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Left Handed Or Right Handed?

Guest VindictusDame

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The sucky thing about being left handed is that when I was little, I had to adjust doing everything with my right hand. The only things I can do with my left is write and eat, while I use my right hand for everything else.

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Guest Gumball

I am a righty but I can play tennis with my left hand to not very well but to a point atleast besides serving that is, I need to work on that with my left hand.

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Guest angel_cutie

i was BORN left handed XDD

theres even proof haha

but i use right hand to write and other stuff majority of the time

i can twirl pens and stuff with my left hand though

and i play basketball,batminton ect ect with my left hand too XD

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  • 3 months later...
Guest yanmie00

I am left- handed. I did everything with my left hand, like eating with chopsticks, writing, arm-wrestling( lol, I play with my friends sometimes!).

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Guest jserenity


it's weird how people around me always go,

'ZOMG. you're a LEFTY?! how come i didn't know?'


haha i agree .

but i can cut & throw balls in sports or something with my right

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest xTheThingx

Right handed, but mouse (computer) is always in my left hand... (because my dad is left handed, and he has mouse in his left hand, so when I was little, I held mouse like that...)

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Guest chruxsh0rtie

I usually do everything with my right hand there are a few things I can do with my left hand but I cant think of them right now ^__^*

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Guest ellopauline

I'm left handed

but i shoot, hit, play guitar the right handed way.

LOL I know people always say that too


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Guest lilaznanime

I'm right handed though I know a lot of people who are left handed.

During the presidential debates(our teacher made us watch them. boo hoo! XP), I noticed that both McCain and Obama are left handed.

I'm right handed but I use my left hand A LOT. The nail polish on my left hand chipped sooo many times!

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Guest Obsidian_Gryphon

Right handed but sometimes I'll automatically do things left-handed. Like when I first picked up the mouse many many years ago, I used my left without realizing it. :lol:

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