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Kim Dong Wan 김동완 - the singer


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I bought 300 GB external drive just for Shinhwa clips and it was not enough to store everything.

So I had to buy DVD burner and I burned all their X-man, Loveletter, Banjun dramas, solo activies and etc and deleted them after I burn them. I did however keep all the clips with all the members on my hard drive (with DVD as my backup of course) and all the old LQ clips. LOL!

Is there anymore news of when Dongwan's second album is going to be released?

I heard that Dongwan and Eric will be going to army in April so there isn't much time for promotion. Did anyone else hear regarding which month? April is too soon..... :tears:

I try and download the variety programmes that Dongwan or any of the other Shinhwa members appear on! But it's hard getting access to the older files so I only have newer ones. And I bought a 500GB hard drive just to store all these videos! Even though I haven't watched every single clip, I just feel happy to have so much Shinhwa goodness in my external hard drive. LOL. :)

If my hard drive crashes... oh dear I don't know what I'll do. :unsure: Probably mourn for 10 years. Haha.

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Guest ntlove16

I heard that Dongwan and Eric will be going to army in April so there isn't much time for promotion. Did anyone else hear regarding which month? April is too soon..... :tears:

That's just broke my heart right there..... I just burst in tears... :tears:

Hic... I dont want them to leave yet....

Hic hic....

I'm not ready to take that news yet....

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mommie_alice, I bet Dongwan's album is being released in february.

I'm bringing here all information you need, because I have a direct contact which is giving me hot background information, don't worry :D

About the army thing... Dongwan told he will enlist in spring, what mean april or may. I think he'll enlist in may... and probably Eric will go too. I think Minwoo is going too, because they'll all be 30 this year. Hyesung is not going because something I'm not sure so I won't give mischief info (wait for who knows more than I).

I feel very sad he won't have time for promotion, really. But we, the fans, are going to support him no matter what happens. Aren't we? ^_^

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Guest love!melody

Is there anymore news of when Dongwan's second album is going to be released?

I heard that Dongwan and Eric will be going to army in April so there isn't much time for promotion. Did anyone else hear regarding which month? April is too soon..... :tears:

in ... in ... april?!?! that's too soon! please tell me it is not so~ *cries* TWO WHOLE YEARS without them?!?! it's like a nightmare! what will i turn to when i'm sad, or down, or when i'm in need of some inspiration or what not? i will miss them so much <3

and i guess dongwan will release his second album in february since january is almost over, and in march is the shinhwa album, and april is .... *sighs*

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love!melody, I believe it's Yashimmanman #100 & 101! I remember Park Kyung Lim and him were in that episode, and in it Dongwan talked about how he quit smoking (and how the Shinhwa members encouraged him to smoke again when he got depressed during his movie release! <_< ), and Park Kyung Lim talked about how Dongwan called her up to ask for her advice when his mother was going through menopause... was this the episode you're referring to?

I downloaded mine off the bestshinhwa clubbox! but they labeled the files in Chinese.. so... try looking for the "夜心萬萬" folder. :)

*Cries* Do you know anywhere else that has the DW YSMM episodes? Because the Bestshinhwa clubbox doesn't seem to have it anymore. And I've been DYING to see this ever since I became a DW fan.

I can't wait for his second album. His first album is still in rotation in my car - it's just THAT good.

As for going to the army...well, it's a inescapable requirement for Korean men and I'm so glad that DW and Eric and the rest of the Shinhwa guys aren't trying to get out of it like many other celebrities have tried to do. Since he's the first one to go that means he'll be the first one to come back! :D And I have a feeling he's going to have an amazing career when he does. More dramas, more movies, more MUSIC! Can't wait. I'll hopefully be in good job and making money so I can go to Korea and see him. ;)

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Guest hahaheehee

*Cries* Do you know anywhere else that has the DW YSMM episodes? Because the Bestshinhwa clubbox doesn't seem to have it anymore. And I've been DYING to see this ever since I became a DW fan.

Perhaps you'd like to try the shcjcjbnet clubbox? But you might have to dig through pages and pages before you find it!

Wow it's a bit of a rush for Dongwan to promote his album if he's entering the army in April/May isn't it? I'm sure he'll be pretty busy with Shinhwa's 9th jib promos and their concert in March... and then it's zip! Off to the army. :( I really hope that Dongwan can promote it properly like he did for his first jib! All paced out, steady and slow... don't want him to rush through everything and make himself so stressed out and busy.

I just hope we can get a confirmed date when his album's coming out! Hopefully early Feb.

To look on the brighter side of things, the earlier they go into the army, the earlier they'll get out... Or at least that's how I consolde myself. Haha. Meanwhile I guess we'll just have to entertain ourselves with Dongwan's music and old clips during his 2 years of absence. :(

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*Cries* Do you know anywhere else that has the DW YSMM episodes? Because the Bestshinhwa clubbox doesn't seem to have it anymore. And I've been DYING to see this ever since I became a DW fan.

I can't wait for his second album. His first album is still in rotation in my car - it's just THAT good.

As for going to the army...well, it's a inescapable requirement for Korean men and I'm so glad that DW and Eric and the rest of the Shinhwa guys aren't trying to get out of it like many other celebrities have tried to do. Since he's the first one to go that means he'll be the first one to come back! :D And I have a feeling he's going to have an amazing career when he does. More dramas, more movies, more MUSIC! Can't wait. I'll hopefully be in good job and making money so I can go to Korea and see him. ;)

Hello, I have that video. I don't mind uploading it for you. Do you prefer mediafire, megaupload or sendspace?

Dongwan is going in in April?

Gosh!! That's too soon!

I thought he'll go only in during the second half of 2008. :tears:

I heard too that his 2nd album will be released in Feb.

Hope to see him and Andy on shows together promoting.

It'll be fun to see WanDy together!!

Anyone heard anything about Dongwan having a solo concert before he goes to the army?

Thanks hahaheehee for the comprehensive compilation of Dongwan's programs.

I don't think have all the variety shows but I'm pretty sure I have all the live performances.

I don't mind uploading to anyone who wants them.

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Do you have "old" live performances? Like 1st jib to 6th jib?

If you do, do you mind sharing in megaload?

Thank you.

P.S. Since we are not allowed to share links here, could you please pm me?

I don't think have all the variety shows but I'm pretty sure I have all the live performances.

I don't mind uploading to anyone who wants them.

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Do you have "old" live performances? Like 1st jib to 6th jib?

If you do, do you mind sharing in megaload?

Thank you.

P.S. Since we are not allowed to share links here, could you please pm me?

mommie Alice, I'm talking about Dongwan's 1st jib live performances. :blush:

I assumed that you are talking about Shinhwa's 1st to 6th jib performances??

I do have some various cuts of Dongwan's solo performance in concerts and FMs

from the earlier days.

I'll go check in my large collection of CDs, DVDs and hard disk when I get home.

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Yes, I was talking about Shinhwa's early days live performances since I wasn't fan then.

When I look at their old clips, it amazes me how different Dongwan looks from clip to clip. Face wise I think he changed the most among the members.

When I first saw the Wedding March music video (the one DW had long hair with contact lens), I didn't recognize him. I thought at first Shinhwa had changed member. LOL! He was sooooo HANDSOME in that video!

mommie Alice, I'm talking about Dongwan's 1st jib live performances. :blush:

I assumed that you are talking about Shinhwa's 1st to 6th jib performances??

I do have some various cuts of Dongwan's solo performance in concerts and FMs

from the earlier days.

I'll go check in my large collection of CDs, DVDs and hard disk when I get home.

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i feel so sad whenever i read that dongwan and eric are going to the army in the spring. at least they're not avoiding the inevitable and doing what is required of them as a korean citizen. i'm just wondering how wannie can promote his 2nd jib AND shinhwa's 9th jib in that short period of time? i hope he won't be stressed. i wish they can all go together so we don't have to wait for more than 2 years for them to be together again. :(

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Guest love!melody

Hello, I have that video. I don't mind uploading it for you. Do you prefer mediafire, megaupload or sendspace?

Dongwan is going in in April?

Gosh!! That's too soon!

I thought he'll go only in during the second half of 2008. :tears:

I heard too that his 2nd album will be released in Feb.

Hope to see him and Andy on shows together promoting.

It'll be fun to see WanDy together!!

Anyone heard anything about Dongwan having a solo concert before he goes to the army?

Thanks hahaheehee for the comprehensive compilation of Dongwan's programs.

I don't think have all the variety shows but I'm pretty sure I have all the live performances.

I don't mind uploading to anyone who wants them.

oooh! can you send me the link of the YSMM epi too hehehe ^^;; i would really appreciate it! (:

and yea, i hope dongwan and andy would promote their albums together. that would be awesome ^^ hehehe, is it just me or does it seem like whenever the shinhwa members release an album, another member releases it at a similar date LOL but i like it like that! since there's a chance that we will see them together. i really liked it when dongwan and hyesung sand eachother's songs at one of the music programs. i hope dongwan oppa and andy oppa will do that too this time. i can't wait for his 2nd jib. but is it really coming out this february. it seems too quiet. like there's not really any new or anything about his next album. but i do hope it's true ^^

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So just a question, girls...

Aren't we able to share download links here? O_o

I didn't know that.... I usually see clubbox links being shared... only clubbox??

Oh my, so I must share my list in dongwanism AND post the link for the site here T___T

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The way I unstood is that CB link and Youtube links is okay but we can't put links like megaload, sendspace, and etc that will allow us to download clip.

Of course you can always PM the person.

So just a question, girls...

Aren't we able to share download links here? O_o

I didn't know that.... I usually see clubbox links being shared... only clubbox??

Oh my, so I must share my list in dongwanism AND post the link for the site here T___T

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Oh so that's fine mommie_alice, thanks for your answer.

I'm sad now I can't post what I wanted in here... so I hope you girls understand why I'll post it another way ^_^

It's coming soon.

Btw, Dongwan just posted a confusing entry in his diary... I feel bad when his mind is so blur.


DW DIARY - 08.01.26


Indulging in luxuries, wine and rich food will never make you wealthy. (Proverbs 21:17)

Dont asociate with people who drink too much wine or stuff themselves with food.

Drunkards and gluttons will be reduced to poverty. If you all do is eatand sleep, you will soon be wearing rags. (Proverb 23: 20-21)

For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose todo -- living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing anddetestable idolatry. (1Peter 4:3)

Cigarettes i had completely cut off already.

Because it is a bad thing.. there was no reason not to quit so i cut it off..

But alcohol...

When it's in a suitable situation i will keep drinking.

But. Alcohol! Creates Laziness, self uncontrollable, make people tell lies.

Today because of the drunkness of the day before.

My whole body was in pain..

GOD.. Save me... ㅜㅜ

Source: November21


Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

My comments regarding his entry (posted already on Biz):

Oh my Dongwannie...

I usually feels guilty after a drunky night too, so don't push yourselftoo much, okay? Working like you and having the tiring life you have,it's okay to overstep the borders once... or twice.. ehe! ^_^

You're normal people, don't think you can be superman because you can't, as much as you think you are!

As Cassie said... stay strong.

Anyway, you can spend your next-days-of-alcohol with me. I'm very useful, you'll see

I feel bad when he writes these confusing entries and I have nothing todo but share what I wanted to tell him to you girls. At least I haveyou girls, right? ^_^

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Yes, I was talking about Shinhwa's early days live performances since I wasn't fan then.

When I look at their old clips, it amazes me how different Dongwan looks from clip to clip. Face wise I think he changed the most among the members.

When I first saw the Wedding March music video (the one DW had long hair with contact lens), I didn't recognize him. I thought at first Shinhwa had changed member. LOL! He was sooooo HANDSOME in that video!

I don't have their earlier days live performances. Very hard to find.

I am a late fan too. I just got to know in 2006 and that's even after their 8th jib was released.

I agree, I think Dongwan changed a lot over the years. From pretty-looking to macho-type and now back to pretty-looking. I really like his 1st jib style. :) Changed member!! LOL

He is still our Kim Dongwan no matter how his appearance change. :D

I'm uploading the YSMM 100 and 101 episodes now to Megaupload.

Please PM me if you want the links. I'll reply you with the links when it is done.

Episode 100 is rather big, about 450MB.

Episode 101 is smaller, only about 150MB.

Dongwan and his profound diary entry again.

Aww..don't feel guilty.

Letting yourself loose is a way to relieve stress.

Just don't overdo it!

Not good for his health to get heavily drunk often and hangover is so horrible to deal with.

fancyy, I understand your feelings. Don't worry, you'll always have us! *hugs*

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Guest ntlove16


DW DIARY - 08.01.26


Indulging in luxuries, wine and rich food will never make you wealthy. (Proverbs 21:17)

Dont asociate with people who drink too much wine or stuff themselves with food.

Drunkards and gluttons will be reduced to poverty. If you all do is eatand sleep, you will soon be wearing rags. (Proverb 23: 20-21)

For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose todo -- living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing anddetestable idolatry. (1Peter 4:3)

Cigarettes i had completely cut off already.

Because it is a bad thing.. there was no reason not to quit so i cut it off..

But alcohol...

When it's in a suitable situation i will keep drinking.

But. Alcohol! Creates Laziness, self uncontrollable, make people tell lies.

Today because of the drunkness of the day before.

My whole body was in pain..

GOD.. Save me... ㅜㅜ

Source: November21


Eng Trans: amane86@myshinhwa, shinhwa.biz

Thank you for sharing this!

I do reply to his entry as if he reading this....

I too love wine....

I too dislike beer...

Wine is a pretty thing that we created....

One day, I wish to make wine for me and you .....

Every smell, every taste of wine is just beautiful....

Being drunk, I never had...

Seeing and being with a drunk person I had...

Laziness, lies, self uncontrollable i see it all....

But how can you resist the scent of wine, and the beautiful taste of it.....

ADDICTION you said, but I call it LOVE! ^.^

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Guest 80slitenite

very interesting entry from our Dongwan. hmm...i wonder..

let's say a prayer for him and hope he is better.

김동완 화이팅!!

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