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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread

Guest Soy

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Guest love4dbsk&suju

"This year began with SNSD but will also end with SNSD,"

CAN I JUST SAY THAT IS AWESOME! 2009 IS SOO SNSD YEAR! such a concidence ^^ im the girls realise it too


but poor Yuri she still sounds so sick, i wish she would get better soon so their performance will be THE BEST

hopefully well enough by the MUBANK performance

the Himnae performance was awesome how the cuts lots of parts together.

:o Seohyun and her costume and her piano!


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Guest goldenGAZE

@CphirMaig. Thanks for sharing, aww the girls are so close not only with each othwe but also with their fans. Man i wish i could send them UFO replies too T.T Its nice to see the girls spending tme with their fans, it goes too show how much they love us (kekeke)

The news that SNSD will be around from the beginning till the end of this year makes me truly happy. I know they probably get super tiered but they love performing on stage, its what they enjoy so hopefully they wont get too ill.

If theirs a second album coming out i'll be super happy. Of course i still can't get over thew awesomeness of the gee mini album. After gee i love the song Destiny- the beat is amazing and the vocal are really unique and cool. I can also image a really cool dance to go with it ^^.

Glad too see the song is climbing so high on Muz ofter they fixed the broken link. Woohoo~

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ROFL .. I thought Tiffany looked hot as heck with the t-shirts and jeans .. haha maybe it was just me.

Anyways for the second song promotion they're doing a poll on UFO (kind of like what they did when the fans choose KY as the next song for their first album after GG) and right now it looks like Himnae is in the lead ... so most likely that will be the second song promotion they'll be doing (that includes the MV and such), but it's still too early for that imo.


GomTV, withing one day, 1,000,000 views

So Nyuh Shi Dae's "Gee" has surpassed the Wonder Girls' "Nobody".

On the 9th on GomTV (www.gomtv.com), within one day of the release of So Nyuh Shi Dae's music video for "Gee", the number of visits was above 1,000,000 - setting a new record for GomTV's music channel service.

On the 7th GomTV set up a music channel for So Nyuh Shi Dae, and was the first to release the teaser video and music video for "Gee".

Viewers showed an explosive interest in So Nyuh Shi Dae by visiting over 1,000,000 times Within one day of the "Gee" video being released solely on GomTV. So Nyuh Shi Dae fans as well as normal GomTV users are showing a high amount of interest in the girls. This far exceeds the statistics of the Wonder Girls' "Nobody" which was released last September.

Gretech Media Co.'s Seo JungMin stated that, "this kind of interest where people view, watch, and respond online shows a new style of form of viewing music, and record of 1,000,000 views in 1 day set by So Nyuh Shi Dae's "Gee" is a record that will be hard to match on GomTV or any other music chart."

Meanwhile, on GomTV's So Nyuh Shi Dae channel, there are boards for each member of SNSD which have been updated with a communal function where fans can freely upload online pen letters. Also, there is currently an event where individuals who watch the music video and leave a response have a chance of winning a So Nyuh Shi Dae signed CD.

credit: aseo @ soshified forums

source: http://www.sosiz.net/board/zboard.php?id=data&no=14256


That's a hard record to beat 1 million views in a day...

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Guest Metamorphosis

I never really pay attention to Tiffany much. But her winking at their Inkigayo performance caught my attention. The first time I saw her wink, i thought it was cute...but it got annoying after cuz she winked more than 6 times during one performance. Her cuteness doesn't seem real anymore. And all those winks were caught by camera, i wonder how many times she actually winked LOL

sorry for the bad captures, but those are really winks and there are no repeats, I saw her wink 6 times!!!







and another wink during the way to go perf before Gee


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Guest Lishathestain


^oh wow broke another record :P

but :w00t: 1 million views in one day! that's awesome!

thanks for the news Soy



^she looks lonely w/o Kangin lol.


about Fany and her winking lol, i think it's cute. and really that kid just winks a lot hahah. i think it's just a reflex for her, not that she plans it :D

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Guest Jenster

I agree, Tiffany did look hot as hell in t-shirt and jeans but she also managed to look cute at the same time. Guess that's her charm.

For their second song, I would like to see them perform Destiny but it's not doing as well on the charts so that's not likely. I'm fine with Himnae though, since Tiffany has so many cute parts in it.

Sooyoung is so cute in the fan meeting, haha.

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Guest invisible hero

mmm spamming ofcourse breaking the rules but i think for this thread there's no 5 post perday rules yet (right? :unsure: and i hope not :sweatingbullets: )

as long as we follow the rules and no spamming or one liner or double post i hope it will be ok ^_^

Thank for answering my question :)

these FANS are awesome and lovely just like SNSD


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Guest XiahxTiffany

mann taeyeon is always so cute on chin chin

and lol Sica's mistake that was pretty funny and embarassing

well hope Gee becomes#1 again :)

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Guest ryanchoe082

me too me too!!!

i absolutely LOVE "Let's Talk About Love"!

there is such an old k-pop bubblegum pop kind of feeling when u listen to the song..!!!

brings back the good old memories of bubblegum kpop songs :)

wait so do they know we know what the second song promotion is?

i thought it was himnae.

i personally want them to promote dear mom or lets talk about love

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^oh wow broke another record :P

but :w00t: 1 million views in one day! that's awesome!

thanks for the news Soy



^she looks lonely w/o Kangin lol.


taeyeon said at today's chinchin that she went to the hospital this morning because she got more sick

but she couldnt get a shot because the doctor that administers the shot was at lunch -___-;

yeah she got the body flu again

oh no, i didnt mean a flu shot.. she wanted to get IV


jus read this @sbox =( no wonder taengoo look so tired...taeyeon unnie get well soon

i swear this girl is overworked

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Guest litt0piggy

SNSD's GEE is currently #3 on MUZ right now. Hoping it will jump to #1 soon (before the deadline for the first week sale). I have to say inkigayo performance was great. I see more energy in both performances. SNSD look great in the white t-shirt and jeans, especially tiffany. some people been saying fany look more "meatier" than the others but I don't think so. She have bigger frame than other girls but she in tone. Not everyone in the group will look the same, as long as the healthy, it fine. I just can't wait to see them on music bank, star king, and other variety shows too!! :)

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Guest KaoriNeko

I love those backstage pics!

Sooyoung and Tiffany my two faves are together and cutie!!

and i wish ppl would stop comparing SNSD to WG. ugh. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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The girls looked awesome in Inki. I do agree with Soy Tiff looked freakin hot with a t-shirt and jeans. I thought all of the girls looked amazing in Inki except for Tae's hair in Him Nae (darn hair dresser what were you thinking putting horns on my Tae).

Wow this year is going to be packed for them. 2nd song promotion after, 2nd album which they will also need to promote, plus international promotions wow. I hope they manage the girls' schedules well so we won't have to see any fainting due to exhaustion.

Another record broken SNSD are unstoppable

Inki backstage pictures were super cute. Dorky Tae always make my day better.

Thanks to miyachan11 and Lishathestain for the pictures.


Woo topped the page!

Bringing back some old infamous dorky Tae gif.




And lastly the famous flying lollipop incident.


credit: soompi's snsd thread

for my photobucket's sake please don't hot link.

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Guest Mellerz

Wahh! Girls really shot up the Muz chart XD

Man, already picking their 2nd single?

Well, of course the fans would choose Himnae, they're already doing little promotions on it now.

Still, whatever the girls have in store for us. I'd be excited.

Watched Chin Chin, man. Taeyeon either looks mad sick or mad tired. Maybe both.

She was sleeping near the end. Poor baby. (she really did look sad and lonely!)

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Guest chungmah.

more himnae please ! :)

I'm so excited for a second album - if they have songs stocked up already, then you know it's coming.

I can't wait !

Himnae or.. Let's talk about love. It's a bit underrated but I love it <3

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[13.01.09] SNSD wants _____ to listen to their mini album


SNSD has returned. Nine member girl group SNSD has released their 2nd album Gee on the 7th. It is a mini album with five tracks on it, released nine months after their first album. They have gathered immense interest and anticipation, after their first album sold over 100,000 copies, confirming their status as a symbol of excellence in the music industry. Less than a day after its release, the title track Gee hit number one on all the online music charts. On the morning of the 9th, I met with the girls at their Kangnam SM Entertainment office, and although their faces may look young, their maturity showed during the interview, with Tiffany saying "We're so thankful that people like it and so we're even more careful and anxious" and Sooyoung added "We poured ourselves out for these five tracks on the album."

I asked them who they would want to listen to their mini album.

-Yuri: "To oppas and unnies tired and exhausted from work"

Gee is a bright and cheerful song. Today's market is not good and there are many people having hardships. The people going to work have alot of stress. I hope that this song can give them energy and strength

-Sunny: "To my sister, who is going to be a mother soon"

I am soon going to be an aunt. My sister, who is 15 years older than me, is going to give birth soon. My unnie still seems like a girl. I guess all women are like that. We may call them grandmother or ajumma (middle-aged lady), but in their hearts, they're all girls. As you listen to Gee, I think everyone becomes a girl in that moment.

-Jessica: "To my friends studying abroad that are lonely"

Most of my friends are all abroad studying. It's very lonely and difficult for them to be living apart from their parents at such a young age. There is a part in our second track called "Him Nae!" that says "Have strength! You've already come this far! This is nothing at all". I want to send that song to all my friends.

-Yoona: "To the college students that will be entering their first year with me"

I recently got accepted to Dongook University, and I'm excited and nervous. I guess all college freshmen feel like this? Our second album has alot of tracks dealing with starting a new love, but I think that feeling could also be similar to how it feels to start college as well.

-Seohyun: "To old couples wanting to find that feeling again"

They say that old couples lose their feelings after a long time. But, I believe that they always are wanting to have that excitement and nervousness. Even as you grow older, I don't think you ever want to lose something that precious. I want to give those couples our song as their background music.

-Hyoyeon: "I want to give it to overseas singers Chris Brown and Beyonce"

I just suddenly thought of those two singers. Maybe its because they're my favorite singers. Although they won't understand anything, I would be happy if they just thought to themselves "Oh there's really cute singers in Korea." If it comes out that they've heard our songs, I guess alot of attention would be gathered to us as well. Was that too selfish of me? hehe..

-Sooyoung: "To my mother who is always believing in me and watching over me"

As we were recording our third track "Dear Mom", all of the members cried so much. Every single one of the lyrics is our story. I think of this one line that says "Without a word, you watched over me from afar". I love you, mom.

-Taeyeon: "To people starting out on a new path"

As we were preparing for our album, all the members shared alot of stories with each other. I remember we said to each other "Let's not forget this heart as we start anew". There's probably alot of people that are preparing to do something new in this new year. We send you this song so we can all start strongly together.

-Tiffany: "I... just want to listen to it together with everyone''

A song becomes a song from the moment someone listens to it. Depending on your circumstance, the songs may have different meanings for you. Just as how us nine brought our voices together and made it, I want everyone who has love in their hearts to come together and listen to it with us. That is when our music truly begins.

credits to Donga and boxclub@soshified.com/forums

SNSD's interviews are always pleasant to read because they give such sincere and genuine answers that really come from their heart. Rofl, it may sound corny but it's true. You can tell that they really dedicated themselves to this album during those 8-9 months. I feel so proud when I read this haha, really mature answers.

I love Sunny's, Sooyoung's and Tiffany's ♥

Hyoyeon's is cute lol

Good news, Gee is back to the #1 spot on Muz :)

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Guest pollypan

Taengoo looks so tired and exhausted.I hope she will get well soon.

And I think Fany's winks are so cute. I always remember her wink smile ^^

Congratulations!BACK TO NO.1 ON MUZ CHART!

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