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Guest Thursday

More pictures of the birthday boy





Credit: Mara (cafe.daum.net/sojs); shared by thunderbolt at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005.

I really love him in that red shirt! He looks so boyish and at the same time so festive... If I'm not mistaken the Chinese character on his shirt in his surname So. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong :D

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Guest ~sUsHi~

aww...i missed my chance to wish him a happy birthday!!!

but i can still say it, rite?


hope u have an awesome birthday party and get heaps and heaps of presents!!!

p.s. steal a kiss from song seung hoon ssi for meeee!! :P

luv always, sushi x0x0 :D

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Guest rochinipark

Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me w/ the eng subs for Love for a Thousand Years. I'm watching it right now and I got the eng. subs at d-addicts, but when I play it w/ the 700 mb files, the subs are in sync w/ the pictures, but the sounds are off. Does anyone know how I can solve this problem? Then when I play it w/out the subs the sounds are in sync w/ the pictures. The subs are smi. format, so are there any srt. subs out there? Because I don't have any problems w/ those. Whew... sorry for asking so much. Anyways, I just saw two eps. and SJS looks HOT in his general costume! So manly and powerful! Thanx in advance!

i think u hv figured out how to play it.but if not u could use vodsub to change smi to srt.

u girls greetins so elaborate i feel mine was very simple.its ok.

happi3laydee im usin 1 of ur banners.thanks for makin them :lol: .

im member of jisub addicts alredy :lol:

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

i think u hv figured out how to play it.but if not u could use vodsub to change smi to srt.

u girls greetins so elaborate i feel mine was very simple.its ok.

happi3laydee im usin 1 of ur banners.thanks for makin them :lol: .

im member of jisub addicts alredy :lol:

Thanx! It works! Do you know if there's a 350 mb version of Thousand Years of Love? It's so cute! I can't wait 4 hrs. to download one ep. I want to watch it as soon as possible... dying for more of SJS and SY.

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Guest Thursday

Thanks for the gifs and pics of our Ji Sub oppa Thursday!

I wonder if the army made him some seaweed soup. :lol:

You are welcome, Jhing! Jisub works as a public servant at the MaPO office and goes home each night. I'm sure his mom made seaweed soup for him! :)

Here's a picture of a Jisub we would love to hug...


Credit: posted in jisub.com.cn uploaded by DC; posted by Peggie at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005.

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i hope its not too late

but idont think it is late where i am, cuz its just exactly 11:59 on Nov 4th now

and anyways



it turned 12:00 while im typing but o well

better late than never :)

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Guest Thursday



Pocky posted these screen caps from Glass Slippers at Hotelier 2002 on July 14, 2005.

The next day, she shared this gif


Hi! Pocky, would you like to share the other caps you made from Glass Slippers? :D


Onchan What a lovely, lovely gif for the lovely Jisub!

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Guest Thursday

Pocky shared these clips from NG of Glass Shoes at Hotelier 2002 on July 15, 2005.

1. GS_making _01_bill.wmv


2. GS_making_05_hospital.wmv


3. GS_making_08_date.wmv


4. GS_making_09_wedding.wmv



Here's a picture of Jisub arriving with his party at the airport in Japan on July 9, 2005


Credit: Posted by Mimi at Youngsosa, uploaded and shared by Priscilla at Hotelier 2002 on July 15, 2005.

According to Mimi, she heard that a Japanese fan sang Jisub's Song at the airport, and Jisub smiled bashfully.

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Love all the caps and pics Thursday! Our Ji Sub seems to be attached to that hat. :lol: He wears it everywhere he goes. I want that hat now. :lol:

Oh he still goes home each night? That's nice. I thought he has his own place or room or something at the military base/camp. :lol:

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There're 2 MVs made by Jisub's Thai Fan. They were posted on popcornfor2.com on his birthday.

We had a really great time on his birthday. Total 23 members joined the thread at the same time. It's our top record.



credit : Mustard_Girl / popcornfor2.com (uploaded by Goy)


credit : nong_nong / popcornfor2.com / (uploaded by Goy)

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Guest Dahee Fanel

Ooh, I should hurry up with my end... :rolleyes:

Posted by Follin on Hotelier2002 on July 3:


Thunderbolt posted these pics on the same day:






Credit: Youngsosa

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Guest Dahee Fanel

Thunder continued her posting spree on the same day...






Credit: Youngsosa

Boola posted this pic of him at Mapo on July 4:


uploaded by roundyao in sojisub.com.cn

And L4ura posted these two pics on the same day:



From Forum Indosiar..credit to CRFan

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Guest Dahee Fanel

^No problem, jhing. :)

(By the way...thanks for posting...I was waiting for someone to post so I could post something else, hehe.)

Thunderbolt posted these links on July 4:

Here are the official links for Jisub's dramas. You can find lots and lots of pics. Enjoy!

(Please note that some photos contain spoilers)

Delicious Proposal:


Law Firm:


Cheers for the Women:


We're Dating Now:


Glass Shoes:


What Happened in Bali:




And in reply, Prisci added these two links:

Model: http://wizard.sbs.co.kr/template/wzdtv/wzd...6170&menuId=134

TYOL: http://tv.sbs.co.kr/1000year/

Prisci also posted this on the same day:

I was just sharing with someone regarding the 'hard road' Jisub had to walk before reaching that TOP... a top that is still slippery, especially since he's now 'out of business.' But contrary to many momentary stars, I feel he had built enough inner strength to make his STAR shine longer by proving the many skeptics that he has most of the ingredients required to be up there, not just as a popular star, but as a recognized actor...

Remember the recent MV by Alley? Someday? there, she compiled many of the responses he gave during interviews, answers that reporters kept saying were shorter than the question itself. Short they may be, but each answer carried such meaning for us.

The following's one of them that was quoted at the MV Someday and this is known among SJS's fans. One of Jisub's favorite number's 51..

I found this in the first(?) article Thunder posted of him in our thread:


And do many of you remember in a later article after Misa, they asked him to rate his acting, and he said that at Bali, he scored 50 out of 100 and at MISA he scored 51?

For most people, 51 would be a losing number, but his Korean fans know his favorite number's 51. Instead of a losing number, for Jisub, this is the beginning of reaching 100... still long, but closer than half way...

In another interview, they were saying how he was told his first movie was a failure. But his attitude was that actually, it was an improvement from his first try out movie, which he could never finish. Compared to that, his first movie was a step forward... this is Jisub's spirit that keeps his fans fighting for him too...

BTW, one member of Younsosa, Kakdo Meein, the one who posted those 140 pictures of KIW and LSJ with the song... she e-mailed me and introduced me to her site, which is full, very full of Jisub's VODs... I wasn't able to check this out yet, but in case you wanting to watch and didn't have access to clubboxes...


And those of you who do have access to Clubbox... do go to Saturn unni's as often as you can as the more traffic she gets, it's better!:


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Your're welcome jhing, we hope you like them.

Oh! I'm so excited. Can't wait for the pics and clips from his birthday party. ;)

I really wish I could be there. :P

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Guest Thursday

Here's a funny story...

On July 15, 2005, Boola posted the picture below at Hotelier 2002 . She gave the credit to FLORICE, who had podted the picture at lovejisub.com.


It's a picture of our Jisub eating diner at a restaurant.... So fans at Hotelier 2002 were all agog. WHo was he having dinner with? A woman?

And then, the next day, Boola posted this...

Just got a PM from Saturn unni about the singer who had dinner with Jisub.

Fans have eagle eyes when our Jisub is concerned... :D:D

Hey, I own the page again! :D:D

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