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From Ugly Kids To Pretty Adults And From Pretty Kids To Ugly Adults

Guest bebe9wish

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Guest moodibunni

Sometimes true? I've seen pretty babies still pretty now. As for me, I was really ugly kid..like my parents thought they had the wrong baby because they didn't believe they could born out an ugly kid =__=. Then I got better..and went through stages from middle school to beginning of high school where I looked not so good. After a while I became much better and I'm average now. I guess it also depends on the makeup too because of makeup techniques I look a bit better? Also features change as you grow.

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Guest xiaohui ♥

Oh man, when I was in like elementary school to my earlier years of high school, I was pretty freaking ugly. But now people tell me I'm pretty? Lul I hope it's true then :3

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Guest kassieisawalrus

When I was a baby, I was cute. :D

But then I went downhill and was chubby in elementary.

I guess now I'm pretty. I don't know. xD

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Guest oopyecoj

in theory, that makes perfect sense

when ugly kids grow up, they learn how to make themselves look better?

and when pretty kids get old...they age? LOL

not so true, I know ppl who were pretty when they were little and still pretty now

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Guest Lussuria

I've always been pretty.


I think that's just a myth.

There's a lot of people who were ugly when they were kids, and they're STILL ugly now.

Same goes for cute kids.

Ehh, beauty is relative anyways x'3

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i think it's very true. my mom likes to tell me how cute and pretty i was when i was little, and everyone used to say i'd grow up to be a "miss" (like miss. usa or miss. universe?) but now i look...yeah...she even tells me that just about every week -_-

even my friends indirectly said it, or in their words "wow you used to be hot stuff back then, all the guys loved you"

most of it is probably because i got into some depression before high school and started gaining weight and my skin got really really bad.*sigh* self esteem went whooosh down. and every thing else followed with it.

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My mom often tells me how cute and big my eyes were as a kid versus now.

Everyone's eyes get small when you grow up because your head is smaller as a child but the size of your eyeballs never change, so hey just appear bigger back then.

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Guest Natasya-Pard

Lol~~:wub: I think ugly and pretty babies will end up pretty when they grow up... because if people are really ugly [like actual ugly in real life, not because you think so] then its either they can't take care of themselves well enough or there might be something wrong with their genes... Everyone is pretty in their unique ways...

I have to admit... I was an ugly kid, cute baby [but that's because all babies are cute and chubby]... It seems that as I grow up I end up looking younger rather than older.. lol coz I look like an old lady when I younger lol...

But then again what is considered pretty for others might not be same for everyone.. so yeah...

Personally, I think I'm cute.. not pretty... but that might just be my ego and confidence speaking.. lol :lol:

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Guest Natasya-Pard

I've always been pretty.


I think that's just a myth.

There's a lot of people who were ugly when they were kids, and they're STILL ugly now.

Same goes for cute kids.

Ehh, beauty is relative anyways x'3

Ya! At least the people you consider ugly... are pretty in the inside...

As for you... your ego is even worst than me... And I'm already considered bad enough...

Aish... 진짜!! Aigo.... fury.gif

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Guest --Sedgewick

until 8 I was a cute kid...afterwards like until 13 I was sooooooooo ugly I can't believe it.

It was the time when I had acne..now with 17 I can say that I look ok again =)

The time with acne is over!!!

I really think that every person can look good but it's about how much this person cares for his/her look...for example you can change a lot with a new hairstyle or with make up...

and the boys I considered as cute when they were babies are very handsome now - so nothing with "from pretty to ugly"-transformation!

Some girls who are naturally beautiful just put too much make up on and there I really think they could look even better w/o this heavy make up...they aren't ugly but I always expected them to look even better =)

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Guest lawis_pocket

ahhh... I think one goes through different stages. Like as baby till I was 6 I think I was cute.. then at 7 lost teeth and stuff... not that cute XD. I was always sorta tomboy so I think from 8 to 10 I really wanted to look like a boy? XD I don't know definitiv not that cute. Then with puberty it's also not that of a pretty stage. Little by little I think I got better. I started to wear more womanly clothes, let my hair down and take care of my curls. I think since graduation I've gotten prettier and in my 20s I'm feeling definitely gut with myself. I don't know.. But there are people who were always pretty, or those who were pretty as kid but the grace just went away with the years, or not go pretty kids that are now really pretty people. I think one just needs to grow a little bit older, that's when you learn how to style and stuff? XD

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Aw, all babies are CUTE! D: I think the biggest change you can notice is from losing the baby fat. An example, if someone has relatively small eyes loses his/her baby fat over time, her features (eyes) will naturally appear more defined.

I have the same face since I was 3-4 years old (younger than that, too much baby fat LOL) and since I haven't drastically gain or lost weight, I think that's pretty much the main reason my face still looks the same (with of course some maturations).

If you define ugly as in gaining less attractive features, than yeah, I've got uglier because of dark undereyes and messy skin -_-

And if you define getting prettier as the opposite, then I grew teeth, hence I'm prettier :) LOL

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Guest RelenaChung15

What about I was ugly from day 1 until I got into college?

My cousins were really attractive when I was young and I remember being so jealous of this cousin of mine who is the same age as me because she was so pretty when we were young. Now, I'm the attractive cousin out of my family.

My brother and I weren't considered attractive when we were young but now we are. But yeah, I've heard that quote before and yes, I've seen it in kids while watching them grownup. The cute ones become less attractive while the ugly ones become attractive. I guess you also have to factor in that kids who were told they were unattractive tried hard while growing up to become attractive like working out more, eating healthier, and having a fashion sense. I'm not gonna lie, I know how to wear makeup while my other cousin doesn't know how. And out of all the cousins, my brother and I are the healthiest and most fit

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Guest ccconstant_x3

I don't think it's true, it's too much of a generalization. I can't help picturing some of you having a really cute baby and thinking, 'Oh God, it's going to be so ugly'; kidding, but still. I think the fact that the child is just so pretty when its young, that it becomes hard for them to live up to that standard all their lives. Not that they become ugly, per se, but what they look like now pales in comparison to what they looked like before.

For ugly kids, maybe they become more aware of their... 'circumstances' from an early age. Thus, they start learning to take better care of themselves faster...from applying makeup, to staying fit, etc. And, most of the time, any sort of improvement for them will be a good improvement compared to what they used to look like. Or maybe they needed time to grow into their features from the get-go.

But I've seen all cases, from pretty to pretty, ugly to ugly, ugly to pretty, pretty to ugly. It all depends on the individual situation. For me, I was a cute kid, I'm not going to lie. But then I went into awkward preteen years where I gained a lot of weight. But then I lost most of it, and now, in my teen years, I think I'm average. Unless I apply make-up, then I think I become a bit above average (but who doesn't, right?).

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