wow, eps 120++ is gonna be great. sadly, i followed MiGo from KBSWorld & we've reached eps 91 so far.

30 more eps to go ~ one month and a half :(

Same with me..i also followed MIGO from KBSWorld & so frustrating bcoz still need 2 see HW in that Ep.Therefore,can't stop myself from reading the spoiler & dwnload the series eventho i can't understand what their talking abt.Thanx 2 bm,carmina,dramaok,etc for the caps & translations.

HAHAHAAAAAAAA.......DanBaek 1st date was soooo hilarious..... :lol::lol:

Can't stop laughing seeing BH facial expression when he heard the bills he should pays & DP keep nagging at BH after they left the restaurant until BH can't stand 2 hear it anymore & starts make a trick that he saw UFO,DP get excited with the UFO!!! :lol::lol: (if i'm not mistaken. :unsure: )

Heard BH said UFO & i guess he makes a trick 2 DP in order 2 make her stop nagging....hahaaa..so funny...

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That's what I think & wish as well ... SA & SJ will not divorce, will stay married tho' theirs will not be an ideal one. SJ will make his decision to marry SA right for the sake of those concerned most especially for him & JY. JY will lead him back to SA because she knows how it feels to be cheated ... she won't accept WJ on a rebound to forget SJ but will be honest with him on her true feelings.

Cross or double marriage between families is now accepted in Korean sciety, so no big deal!

Zaeya, if the writer decides to end the drama with SJ & JY together, we'll do our own sequel ... how about that!

Sounds great Carmina

Sonia is not oblivious to DH loving her. She knows that he loves her and she loves him... THAT'S why she doesn't want him to suffer by marrying her. She doesn't want to be a burden on him.

Also, in Korea, it is EXTREMELY rare for your average man with parents who are alive to live with the woman's family. The only folks who do that are men who are orphans who are basically adopted into a wealthy family in order to marry their daughter and take over the family fortune OR men who have no family and the couple is so broke that they have nowhere else to live. Of course, there are always exceptions such as the woman's widowed mother/father needing to be taken care of and such, but that is definitely not the norm.

I agree but she needs to be happy as well so i think she is still being an idiot. One should not let their pride get in the way of their hapinness no matter what is going on!

But as always i love your feedback Damifino!

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Guest damifino

i'm not sure why people hate on miae so much. i think she's such a great counter to JY's personality. if JY is the angel on one shoulder, Miae is the devil on the other. she actually makes me laugh out loud more than any of the other characters (with the possible exception of DP's mother).

I dislike both JY and MA... both are too annoying and frustrating to relate to. One just lets everyone walk all over her and the other one just walks over everyone else. I hope both have someone smack some sense into them like MA likes to do to everyone else.

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I dislike both JY and MA... both are too annoying and frustrating to relate to. One just lets everyone walk all over her and the other one just walks over everyone else. I hope both have someone smack some sense into them like MA likes to do to everyone else.

They're the younger version while BH's mother and DP's mother are the same character just older and I dislike both of them :crazy:

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