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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest jirappo.

mine was like..a day after my first kiss. we were at the park sitting in those house/castle things. lol and we were just sitting together talking, and he was holding me. he kissed my cheek and kept kissing me lower until he kissed my lips and then..yeah. lol i liked it. i got butterflies in my stomach. it was nice.

i don't remember if that's the first time or the second time. if it was the second, the first one was at chinatown near these fountains.

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Guest `babyy--allure

Mine was cute! Well I thought so.. it was during winter so that makes it even better but yeah we

were standing inside because I got cold and we stood there hugging and then he just went for it.

At first I was like what in the world?! Then I got butterflies and it suddenly wasn't so cold anymore haha.


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Guest catgirlcat

mine wass.. hmm 3 days after my first kiss xD

we were just flying kites and then we got tired so we sat down..

we started kissing and then we just couldnt stopped LOL

and then we end up laying on the grass

thank god there wasnt anyone around!

we both were inexperianced but surprisingly it wasnt that bad :blush:

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Guest smiley*

heheh i liked mineeee. it was at a party of mine and all of my friends were in the other room, so no one was around there to watch us. we were just on the couch watching tv (classic xD) and we just started kissing and we really couldn't stop. it was just open mouth kisses and then he decides to put his tongue in. :sweatingbullets: knowing that it was his first makeout session too, it wasn't bad; it was actually really fun.

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Guest Rekidai

i thought i would bonk my teeth together with his. But we were in the theaters watching surfs up cause i really wanted to watch it. So than we started kissing than making out. it was actually really fun =)

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Guest miss adorablexd

it was iwth my ex. we kissed each other then slowly happened. it was good. lol i was on his bed. and um at first we were both kind of nervous but then we got the hang of it. he didnt like SHOVE his tongue in. lol . it was like a slow moment i guess. iono i dont remember much

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Guest hUgmykiSs

STUPID QUESTION~! But..when you make out in the theaters...cant people like see you? Ive never made out in the movie theaters so I wouldnt know..

*feels extremely stupid for asking this question*


Im just curious..

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Guest Madoki

ehh mine was ok. it was at the mall and it just happened when me and this girl i use to like were talking. iono it only lasted like a couple seconds and that was the end of that o.o

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Guest Modoki

well hormones went crazy :lol: we were both noobs but it was good, and it was in our 2nd photobooth it went like this:

me: how come you never french kiss me :blush:? [i sat there blushing for quite a time before i mustered up enough courage to ask lol]

him: when do you want me to kiss you >_<?

me: :blush: :blush: :blush: now...?

then it happened :P

edit: forgot to mention it was with my first bf XP

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Guest Chibi-Dayo

oh gosh, i'm that fairy-tale type of girl >_> the one that would like to have my first kiss with a boy who also hasnt had his first kiss yet xDD but then it sounds like boys who havent had their first kiss yet is inexperienced and horrible ;[... but whatever.. i guess ill just have to deal with his horribleness xD i want his kiss-ginity so it'd be more special :D am i weird? ahhaa. and nope i haven't kissed.. YET! i kissed a guy on the cheek though LOL :]

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Guest jinsenggxD

mmm i loved mine :]

haha it was after our first date at the movies..the movie we watched ended earlier than our other friends' who went to go watch a different one. so we were just hanging out, talking, doing whatever. then we decided to go into a random movie that was already playing just for the fun of it. and we just stopped at the exit ramp thing. everything was dark and all you could hear was the movie...he held me close to his body and i got that safe, warm feeling x] LOL anyways. yea we started making out and it was quite pleasant.

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Guest BU_RP

its bad if you both are inexperienced. my boyfriends experienced... thats probably why it was great :ph34r:

=X ahah first time we were both INEXPERIENCE. but it was soo nicee! ahah

i miss him tho.=(

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Guest xdragonessx

oh gosh, i'm that fairy-tale type of girl >_> the one that would like to have my first kiss with a boy who also hasnt had his first kiss yet xDD but then it sounds like boys who havent had their first kiss yet is inexperienced and horrible ;[... but whatever.. i guess ill just have to deal with his horribleness xD i want his kiss-ginity so it'd be more special :D am i weird? ahhaa. and nope i haven't kissed.. YET! i kissed a guy on the cheek though LOL :]

lol the thing is, i personally think its better to learn to experience it together. true he wont kno what hes doing, and you wont either, but exploring is the fun part. it gets better and better as u guys experiment more and more. just make sure u guys communicate with wat you want. if u dont like something, or arnt ready for something, TELL him. or if u want to try something, initiate it =). try to be as open as possible and u guys will have fun. make sure to pay attention to what he wants AND what you want.

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Guest w4termelon

It was with my ex. The most memorable one. =] *so far, caz i didnt make out wif my new bf yet* ^^

we were sitting on the grass in a park. i was listening to his mp3, and he leaned close to me. I was clueless so i moved back, then he came in closer and i would move further and further. Then he grabbed my arm and held me and it happend~~~~~ = ] hehe ya, it was pretti sweet. it was around 7ish,too. And we saw shooting star after we made out. =]

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Guest x3mango

i told this guy i wasnt gonna tell him what i said in french since he was taking spanish. he said TELL ME OR ELSE IM GONNA KISS YOU. and i thought hwa skidding. so i said NO and he pushed me to a locker and kissed me and...the mouth open and YA KNOW WHAT HAPPPENED. (: it was nice. hes a good kisser.

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