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少女時代 Girls' Generation (소녀시대) Official Thread

Guest Soy

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Guest love4dbsk&suju


why arent the girls attending MKMF?

ok so they havent released anything new this year but they have been nominated for best girl group!

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Guest &anita_*

anw. SM announced that the girls won't be attending MKMF tonight/tmr. D:

are you serious? WHY SM! T__T They still have good chances of winning an award..or atleast Taeyeon does! So what happens when Taeyeon won't be there to receive it..someone else gets the award? -.- so messed up D:

Anyways, wow love the girls outfits! I still can't get over Sica's hair..but now she looks more..cuter? than hot? lol! and yay for sidebangs! thanks for sharing pics and links everyone! And im glad to know Taeyeon is right under DBSK for mnet :]

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Guest BoAspika

I don't think Taeyeon would lose the award someone would represent her. I think you

can still win the award even if you're not performing correct me if I'm wrong.

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that pretty much sucks that they aren't going.

but I bet SM has a reason for it.

if they go on now, people are going to be expecting something new from them

when they don't do something new, a lot of people are going to be all "WTF? Where's the new song?"

and then SNSD + SM is going to get all this cr.ap about their new album not coming out for over a year.

During the time, hopefully, they are either resting or preparing something totally awesome for their comeback.

It should be this month, if not, somewhere in the first weeks of december, when yoona is finished her drama filming.

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I don't think Taeyeon would lose the award someone would represent her. I think you

can still win the award even if you're not performing correct me if I'm wrong.

If SNSD will not be there nor even only one member,

i guess someone will get the award for them.

i mean... PROXY or a substitute to get the award. (i-hope-it's-DBSK ^^)

even though they won't win for the Korean Girl Group in MKMF,

what i was really most excited is that they will perform LIVE!

to be broadcasted on TV and see them perform as a group!

oh well... that's pretty sad.

but i guess, it's their schedule again, no?

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I don't want to be a party pooper but I somewhat find that SM is being stupid with not releasing their album.

Usually, all the music awards are at the end of the year, meaning November / December.

If they release their album in December, they are going to be a bit too late to get an award. Then, they'll be promoting their title song for say... 2 months at the most. So it will be february when they promote one of their other track songs in the album. They will promote this for another one and a half months. Then it will be April. They will most likely not promote a third song from their new album, but will release a repackaged album. So by may, they'll have another break. And then, by october, they'll still be preparing for another album or single. Most likely a single. and that won't come out until say.... end of November. Then the cycle repeats.


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Guest luumanhgirl

I love this CF.It is wonderful.I think they don't attend in MKMF because they don't have new song to perform.It's the only reason for their absence.I hope Tae will win OST prize.It is possible.Tae is No.1..

And I think SM don't care for Soshi.Their album is not released in soon in order to participate in the awards season at the end of the year.Because their album haven't release yet,so they don't have any awards in that time.It's so sad for our girls.They still work hard and try their best.

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Guest tvxqforever

OMG, currently, TAEYEON is number 1 in M!countdown poll!



dbsk drop to number 2,

but the result is very close...

vote girls! x333

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taeyeon's Can you hear me is getting more and more popular.


the tally of votes are subject to change.


tvxqforever you beat me by 1 minute.. LOL

so there's a possibility that Taeyeon can win an award in Mnet Countdown. ^^


credits: sosiz


ningmeng about your question as stated below

the voting will end on thursday i guess.

im not so sure.

but every vote counts ^^

edit 3: Citra unni said the voting will end on the 18th.

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Guest lolly88

1 태연 들리나요

34011명 / 32.988%

2 동방신기 Wrong Number

29934명 / 29.034%



From today perf










OMG WHAT happend to Tiffany hair lols

looks kinda nice but so diff compare to other gals




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Guest yumimaki

Hello all.

It's bad news that SNSD won't be attending MKMF this year but I'm sure that SM's decided it for a reason. I agree that it's probably got something to do with the fact that the girls don't have any new tracks to perform - but still I don't think that's a good enough reason to stop them from attending. I mean, they can attend without performing, you know. Ah, but SM usually knows what they're doing when it comes to promoting their artists so if the girls won't be there this year, I'm sure they've got a good reason.

That said, I really popped in here because I had a question. Does anyone know what day and time Taeyeon and Kangin's radio show airs? And on what station? Also I think Sunny co-hosts a show too - I'd love to get the schedule for hers as well. Thanks for any help you guys can give me in advance. Soshi fighting!

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I thought they'd at least be there, even if they weren't performing : ( or maybe it'd be weird since they haven't been promoting a new song lately...? ^ Yeah maybe SM wants to keep us waiting, his strategies to make fans impatient/curious... :3 (reminds me of last year when the girls were about to debut)

Their outfits lately looks great! I read on SSF yesterday that 'London Pride' was still working with the girls though.

Like there's not only the new stylist that choose their clothes.

I love the Gubne CF hahaha Have to download in HQ :lol: their dancing pwns!

Especially when they dance together like that, so in sync. It's great to see each girl showcase their dancing skills for once!

Lol @ the shorties vs the longies.

So Nyuh Shi Dae - 소녀시대 Crazy Love

credits: SoshiHwaiting

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Hello all.

It's bad news that SNSD won't be attending MKMF this year but I'm sure that SM's decided it for a reason. I agree that it's probably got something to do with the fact that the girls don't have any new tracks to perform - but still I don't think that's a good enough reason to stop them from attending. I mean, they can attend without performing, you know. Ah, but SM usually knows what they're doing when it comes to promoting their artists so if the girls won't be there this year, I'm sure they've got a good reason.

That said, I really popped in here because I had a question. Does anyone know what day and time Taeyeon and Kangin's radio show airs? And on what station? Also I think Sunny co-hosts a show too - I'd love to get the schedule for hers as well. Thanks for any help you guys can give me in advance. Soshi fighting!

yeah that's also what i heard, but im hoping atleast taeyeon could come coz she's deff has a high chance to win the Ost category

Taeyeon Kangin Radio airs everyday i think :unsure: but not always Bora, idk really know when it will be Bora/Live, it's on MBC Chinchin Radio

Sunny no longer being DJ At Chunji Radio tho

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damn i just hope atleast taeyeon would come .....i was soo looking forward to this event hoping to see the girls attend...doesnt matter if they win or not ..we know they're the best .plzz i just hope SM is trying to surpise us (lol good joke)....ahhh anywayz SNSD forever!!!!

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Hey everyone!

I was wondering if you guys could help me with something??

I came across this picture in google. Does anybody know where I could find more photos of them at that ceremony?

I really like their outfits and wanted to see more of the frontal view of it.


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Guest mika.16

WHAT?! they arent going/????

what happens if they win best girl group or OST (very very likely for taeyeon that one!)

maybe theyre making a surprise GUESt appearance??? T_T

whhhyyy SM whyyyy?!?!

BTW, is it DEFINITE theyre not attending?

where did this person get the source from? cus i cant find any news articles or anything about it!

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^^ No you're right, that's from the 2007 Seoul Music Awards~

Sosiz's schedule still has the girls coming. SNSD's iple website is perhaps the most out-dated one of all the newer SM artists. They didn't even update when the girls were going to perform at ASF, and well they did. So don't base your guesses on their attendance on that. The girls love going to year-end music festivals, so I really doubt they'll miss this, even if they're not going to perform. Don't cause mass hysteria over something that is just a rumor.

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