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Japanese Photographer Takuma Kunihiro speaks again: Regarding the Bed Scene and the Bath Tub episode

From Younsosa Cafe, News Section, Article #2857

Translated into Korean by Samcheae Subi Sarang

Translated into English(from Korean) by Priscilla

May 18th, 2005

Many fans who bought SJS Photoalbum told me: [The ‘bed scene’ photo’s really sexy… What did you tell him to do that he came out with such a sexy pose?]

I thought it would be better for me to post this in the free board rather than to reply to each mail individually.

Actually, for that bed scene, I asked him [to feel as if he was having fun with his girl friend]…



There’s no way I’d say that! I was just joking… hee hee.

Since I thought it’d be better for me to entrust this to him, for that shot I told him [for this scene, the making, the movement, I’ll leave them all up to you so move freely as you’d like… I’ll take shots of the ones I like among those poses…].

Given my little instruction, if he was an actor who didn’t know how to pose, I’d have to stand on top of the bed to show him how to move his hands and his feet. However, from what I’ve seen of Mr. Jisub while working together so far, I already knew there was no need for that.

He answered [Hai (yes!)] and soon after he entered into his own world.

In my heart, I thought [Amazing! How can he come up with such poses?!! Wow~ I might not be able to get this one published…]. I still remember murmuring those words as I continued pressing the shutter. Really, I took so many sexy pictures but regrettably, there was a limit on the number of them to be published.

On the other hand, if all those photos would have been published, many of you fans might have fainted, so I consider this a fortunate thing… Kee kee..

In addition, the photo taken at the bathtub… the water wasn’t warm at all!!

At first, we poured hot water into the tub but my camera lenses kept on fogging up so I asked the manager [My lenses are getting foggy so can we use cold water instead?] and she laughed.

[That’s fine, you can even pour ice into the water~ ]… Ha ha!

When Mr. Jisub came I told him: [sorry! The water’s not hot… The manager told me we can use iced water…]

Mr. Jisub asked the manager reproachfully: [What did you tell them?!!]… Of course… he was laughing…

As soon as he went into the bath tub he must have felt really cold that he exclaimed [Oh~ wow~~!!].

While giving him some instructions, I touched the water, and it was really cold… woo!

[What, this is too cold! You can pour some hot water here~] As I said this, Mr. Jisub answered [i’m fine~]… What~?… what a man… ^-^

A typical actor would have, I’m pretty sure, complaint…

That’s how I discovered Mr. Jisub’s professional attitude…

Thanks to him I was able to take really great pictures…

Mr. Jisub!

I really, really thank you!!!


To read what the photographer wrote before, go to: http://www.xanga.com/contentlatest.asp?use...=reviews&bflag=

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[[Manager]] Thank You ^*^]]

Written by JJEMT on 5-21-2005

From Jisub Office

Everyone~~Thank you SO much.

And congratulations to all.

The reason he won was because of all of you

JS is fully aware of this (and you all know this too right?)

Do you know I heard the most?

‘wow, really impressive fans…’

‘The fans are really great’

‘JS must feel a lot of strength (from his fans)’ etc

My shoulders were swelling up and made me feel good…

And although you weren’t all able to be at the ceremony itself there were still many of you leaving your comments at the café…

From I read that someone left in the café “JS really doesn’t need to worry about the 2 years (he’s away)…~”

After I heard those things I was really thankful…

Thank you to all of you…

And thank you to those at the ceremony~kkk we may have acted a bit surprised and embarrassed but truthfully it made us feel great~ and as you know JS also really liked it.

Mid-ceremony I received a call from café administrator Kyung Sun…

‘Shil-jang nim…where are you?’

at that point I was ditching the ceremony…and was outside kk

I was chatting with a MISA staff member…

‘um…I’m outside…why?’

KyungSun: ‘can I see you for a minute?’

She told me there were fans who wanted just to catch a glimpse of JS and were there waiting since 1 o’clock.

She was hoping that this could happen

Amidst the confusion I answered…

And then I forgot to mention it to JS…I did

But as we were leaving the venue JS said before I did “there were a lot of fans today, is it okay that we just leave?”

M: Everyone is together right now…what should we do? Should we go back? I said we would but I completely forgot…’

JS: As he gave me a glare…”let’s go~~~”

So we turned around from where we were (we had already traveled a bit…)

So we turned around and went to where you all were waiting in an orderly manner.

You all were so beautiful (and very much like Young Sosa is to be all organized)

If there weren’t any cameras there JS would have said this…

And if he really did say it it would have been great…

While we were on our way back in the car JS said this…

JS: “Before when I was giving my acceptance speech I wanted to say this honor goes to all of the fans…but I didn’t get to…Should I say it now?”

M: “Yes, make sure you say it!!! You have to express what’s in your mind…say it through your words~~”

So he said he was going to say it.

But cameras and more people began to gather so he probably didn’t say it amidst the chaos and confusion.

I’m sure you all already know JS’s thoughts right?

He was a little regretful after we all split up and was back in the car.

I told him that I’m sure you all know his mind…

I wish the time with you all could have been longer…I’m a little disappointed in that…

As an entertainer and being in the profession people seem to forget you once you move away from the spotlight, or take a break, and when you don’t come on TV…

We’re a little concerned about that gap in time (when JS is not around…)

I see a lot of spirit in Young Sosa, Forever, Sogel and others, especially when you came to visit his training discharge, district office visits, the May 1st video meeting, and even today…(was it yesterday?)

And truthfully speaking I find a lot of strength in that.

After the 2 years passes JS will be back as a better and more mature person. With sincerity he will return all the love that you have given him…

I am very thankful to all of you who give me strength as well…

I will continue to work with more effort and sincerity.

Today is a joyous and grateful day…

As I said I will be back more often with news…

I will come often.

I know many of you were unable to be at the award show but I thank you for all of your thoughts…

Everybody thank you so very much.

Now have a very restful evening and sweet dreams ^*^

P.S. I’m hoping to return in a couple of days with some happy news…

Pray that good things will continue to happen~ I will be back as soon as I can~

(sorry that I can’t really tell you what…kkk today I’m in evil mode^^)

translated by ahssah79

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The following's the translation (**EDIT: I just found out these were the words SJS

posted at his site in 1998 and a News Article mentioned it just now... that fans are talking about this right now and that they are touched that 'his dream's coming true.')

Instead of being suddenly cast as the main character from the beginning

And receiving lots of public attention

I’d rather walk up the road one step at a time

And thus I will stand on center stage.

Only if I understand

How hard it is to walk up that road

Will I be able to stimulate my hoobaes (the younger generation).

After having built such diverse experiences

I think I’ll have the freedom to become a better actor.

1998~ So Ji Sub

*translated by Priscilla

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Japanese photographer's diary about SJS: The adventure continues..(May, 2005)

Translated into Korean by Saturn

Translated into English (from Korean) by Priscilla

I received a mail from his fan regarding Mr. Jisub’s childhood. That’s when I realized the meaning of those lonely and mysteriously sad eyes. And why, in spite of having a severe cold, he so stubbornly went ahaed with the swimming scenes.

”Swimming was where his life began!!”

The day we were to shoot the swimming scenes, I could see him struggling with a severe cold. So I told him “There’re lots of nice places around so you don’t need to strain yourself posing in the swimming pool. Shall we move?” Since I didn’t know anything of his past I asked such a stupid question.

Even while I was busy preparing for the shots, he was having so much fun swimming. When he was so freely swimming on his back-strokes, he looked like a sea otter in its newly found waters. (Laughter)

I told him then: “You wanted to become a sea otter.”

Mr. Jisub asked me: “Sea? Sea otter? What’s a sea otter?” (Laughter)

Other cameramen would do research regarding the people they’ll work with, but I don’t. (Laughter)

The reason: when I look at the subject for the first time, through the lenses, I consider that first impression very precious.

I want to take the shots of the person I had ‘felt’ through the camera lenses.

If I study the subject beforehand, I’d be inclined to take the shots according to what I know.

Anyways, most cameramen, when working with non-Japanese, would study a little of the other person’s language. For the sake of communication.

However I’ve given up the privilege of studying since I was 5th grade in elementary school, my body’s become unable to learn. (Laughter)

(Just like I wrote in my previous diary, through a fan’s mail, I learnt that Mr. Jisub won the Baeksang Award.

It was only then that I realized he was a top star in Korea.

If I had known this before, surely I wouldn’t have allowed him to take those bath tub photos immersed in cold water.

However… this is more the reason for me never to do research at all. )

While working with Mr. Jisub, “Thank you” was the only Korean word I learned. During the shooting, I’d say “Good!!” in Japanese or “Pora machi.”

Then Mr. Jisub would ask the translator “What did Mr. Takuma just say?”

Whenever the translator explained, he’d remember the meaning.

If I said “Good! Very Good!” Then he said “Thank you.”

If I said “Pora machi” then he’d repeat after me “Yes, pora machi.”

That’s when I suddenly decided: “That’s right! Instead of me studying Korean words, let me make him memorize the Japanese words that I speak!

Isn’t this such a great idea?!” (Laughter)

During the shooting, I’d say things like “That’s a nice pose, Kim chee! I like that expression, Kook-bab (rice soup), bibimbap (scrambled rice)!” Then Mr. Jisub and all the Korean staff would laugh. (Laughter)

I was really surprised when, the morning after, as soon as he met me, he said: “Mr. Takuma, good morning, Ramen (noodle soup).” (Laughter)

“What? Where did you lean this?” I asked. Then he said that the night before, he asked the translator:

“I’d like to talk like Mr. Takuma. Teach me the name of one Japanese food.” (Laughter)

The shooting this day went like: “Good, Kook-bab, bibimbab!” “Yes, OK, ramen”

It was filled with such strange conversation. (Laughter)

However, for the more recent Mr. Kim Rae Won’s, I had learned some Korean so I can fairly play the game.

Why? My assistant fell in love with Korean while working with Mr. Jisub, so much so that he can say: “I can converse in Korean with the Korean staff.” And he bought an every-day conversational Korean dictionary. That’s how I learned too.

Original Japanese version


For more on this Takuma's Diary, go to: What the Photograher of the PHOTOBOOK said about SJS

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"The Daehan Strait-Crossing Team"

(translated by JSA 017, Dahee Fanel)

September 4, 2000. 13:08.

We swam for 11 hours...when we failed at crossing the Daehan Strait, I thought of that stormy sea, "I hate you."

On the 12th of last month, in front of nature's strength, I realized anew how weak Man really is. This was the day that on the SBS TV program "Beautiful Life", on our first challenge, we failed at fulfilling the "20-year-old Promise of the Daehan Strait-Crossing Team".

We swam for 11 hours in the sea in front of Tongyung City on Hong Island, in Gyungnam province. But because the weather was stormy, we had to retreat.

I joined the Daehan Strait-Crossing Team last May. The truth is, at first I really didn't want to do it. At the time, I was shooting the MBC daily drama "Because Of You" and the SBS Sunday Morning drama "Good Good", and the only free day I had was Saturday. But since I'd joined the Team, I had to practice on Saturdays, and thus there was no reason for me to welcome the event.

I entered this event that way. Although I didn't get enough sleep, and my body was tired, I dragged myself to participate in the practices without fail. On the day we swam in the Han River, my body was in bad condition and was exhausted, but we swam to the point of collapsing. But as I practiced in the sea water of Jeju, my body felt refreshed. It was like I had become "A fish that had discovered water". Although it was hard, I felt really good. From that time on, I found practice fun, and I was really determined to succeed at crossing (the strait).

However, we failed on the 12th. That was after we swam for 11 hours. On the 4 m-high (I'm not sure if that's right...it originally said "fm", but since that isn't a measurement that I'm aware of, I assumed it was a typo, and that he was talking about m. Could you confirm this, Saturn or Prisci?) ship that was rocking on the waves, the MC, Baek Jee Yun, threw up everything inside of her. The wind blew to the point of bending a steel bar that was on a net they had placed in the sea. It was really incredible. Mr Jo Oh Ryun (Note: Jo Oh Ryun is a very famous swimmer in Korea.), the teacher, shouted, "Anyone who can't swim as well as me must put on lifejackets!", and time passed that way for a while. In the end, we decided to retreat.

I hated the sea, and the sky didn't care about me. This was a time when I thought with great dread, "Do I have to do such a hard thing again?" and "But we got this far with so much difficulty." I was at a crossroads in my thoughts, and I felt at a loss as to what to do. We had tried doing this or that to succeed in the middle of this one sea, and our appearance as we did so had been one full of sorrowful determination.

September 5th, 2000. 13:30.

Even before I ran away from the Korea National Sport University, I had always pondered the question "Why did I swim?"; but now I changed my mind about crossing the Daehan Strait.

After that one failure, on the 29th of last month, we succeeded in crossing the Daehan Strait. And that exceeded our time expectation by 6 hours, at a record of 18 hours and 11 minutes. How did I feel? I felt like I had acquired the answer to my question of why I had been swimming all this time.

This is the truth. After running away from the Korea National Sport University, I caught the truth of why I had regretted swimming.

There are lots of popular school sports like basketball, volleyball and baseball out there, and I had agonized over why I had picked an unpopular sport like swimming. Although I quit swimming because I couldn't win 1st place, it's also true that I lost strength because of the indifference other people felt towards it. But then the chance to cross the Daehan Strait came along. I began to think that it had been good for me to have chosen swimming.

While I was crossing the Daehan Strait, I got stung by a lot of jellyfish. It was like the sparks that come when you turn on a lighter were shot at various parts of my body. It was the same way for the others. It feels like we were stung over 1000 times. Although they didn't hurt, red, itchy pimple-like things sprouted on my body. But I found a way to stop myself from scratching them, by swimming. But because I endured the itchiness, it was even harder for me.

I was able to swim while looking at a lot of jellyfish. Whenever we were swimming around, the staff would throw down a net for us, just in case something attacked us, but a lot of jellyfish ended up clinging to the net. I'm not lying when I say that one the size of ten basketballs once clung to it and stared at me.

On the boat standing by, I ate kimbab and ramen. I wasn't really hungry, but I ate because my body was having a hard time. Whenever we went onto the boat after an order of swimming, since we had no strength left, everyone would stretch out on the deck. Because it was so exhausting, I couldn't even sleep. Producer Lee Sang Hoon, director Jee Bong Gyoon, and Babybox's Shim Eun Jin all got wounds on their toenails and fingernails on the dangerous waves.

With all that hardship, we crossed the Daehan Strait.

(reposted by thunder at hotelier2002)

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Little jisub is so cute


posted by adaxi in lovejisub.com

WHIB is important to Jisub.

Only after WHIB, the Director of MISA chose him as the role of MH. He said, he found SJS is very good at conveying the inner feeling in WHIB, therefore he believes SJS

will be the best choice for the role of MH. And he emphasised this role needs a very very superb acting skill. And it proves the Director is right. Without SJS, MISA will be different.

MH is the role who is shouldering the whole show, that is rare in K-dramas.

If I am not wrong, the Director of MISA is the same from Model. What a circle-round!!

(by boola at hotelier2002)

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hi there everybody, can anybody here post the link where sjs won the best actor in BAEKSANG Award 2005!the old one already expired...can somebody upload it in megaupload or yousendit?? clubboz just won't work 4' me.....plzzzzzzzz... :(:(:( really wanna see that vid!!where he wore sexy white hat...

hi aki_wagi,

Failed several times to upload this thru YSI... finally did it via megaupload. WHEW!

For you and for all those who havent watched the momentous BAEKSANG AWARDS, heres the clip from Saturn's clubbox

SJS Baeksang Collection




Florice dear, those side profile pics are killing me! You posted a LOT!!! thanks

Luktal, you're going to Seoul for Jisub's birhtday too? Wow! i wish i can go too.. we will be waitiing for the pics and updates ;)

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Anyooong everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

miss this thread soo much...did you miss me too?? :wub: :wub: :lol:

Goy...anyong unnieya!!!

Peggie...aigooo unnie...my face's red rite now..howcome you post that ugly artwork in here*ooops did

i say "art"?* That's my very first photoshopped pic....kkkkkkkkkk

Anyoong carrie,liezle unnie!!!!

Hiyaaa........this thread's full with pics that i never saw it b4....that's GOOD!!!! ^^

Izzat...i never know that you also a shinhwa fans??!!! nicw banner!! :D

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Guest rochinipark

florice those side profile pics amazin thanks :lol:

the pace for tis thread slowed down.

the pic of isj sad movies premier can slighly see ji sub but woo sung butt :blink::lol:

hi laura ur member number so cun huh.can buy 4D.jus jokin :lol: B)

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