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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread

Guest Soy

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finally, the live performance I've been dying to watch!

The girls were superb!! Yoona and soo young were a bit shakey but still good everyone else was great! I love taeyeon satisfied grin when she managed to hit the right note for her high note/scream. lol

Hyoyeon socks why is it too high? could it because she's not well so they had to cover her up?

I think hyoyeon dance for their music core was somehow messy but the music bank was better more accurate.

Maybe its overrated but imo it was like a lipsync performance.

I love their cute dance at soo young's part. They cut it for MC. I love their air kicks too-very girl power-ish with attitude. :)

You could hear they were breathless after the second half but they manage to control it well.

The cheers were awesome. I girls loudly cheering not guys. lol

I wish they'll sing live at other shows. :)

imo, there were more cheers this time so it could be one of the reason why they performed better than the last performance. More cheers=more confident=more strength=better performance.

Rock on SNSD!!

btw, anyone uploading the subbed 2nd ep on YT or veoh??

credit: readyxgo

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Guest Platinum


what a cutie :wub: !!!

one of the few who can pull off blonde hair...

i also think the reason why MBC wasnt as good was because of all the differences they made to the song so they would have to concentrate on that...

like cutting the intro in half, and cutting off the second verses and the chorus... which could contribute to them going "ah... different dance... must concenrate on getting into position..." lol

but i mean theyre doing well.... especially for their first time on these shows...

kbs perf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WloS-cogJ0

mbc perf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=po2rFVfzVBU

sbs perf: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehAToNSMSYI

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Guilty person over here!!!!

Im one of thse people who said that their Music COre perf wasn't very impressive.

Now that I think about it, and now that a few of you have mentioned,

I was kind of expecting less too, but when the whole video finally loaded

and the intro statred I was like "OMG! They're going to be really good"

So at first I wasn't expecting much then suddenly I expected more. LOL! confusion! wah!

Anyway, while watching music bank,

I felt like crying, they were so good!

It's so weird how they sang the full version without any cuts,

yet they did way better with this one?

They ALMOST sounded like the cd! Xept Tiffany, but I still love her lots!*Tiffany Fighting!*

I'm so impressed with Hyo Yeon in both performances!

You guys, those constructive criticisms are there for a reason.

It's for their own good, so they'll improve, and indeed they have

Don't you guys just love how you can see actual improvement from them.

I seriously can't wait for their next performce.

I think, it's a good thing that they're not performing every other freakin' day.

That way, they won't be over exposed and people will anticipate every performance.

before watching this live performance,

it made me appreciate these girls and their performance even more

im not trying to compare, all im saying is that these girls seems to have raised the bar for girl groups/groups once again, and im impressed. their performance was awesome, as everyone stated.

(including the deleted ones)

Could not have said it any better!

Even if their music core wasn't amazing,

for a live performance by a girl group plus, adding al those running around the stage,

it was really good.

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Guest agnes.
Pics from Fansign event today<3 Yoona's finally there<3

yay yoona! :D everyone's so pretty. xD;

I thought Jessica sounded less perfect in this live :mellow: But the others sounded better in this live performance though, LOL. Overall, it's still not bad. =)

teehee, i agree with you. :) jessica was like perfect in yesterday's performance, so even though she still did well in today's, it was less perfect. >< i'm not making sense.

I think, it's a good thing that they're not performing every other freakin' day.

That way, they won't be over exposed and people will anticipate every performance.

i don't think it'll be long before they start performing a whole lot.

they've only started out and they already have quite a number of fans, so i'm sure they'll be over-exposed soon. :/

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Guest Pink Cherry


their perf was GREAT!! I love it!! I'm so happy!!

I liked their perf on music core a lot! but def. this one is better haha so I'm really happy!!

all of them did great!! and that proves they do have talent, cuz singing and dancing at the same time is really hard

and like some people said, some groups when they sing live while dancing, tend to change a bit the choreography to make it easier, but SNSD haven't done that =D so I'm really happy

Hyoyeon is really great! not just that she's the dancing queen (haha) but also I love her voice!! it's really nice :)

woo and I'm happy that they've used the green outfits this time =D those are my favorites! haha

These girls are great performers! I also love how they're smiling during the performance :) makes me wanna smile too!

minjae21 thanks for the pics! I wish I could go to one of their fansing event T.T

they're wearing green for that too! haha I love green =D

and yeah, it's great that Yoonah's there!! but some members are missing o.O at least in those pics! but I hope all the members went haha

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Guest Aiensya

I must said...I LOVE THIS PERFORMANCE more than Music Core...

They had confident here...

I must said Tae Yeon was the most powerful in this performance while Jessica the second.

In music core performance...Jessica was the first...Tae Yeon had showed her singing while dancing and it really good..

She can control her voice while dancing. Tae Yeon was awesome...go Tae Yeon gongju!!

Seo Hyun the maknae was powerful too...she can sing but almost lost her breathe a while...she still great..

Jessica she's maintain ...no comment because she know how to sing with dance song...she dance a little bit to control her tone.

Yuri voice was so powerful...I know she sound great...she was awesome this time....she can managed it but not too much confident in it...she had powerful voice and really hign tone...

Tiffany...she managed control her tone now but she seemed so uncomfortable with it...she seemed to have stress with her song and made the song sound weird although it still same tone....I can't feel her cute feeling in it...She seemed to have problem...hope she's okay now..Tiffany fighting!! I know her voice was smooth and cute..that's her!!

Sunny..my cute unnie was really great this time...I think she's not doing wrong here...she sound same..but she also lost some breathe..but this time was great than last time...Sunny Fighting!!

YoonA...awesome this time..not so good but she's awesome with her dance...she only made a little mistake with the tone...overall I love her dance...she can dance really well..

My gongju Tae Yeon was the best....great part of her...

SooYoung so beauty...she great with her cute voice..she's really cute...she really look like my friend...hahah...I always call my friend Soo Young and my friend just like :mellow: hahah...SOo Young had an asian face and she can control and show her cute voice on her part...she only nervous on her part..overall great..

Hyo Yeon...wow...impressed her**...she can sing and dance really well. I love how she smiled while singing...she's okay with her part but her dance was great than her sing...

OVERALL...I think Tae Yeon was the best...she's managed to show us that she's a great leader..awesome work Tae Yeon unnie..she give me the feeling of BoA...

They had co-operate in this performance and they had showed that they need each other...they really good this time...

A long comment this time!!

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Guest sassydork_.

[HQ] 070812 Music Bank - Sonyuh Shidae - Dashi Mannan Segye (Into The New World) [704x528][snsd].avi (117.5 MB)


Sooyoung slightly winked before her part ended xD it's so cute<3

You can hear them more clearly here and...some of them does crack :x

Anyways, it's still better than the Music Core perf.

And I just noticed most of them are wearing stockings, I'm not sure if all of them are.

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Guest lolly88

The 2nd live Performance was better than the first one , TaeYeon is strong vocally , the others were also good

Since they are still new on stage (in my opinion) , i don't want to expect much but i love all of them .

K Pictures Time .... :P










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Guest CKcrossover

I just saw their perf on Music Bank

I think they sounded better than the Music Core perf

many ppl say that because Music Core was their first live perf

but if I remember correctly Music Bank actually record

before Music Core, so Music Bank is their first live perf

either way I think they can sing really good live

I get goosebumps listening to TaeYeon sing

she is offcially my fav SNSD girl

When I was watching some of their perf on YT

I cant believe how harsh some ppl can be with their comments

calling them no talent and cant sing

I so wanted to give them a piece of my mind

but I dun see the point to reason wit ignorant ppl

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Guest shinirza

the music bank performance is so much better than music core

they did it so good

they're still newbies

minor crack is ok

i hope they'll do it like music bank

i dont like they're cutting the parts like in music core

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Guest xxEsppreexx

can someone kindly upload the latest perf to veoh so i can dl??

love their debut song and my fave members are tae yeon and jessica.

most of them are really gorgeous and talented though!

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Guest Senorita_

blue_lttleangel - Yeh, i did know that Music Bank was recorded first then Music Core, but i'm just saying that their latest performance broadcasted was better than their 2nd live performance.

lolly88 - Thankyou for the new pics! The girls looks sooo cute! ^.^

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The 2nd live Performance was better than the first one , TaeYeon is strong vocally , the others were also good

Since they are still new on stage (in my opinion) , i don't want to expect much but i love all of them .



Thanks! The girls looks as if they are not wearing any make up in the last two pictures. maybe its because of the lighting.

I just saw their perf on Music Bank

I think they sounded better than the Music Core perf

many ppl say that because Music Core was their first live perf

but if I remember correctly Music Bank actually record

before Music Core, so Music Bank is their first live perf

either way I think they can sing really good live

I get goosebumps listening to TaeYeon sing

she is offcially my fav SNSD girl

When I was watching some of their perf on YT

I cant believe how harsh some ppl can be with their comments

calling them no talent and cant sing

I so wanted to give them a piece of my mind

but I dun see the point to reason wit ignorant ppl

I was suppose to ask this in my last post. So if music bank is before I wonder why they were really nervous for their music core. I still strongly think that the cheers had something to do with their power and confident on stage somehow or they were just giving their extra best for the first recording which is MB.

May, I always rush over to the thread whenever I see you posted. haha Love the pictures! Thanks

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Guest haeaznboiyoung

Ahh AWESOME performance! Better than music core IMO :)

Taeyeon was flawless, I admire her so much for singing the most difficult parts and perfectly as well!

Glad Sooyoung and Hyoyeon got their full parts in, Hyoyeon's voice was crystal clear as well and wasn't shaky at all

Tiff and Sunny improved as well

All in all, great perf! They're really improving :)

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Guest hanabi ;

the girls look great in those photos

especially the one with the colourful background.

v fun and casual!

i think their music bank perf was better than the music core one.

and they all got to sing their own parts.

but they still sounded shaky

but then again, its only their 2nd live perf ^_^

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Guest jaeners

I just finished watching their Music Bank performance and kjdfghxdf I must say it is a lot better than Music Core. Not that Music Core wasn't good, but they did a lot better in this one. ^^ I'm glad they didn't cut off a lot on Music Bank. Music Core cut off a lot and eh. I didn't really like it. T_T But anyway, I think the girls they absolutely great in this one. ^___^ Thank you to whoever posted the youtube link. Too lazy to scroll back up. Lol. XD And thanks again for the pictures, May. I am so saving them later on today when I get on. :D I love SNSD. <3


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wow i think u guys have really good eyes and ears, cos hoenstly, i didnt hear anyone almost cracking or anything in both the live perfs! to me, everyone sounded really great, and i didnt see any mistakes! escept maybe in the music bank, tiff looked like she was gonna go out of breath. and if not for u guys telling me specifically at which minute did tiffany hold the mic in the wrong hand and point the wrong way etc, i would NEVEr have noticed it. lol i think there're too many of them i cant look at them all.

and in the music core perf, u guys said tiff messed up abit cos of the baloons? where?! lol i watched the perf sooo many times but i didnt see it! and hyo yeon kinda pushed sunny aside so that yoon a could do the chorus in the middle? lol i didnt see it at all! esp in the music core perf, from that camera angle i really didnt see anything, so how come u guys saw!? haha

thanks lolly88 and minjae for the pics! looks like the girls are appearing in a lot of newspapers cos they have alot of news pics! and how come they always stand in that same position? its like how dbsk always stands in the same position. its always taeyeon, yoonA, jess and hyo yeon in front, and tae yeon's always on the left, HY on the right etc. they should switch around sometimes, and let yuri, tiff, seohyun, sunny, soo young stand in front sometimes!

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