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I used to faint a lot in the mornings right after I would get out of bed. This was when I was on a medication that made me super drowsy/dizzy though. One time, I was in the bathroom and fainted and nearly hit my head on the side of the tub. But yea... dehydration causes it also. One of my friends was in the bathroom of a restaurant and fainted from dehydration, because all she'd been drinking lately was Red Bull, and not eating right.

Hope you figured out what's been causing your fainting... please update us so we know you're okay :)

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Guest Mandu

I've fainted several times before, but usually after about 10 seconds I'd be normal again. Happens mostly when I'm trying to stop my hiccups by holding my breath too long. But wow...hope you're okay now ^_^

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Guest BobleFisk

I've fainted twice. First time because something in the back of my neck said a really creapy sound and then I couldn't move my neck at all. Took 10 min to get from my room to my parents cause I had to do everything so slowly. When I got to their room everyting turned black and I hit my head several times when I fell xD

The second time was without a good reason. Just fainted one morning so I went to the doctor who couldn't find anything wrong with me. So he just said it was probably because I didn't get enough vitamins^^;;

But never met anyone who fainted all the time o__o; Hope you're okay x__x;;;

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Guest tomiko3

ugh that happened to me a couple of months back but i was in the shower and it sucked cause i was home alone so i tried my best not to pass out. honestly i get like that when i have over exerted myself or i become to hot too quickly which would make since the bathroom was steaming and when i finally made it out i was incredibly thirsty like almost a dehydrated feeling. but perhaps you should go to the doctor and say that these problems are constantly bothering you

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Guest YOON

once i took a hottttt bath without eating anything prior to it

and after, while i was showering, my body felt so heavy and i couldnt keep my eyes opened and i couldnt stand still

and i couldnt control my body i just sat down in the shower thinking i was gonna die

it was so scary coz i was home alone ..

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Guest yokemun

wow...so what was the cause of u fainting??

they the doctor found out why??

i've never fainted before , so i never know what it is like....

i once saw a girl fainted at a shopping mall..

i was actually there with my sis for holiday. and i suddenly saw that girl slept on the floor..i was thinking 'what the heck is she sleeping on the floor for'

thn only i realised she's not sleeping, she fainted!!!

it was quite scary..she wouldn't wake up no matter what...so the shop asitant ended up calling the security and the ambulance..

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Guest userfriendly

omg i know what you went through. that same thing happened to me. i was taking a shower and i felt realllly dizzy so i just turned off the water but then i started blacking out.... but i still had shampoo on my head so i tried washing it off but like i couldnt move my arms or hands and i couldnt turn the water on so i just sat in the tub. when i woke up i tried to get up but i fell right back down. this was the first time this has happened to me so i thought i was going to die or something... it scared the heck outa me. i managed to crawl to my bed (butt naked) and roll onto my bed (i still had shampoo on my hair and i was dripping wet). afterwards i just passed out. i woke up like three hrs later and i felt okay except i had a horrible headache. i asked my doctor about it and she told me that it was because i wasnt getting air circulation and there was too much steam in the bathroom, which creates a similar affect as staying in a steam sauna for too long.

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Guest ohsnapp

i almost fainted at this summer retreat during the praise. But i only had like 2 hours of sleep and we had to make these envelopes (we had to put a lot of effort) So it was at night time, i was tired, and it was dark and hot...i was feeling slightly vertigo-ish(not a word, i know) and my eyes kept on closing, and i almost fell forward but i caught my self... Then i sat down...sleeping -.-;;

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Guest ikrnxinhyungi

hope your okay.

i fainted once. i was in my room totally fine and then i was coming out but i felt dizzy and starting blacking out so i turned back around to go back to my room and i thought i fell on my bed but when i woke up i was infront of my room on the floor >_< it was crazy

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Guest Shui

AH it might be ebcasue your blood circulation wasn't very good. I get this i actually have fainted twice in one day too. I hit my neck on my desk and had a bloody gash in the side of my neck. And i didn't know what was going on. I went to my doctor she said that it helps to drink more water, because you couldv'e been dehydration. Also you might've been tired and to relaxed. My frioend cole fainted liek that in class once. He said that he was very weak before. So maybe take a break from things for a while?

EDIT and it your lungs might not have ahd ennough air in them perhaps?

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Guest x sarah

Well, I haven't fainted before but I almost did.

I was in school and my whole grade was in the auditorium.

We were rehearsing for this thing and we had to stand up.

I had skipped breakfast that day and I was really hungry.

I stood up really quickly and right as I got up, my vision blurred, it got really dark as if the room was fading and then I felt dizzy.

I was like, WOAH, then I closed me eyes and sat back down.

This kid in my class fainted during a presentation.

It was a group project and they had their board propped up on this table.

It started falling and we thought the guy was leaning over to grab it but he kept leaning and we were all just like "What are you doing :mellow:?"

Then he banged his head on the table, rolled over the edge, started falling, hit his head on the bottom of another desk and fainted.

We were like :blink:.

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Guest ichikawaii

the doctor said something about low blood pressure.

that happened to me! except i didnt faint

just the things you said about your hearing and eye sight and stuff ><

it happened to me at school though i was scared like crazy!

and then yaa..

and ya i have low blood pressure so i think thats why >< eck

i hope you stop fainting and stuff >< its scary @__@

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hmm, well, it WAS a hot shower. also, i'd only eaten one meal that day.

i've fainted in mall before too when me and my friends were shopping. we shopped for 6 hours and while we were running up the escalator, i felt faint and heard a loud ringing in my ears. then i rolled down down down the steps and it was a long fall, too, because the escalator was going up.

how do you treat low blood pressure?

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Guest mistresstigress

Awww you poor thing, luckily you are alright. My friend fainted several times while showering, I keep telling her to get a medical check-up but she wouldn't listen.

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Guest donano9

You probably have T.S.S. toxin shock syndrome. Just drink lots of water and be careful next time...

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Guest melona_ice

o_O thats freaky. the exact same thing happened to my friend. except she never went to the hospital

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Guest babyxsophie

I used to black out almost daily, not faint. But I would be walking towards somewhere, and my vision gets all dotted with black dots. I stop and my vision clears up. It's gotten a LOT better now, I think it was because I never drank water before.

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Guest tinatran_

it could be dehydration, malnutrition, an eating disoder, isomnia or too little food being digestest. are you taking in enough vitamins? if not, that could be an explanation to why youre fainting.

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