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she's so sexy now!!~

i quite like this sexy look on her. she mixes sexy and cute really well.

sexy + cute = ayumi (hey, i can do math =/)

gotta love her.

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Guest Mademoisella

^ didn't she change her hairstyle, lolz.. it seems longer and her bangs look different than the other picture..


nvm.. maybe hair extension and she probably sway her bangs, ^__^;;

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hey can you tell me which episode this was? the one where ayumi was crying because of her bf's death?

the show was YaShimManMan...the episode was (2006.01.09)....wow i didnt notice that it was so recent. but yeah if you understand korean then you'll be fine...but since its not subbed, its tough to understand. i saw it before on youtube, but i cant seem to find it now...sorry.

O.o Care to share what it is about?(: I dont undrstand korean ><

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Guest LiLKrAzYb0i

dont get me wrong, i love ayumi, but i think this song is getting old for me. i mean its nice, but i think she needs a ballad to showcase her talented voice. i see myself skipping over her song when it comes on my mp3 player or on winamp :(

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^ Please don't post this msg here. Its not related!!!

LiLKrAzYb0i I get what you mean. Cos its her single, thus LL or Xman is always promoting it for her too, Especially LL. Like whoa, I loved it the first time round but now its getting kinda :mellow:

But I still love Ayumi! Cant wait to watch this week's LL and Xman <333333

J@de Thanks for the photos! Ayumi looks very cute esp in the second one! ^^

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Guest moon_kaka

^ Please don't post this msg here. Its not related!!!

LiLKrAzYb0i I get what you mean. Cos its her single, thus LL or Xman is always promoting it for her too, Especially LL. Like whoa, I loved it the first time round but now its getting kinda :mellow:

But I still love Ayumi! Cant wait to watch this week's LL and Xman <333333

J@de Thanks for the photos! Ayumi looks very cute esp in the second one! ^^

HMm^____^ it's called "marketing" ^___^' but 4 real, it's getting old for me too ^___^' sorry Honey but it's true...... Fighting~~~

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  • 2 weeks later...


I dont think she's releasing any other song or at least no news for now, cos afterall its a single.

Anyway, did you realise Ayumi has highlights in her hair now? I think blond highlights. It shows in Rainbow Romance, Loveletter and Xman.

Here's a photo of only her hair (LOL, cos she was bending down) in LL


Credit for this photo goes to joonage

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Guest eternalblu

is sugar going to release another album? or is ayumi going to try a solo thing?

and does anyone have any of their cyworlds?

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