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Kwon Sang Woo 권상우


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he really should have taken Financial Management! -_-

Hi Guys!

Aaawww... He is so cute in the top most photo! When and where was this taken? Thanks Moi! :)

sorry moi dun know :blush: ...... maybe TY_KSW can help, she's usually a walking Sangwoo encyclopedia! :w00t:

Pssst... moi! My salivary glands are dry these past few days - do you think it's been affected by the marriage thingie? :o:o:P

u must have been notty that's why! -_- ........ actually its easy dear, :w00t: ...... just relax n drink warm water with sour plums immersed, its a sure cure for anything related to a dry mouth! B)

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Guest joystick021


Upset Kwon Sang Woo appeals:


Don't judge her BLINDLY

By Chang May Choon

July 25, 2008


Kwon Sang Woo proposed to beauty queen-turned-actress Son Tae Young with a neckless on a hot air balloon in Australia. -- Picture: CINEMA SERVICE

WHY is everyone so mean to my bride-to-be?

That must be the burning question on Korean hunk Kwon Sang Woo's mind.

He announced last Friday that he would marry beauty queen-turned-actress Son Tae Young on 28 Sep, but the reactions from fans and media have not been too kind.

Instead of giving their blessings, some fans reportedly questioned if she is 'good enough' for him and voiced concerns that marriage would dent his raging popularity with a largely female fan base.

Others gossiped about Tae Young's bountiful dating history and cast doubt over her sincerity in this latest relationship, reported The Chosun Ilbo.

Speculations of a shotgun wedding also surfaced, as the news of their romance only got out two days before the marriage announcement.

On Monday, the usually outspoken Sang Woo, 32, came out to defend his fiancee.


He had proposed to her with a necklace on a hot-air balloon in Australia some time ago.

In a message posted on his fan website, the star of hit drama Stairway To Heaven and movie My Tutor Friend appealed to the public not to judge Tae Young 'blindly'.

'The decision to get married was made after careful thought over a long time, but overnight, so many people have said so many unspeakable things.

'Even as I write, I can't help but shed tears.'

He was particularly upset with rumours that Tae Young might be pregnant.

'This man Kwon Sang Woo decided to get married because he's deeply in love with not Miss Korea, but a woman named Son Tae Young. How can people suspect it's a shotgun wedding?'

He said Tae Young had been hurt by previous media reports and to criticise her based on them is akin to 'licking the skin of a watermelon without understanding what lies inside'.

'People used to think the earth is flat, only later did we realise it's round... She's like the round earth. She's very frank in whatever she does.'

Tae Young, 28, joined showbiz after emerging third in the annual Miss Korea contest in 2000.

Instead of earning acting credits, she became more famous as a playgirl linked to a string of male celebrities.

In 2001, she made headlines for getting caught in a love triangle with actor Shin Hyun Jun and songwriter Joo Young Hoon, reported The Korea Times.

Late last year, she ended a rather public relationship with music video director Cool K and declared on TV that 'I've lost faith in love'.


But Cupid didn't give up on her - she met Sang Woo at a dinner with mutual actor friend Kim Sung Soo (Full House) early this year.

Romance blossomed after he mustered the courage to call her and ask her out, Sang Woo said at the last-minute press conference he called in Seoul last Friday night.

But his first impression of Tae Young was of her weeping while talking about her past during a variety show earlier on.

'I thought she was a good person with an innocent heart.'

She turned out to be a filial daughter who is always concerned about his mum and 'brings laughter into our house', he added.

'Son Tae Young is the most precious person in my life,' he told reporters at his press conference.

'She is the biggest energy of my life. She makes me laugh and gives me hope.'

Incidentally, the usually forthright Tae Young has kept mum about the wedding.

She was last seen doing a cameo in the period drama Iljimae, which is now showing in Korea.


When asked about her absence during the press conference, Sang Woo said they might only appear together on their wedding day.

He also hinted that he's 'worried' that she might 'get hurt' - clearly referring to the negative comments from fans so far.

The Chosun Ilbo noted that silence may also be Tae Young's way of dissociating Sang Woo from all the negativity targeted at her.

But it didn't seem to work.

Reports from Korea said the sudden wedding news has shaken advertiser confidence in Sang Woo, and he stands to lose an income of 10billion won ($13m) if his upcoming projects, including a pictorial book deal, fall through.

source: The Electric New Paper (online Singapore tabloid), 25th July 2008

link: http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/show/story/0,...,171553,00.html

What is disappointing is the way Sang Woo handled this whole matter. Obviously, the fans are and will always be protective of Kwon Sang Woo. The girl's colorful love life is public knowledge. Maybe if Sang Woo introduced his girlfriend to his fans first, and let the fans get to know her a little better, maybe things will turn out differently. That maybe she's different from the stories/news everyone reads.

Sang Woo used to be so open, he would inform his fans first. Suddenly, he disclosed everything in a hastily called press conference. First he apologizes to his fans, then he asks for a blessing. Now, he's saying not to judge STY blindly. That he and STY are hurting. SAng Woo, your fans are hurting too - hurt by learning this new devt. (of your life) from the media, hurt by not sharing your love life (just to at least try to get to know STY better).

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Guest flower

What is disappointing is the way Sang Woo handled this whole matter. Obviously, the fans are and will always be protective of Kwon Sang Woo. The girl's colorful love life is public knowledge. Maybe if Sang Woo introduced his girlfriend to his fans first, and let the fans get to know her a little better, maybe things will turn out differently. That maybe she's different from the stories/news everyone reads.

Sang Woo used to be so open, he would inform his fans first. Suddenly, he disclosed everything in a hastily called press conference. First he apologizes to his fans, then he asks for a blessing. Now, he's saying not to judge STY blindly. That he and STY are hurting. SAng Woo, your fans are hurting too - hurt by learning this new devt. (of your life) from the media, hurt by not sharing your love life (just to at least try to get to know STY better).

i absolutely agree.

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STY gives interview about coming marriage to Sangwoo -_-

손태영, "권상우와 행복한 모습 보여주면 다 정리될 것"

2008-07-27 09:44:46


[마이데일리 = 임이랑 기자] "권상우 별칭은 권굴욕"

권상우와 오는 9월 28일 백년가약을 맺는 탤런트 손태영이 잘 사는 모습으로 우려를 불식시키겠다는 의지를 간접적으로 표현했다.

손태영은 26일 방송된 KBS 2TV '연예가중계'와의 인터뷰에서 권상우와 만난 배경과, 결혼을 결심하기까지의 과정을 털어놨다. 두 사람이 만난 계기가 된 것으로 알려진 김성수에 대해서는 "성수오빠에게도 미안하고 고맙다"고 전했다.

"그냥 '남자다운 배우다'라고 생각했지 전혀 나와 이어질 것이라고는 생각 못했다"며 권상우의 첫 느낌을 전한 손태영은 "겉으로는 남자다운데 예상외로 순수하다"며 권상우의 매력을 공개했다.

또한 권상우가 기자회견에서 밝힌 바 있는 프러포즈에 대해서도 언급하며 "반지를 껴 주며 결혼하자고 말했다"고 회상했다.

권상우의 엉뚱한 애칭 또한 공개했다. "애칭은 아니고 장난을 치는 말은 있다"고 말한 그녀는 "권굴욕이라고 한다. 항상 우리와 사진을 찍으면 사진이 이상하게 나온다. 그래서 화보를 찍으면 멋진데 우리랑 찍으면 이상하다고 해서 권굴욕이라고 한다"고 행복한 웃음을 지었다.

또한 좋지 않은 댓글을 보고 손태영은 혼잣말로 '나 오래 살겠네'라고 말했다고 전하고, "그 말에 상처가 있는 것을 알고 (권상우가)'기자회견을 내가 하겠다'고 말한 것도 고마웠다"며 감사의 말을 전달하기도 했다.

손태영은 권상우와 함께 결혼발표 반응에 대해서 대화를 나눴다고 전하며, "권상우가 '우리가 뭘 잘못했냐. 행복하게 살면 되는 것 아니냐. 우리는 결혼을 하는 것인데. 행복하게 사는 모습 보여주면 다 웃어주고 정리 될것이다"고 말했을때 감동을 느꼈다"는 말로 앞으로 잘 사는 모습을 보여주겠다는 의지를 표현했다.

['연예가 중계'에 출연한 손태영. 사진=KBS 화면캡처]

임이랑 기자 queen@mydaily.co.kr

source: http://www.mydaily.co.kr/news/read.html?ne...1110&ext=na

English translation at http://hallyuwood.com/son-tae-youngs-first...ter-engagement/

(moi couldn't cut n paste this translation, there's something blocking) <_<

d interview is also on youtube:

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Guest kierelun

Now its Son’s turn to spill out the juicy details. Son Tae-young said that for her upcoming marriage to Hallyuwood actor Kwon Sang-woo on September 28, she will go forward and show to everyone how happy a couple she and Kwon are together to ease everyone’s concerns and worries.

Last July 26 on KBS2 Entertainment This Week (연예가중계), the Hallyuwood actress and former beauty queen was interviewed and Son revealed everything from how she met Kwon to why she decided to get married. During the interview, Kwon was visibly happy and at one point, almost teary eyed.

She revealed that Kim Song-su was the one who introduced her and Kwon together. She felt both sorry and thankful to him as Kim has gotten a lot of heat for introducing the two.

When asked what she thinks about Kwon Sang-woo. she said that she first thought of him simply being a macho/tough guy and they have nothing in common. but after meeting him, she discovered an innocence about him which she found very charming.

She also talked about Kwon’s marriage proposal to her. She said that Kwon showed and placed “a ring on (my) finger and said: Let’s get married.” (반지를 껴 주며 결혼하자고 말했다).

Son revealed that she has a nickname for Kwon saying she playfully calls him Kwon Kool Yok (권굴욕 - 굴욕 (屈辱 / Kool Yok) litererally translates to humiliation; disgrace; shame but it can also be loosely translated to mean fool or dummy). She jokingly gave the nickname saying that everytime she and Kwon take pictures together, he always tries to look weird in the photographs. Son added however that when a professional photographer takes their photos, the results were always good but everytime a photo is taken between the two, it comes messed up so this is why Son calls him by that nickname.

Son of course talked about the bad publicity and comments she read and heard after her engagement to Kwon and said she will live a long life (there is a Korean proverb saying someone who hears bad things about them will live a long life). Upon saying these words to herself alone and with Kwon hearing it, Kwon knew that her feelings were hurt. Kwon then said that he will meet the press alone without her and Son was very thankful to him for doing that.

They also talked about the reaction they got after their marriage announcement. They always asked “What did we do wrong?” and further said that “Isn’t it enough that we live happilly together? We are going to get married and show to everyone that we love each other and will live happilly together and we hope others will be happy as well for us.”

With these words, Son said she will show her will and determination to live happilly.

Source: MyDaily

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Now its Son’s turn to spill out the juicy details. Son Tae-young said that for her upcoming marriage to Hallyuwood actor Kwon Sang-woo on September 28, she will go forward and show to everyone how happy a couple she and Kwon are together to ease everyone’s concerns and worries.

Last July 26 on KBS2 Entertainment This Week (연예가중계), the Hallyuwood actress and former beauty queen was interviewed and Son revealed everything from how she met Kwon to why she decided to get married. During the interview, Kwon was visibly happy and at one point, almost teary eyed.

She revealed that Kim Song-su was the one who introduced her and Kwon together. She felt both sorry and thankful to him as Kim has gotten a lot of heat for introducing the two.

When asked what she thinks about Kwon Sang-woo. she said that she first thought of him simply being a macho/tough guy and they have nothing in common. but after meeting him, she discovered an innocence about him which she found very charming.

She also talked about Kwon’s marriage proposal to her. She said that Kwon showed and placed “a ring on (my) finger and said: Let’s get married.” (반지를 껴 주며 결혼하자고 말했다).

Son revealed that she has a nickname for Kwon saying she playfully calls him Kwon Kool Yok (권굴욕 - 굴욕 (屈辱 / Kool Yok) litererally translates to humiliation; disgrace; shame but it can also be loosely translated to mean fool or dummy). She jokingly gave the nickname saying that everytime she and Kwon take pictures together, he always tries to look weird in the photographs. Son added however that when a professional photographer takes their photos, the results were always good but everytime a photo is taken between the two, it comes messed up so this is why Son calls him by that nickname.

Son of course talked about the bad publicity and comments she read and heard after her engagement to Kwon and said she will live a long life (there is a Korean proverb saying someone who hears bad things about them will live a long life). Upon saying these words to herself alone and with Kwon hearing it, Kwon knew that her feelings were hurt. Kwon then said that he will meet the press alone without her and Son was very thankful to him for doing that.

They also talked about the reaction they got after their marriage announcement. They always asked “What did we do wrong?” and further said that “Isn’t it enough that we live happilly together? We are going to get married and show to everyone that we love each other and will live happilly together and we hope others will be happy as well for us.”

With these words, Son said she will show her will and determination to live happilly.

Source: MyDaily

thanks for posting d translation echan! :D ...... makes it easier for everyone! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ♥Love♥

ugh. i am a skeptical about this girl. idk. seems like she just marrying him cause he's ksw.. sexy hot famous great actor etc. idk.. it seems too fast. news popped up that he has a gf then news pop up that hes getting married.. is it just me? :x

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Guest patchwork

With these words, Son said she will show her will and determination to live happilly.

Source: MyDaily

My best to you and Kwon..... please do as you say above... BLESSINGS TO YOU....

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Guest Azura

Kwon, Son to Tie the Knot on Sept. 28


The actor couple Kwon Sang-woo and Son Tae-young are getting married on Sept. 28. "I thought she was a good person with an innocent heart after I saw a program on TV where she wept while talking about her past,” Kwon said in a press conference in Seoul on Friday. “I was introduced to her by an acquaintance, and we started dating shortly afterward.”

The romance was recently made public by a sports newspaper. Kwon said he swore his love for her in a hot-air balloon in Australia, where he gave her a necklace. "She is the biggest energy of my life. She makes me laugh, and makes me have hope," he said.

The Internet was abuzz with the news. Son, who entered the entertainment business after coming third in the 2000 Miss Korea pageant, has been known for dating a string of men. They included composer Joo Young-hoon, actors Shin Hyun-jun and Yoon Tae-young, singer Tim and music video director Cool K. Some Internet users cast doubt on her sincerity after she said on a recent TV program she did not think she could date again since she still smarts from past relationships. Others congratulated the couple, saying their love is all that matters and expressing hope they will live together happily.

Some Internet users speculate Son might be pregnant. Kwon told reporters he would do his best to answer their questions and offered details on the proposal, their dating and the reaction of their families. But when asked if Son was pregnant, he was silent.

That only fueled the rumors. Entertainment insiders say there must be a very persuasive reason why the couple decided to marry now. Son is incommunicado.

Japanese sports newspapers Nikkan Sports and Sponichi Saturday’s edition gave prominent coverage to news of the impending wedding. The Sponichi offered a detailed account of Kwon’s press conference and their romance. “Kwon repeatedly said how happy he is about their marriage, and it seemed as if he were reading lines from Korean soap operas,” the daily said.

The press conference confirmed Kwon’s status as one of the leading figures of the Korean Wave as it drew reporters from numerous outlets including Japan’s Kyodo news agency.

credit: The Chosun Ilbo& Digital Chosun Ilbo

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Guest ellabel

What is disappointing is the way Sang Woo handled this whole matter. Obviously, the fans are and will always be protective of Kwon Sang Woo. The girl's colorful love life is public knowledge. Maybe if Sang Woo introduced his girlfriend to his fans first, and let the fans get to know her a little better, maybe things will turn out differently. That maybe she's different from the stories/news everyone reads.

Sang Woo used to be so open, he would inform his fans first. Suddenly, he disclosed everything in a hastily called press conference. First he apologizes to his fans, then he asks for a blessing. Now, he's saying not to judge STY blindly. That he and STY are hurting. SAng Woo, your fans are hurting too - hurt by learning this new devt. (of your life) from the media, hurt by not sharing your love life (just to at least try to get to know STY better).

Very well said, joystick021. :)

There's such a thing as "break it to me gently". :lol:

I think Sang woo was ill-advised on this matter. His management company shud have planned carefully their strategy regarding this marriage announcement. For his loyal die-hard fans who spent lots of money, energy, efforts, time and dedication for him, this is like being hit by a bullet train. He shud have at least showed them some consideration and compassion. Love works both ways. He cant always expect them to completely understand and forgive him everytime he apologizes. And if he really feel in his heart that he didnt do them any wrong, why apologize?

Actually, the fans problem or sentiment, if u can call it that, is not coz SW is getting married, it's the abrupt, insensitive manner of informing the public particularly his fans of his plans. Hahaha!!! And, we thot that by constantly following his career, stalking him, wating all our free time reading news/thread about him, we will know first or at least, have a hunch. He surely is one secretive, cunning namja. :P:lol:

For someone who just recently declared on national tv that she have lost all faith in love, STY recovers quite fast..... I wonder what made her change her mind so easily and quickly? SW's body, fame or fortune? Joke! :vicx: It's not a sin to have a past or several boyfriends, the prob is she had strings of them and was involved in cheating and controversies. A bad rep precedes her so i guess that's where the fans' apprehensions come from. We all love Sang woo and we want what's best for him. I hope he truly knows what he is doing and will really find lasting happiness with this yojah.

I finally watched Freeze of Lee Seo jin (I had this a long time ago gathering dust in my drawer) coz my chingus said that Girl is starring in it. She's quite pretty in that 5-parter drama series. Her role is like that of a vampire who sucks blood (not Sang woo's of corz). :rolleyes::lol:

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Guest camella

STY gives interview about coming marriage to Sangwoo -_-

d interview is also on youtube:


Moi thank you for posting the links to the interview.

EchanThank you for posting the English translation

I have said that Sangwoo's choice of a wife is none of my business and did not make any comment about her. Now that i have seen her on youtube video, my 2cents worth of oipinion are:

1. She has a nice smile, a good figure and is very pretty, the type that grows on you.

2. She has a sense of humor. Sangwoo has said that this is what he likes about her.

3. She takes things lightly, and did not seem awed by Sangwoo's stature as a super star, or seriously concerned about the impact of Sangwoo's announcement and decision to marry her on his career and relationship with his fans.

4. Although she was fidgeting with her hand and hair, and seemed nervous and unsure at times, she looked generally cheerful and confident.

To Sangwoo, all the best, for always.

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ugh. i am a skeptical about this girl. idk. seems like she just marrying him cause he's ksw.. sexy hot famous great actor etc. idk.. it seems too fast. news popped up that he has a gf then news pop up that hes getting married.. is it just me? :x

lots of ppl r thinking along these lines too :phew: ......... STY seems quite nice as a person on youtube, but of cos she was probably carefully coached on what to say and how to carry herself :rolleyes:

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Guest kierelun

KSW threw his frustrations at his fans for not understanding and give blessings to his marriage, yes he expected overwhelming responses. If it had been another girl whom he knows very well, the reaction would have been different or if he had announced that he is into a relationship and hope to marry his new GF soon. The bomb exploded when ppl got to know about her past and the haste in jumping into marriage, it's not a matter of life and death that he must marry now - it takes 2 to clap and both should be matured & intelligent enough to consider very carefully that marriage is a life commitment not to be rushed. They have not done their homework well enough to plan for their future, their minds totally went blank. Both think they will love each other for life - any guarantee? STY was on the verge of marrying her ex-bf, looks as though she was desperate to get married to any guy who proposes to her - and now what with a famous, wealthy & handsome guy like KSW, she is in desperation - better hold him tight and not let him go. Then said she lost faith in love - this is the last straw to break the camel's back!! Fickle-minded - changes mind so quickly, marry so quickly and what next - change husbands very quickly??

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Guest singapore0950

Kwon Sang Woo, wedding bells......... coming :sweatingbullets:

too suddenly + unexpected!!!!>????

Wow, Singapore this week (2) magazine all talk about Kwon Sang Woo Wedding + Marry......

So popular............. No choice it is a fact. And we've to take it. or those quite sad.

And wishes..........them. right? :tongue2:

Wonder who is his bridemaid........its his best friend? Song Seung Hun?

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Ahhhhh, just discovered Kwon San Woo and he is getting married!

O well, best wishes and congratulations to KSW and his future wife!

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