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B O A (보아) * Official Thread

Guest jnnfr

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oh u mean create a banner or background image for the fan club?...

thanks so much for the beautiful pics... errr but i notice that her right calf seems a bit biggerthan her left?..maybe it's my bad eyesight..haha

mm i guess people are just plain jealous that she won so many top awards....

err i'm nt sure where to psot thi.. but i just tried this game out.. and.hehe i got 56% like BoA.


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Guest jessiep

BoA is super pretty at the award ceremony. It's very nice to see her in a chic dress instead of those curtain dresses that she used to wear. Her recent dresses are very nice like this one and the blue one that she wore at Heyheyhey show. I'm glad that she won this award. At least, this award does help to remind people of BoA's existence in Korea :P

The person who made the comment of BoA trying so hard at everything is obviously very childish, nonsense (and most likely jealousy is involved). I agree that what is so not good about trying or working hard. It's sure one of the good characters that people should have. If not, life would be boring. Anway, I need to stop ranting :lol:

I have a question. During the early December, will BoA be in Japan? Because I'm going to Japan at that time so I'm crossing fingers that I might meet BoA somewhere on the streets xP

I think so because she will have her X-mas concerts around that time. Have fun stalking or tracking her down :)

ps: I didn't know that Soompi will be upgraded again. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those PSed people so I can't help out making the wallpapers/banners.

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Guest astarael

Wow, thank you for all the pictures! She looks happy to be there, and her dress looks really nice on her. I remember some BoAworlders pointed out her walk, and if you capture it at the right time, her walk kind of looks stiff-legged, lol. It's actually super cute. Anyway, keep her hair long so when it's finally time for that comeback, they can do something really cool with it.

I'm sorry, BabyK! I don't really know what kind of music and dance My Name is. :x It doesn't quite fit into any genres that I can think of.

Haha, Bum! That's cute. You got BoA and Takeshi Kaneshiro. I can see a bit of resemblance.

And Explicitj0yee, I'm pretty sure you can find that performance at BoAjjang. I remember watching it but it was at bestiz so bad quality. Also I found one on crunchyroll if you have an account there.

Honestly, the comment about BoA trying too hard at everything doesn't even make sense. How can she try "too hard" for her dreams? Or try "too hard" to put on a good performance? I just disregard comments like those. :] And the world is a better place for me; I'm so proud of what she's achieved, I could care less about the crazy comments I read. I can't wait for the new Soompi, so we can finally see the fanclub page; thanks for working on it, Sue Jin! We'll make sure to contribute a lot to it, and I'm not as good with PS anymore, but I'm sure I can make graphics here and there. I'll just leave the banner for someone who's really talented at graphics since we have to make BoA's fanclub page all nice. :]

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Guest V-ni@star
Lol i can't believe someone just commented in my thread for her recieving the award said that "i don't like her because she tries to hard at everything"

Is trying a bad thing?

trying too hard for what? living out her dreams? is that sooo bad?

some people can only wish and dream of what she has or even regret not even taking a risk to try to accomplish a dream

pretty funny seeing someone said that...

working hard is good...

it is her dream she need it.

so u think she should just have luck to get all of this..


oh yeah!

and the new soompi.com is being launched very soon

i made her fanclub page. its very plain.

it would be great for some good PSers to help with a pretty graphic saying BoA Kwon Soompi fanclub in the corner or something~lol

ive only added a couple of videos but once it opens you guys can go crazy and add boa youtube videos! + pictures!!!

soompi has new site...


i dont know that...

fighting for the fanclub

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suejinners: Remember. Don't let those haters get in our nerves. It's a waste of time and energy. Cheer up! :) In this business, there are always the haters and the fans. The smartest thing to do is ignore them. They only like saying things like that because they know the fans will get feisty and it will be entertaining for them. :)

heygingersnap: Yeah. I was expecting popseoul.com to say something really harsh. lol It's weird for me to always check popseoul.com for some BoA bashing. lol He/she also didn't say any heavy bashing about BoA singing the OST for 'M'. lol

I'll help with the fan club!! :) xD... Even though I'm also into other artists now... I still love BoA unni the most! xD

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Guest suejinners

yeah soompi.com is being updated but not the forums.

the message is here from soomp!


its very plain i didn't know what to write or anything. hopefully once you see it you all can help update it!


Charlene! thats such a cute picture!!!

you have such large eyes!! so cute XD



yeah i think that perf of key of heart is up at boajjang. they have everything X)



i remember My name was called something.. i forgot it waslike two genre types... it was in some interview thing..

i tried looking for it but this is what i got

"My Name" that enthralls you with irresistible acoustic guitar rhythms combined with stunning CLUB DANCE sounds

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^ That's fanmade. The pictures are from a magazine shoot...and the cover looks too nice to be made by Avex. lol.

I laughed at the "tries too hard" comment. Seriously, people are coming up with pretty..."creative" reasons for not liking her.

Thanks for starting the fanclub page, Sue <3

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Guest suejinners

^haha yeah thats Fan made

those are from her elle girl photoshoot i think

remember yall~ [자작/NR] means that they made it themselves! NR means NOT REAL

thats why they always use NR cause they know some overseas fans look at it^__^


I just started the fanclub. XD no biggy ~ ^^


oooooo someone who went to the awards show took some pictures


they took pictures of the pamphlet they handed out and the pic they used for BoA is DEFINITLY UNSEEN!

so go look =) lots of pics~ such as the seat she was sitting in with her name XD

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^ That's fanmade. The pictures are from a magazine shoot...and the cover looks too nice to be made by Avex. lol.

I laughed at the "tries too hard" comment. Seriously, people are coming up with pretty..."creative" reasons for not liking her.

Thanks for starting the fanclub page, Sue <3

I almost fell from my seat at that comment. Not because it's insulting to Avex, the company of thy dear BoA. lol...

But because it's totally true. xD

suejinners: Don't worry, I'm sure everyone will help in updating it and stuff. lol

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Ohhhhs! Thanks everyone^^

So My Name is more like club music sorta? I read on wikipedia that it was genre: Pop

But they just say that about everything =.=;;; So My Name is more over of club music than pop no? Or is it the same? o_O

I'm like on a hunt to find MOST of the My Name performances XD

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Guest hanjin90
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gbzsXfdHOg BoA performed Key of heart besides A nation and her concerts? :o! does anyone have a cllearer version ?

that perf was on Music Station on 070126

u can dl it at boajjang forum ^

OH! i was gonna ask. did someone translate boa's oricon interview?

bc i was gonna do it, but i didn't wanna go back a million pages,

since the interview was released at the end of sept/beginning of oct.

it's not that long, so i could probably find time if no one did it already. ^^;

i cant remember exactly if the one tat Jina's doing is tat interview. She's currently working on an interview which is super long O_O

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haha.. thanks for the comment, suejinners and astarael

too bad my eyes seems to be small now...

er i think my name is pop.. err can't be sure....

ohh BoA looks so tiny when she's on stage with those tall peop0le around her..haha like errr an ant surrounded by forest..okie maybe not that bad...

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Guest astarael

^ Thank you for sharing! I haven't seen the video yet; I wonder if it's on bestiz already.

She looks tired though; I always notice it because her eyes seem smaller and puffier.

I can't wait for the new Soompi. We can really make the place pretty. :] She's turning 21 years old really soon, and although she may have become 'legal' last year because 20 is a big year in Japan, I still see 21 as being an important age. We can have a special graphic made for the occasion or something. Oh yeah, and all of the interviews and blog entries that have been translated can be added too, right?

Anyway, that picture of Boa they used in the pamphlet is definitely unseen. She looks so pretty! Looks like it belongs to the photoshoot for the S mag.

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^ If only I had the knowledge of sending mail stuff, I'd send her something really nice. Once I learn... I'll send her something really really nice. xD

I also can't wait for the new Soompi. I'm so excited! Haha~

BoA's so pretty on those pictures. Thanks for sharing, SwTaZnLayDee.

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