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^(b)EAncUR(d)^ ~~~miss u~~~

ps saw u in "my name is Kim Sam Soon" thread~~I also love that drama^0^

Hi luckycarrienew^^

miss ya too =P

oh you saw me?!

ya, i just finish that drama and i love it :D

I bought this magazine,i think it is worth!!!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v514/pho...d.jpg:rolleyes: :lol::lol:

is there lotsa pages on hyunbin?

i have bought that mag with so ji sub on the cover and the content is rather good~

i think can consider as a quite good mag.

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Guest luckycarrienew

^(b)EAncUR(d)^~~u mean u bought Nov's" Boom"

hor~~hor~i bought Dec~coz it has "Winter Clr!de couple"

also has "Hyun Bin" & "Ji Sub"

ps Goy^^waving

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Guest luckycarrienew

( ^ o ^ ) Miss you carrie :D

Really .. there're lovely Jisub in BOOM - Dec. Where can I buy it ?

Goy^^hehe~both are sold in HK and TW

maybe u can search "Boom" in the net^^

hope u will find it!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest rochinipark

missed you too carrie.oh i'm soo tired after a day at work.i wanna sleep.my body aches.why do i need to do tis temp job.

but i come see buckloads of ji sub huge pics i feel little relief. :lol: .

thanks saturn onni & liezle for all the bof news.hmm so i can send somethg there to wish oppa. <_< .

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All 2 pages about his Birthday Party


4 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

4 Members: sonick, Goy, HOMegirl, claustrophobic

How are you ? Are you real Sonick ?

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Guest luckycarrienew

missed you too carrie.oh i'm soo tired after a day at work.i wanna



ps Goy ^^ Are u fr Malaysia?? :rolleyes::lol::lol:

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Guest florice

Thanks a lot Saturn :)

Here's my message to BOF ;

Dear BOF,

I just want to let you know "Taking good care of our guy". He deserves that.

"Treat him Right, Treat him nice" He has a lot of fans around the world. We are watching at you. ( ^ o ^ )

By the way, I'm Goy from Thailand and my message is on behalf of all my friends who love him so much.


dear Goy:

"Taking good care of our guy".

You are so cute! :D

It's a good idea!

Maybe I should write the same words to BOF.

Let them know JiSub is really have many fans around the world. :P


I found this pis in internet:

but i don't know any information about it :P


from:dc_so gallery

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Guest safiresteele

Thank you Saturn :D Those are great pictures of him. I really appreciate your constant updates on Ji Sub. Thank you again :D

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hi guys,...

i have some free time again today after finishing all my hw and i did this little graphic right here.

the text is actually the translated title from my current fav song "vivo per lei"

i did 2 color versions, anyways i hope u guys like it,

i kinda like it, not that much tho, and i'm using it as my wallpaper right now, u guys can too, its a bit small for a wallpaper, but u can set it as "stretch" and it'll be fine

this 1st one is the original color when i made it


then i changed it into this color



and omg, when Goy pointed out the members browsing, there's a sn SONICK,

i'm like so suprised

i kept thinking if its the real sjs, im like "wowing..." all day long

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Guest ~sUsHi~

omg wow!!!

this is like a huge mystery thing lol~~! :D

come to think of it, ive seen 'sonick' at the bottom for the members signed in thing a lot of times too!!

i didnt even think of it!!!

omg omg omg!!


please dont turn out to be just another fan!

ooo wow and HAPPI3LAYDEE ur blue version of that pic is so nice!!

i like it better than the original~*!!


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Guest *pocky*

I’ve got a book to show you! This is a book that Thai people made for Jisub for his birthday…This is the part that I can get it to show you…I hope that you’ll like it, because we take so much time to work on this…

This book was made by the people from www.popcornfor2.com. It took us about a month to work on this book. It was pretty tough to make this, everyone worked very hard. If you going to post this somewhere, please credit for us.

This is the content and other part of the book… credit for the writer


This is the editor of the book, responsible for the graphic and languages.

Head graphic by Pocky and Head languages by Area51


This is the profile of the people form the webboard that admire Jisub


This is the page of Asianlink show, on-air at almost every cable TV of the Asia zone. It also has a show that talks about the series of “I’m sorry I love you” too.


This is the page of pictures, including fashion, horoscope, or any story of Jisub.





cradit: popcornfor2,jisubland

This is the page that collects a nice phrase that people in the webboard talks about Jisub.

photo18dt.th.jpg photo26bv.th.jpg photo38gg.th.jpg

photo44tm.th.jpg photo50ej.th.jpg photo66wy.th.jpg

This is the Cartoon page that draws from Thai and Korean movie.


This is the Thai music page, translated to Korea just for Jisub. There’s 12 karaoke songs and we give cd songs to jisub oppa.


song23pf.th.jpg song34sb.th.jpg

This is the imaginary page, what do you want Jisub to be in your imaginary?


This is the recommended hang-out places in Thailand. (so that Jisub will get to know Thailand a little better)


thai20qu.th.jpg thai33tc.th.jpg thai44lw.th.jpg

This is the page of “How to cook Thai food” that you can try to cook some at home.


This is exercise page, teaching a basic Thai phrase such as “I love you”


This is the page of story of everything, including movies, series, news, anything that’s about Jisubin Thailand. Stories are told by Aey Nuthaporn



This is the page of “The first meeting of Popcorn”, it shows how was the first meeting of the people from the web and Calendar page, shows the schedule of the book.


And This is a birthday page.


cradit: popcornfor2,jisubland

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