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An early birthday gift for So Jisub, my love!

Although a homemade story might content many flaws,

I sincerely wish actor SJS and all ladies here a happy reading hour!

Melbourne, 10/10/2015

With love



My Prince



Chapter 1: The Guardian




Being the only girl in a family can make one tired sometimes. Your parents would much expect you to be awesome and always worry for your security in life.




Don’t know if we call it a prejudice but my father used to say he never wants his son-in-law to be a man in the Law Enforcement – a too dangerous career, plus the duty would have him away all the time. Who will be the one takes care of his lady (me)? Well, “this guy” better does something else other than a police officer…

I guess life is so complicated for me now, because, of all men in this universe, I fall for HIM – A very cool policeman!




My name is Maya, a Burmese girl (Myanmar) who’s lived and graduated as a lawyer in South Korea. No one knows my distant-Royal- background here and I’m thankful for this. Now you know why my parents are kind of hot on choosing the right “consort” for me…




I first met him last year when we were on a business trip together to Thailand. We sat next to each other on the airplane and both attended the same Conference for the International Cybercrime.

He’s a quiet, thoughtful policeman with these intense deep eyes. To be honest, the first thought jumped into my mind at the sight of him was “Uh oh, Sexy…!!!” lol. Back then, I tried to stay cool, but I did steal glances at his perfect side profile though. This was a great entertainment during those boring flying hours I must say.




Five days in Thailand passed as a dream.




We stayed at the same hotel and the silent gentleman accompanied me wherever I was, suggested me where to have nice dinner or even trailed behind me when I were wandering in the shopping centre looking for some cute little gifts to bring home.




I couldn’t say that I’d learnt much from the Conference but the more press matter here was I kind of addicted to the man’s present.




I feel utmost safe being with him which could be explained by how a big handsome policeman could bring to one, right? However, there was something familiar about him made me feel that I’ve known him for a long time.




Certain feelings grew within me, attached me to the enigmatic cop much more than I realized…  



Chapter 2: Mr Fogg




After the trip, my parents have plenty of time wondering why their Maya gains more quiet moments.




They never know there is this one Ahjussi stubbornly exists in my world.  




I’ve searched for more details about him, Inspector So.

Is he available? (blush)

Where does he work exactly?

And I get to know how high his ranking is…

I’ve lived in my own fever because as time goes by, my once guardian has never shown up. But I saw him on TV once in a while. I should say that thanks to him and his fellow police officers, Seoul is more peaceful these days, right? Only if he knows there is one girl needs him to save from loneliness.




One day I was a cheerful bridesmaid at my friend's wedding party.




A glimpse at this special guest makes my heart nearly stop beating. Oh My God, isn't it him, my cool policeman?




Hey chief, it's really illegal for a cop to have the look of a superstar!




Feeling my stare, he looks up. His sunglasses reflex everything except me. Why, oh why?




A nod and a little smile are all I've got, not "Hi, nice to meet you" or "Long time no see, Maya" like any other men would say to me.

It would be hilarious if my parents picture their Maya fall harder for the good looking cop while my eyes sulky bore into his back as he turns around. If my eyes are those autumn lakes liked my classmates used to tease then my cool gentleman who always in uniform or full suits shows no intention of jumping in them. But I’m not the one who can give in that easily, am I?

I remember how Madam Aouda dealed with the Quiet Mr Fogg, a reserved Englishman, in my favourite book Round The World in 80 Days. If Mr Fogg is real, he probably wants to shake hand with my cop whose characters seems much alike to him.




What should I do? Doesn’t matter who will be the one confess first, right? Ms Brave Aouda even proposed Mr Fogg to mary her, leaving the man in awe and touching.

Just wait and see my dear Inspector So, a girl in love would be more stubborn than any man on earth!



Chapter 3: Confession




My cousin is a well-known director in this country. Presenting a new movie in an International Films Festival is a very big event. He invites me to join him at the opening ceremony. Sending me to the large crowds is something worries my parents, unless there is someone trustworthy “hovers” around to protect me.

** “Who would do any harm to me at a festival film, Dad?” I roll my eyes

** “Give your old man a peace of mind, will you? We’ve made a right choice for you, trust me.” He replies and winks at me.

I sense him hinting a candidate for my “consort” again. Oh, please!!! Do you know who is good for me, Dad, I talk to myself, only my Inspector So fits the job perfectly, but I know he’s not your type, being a policeman and all…

For a new case, I have some works done at Seoul Metropolitan Police Department in this late afternoon. Well, when your dream man is a cop, visiting a police station can make your heart fluttered, like mine now. He’s sitting at his desk, deep in thoughts, as handsome as ever.




I think I can stand here forever watching him.




But he rises from his seat as soon as he sees me and offers to take me home. Always chivalrous, always protective!

My mind runs feverishly on the way home. Should I let him know how much I adore him? What if he doesn’t have any special thought of me like Mr Fogg’s toward Madam Aouda?

When he parks the car in front of my house, I remain in my seat. His voice concerns:

** “Maya, you’re a bit pale and sad. Are you alright?”




It’s now or never. My voice shaking when I reach to touch his hand:

** Ahjussi, you’re a famous Inspector. Why it takes you forever to know my feelings?

My heart is pounding like crazy in my chest as the man closes his eyes and sighs. That’s it. I got it. He’s about to take his hand away and tells me to wake up from my miserable dream of him. I should prepare for a good cry tonight… But what happens next totally leaving me speechless.

My chief gently turns his palm to hold my hand in his and said

** Thank you Princess Highness!

If there is anyone in utmost surprised on earth she might understand what state I’m in now. We keep our Royal background a secret here and the way he said it likes he knew it for a long time. His hand is big and warm anchors me from falling out of the seat.

** “I’ve kept it for myself long enough.” He sighs again.




His thump gently cares the back of my hand.

I’ll tell you everything tonight Maya. I’ve known you since you were 7 years old after moving from Myanmar to Seoul with your family. I was your cousin’s classmate back then. He’s a very good buddy. I hung out with him the whole semester before I was transferred to another school. One day I got there to see him and found a beautiful little girl playing with a red chilly.




Yes, that’s the first time we met, Maya. It would not be right if I say a teen boy of 17 falling in love with a 7 years old girl at the first sight, but the minute I saw you, I felt you’re my destiny.

** “I was so pathetic, don’t you think?” He asks with a small smile.




** I shake my head, eyes wide, hungry to hear more.

I promised myself to study hard, make good job while waiting for you growing up. Oh, my dear girl, it’s such a long time waiting for you. Your cousin is always my best friend. He is kind of “the blue bird” keeps sending updates of you to me. I had learnt that your parents are Burmese Royal members who wanted to lead a quiet life here; that they would be happy to choose the best son-in-law for their only Princess.

Maya, from the beginning, you are my Princess and you’ll always be. What would I do to deserve my Princess? You never aware that the thought of you has kept me standing and walking forward even things sometimes seem impossible.




Princess ah, being a man in the Law Enforcement means I work with a lot of pressures, with unpredictable schedules, dangerous duties and more. Indeed, I won’t be a good choice for you, at least in your parents’ opinions. They are definitely respectful people who care the best for their daughter. What good for you if I let you know that you totally had me when there might be no good end for us? So, I kept silent and hold back everything.




The trip last year to Thailand was the only chance I allowed myself to be near your, as a protector. I volunteered to go to the Conference, just to be with you that one time. Do you know I was trying to stay cool? I hid all of my emotions whenever I was around you. It was too hard though, because you’re so lovely




and I found myself fell madly in love with you all over again.




Back to South Korea a few months I stilled not in my own self. I tried to get lost in working.

Then came the day I saw you at a wedding party… You are the most beautiful Princess on earth. I really ran away before the party ended. As the job requires, I’m capable of making many disguises while process investigation but I know I can’t disguise my love any longer. The more I see you, the more I feel I couldn’t live without you.

** “Do you think I’m a coward hiding all this from you for such a long time?"

** "Am I too old for you?”

** I shake my head, unable to voice my feelings while tears wet my cheeks unconsciously.

** “Do you think I can make you happy in the long run? Being the girlfriend or the wife of a police officer is not easy at all and then there is the part persuade your parents.

I leave all the choice for you and would be happy at any decision you make.

Thank you for hearing me out this one time, my Princess!”

He lifts my hand to his lips and kiss adoringly, then, gazes deep into my eyes with those ever intense eyes of his, he whispers:

** “Saranghae, Maya!”

His reveal is beyond all of my imagination. I’m moved to the core.

You're so divine! You're absolutely an extraordinary man Ahjussi! I’m so proud being your love! Which strength kept a young man of 17 overcomes many obstacles during 15 years to be with me tonight, stills fresh with love? I thought I made the second Aouda confess my love to him first. But it turns out the one wants to conquer has been conquered back completely. Is it possible for one to mature within one hour? I think I know what to do, from now. For the future of us, I'll lean to be tough and independent. I'll learn to give, to understand in the selfless way like he does. I want to deserve my Ahjussi.

Tears keep falling when I vow, my voice sounds hoarse with emotions:

** "Ahjussi, I want to make you the happiest man in the world!"




He leans closer to take my face in his hands, gently wipes the tears on my cheeks.

His eyes are scorching!!!

The wild passion in his eyes send chills down my spine, not because I'm scared but the girl in me half nervous, half thrill anticipates the moment. My daydreams of him are nothing compare to the reality. His present is overpowering and the closeness makes me breathless… Love of fifteen years has been restrained now just set free!

He tilts his head to kiss me, softly then fiercely…

Feel like the earth stands still…

Feel like there is an electric current runs through me from head to toes…

My magical first kiss!




Oh Ahjussi, I'm not a Princess nor Maya, just this little girl melting in your arms.

I love you!!!



Chapter 4: The Right Choice




The next day is the D-day.

My father said his “Right Choice” would come to pick me up to the Films Festival. I don’t want to go anywhere with anyone else, since my heart is too full with my love. I miss him already. But somehow, I feel gratitude to my cousin all those years long being a good companion to my Ahjussi, I couldn’t ignore his important event.

Last night, once safely got back into my room (after spying on where my parents were), I was still in daze.




I couldn’t believe how awesome and sweet he is. Only one thing annoyed me though. When finally he released me from his warm embrace, not before a number of soft kisses on my nose, my eyes, my lips, he said “See you soon, sweetheart!”. I blinked at him:  “Soon? When?” But a mysterious smile was all I got for the answer…

What did you mean by “Soon”, Ahjussi? I miss you! Miss you! Miss you! My mind keeps singing.


The doorbell is ringing. Oh, God, the “Right Choice” has come, very on time, indeed.


Hey? No one cares to open the door for the poor guy?

** “Maya, open the door, please! I’m busy right now”, my father’s voice echoes from the next room.

** “Yes, I’ll do”, I answer, half hope the guy outside would be bored of waiting and leaves.

To all the most surprised things on earth, the opened door reveals a man in black with a little pink rose in his hands. My Ahjussi standing there in the door way, extremely gorgeous in his tuxedo. His warm smile immediately sends me into frenzy.




** “Told you, he's the best choice for you, my girl”, my Dad said proudly at my back.

** “Dad, but… but he is cop…” I stammer, “I mean he is a police officer, the top one on your rejecting list.”

Touching his beard, with this wistful smile, my father goes:

** “Well, as long as you are a Princess, Maya, he is also the Prince for you, right?”

Dad, you and Inspector So are really a team here, right? Guess you two have giant time work things out together behind my back! Since I’m on the ninth cloud with overjoy, what more could I say?




I turn to my date, yes, he is the one now, to see my dream man’s flashing me one of the most charming smiles of his. He bows to my parents, gives me the little rose then kisses my hand in front of them. For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm a Princess...

Thank you my love!

Please, be my Prince!






You are my Sunshine!

(¨`·.·´¨) Always
  `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨) Keep 
  `·.¸.·´   Jisub ah!



(All photos and clip credit to owners)

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My dearest @chakita babe and @sojisubaddicted, thank you for making my day so great!

Happy happy reading your awesome, funny and warm posts here my sweet friends!




We'll see him soon in Oh My Venus. One thing I'm sure he'll light up the screen by his gorgeous as usual :wub::wub:



(from picbi.com)


** Some cute gifts for Soju couple: they end up in wedding gowns. A very happy ending, right? :D:D:D







Source: https://hanhyojooworld.wordpress.com/category/gifs/page/7/


Happy weekend to all!!!!



Edited by mathi
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@sugarmay, thank you chingu for the heads up details of where to buy So Ganzi, you know what, I have been a member of this website 51k for so long, but do you think I can get in now... I have come across problems logging in with a message saying to contact them in Korean which I dont understand, so I have not been able to log in since a few months ago now,  and Im going CRAZY!!...AHHHH...ottoke ottoke, wae wae????...I have tried to send emails to the address given for HELP but have not received any love....OMG!! sigh, so Im kinda looking at different avenues of where to purchase SJS memorabillia now, cos Im totally lost and confused, and of course heartbroken... sigh!


@chakita babe I have not become members of 51K yet  because don't know how. If you've got information on where to buy the origin album please help share information to me. For now I should be quite satisfied to buy the digital version.

Irusjs at weibo posted some pictures from the video ran at 2015 FM : 









Just found this at weibo , I don't know exactly what this :D  : 


ebd61f8fgw1ewvu1jchr6j207u0hrwg8.jpg ebd61f8fgw1ewvu1iewf8j20hs0hsmzn.jpg


@Mathi when I read the beginning of your story, my heart palpitated and I say to myself, "please do not kill him". His role as guardian of the royal daughter.....and shot..... and killed....it originally I thought would happen. But ....ah...yes !! you are very kind, gave a beautiful end. Amazing story. 


if so ji sub read it, he would be very touched

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Guest sugarmay

@chakita babe 

Oh my dearest friend chakita babe

OK,don’t worry my friend,I’ll help you since I learnt 51K the latest updates.

(Thanks my dear sojisubaddicted for your last post notice.)

I’m wondering the reason why 51K  server is moving for a while..so you can not access or log-in there.

Anyway my dear,Please check them out below ^^


51K website is renewal soon..renewal date:16th Oct 2015,PM14(KST)

Then URL will be changing.

51k.com   →   sojisub.com

Therefore the sever might be not steady to work with this renewal from PM13 to PM15 around on 16th Oct.

(You can not access/connect “URL/51k.com” after 16th Oct 2015,PM14(KST))

■□Notes with this renewal■□


■ Fixed some incomplete parts/bugs or a revision with the member and mobile pages.

■ Abolished Orange and Green member (distinctions) service system.

    Abolished Kommunity,Style,Kulture,Kitchen BBS.

    You all member can access Kollection,Keep a Secret,Kiki BBS with renewal.


■ Your ID,Password will be not changed to log-in renewal site.

However if you have not log-in 51K since a year ago,your ID/password is deleted because of working our security system.

You need to re-sign-up(register) on renewal site please.


■ Abolished an identity verification system on mobile site.

All member(Korean/Foreigner both) can register in same way,then we will confirm an identity verification with sending e-mail.

I'm looking for anywhere CD will be available to purchase...however it might be only 51K and Japan fan site online shop..TT
Sorry for my poor helping dear friends, @chakita babe, @sojisubaddicted....:tears:
But @chakita babe,if you might be able to find CD on your traveling SK...it would be good!!

Also here's how to register 51K member for foreigner fans.(sited 51K)
However I guess it might be better if you will register after moved/renewal 51K, to escape unsteady server system error .
Good luck!

■For those who want to register new member,you need to click "Foreigner" below to write your membership information.
Then send your name and copy of ID card that officially 
admitted (EG : passport or drivers license) in your country to 51K.

(Fax:  +82-2-3443-0510  ,E-mail :overseas@51k.co.kr  ,
mail:  259-12  ,Nonhyeon-dong,Gangnam-gu,Seoul,KOREA)
It might take about 1 week to approval your  ID by the administrator.
After the approval,you will be a member.

my dear @mathi   Yay!!!!!! Thank you for AMAZING love story always!!! After all I still love your works!!!
Why you're so sweet??? :wub:
Absolutely I do want to be your boyfriend if I were our handsome So Ji Sub himself....Hey my sweetie,it's true!! LOL LOL

Good Sunday everyone!:wub:


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Thank you all my dear friends for the updates and information about 51k!!!

Dear Innerchild, I keep staring at the real life man in checker shirt. I love him onscreen but somehow I love him even more here :wub: Thank you my dear! Fan (Thanks @peach) had quickly worked on his accessories, as usual :lol:





My dear @sojisubaddicted, you know that I would never ever hurt him by any mean right? :P Thank you my friend for keep reading till the end! The black and white photos set where he worked on music video is so beautiful! :wub: You make me happy all day! :lol:

I've heard there was this Marmot Korea Auction for Camp event. Maybe those posters on your post came from it. Let's see how SJS's fan girls excited when getting close to "him"





Even the boy wanted his photo taken next to So Ganzi :lol:


(Credit to @MK51)


Marmot products and catalogue:



(credit to @fedi tse)


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my dear @mathi   Yay!!!!!! Thank you for AMAZING love story always!!! After all I still love your works!!!
Why you're so sweet??? :wub:
Absolutely I do want to be your boyfriend if I were our handsome So Ji Sub himself....Hey my sweetie,it's true!! LOL LOL

Good Sunday everyone!:wub:



My dearest @sugarmay, why you are so special???:wub:

I always pair him up with the most beautiful girls on earth  as you see in the story (though as much as I fervently wished it's me, LOL LOL) When I searched for illustrations for My Prince, OMG, I couldn't sleep well my friend. He is so breathtaking handsome!!! It's really a mind blowing when I read your most daring theory here ... ahem... SJS as my boyfriend... only if you were him that is, LOL LOL ... :lol:

I'm so thankful for your lovely "if" here, sweetie!! And I definitely have the best Sunday ever, since you made mine!!! :wub:




My chingu @chakita babe, I wish you the best luck honey, so you don't have to sleep outside 51K office  :D Have a safe and good trip my sweet dear!!!! :)




I always admire those fans who could get close to him and give him their little gifts, even just an apple. Very nice of him to take it! Both Idol and his admirers were awesome!!!


(credit via chikimame)


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Hi innerchild, thanks for sharing those photos where SJS is on his way to the script-reading. I love his get-up, he always looks gorgeous when in casual. It seems that he loves wearing accessories, huh especially those unique kind of bracelets. NICE. Can't wait to see the drama. :P

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An early birthday gift for So Jisub, my love!

Although a homemade story might content many flaws,

I sincerely wish actor SJS and all ladies here a happy reading hour!

Melbourne, 10/10/2015

With love




My Prince



Chapter 1: The Guardian


Hidden Content


Chapter 2: Mr Fogg


Hidden Content


Chapter 3: Confession


Hidden Content


Chapter 4: The Right Choice


Hidden Content



You are my Sunshine!

(¨`·.·´¨) Always
  `·.¸(¨`·.·´¨) Keep 
  `·.¸.·´   Jisub ah!



(All photos and clip credit to owners)



you are the best,you are amazing! Thank you,xxxx

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Dear @jdark , you've made my day!!! Thank you so much my friend!!!:wub::) You've been in SJS House for a long time as a very nice SJS's supporter but I don't have a chance to greet you properly... Miane!!!! :o Let's enjoy our SJS time together my dear, because from now till the end of the year he'll shower on  us with all good news from the drama Oh My Venus! Cheer!!! :rolleyes:


Thanks @peach who shared her precious "accessories" which are so nice to have him with her anywhere, anytime :lol:




News via Sojisubfanatics:

"q0" (2014) will be exhibited at ‪#‎galleryhyundai‬ booth at Frieze London running from October 14th to October 17th.




A 10 minutes document film of our gorgeous man. Yay!!!! :w00t:




Spoiler: some more pics behind the scenes


Shooting was done on 27/05/2014. Our SJS acted for FREE!!!

We got to see him wearing boater hat again... beautiful memories of his First Asian Tour 2014 flash back!!!





All credit go to these super-nice fans who were standing in the heat for a few hours taking these pictures for the joy of us!














(credit via Jum)


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Guest sugarmay

@mathi my sweet girlfriend mathi!!:wub:
Thank you for your TLC honey...haha
You make my days indeed every time and always...:P

@jdark Hi dear friend....I'd just like to greet you too as dear mathi told you.
I'm really glad to hear your voice today!! 
Hope you'd talk and share your love to Jisub with us in this house,my dear friend.:)

Have a good new week ahead,my dear ladies:wub:

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New title, slot and cast additions for So Ji Sub-Shin Min Ah rom-com




Finally we have some news on the KBS romantic comedy that will feature So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah, two actors immensely popular and a dream pair for most (me included), especially since they did some advertisements and photoshoots together. The drama that was initially titled Oh My God has got a new name — Oh My Venus (good thing as the earlier one sounded so much similar to Oh My Ghostess). The scheduled slot will be Monday and Tuesday as it will follow currently airing Sassy Go, Go and thus it will hit the airwaves earlier than I expected, which is sometime in November. Yay!

Oh My Venus stars Shin Min Ah as a lawyer who wants to regain her gorgeous figure and So Ji Sub as her trainer. Of course, they fall in love and the drama will convey the message of healing through dieting (whatever that means) and importance of inner beauty. The show has added many names to its cast —  Jung Kyeo Woon (Dr. Champ) , Yoo In Young (Mask), Henry (Persevere, Goo Hae Ra), Sung Hoon (currently gaining attention through web drama Noble, My love) and Jo Eun Ji (Let’s Eat 2). All supporting players have been cast as friends and acquaintances (well, I can’t say exactly for Yoo In Young as I have yet to see her in a positive role) and the set-up looks bright and sunny. 

Oh My Venus will be directed by the PD of shows like You Who Rolled In Unexpectedly, Love Marriage and many drama specials like Our Slightly Risque Relationship while it will be penned by a new writer. Mark your calendars for November, which is the time the magical chemistry of So Ji Sub and Shin Min Ah will charm our screens.



source : TheDramaCorner

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So Ji-sub, Song Joong-ki and Kim Woo-bin, Lee Kyeong-hee's KBS men




"Uncontrollably Fond" starring stop star Kim Woo-bin, is about to be organized into KBS. This completes writer Lee Kyeong-hee's line up of So Ji-sub, Song Joong-ki and Kim Woo-bin.


So Ji-sub who is starring in the drama "Oh My Venus" as health trainer Kim Yeong-ho, starred in the 2004 drama "Sorry, I Love You" as Cha Moo-hyeok. "Sorry, I Love You" is one of Lee Kyeong-hee's classics and one of the greatest melodramas of all time.


(skipped unrelated....)


Source : www.tvreport.co.kr/?c...

Translation : Hancinema


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@mathi my sweet girlfriend mathi!!:wub:
Thank you for your TLC honey...haha
You make my days indeed every time and always...:P
Have a good new week ahead,my dear ladies:wub:

@sugarmay my sweetest boyfriend :lol:, you never fail to bring me the happy smiles!!! [smitten]

Love is in the air ;)



(cr via yeppudaa.com)

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Happy Wednesday ! 

Thank you all for your precious updates. Sharing is caring. This place is a loooovely place for SJS 's fans. Thank you @Sugarmay for the direction how to register on Jisub's official website. I will do it after the new web has stable.

Few days ago I saw someone posted images of SJS at Singles Kr Oct 2011 at weibo. I remember that I have kept the interview file at my laptop. It had translated by thesunnytown.wordpress.com.  I will repost here, hope you don't mind.  I gave a bit touch to made that interview more colourful & interesting. Happy reading.


The Energy Of The Taciturn - Sojisub





















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On picture 16, he said: "My number 1 is my wife..."

Ahhh... So sweet!!! Thank you so much my dear friend @sojisubaddicted for your hard work!

Awesome! I love reading them as well as enjoy all pictures!!!:wub::wub::wub:




Reading his interview is Vitamin for me my dears!!! :rolleyes:


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Jin Kyeong becomes a stepmom for So Ji-sub in 'Oh My Venus'




According to multiple sources in broadcasting circles, Ji Kyeong took on the role as So Ji-sub's stepmother in drama, "Oh My Venus".

Ji Kyeong's role in "Oh My Venus", Choi Hyeran is Yeong-ho (So Ji-sub)'s father Seong-cheol's new wife. Although she looks like an innocent good woman apparently, she slowly plots a plan to swallow Seong-cheol's company Gahong. However, when Yeong-ho returns to Korea from his overseas studying to inherit the business, a conflict arises between her and the son.

Ji Kyeong has established her position as a trusted scene-stealer through her roles in dramas 'My Husband Got a Family', "Pinocchio" and more, and movies, "The Assassination", "Veteran" and more. This is her second time to join So Ji-sub since SBS' 'Ghost - Drama'.

"Oh My Venus" tells the story of the healing process that Sin Min-ah (Kang Jooeun) and So Ji-sub (Kim Yeongho) go through and fall in love with each other not only for the appearance but also for the inner beauty.

"Oh My Venus" will begin on November 16th after 'Cheeky Go Go' has finished.


Source : www.tvreport.co.kr/?c...

Translation : Hancinema

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The official cast in OMV


credit : Sojisubar

By the way woul we talk about OMV here or should create a new room?


To be honest, I don't really like  talking about OMV before the drama on air. The surprise will be reduced. And...one more thing I don't like is that the leading lady already has boyfriend. Ouch !! I have imagine, how Woo Bin's laser eye gaze watches SJS in every  step. Sojisub ssi...well, you have a stepmother, father, good friend and rival. Ignore all, you only have to focus on Woo Bin. Grab SMA, defeat Woo Bin, I'm on your side LOL


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My dear friends,

The happy fans on picbi.com shared some old photos which were taken since 2004 when our man SJS had been in Thailand with his brother SSH:




They had been in Phuket, Thailand in May, 2004, shooting for a Magazine issue July/2004

Jisub with the team. Do you recognize him?




Here he is, closed up


I found Mr SSH has not changed much. On the other hand, our SJS matures in an awesome way!




There was an interesting article about their bromance, in there the blogger made some funny nicknames for them: Our SJS is Mr Cheekbones, kkk...

This is a quality photo of Vonin 2014 showing how beautiful his cheekbones are:




Maybe some of us have already read this article but I guess you wouldn't mind I bring it here, right? Some pictures were from their Thailand trip 2004.


Ultimate Bromance: So Ji Sub and Song Seong Heon

Posted Image



Back by popular demand, the ongoing saga of real life bromances in Korean entertainment. Today our leading men will be Mr. bedroom eyes and Mr. cheekbones. Yes, it’s time we took a trip down memory lane with So Ji Sub and Song Seung Heon.

Hanging through the times:






Having fun in a subway and in a pojangmacha:




Doing the couple walk at Mr. Greasy’s wedding:








Bro-support at movie premieres:




Side-by-side for your enjoyment:




On a talk show, with bad clothes and Yonsama:



(edit: yoonah kindly correct my mistaken assumption – the above is in fact the three-mance of PYH-SJS-SSH in action on a talk show – PYH just looks like  a Yonsama doppleganger is all)

I seriously contemplated making it a three-mance, including their very good friend the late Park Yon Ha, but looking at his pictures made me want to cry so I didn’t. Still sad about his passing. Have a picture of them back when things were the way they were.





(All photos credit to owners)
*** My friend @sojisubaddicted, I laugh so hard at your "Woo Bin's laser eyes", :P
You are right though, fans who love shipping would have a hard time disappointed!:phew::phew:
This is the drama thread, my dear
Edited by mathi
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*** My friend @sojisubaddicted, I laugh so hard at your "Woo Bin's laser eyes", :P

You are right though, fans who love shipping would have a hard time disappointed!:phew::phew:
This is the drama thread, my dear

Thank you Mathi for the forum link. :lol::lol: It's already on 9th page ,I'm too late. I never go  to another room before :D this room is too comfortable , my focus is just to SJS. 

Yes Mathi, I was very disappointed that SMA has a boyfriend, but I keep deep inside. I feel sorry for SJS. Is this not going to affect his acting? Dear SJS ssi, where we had to find a beautiful angel for you 


Google translate : [Debut last Saturday] # SJS # # Shin Mina # # # # Jung Gyu-woon Liuren Ying # # Henry # # # An Zhixun attended # OhMyVenus # actors read the script, all attended the dinner. And # Yeon Jung-hoon with the company's new # # # An Zhixun (1994 born / 184cm / 3-9) will debut in this drama, who plays the younger brother # # Shin Mina


 I miss your sexy back 




But I think not only your back...

everything about you is always sexy, lips, hands, ankle, eyes, shoulder, voice...everything. Am I right ? 






All pics credit to owner





Edited by sojisubaddicted
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